November 22, 2000 D. Ayres MINOS Far-Detector Subsystem-Installation Planning Status Reports ----------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains the latest status reports from the MINOS Far-Detector Subsystem-Installation Planning Managers. The subsystem tasks described here generally correspond to WBS Level 3 tasks, but do not have assigned Level 3 managers. The Planning Managers listed were appointed at the Ely meeting in June 2000. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Materials handling and plane assembly - Dave Ayres B. Initial infrastructure and space assignments - Louie Barrett C. Inventory control - Dave Boehnlein D. Alignment and survey - Dave Boehnlein E. LANs - Jonathan Thron See See F. PC coordination - Saeed Madani G. Electronics testing plans - Jonathan Thron See See H. DAQ installation - Geoff Pearce I. Control room - Louie Barrett J. Online logbook - Pete Border K. Electronics test equipment - Bob Webb L. Scintillator testing plans - Bob Webb M. Training - Dave Boehnlein N. Shift Coordination - Dave Ayres O. Safety signoff procedures - Earl Peterson P. Documentation planning - Dave Ayres ******************************************************************************* A. Materials handling and plane assembly (updated Nov. 22, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Ayres PROGRESS REPORT ON MATERIALS HANDLING AND PLANE ASSEMBLY The 4-plane prototype (4PP) and materials handling prototype studies in the New Muon Lab have been used to check the minecrew effort estimates used in the baseline cost and schedule plan. Time and motion studies during the 4PP plane assembly showed that the steel and scintillator detector planes could be assembled and mounted in 20.5 hours/plane, compared to 24 hours/plane used in the baseline estimate. The 24 hours/plane number will continue to be used for future planning. These studies will be repeated in January 2001 when a final 1-plane prototype is assembled and mounted using the final strongback. The materials handling studies demonstrated that the steel planes and scintillator module shipping crates could be moved into the new Soudan mine shaft cage (materials handling cage). These studies verified that the dimensions of the cage, shaft stations and scintillator module shipping crate were consistent, and that the time allocations used in the materials moving plan were adequate. Materials Handling planning work during June, July and August has focused of a complete update of the time and manpower estimates for the setup of the detector plane assembly workstations, and the initial ramp-up of plane assembly work while the first 30 planes are being assembled. When the 30th plane is mounted, the assembly will be proceeding at full rate (24 hours per plane) with the full minecrew staff. This plan is described in a Microsoft Project file, farinst-effort12.mpp, which is available at ***************************************************************************** B. Initial infrastructure and space assignments (updated Sept. 2, 2000) Planning Manager: Louie Barrett PROGRESS REPORT ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND CABLE TRAYS Section I. contains a progress report on Electronic work space and storage. Section II. focuses on cables and cable trays. I. Electronic Work Space and Storage ------------------------------------ Initial electronic work space assignments have been made and distributed. These assignments are available in a living document at 1)The space: A sketch of the work space is available at This sketch will be updated from time to time. 2)Electric power: Electrical power for the work space area must be increased. We are planning to run a new conduit from the Soudan electrical cage up the West wall of the Soudan hall. A three phase 220 line will be installed in the conduit. A new electrical panel will be installed under the clean room on the West wall. The Sola power conditioning transformer will be relocated to under the clean room. 3)New contact person: Since I am leaving until next Spring, Brian Anderson is being brought up to speed on the work space area. Brian's e-mail address is 4)Storage: Brian has begun clearing out the clean room, relocating many of the items to behind the Soudan 2 detector. New shelving is being installed in this area behind the Soudan detector. This storage will not affect the area needed for module removal. Relocating Soudan 2 equipment will give us room to store a substantial part of the MINOS electronics and fiber cable in the old Soudan 2 clean room. Unfortunately, part of the clean room storage is hard to get at, probably not good for short term storage. We still have a lot work to do on storage. 