The U.S. Laboratory module arrives at KSC


  • Photo Number: KSC-98PC-1708

  • Release Date: 16-Nov-1998

  • Description: After nightfall, a truck carrying the container that holds the U.S. laboratory module begins the trip from the Shuttle Landing Facility to the Space Station Processing Facility. Intended for the International Space Station, the lab is scheduled to undergo pre-launch preparations before its launch aboard the Shuttle Endeavour on mission STS-98. The laboratory comprises three cylindrical sections with two end cones. Each end-cone contains a hatch opening for entering and exiting the lab. The lab will provide a shirtsleeve environment for research in the areas of life science, microgravity science, Earth science and space science. Designated Flight 5A, this mission is targeted for launch in early 2000.

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    Name: NASA Kennedy Space Center


    KSC Public Affairs Office
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    John F. Kennedy Space Center
    Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899

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    DISCLAIMER: No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA of a commercial product. (See NASA Copyright Notice)

    Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    Scanned By: Bionetics and NASA/KSC Public Affairs Office
    Captions: Sherikon Space Systems
    Curator: NASA/KSC Internet Systems Lab (Dumoulin, Downs, Paladino)
    Last Updated: Friday August 13 18:38:16 EDT 1998 (Kay Grinter)

    A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office