What is QCD-benchmark-1.0.tar.gz?

MILC source codes for an application (su3_rmd_symzk1_asqtad), script files of each benchmark, and configuration files are archived in QCD-benchmark-1.0.tar.gz.

If you want to run benchmarks, please go to Top and select "How to run benchmarks?".
Easy compile

At First, you unfold the archive at suitable directory.

% tar zxvf QCD-benchmark-1.0.tar.gz
And enter to the directory "QCD-benchmark-1.0".
% cd QCD-benchmark-1.0
In this directory, there are some files and directories. Your attention needs to only "src" and "benchmarks" directory. This archive is generated by GNU-automake. Therefore you will get appropriate Makefiles for MILC source codes on your environment.

% ./configure
Don't type "make"

After ./configure, of course, you want to type make. BUT there are many MILC applications for benchmarks which are compiled by different MPICH and adding CFLAGS.

I prepared a Makefile for each application in benchmark directory. You use these Makefile for compiling (see "How to run benchmarks?").

Notice! Do not "make" here.

What's adding?

You may think what I add in original MILC code. The directory consists like this. In here, blue files are edited by me in the "src" directory.

I did not modify these source codes, just add some linking libraries. Those are enclosed by CFLAGS as "Fermi_Linux_TRACE" or "MPE" in programs. You can find using diff command with original one.

To make sure, I list my editing sources in here.

You can find out what I did according to watch these above source codes. "timesync.c" is put by me for synchronization of time trace. This is referred from MPE source codes (clog_merge.c and clog_time.c). If you want to see these files, you pull out from mpich-1.2.3 archive using following command:

% cd QCD-benchmark-1.0/benchmarks/src
% tar zxvf mpich-1.2.3.tar.gz mpich-1.2.3/mpe/src/clog_merge.c
% tar zxvf mpich-1.2.3.tar.gz mpich-1.2.3/mpe/src/clog_time.c
If you need to know about Fermi Linux TRACE, please visit here.

% tar zcvf QCD-benchmark-1.0.tar.gz
% cd QCD-benchmark-1.0
% ./configure