5)Imminent Electric power and cable tray actions: I hope to meet with Eric Leajgeld of CNA engineers on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2000 to discuss power to the Soudan clean room and the MINOS office complex. Moving the cable tray 12 inches towards the detector, adding a barrier and extending the tray (one section only) to the control room will also be discussed. Electric power will also be placed in the public viewing area. I have not received confirmation from Eric. II. Cables and Cable Trays --------------------------- A preliminary cable tray assignment has been made and distributed. It is available at 1) Using a barrier in cable trays: Harold Balken U. of Minnesota electrical code supervisor says a steel barrier is suitable for separating cable types. A typical barrier is B-Line A73 and comes in 10 or 12 foot lengths. Screws attach the barrier to the rungs of the cable tray. Its depth is 4 inches, 3 inches usable. He also FAXed us a copy of NEC article 318. 2)Using a double tray: It appears that cable tray widths start at 6 inches (B-Line), thus changing to two tray/ versus one nine inch tray adds 3 plus inches to the total tray width. I don't think this would matter as far as engineering goes. 3)Cable loading in trays: My interpretation if NEC article 318 is that we are OK with respect to placing up to 96 HV cables in a 4.5 inch wide cable tray. I do not know about the five volt cables. They each carry about 2.5 watts (not much), but my interpretation of article 318, suggests that they are power cables and cannot be mixed with the non-power cables. I also suspect that we cannot put them with the HV cables, unless the HV cables are type MC. I have not been able to ascertain what MC means. They would fit with the HV cables since the section with 96 HV cables does not have any five volt DC cables. DC cables appear with 72 or fewer HV cables. ******************************************************************************* C. Inventory Control (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Boehnlein PROGRESS REPORT ON INVENTORY CONTROL Collaborators from the University of Minnesota - Crookston (D. DeMuth, T. Gerla) have developed a prototype database for tracking inventory at Soudan. The software indicates quantity and location of detector components and status of subassemblies, allows tracking of movement from one location to another (e.g., warehouse to Soudan2 mezzanine), maintains a vendor list, and includes an online logbook. The operator is able to add new part types or subassemblies and track them by barcode or manually entered data. We have stepped through several receiving exercises with J. Zorman, who will be in charge of the warehouse. This has enabled us to optimize the software so as to make it most useful for the minecrew who will actually be using it. MINOS managers have cooperated by sending us lists of items to be sent to Soudan, with approximate schedules and additional receiving requirements, which has allowed us to configure the database as realistically as possible at this early date. The program and procedures are at this point a work in progress and we plan to amend them as needed once materials actually begin arriving at the warehouse. (See See for the Sep. 5, 2000 report.) ******************************************************************************* D. Alignment and survey (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Boehnlein PROGRESS REPORT ON SURVEY & ALIGNMENT We now have a Leica TCR307 Total Station and the Level 3 manager (D. Boehnlein) has received basic training in how to operate it. The design of targets is still under consideration and the number of targets will have to be optimized to keep cost down. Time and motion studies for survey have been delayed with the delay in schedule for the 1PP. Another factor that will influence the survey target design and placement is the decision whether to use Alner Bars for mounting the scintillator modules. The current plan is to place machined survey targets in some or all of the Alner Bar holes, a plan that must be modified the Alner Bars are actually used for mounting. (See See for the Sep. 5, 2000 report.) ******************************************************************************* E. LANs (updated Nov. 22, 2000) Planning Manager: Jonathan Thron *** See See *** *** LAN schematic at *** ******************************************************************************* F. PC coordination (updated Sept. 11, 2000) Planning Manager: Saeed Madani PROGRESS REPORT ON PC COORDINATION I have received replies from the following so far: Phil Harris (Calibration) Jeff Nelson (Steel Magnet) Alfons Weber (Timing) Marvin Marshak (Detector Control) David Saranen (Soudan Mine control room) David Petyt (Monitoring) Gordon Crone (Calibration Module) I have sent reminders to people I am awaiting replies from on two occasions (last one sent today) and expect more replies back soon. I am hoping to have results by the September Collaboration meeting which may not be all-inclusive (if the remainder do not reply in time). The main people who should reply are: The near detector control room Database Data dispatcher system (I have been contacted by Sue, expect a complete reply soon) any others results so far: Most people with on-detector hardware systems prefer rackmount PCs and others prefer tower PCs so far. Most people prefer a MINOS chosen