pro mk_sfw, infil, outdir, prefix, interactive=interactive, run_time=run_time ; ;+ ;NAME: ; mk_sfw ;PURPOSE: ; Given a set of files, read the roadmaps and find where there ; are complete narrow band images. Write the subset to a datafile. ;INPUT: ; infil - an array of input file names ; outdir - the output directory where the file should be written ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; interactive- If set, display the results to the screen as the ; processing occurs. ;HISTORY: ; draft version: 28 January 1992 (KTS) ; 20-Mar-92 (MDM) - Took Keith Strong's program "" ; and made the procedure "mk_desat_wl" ; 14-Apr-92 (KTS) - Removed prefix option and set to 'sfw' ; - Changed so as to output week id (91_51a.01) ; 16-Apr-92 (MDM) - Changed file name definition to use the ; "progverno" variable to determine the extension ; 20-Apr-92 (MDM) - Added RUN_TIME parameter ;Ver 2.1 26-Apr-92 (MDM) - Renamed from "mk_desat_wl" to "mk_sfw" ; - Added check for compressed data. ;Ver 2.11 30-Apr-92 (MDM) - Fixed bug where couldn't tell if should ; open a new file if first image is skipped ;Ver 2.12 30-Jul-92 (MDM) - Check to make sure image was taken at least ; 2 minutes before predicted night fall. ;Ver 3.00 17-Aug-92 (MDM) - Changed to match SFD extension *.03 ;Ver 3.01 28-Aug-92 (MDM) - Simply return if no matches ; Pass PROVERNO and PROGNAME to SAV_SDA ;Ver 3.02 31-Aug-92 (MDM) - Fixed typo in SAV_SDA command - wasn't saving ; the images ;Ver 3.03 11-Nov-92 (MDM) - Updated to use GT_ADOOR to check if the ; aspect door is open. ;Ver 3.04 25-Nov-92 (MDM) - Updated to not select files after 13-Nov-92 ;- if (n_elements(prefix) eq 0) then prefix='sfw' progverno=3.04 ;program ver. # progname = 'MK_SFW.PRO' start_time = systime(1) run_time = 0. if (infil(0) eq '') then return ;no SFR files rd_roadmap, infil, roadmap, filidx=filidx tim2orbit, roadmap, tim2night=tim2night tarr = int2secarr(roadmap, '13-NOV-92 17:06') ;added 25-Nov-92 ss=where(roadmap.percentd eq 255 and (gt_filta(roadmap) eq 2 or $ gt_filta(roadmap) eq 5) and roadmap.imgparam ne 5 and $ gt_res(roadmap) ge 1 and gt_expmode(roadmap) eq 0 and $ gt_comp(roadmap) eq 0 and $ gt_adoor(roadmap) eq 1 and $ tim2night gt 2 and $ tarr lt 0) if (ss(0) eq -1) then return ;no matches ; numb = n_elements(ss) print,numb ds=mk_dset_str(filidx,ss) iflag = 0 for i=0,numb-1 do begin rd_sda,infil(ds(i).ifil),ds(i).dset,index1,data1 print,i,' ',fmt_tim(index1) ss=where(data1 gt 100) if gt_res(index1) eq 2 then begin if (n_elements(ss) lt 10000) then goto, lab1 endif else begin if (n_elements(ss) lt 50000) then goto, lab1 endelse if (keyword_set(interactive)) then begin tvscl,data1 xyouts,10,10,gt_day(index1,/string)+' '+gt_time(index1,/string),/device end if (iflag eq 0) then begin anum=strlen(infil(0)) ;length of file id fileid = getobsid(startt=strmid(infil(0),anum-11,6)) ;create Week ID fileid=fileid + '.' + string(fix(progverno), format='(i2.2)') filename = concat_dir(outdir, prefix+fileid) end sav_sda,filename,index1,data1, append=iflag, progname=progname, progverno=progverno*1000 iflag=1 ;reset flag lab1: dumy=0 endfor end_time = systime(1) run_time = (end_time-start_time)/60. end