MISSOURI ROLIA ~:~VE STORLff~S ~ !!~W1~~ ~ . ~ Page 11. just two drops In his mouth, and in four hours drop two more.‘ ~ “He sat beside me, layed his hands on my breast and about ten o‘clock de next day I began to come around. I realized he was there andbe asked rae if I knew him which I did. “In ‘blowing fire‘, my grandfather simply blew on de burn and de fire and pain was gone. It ig~~ a seäret charm, handed down from generation to generation. He said only one could be told~ He told my Aunt Harriet and she could ‘blow fire‘ de same as my grandfather. “I remember one good old doctor in dis part of de country. Old Dr. Stark. He was as good a doctor, de finest we had in those days. He could chew tobacco and spit enough to drown a hog. A lot of de old herb remedies my grandfather used, I can still remember. He used one called ‘white root‘. It is a bush dat grows here. In de spring of de year, when its leaves bloom out, in de morning hours, when de sun shines on it, it looks just like bright tine. It has an awful bitter taste . It was used for mighty near, any ailment . ~e had another herb, he used, called ‘remedy weed!. It is a bright green looking weed dat grows around springs. It is also used for many ailments. Another one was sarsaparilla root~ ~‘t grows here, lots of it. He went to de woods and gathered it all hisseif getting wild cherry bark, ditney, penny royal, and camomile root. ~ Others he gathered and dried some to make teas and others to put in whiskey. “Dogwöod buds, some kind of a medicine used as a laxative. Ginseng was another remedy. I &o not ~know what it was used for, but it was powerful good, and one remedy he used was called ‘spicewood‘ . It was also a healthful drink, .. : like store~ tea • You gather it in de fall ‚ using de stem or stocky part ‚ break