standard OS - Linux for most but some require Windows as well as Linux. A site provided support by the site crew is also preferred by most. There are other varied requirements so far which will need to be looked at in detail in the summary. ***************************************************************************** G. Electronics testing plans (updated Nov. 22, 2000) Planning Manager: Jonathan Thron *** See See *** ***************************************************************************** H. DAQ installation (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Geoff Pearce FAR DETECTOR DAQ INSTALLATION PROGRESS REPORT September 13, 2000 Revised Nov. 21, 2000 G.F.Pearce An outline plan for the installation and commissioning of the DAQ system at Soudan was presented at the Ely meeting in June, 2000. This covered hardware and software component lists, delivery, storage and pre-installation checkout, infrastructure requirements (LAN etc) and an outline of a preliminary installation and commissioning plan highlighting the integration of other elements of the detector and online system. A copy of this presentation is available on the MINOS-at-work web site at under the title Second Installation Review. This represents initial thoughts and plans for installation of course; developments and changes will occur over the coming months as details are fleshed out and an overall plan integrated with other managers. Since then further discussion has taken place with other installation managers (further detail in their reports as appropriate) on: * Work space area for pre-installation component checkout and other test work for the installation period in the Soudan cavern; * Placement of the DAQ components in the MINOS cavern and control room; * Cable and fiber runs in the MINOS cavern; * Grounding issues; problems are not expected in the DAQ system but a backup design which replaces the electrical PVIC connection with optical has been established. See * LAN requirements and specification for the DAQ system. Future plans * Arrangements need to be finalized for the receipt and storage of DAQ components as they arrive at Soudan. This should include the labelling of components according to the agreed MINOS methods, cross referenced to manufacturer's serial numbers. The components can be delivered to the test areas in the Soudan 2 hall at the earliest convenience of the local managers where they need to be available for the checkout tests. Local effort will need to be agreed and organized for these delivery tasks. * Plans for the checkout of components at Soudan in advance of the DAQ installation need to be finalized. Acceptance tests of the PCs delivered are requested of the local computer experts.A member of the DAQ group at RAL will travel to Soudan to checkout other DAQ components and perform preliminary integration tests. The procedure for handling failed components needs to be defined; sufficient spares will be available on-site for work to proceed but failed components will need to be exchanged or fixed. * Plans for the installation and commissioning of the DAQ and Online system need to be fleshed out in more detail. The existing outline plan is the start of this process and identifies many of the issues to be addressed. The DAQ interfaces and interacts with many other detector systems so the installation and, in particular, commissioning of the system is complex and interlaces with other system installation plans. Close co-ordination will be required with the front end electronics, light injection, detector control, database, monitoring, network, data distribution and offline systems among others. * The distribution of computing tasks in the high level DAQ system needs to be finalized; this could have a small effect on the number of PCs required by the system but is a minor issue for the installation. The final decision can be made late in the day since the impact is small. * Acceptance tests need to be established in order that commissioning can be signed off. These should be staged. Acceptance of a basic system, sufficient for detector checkout and commissioning, will be required first. Further development of the DAQ and Online systems will continue throughout installation. * Detailed discussion need to take place with the LAN group on the LAN design. The DAQ has some critical data and control paths on the LAN which need to be assured early in the design stage. Progress since the Sept. 13 report: * The schedules for the Far Detector and Calibration Detector installations have been adjusted so that they no longer overlap ***************************************************************************** I. Control room (updated Sept. 6, 2000) Planning Managers: Louie Barrett, Bill Miller PROGRESS REPORT ON COMPUTER ROOM / CONTROL ROOM COMPLEX W.L. Barrett, 6 September 2000 a) A drawing of the complex is available at b) The drawing has been modified ( 6 Sept) to indicate 110 volt power outlets. Power will be available to the visitors gallery. c) The electrical power requirements have been communicated to Eric Leagjeld of CNA. d) I have not interchanged the control room/computer room names as requested by Jonathan. I am afraid it might create confusion at this time. Maybe later. e) A cable tray will run next to the rock wall and under the floor of the complex. The cable tray will connect to the East outside nine inch cable tray. The cable tray will be the same 9 inch tray that is used around the detector. ****************************************************************************** J. Online logbook (updated Sept. 7, 2000) Planning Manager: Pete Border PROGRESS REPORT ON MINOS ONLINE LOGBOOK The online logbook will be used to record any comments, settings, graphs, results, thoughts and musings of the people on shift. It is meant to be an electronic version of the traditional logbook, which has been a part of experimental science since the days of Leonardo da Vinci. The advantages an electronic version are to allow searching and wide distribution over the entire collaboration. For a logbook to be useful, it must be easy to add to, and capable of easily handling several forms of data: text with a full range of fonts and colors, graphs and diagrams, references to other documents on the world-wide-web. It must also be able to accept blocks of text from text files, and possibly be able to do something with data from spreadsheets (it is also possible that we could require spreadsheet users to output data in ascii, and use a separate graphing package). The online logbook will use (as much as possible) code "borrowed" from the FNAL "medusa" Beams Division online logbook, which is an adaption of a DoE version. The people identified with this task are Pete Border and a grad student. It is quite likely that Dave DeMuth and the UMN-Crookston people will be involved as well. The earliest date that has been mentioned for a prototype is November. References: Information about Fermilab Beams Division E-Log book project can be found in Examples of MCR (Beams Division Main Control Room) online logbook can be found in This has been used for close to 1.5 years and well kept in terms of users entering pages by the rules. CDF adaptation version is in This is still a prototype trial system since regular operation has not yet started. ****************************************************************************** K. Electronics test equipment (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Bob Webb PROGRESS REPORT EQUIPMENT NEEDED AT THE SOUDAN MINE FOR FAR DETECTOR CHECKOUT AND INSTALLATION Bob Webb Texas A&M University (9/6/00) Revised(11/21/00) In an effort to try and determine what Fermilab PREP equipment will be needed at the Soudan Mine during detector installation and checkout, I have contacted/asked those who will be needing such equipment to send me a list of items that they will need for their particular activities. As of this moment I have heard back from the following folks: Stu Mufson for MUX boxes; Jim Musser for Clear fiber Cables; Phil Harris and Jenny Thomas for Light Injection System. I am still trying to get additional information regarding the equipment needed for the Module Mapper, PMT testing/repair to complete this list. Further, if there are other systems that will require PREP electronics to accomplish their installation and checkout eg. DCS, DAQ, ..., they should forward their requests to me as soon as possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Equipment needed for clear fiber cable checkout and installation: from Jim Musser We are here trying to accomplish two things. First, get the equipment we think we need to the mine. This includes: 1: Light leak hardware. (MUX box-IU, HV-PREP, discriminator-PREP, light leak "rate meter"-IU, light source-IU, oscilloscope-PREP) 2: Transmission test station-IU. 3: We should also have a kit for making simple repairs there (ie, replacing a shroud set...)-IU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Equipment needed for MUX box checkout and installation: from Stu Mufson Equipment for MUX box certification/installation: IU supplies the following items: 1. Integrating sphere testing rig -- This is the device we are still designing to do thorough tests of MUX boxes at Indiana/Tufts. It includes an integrating sphere fit with hardware that outputs 28 uniformly illuminated fibers from a single LED onto a standard module optical connector and a single optical fiber onto a reference PMT. -integrating sphere + hardware -reference PMT -computer -CAMAC card interface -connector fixtures that allow 10-10-8 light signals into a MUX box (as done for light injection calibration system) We will need the following from PREP for checkout at Soudan: 1. Fast dual-channel oscilloscope (Tektronix 2465) 2. HV supply, 2.5 mA 3. gate generator (like LeCroy 222) 4. 3 x 12 channel ADCs (LeCroy 2249W) 5. CAMAC crate 6. NIM bin or adaptor for NIM module in CAMAC crate 7. pulser, 10V output, 20 ns pulse width We also need: 1. Clean compressed air ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Equipment needed for Light Injection checkout and Installation from Phil Harris and Jenny Thomas To test a pulser box will require: Oscilloscope-PREP PIN diode with +/- 5V supply-Sussex PC running LINUX-Sussex will supply a laptop for checkout only, if the flasher system is to be used for module checkout this will require another LINUX PC to run the flasher. We will no longer need to test monitor PMT boxes since we are now planning not to use them unless a problem with tracking the PIN responses emerges. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Equipment needed for mapper checkout and installation waiting for further info here.. Minnesota will be providing the mapper hardware and take care that it is installed at the Soudan Mine on the Mezzanine in the Soudan cavern. This system will require a computer control system and a DAQ system to readout and store the mapper information in the module database. I have contacted the Caltech folks to see what they have put together for the setup that they just assembled. The Caltech setup has been modified since they got the mapper from ANL. They have added a little bit of electronics on the mapper DAQ to incorporate a controlled timing of the triggers. Currently, the DAQ is evolving as they get more experience mapping modules coming off the assembly line. At this time they can map modules, do light injection on the PMTs, and they are working on developing a more automated process which would include monitoring of the system stability. Caltech will be developing one or more custom electronics modules to run this system, which they will then provide for all the mappers. At present these are the units needed for the mapper: RABBIT DAQ from Argonne. RABBIT Crate 1 RABBIT Power Supply 1 ESE III 1 EWELESS 1 BAT 1 PMA 6 CRI 1 The second group is what you might get from the FNAL PREP. As you can see this is nearly a bare minimum. CAMAC Crate 1 NIM Crate 1 KS 3988 GPIB Crate Controller 1 HV Power Supply (FNAL ES-7109) 2 Gate Generator (LeCroy 2323A) 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Equipment needed for PMT checkout waiting for further info here.. I have contacted Karol Lang to see if there is anything that the PMT folks would need if they wanted to do testing at the mine. At this time, it is Karol's feeling that doing this work at the mine might not be a good idea. If there are problems with an M-16 now, they will be shipped to UT-Austin for further checkout. Karol is, however, reviewing this situation and will report back to me after they have had an opportunity to work with a larger sample of M-16s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) Equipment needed for checkout of DCS, DAQ etc. Thus far the DCS and DAQ folks will only require space for system checkout before installation at Soudan. They will be providing the hardware required to perform these tests. **************************************************************************** L. Scintillator testing plans (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Bob Webb PROGRESS REPORT ON MINOS SCINTILLATOR INSTALLATION PLAN Bob Webb Texas A&M University (9/8/2000) Revised(11/21/00) In an effort to coordinate the various scintillation system installation activities in the following time intervals: 1) preceding the mounting of modules onto the steel; 2) after mounting but before hanging; 3) final checkout after hanging and 4) connection to MUX boxes and electronics for check out with cosmic rays. I have collected information from those responsible for these activities, and in this report I will attempt to show the general outline of these activities and how they all fit together. For reference, I have made available the contributions that I have received from each of the principals on my MINOS web page at 1. Component checkout before mounting In order to begin detector checkout after components begin arriving at the mine will require the following test setups: 1) module mapper; 2) MUX Box checkout station; and 3) Clear fiber cable checkout station. In addition to providing the test setups, the responsible institutions will also be providing the necessary expert manpower from their institutes to get these facilities up and running and to carry out either some or all of the early testing of far detector components. The institutions/ individuals that are responsible for these various setups are UMinn/Leon Mualem, IU/Stuart Mufson and IU/Jim Musser respectively. The Minnesota Group will be setting up the module mapper at the Soudan site as soon as we are given beneficial occupancy to the Soudan 2 mezzanine area. As shown in farinst-effort12 this work is expected to begin in early March of 2001. Once the mapper is set up and checked out, it will be the responsibility of physicist workers from the factories to make early measurements on the shipped modules. At this time, we plan to map all of the modules needed for installing the first ~30 or so planes in order to study the performance of modules after they have been shipped. Our experience here will be used to decide what "sampling fraction" it makes sense to continue to map from future shipments. Once the technique/routine has been established for these tests, the task of making maps will be passed along to other scintillation system workers. It has been suggested that if we discover that we must map all incoming modules before mounting, that we may wish to hire a permanent tech to work on this aspect of the scintillation system checkout throughout the installation of the far detector. We are hoping that it will only be necessary to map a fraction of the total module output at the mine. The Indiana Group (Mufson) will be responsible for providing the necessary MUX Box checkout hardware and computing testing equipment. The MUX box makers are planning to do extensive tests of the first shipments of boxes to verify that they are in proper working order. These tests will be carried out by IU trained/supplied experts during the early phases of MUX box shipping. Eventually the plan is to have a specially trained technician who is permanently stationed at Soudan carry out these tests. It is possible depending on the work load that this tech could be the same one that is responsible for mapper activities as well. Lastly, the Indiana Group (Musser) will also provide the required hardware to check out the clear fiber cables. This will include light leak checking and transmission capability. The scintillator group is anticipating that we will be able to use this same hardware to check out mounted modules before they are hung. We will return to this later. The fiber cable checkout will repeat many of the tests performed at the factories to verify that nothing changed dramatically during shipment. These tests will be performed by IU trained/supplied techs during the early stages of shipping of cables. In the longer term, it is expected that the checkout and testing of the cables and their connections to the modules will be transferred to the mine crew. 2. Checkout before hanging After the parts have been installed on the steel, the next step in the installation process will be to perform the following checks: 1) check for light leaks; 2) check for clear fiber connection; 3) check for clear fiber/ WLS/clear fiber connection through the module; 4) check that flasher fiber connection is okay. To perform tests 1-3, we will be using equipment that was developed for the clear fiber cable factories by the IU group. Our plan is to check for light leaks in the modules and fibers using the fiber cable light leak checker system. Once the module has been cleared of light leaks, we will then switch the clear fibers over to the transmission test device where the tester will flash a particular fiber on one side of a module and measure the light received at the other side of the module. This test will check that the fibers are routed properly and that there aren't any broken sections of fiber(clear or WLS). Once the modules have passed this test the last check will be to make sure that the LIM is working properly. To do this will require a "special flasher box" with a single fiber output that can be attached to the ends of the flasher fibers that have been inserted into the LIMs. We will then flash each of the fibers to make sure that the Flasher fiber/LIM system is working on each module. After this test has been completed the modules are ready for hanging. Initially these checks will be developed by the various system experts. After the testing scheme has been perfected these experts will then transfer the performance of this task to the mine crew and physicists working on the assembling of the detector under the guidance of the scintillator tech expert resident at the mine. 3. Final checkout after plane has been hung After a plane has been hung, there is still some time where we could make major changes/interventions, if we find problems. Our plan is to once again carry out several similar tests like those performed before raising the plane. We will carry out a set of light leak and light transmission tests through the modules and a final test of the LIM. Following these tests, we will then begin to connect the modules to their respective MUX boxes and before we install the front end electronics we will use a custom daughter card developed by the IU group to get access to the anode signals from each of the pixels on the 3 M16s in a MUX box. We will use these PMT signals to verify that the light leak levels are acceptable before mounting the Front End cards. As in the previous step, these checks will initially be carried out by the system experts at the mine, but eventually as the procedure is made more routine, these tasks will be taken over by the scintillator tech expert with the help of the installation mine crew. 4. Final connection to MUX boxes and installation of FE electronics The final installation task before the mounted plane of modules is turned over for data taking is to connect it to its appropriate MUX boxes, install the necessary FE electronics cards and DC voltage connection and to connect up the MUX box PMTs to High Voltage and adjust voltages and lastly, connect the flasher fiber to the flasher system. Each of these installation tasks will initially be carried out by the appropriate system experts. After installing a number of planes, the responsibility for performing these final installation tasks will be transferred to the mine crew supervised by the scintillator tech expert. ***************************************************************************** M. Training (updated Nov. 21, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Boehnlein PROGRESS REPORT ON TRAINING Although two new safety training manuals have been developed for the Soudan mine (one for MINOS collaborators and one for contractors), there has been no further progress on task training for physicists. (See See for the September 5, 2000 report.) ***************************************************************************** N. Shift Coordination (updated Nov. 22, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Ayres PROGRESS REPORT ON SHIFT COORDINATION As described in section A above, the new integrated schedule and effort plan is contained in the Microsoft Project file farinst-effort12.mpp, which is available at The resulting effort profiles for minecrew and visitors are summarized in the file farinst-effort12.xls at the same URL. These files contains scheduling and manpower information about both minecrew and Soudan visitor effort plans. "Visitor" refers to MINOS detector subsystem experts and shift physicists who are not permanently resident at Soudan, but only come to the site (perhaps for several weeks or months at a time) to perform specific installation tasks. The major issue which this plan must address is the coordination of visitor personnel schedules with the detector installation schedule. The sequence of various tasks which visitors perform must be organized so that workers do not come to Soudan until everything they need to complete their work is available. For example, the Detector Control System and DAQ system cannot be installed until the LAN-WAN systems are in place. In addition, the space available for equipment checkout and staging is limited. The minecrew effort needed to assist visitors is also limited. Tasks which could, in principle, be performed in parallel, may be scheduled in series to avoid overloading of limited facilities at Soudan. The minecrew effort plan is somewhat more developed than the visitor plan, and has been used to determine the effort (and funding) profile for WBS 2.4 in Change Request #54. The subsystem-expert visitor plan was reviewed in detail at the Sept. 21 Far Installation/Integration working group meeting by the Level 2 and Level 3 managers for the steel & coils, scintillator and electronics tasks. The shift physicist visitor plan is consistent with the results of the MINOS Collaboration poll of collaborating institutions, which was conducted to determine the availability of collaborators for general shift work at Soudan during far detector installation. ****************************************************************************** O. Safety Signoff Procedures (updated Nov. 20, 2000) Planning Manager: Earl Peterson PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUDAN INSTALLATION SAFETY-SIGNOFF PROCEDURES Far detector installation procedures and equipment will be required to meet Soudan Laboratory safety standards. An approval process similar to the Fermilab Operational Readiness Clearance procedure will be used to certify that procedures and equipment are safe before routine use begins. The purpose of this planning task is to document the approval process to be used during far detector installation and commissioning at Soudan. All procedures and equipment are subject to University of Minnesota safety regulations, and the facility is subject to routine inspection by University code officials. In addition, all operations which take place in and around the Soudan mine shaft are subject to State Park safety regulations. Although Fermilab has no formal responsibility for the safety of operations at Soudan, the MINOS detector installation staff will require that equipment and procedures meet the same basic safety standards as on-site Fermilab experiments. In order to guarantee that far detector installation procedures and equipment meet all safety requirements, each system will be subject to a formal inspection before it is placed into operation, and to routine inspections thereafter. The documentation of these procedures is now under way. The first draft description of the safety approval process is reproduced below. This draft has been reviewed and discussed by the far detector installation working group and a number of suggestions for improvements have been made. These will be incorporated into a revised draft in the near future. Draft Installation Signoff Procedures for MINOS Far Detector ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Electrical a. Electronic devices: All non-commercial PC boards must be approved by FNAL before shipment to Soudan. The Soudan Laboratory safety officer or his designee will check the units as they arrive (for exposed A/C and grounding) and energize them as appropriate. They will then be tagged as ready to either test or install. The designee might be the physicist/engineer responsible for the unit. b. High-current devices: A licensed electrician must do junction box wiring. High-current devices (magnet coil power supplies are an example) should not be activated before the Safety Officer and an engineer from Fermilab (Bob Trendler or designee) have written an operations procedure and powered the units. This may involve utilizing a test load. The magnet coil turn-on should follow a similar plan. These units should be protected by LOTO (lock-out/tag-out) procedures during maintenance, and should be operated only by personnel certified to do so by the Safety Officer. Fermilab power technician training or equivalent should provide this certification. 2. Mechanical a. Cranes, Monorail and Steel carts 1) The outfitting contract provides for operator training by the equipment suppliers. Jerry Meier will participate in the training, and he is himself certified to train. 2) A written procedure will be abstracted from the training documentation furnished by the suppliers. 3) Jerry Meier will train and authorize crew bosses to use the equipment. Only authorized personnel can operate this equipment. b. Materials Handling Cage 1) A signoff committee will be formed to assess and document procedures. The (tentative) membership will include Jerry Meier, Bill Miller, Jim Beaty, and Anthony Zavodnik and Alan Kosir from the DNR. Jim Kilmer from Fermilab will act as a member (if present) or consultant. 2) The committee will review the videotapes from the New Muon Lab tests and develop a written procedure based on the Fermilab ORC documentation. 3) Jerry Meier will insure that mine crew members are familiar with, and follow the procedure. c. Strongback use and plane deployment 1) A signoff committee will be formed to assess and document procedures. The (tentative) membership will include Jerry Meier, Bill Miller and Jim Beaty. Jim Kilmer from Fermilab will act as a member (if present) and as a consultant. 2) The committee will review the videotapes from the New Muon Lab tests and develop a written procedure based on the Fermilab ORC documentation. 3) Jerry Meier will insure that mine crew members are familiar with, and follow the procedure. ****************************************************************************** P. Documentation (updated Nov. 15, 2000) Planning Manager: Dave Ayres PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUDAN LABORATORY DOCUMENTATION PLANNING Detector installation work at Soudan will require a library of written documentation for all detector subsystems, including construction drawings, specifications and reference materials. A central repository will contain reference copies of all documents. Field copies of some documents will be provided at specific work areas in the underground laboratory and surface building. This planning task consists of assembling a complete list of required documentation and identification of individuals responsible for providing specific documents. This list will include a realistic schedule for delivery of each document to Soudan and provision of an on-site filing system for keeping track of both reference and field copies. The filing system will include provisions for updating documents and ensuring that the most current versions are always available. So far, only a draft list of required documents has been written. This list is reproduced below. 1. Full sets of construction drawings for cavern excavation and outfitting. 2. Full set of construction drawings for steel detector planes. 3. Full set of construction drawings for scintillator modules. 4. Full sets of construction drawings for all scintillator system components. 5. Full set of construction drawings and schematics for electronics systems. 6. Safety handbook and reference documents. 7. Fire protection system operations manual. 8. Inventory control software manual. 9. Experiment database manual. 10. Detector plane survey procedures and reference material 11. Steel plate inspection, quality assurance and database entry manual 12. Scintillator module testing equipment operation and reference manuals: a. Module mapper b. Light leak checker c. Module fiber continuity checker d. Module light injection checker 13. Receiving checkout instructions for: a. MUX boxes b. Clear fiber cable assemblies c. Light injection pulser boxes and fiber cable assemblies d. Electronics cards and modules 14. Operations manuals (including installation/maintenance instructions) for: a. Data acquisition procedures b. Detector monitoring software c. Diagnostic software for electronics systems d. Light injection system e. Detector Control System f. Front end electronics cards g. DAQ electronics modules h. GPS clock system i. Magnetic monitoring system j. Magnet coil system ******************************************************************************