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J Virol. 1995 November; 69(11): 7371–7374.
PMCID: PMC189672
Isolation of a highly cytopathic lentivirus from a nondomestic cat.
M C Barr, L Zou, D L Holzschu, L Phillips, F W Scott, J W Casey, and R J Avery
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA.
A feline immunodeficiency virus-like virus (FIV-Oma) isolated from a Pallas' cat (Otocolobus manul) is highly cytopathic in CrFK cells, in contrast to the chronic, noncytolytic infection established by an FIV isolate from a domestic cat (FIV-Fca). The virions have typical lentivirus morphology, density, and magnesium-dependent reverse transcriptase activity. The major core protein is antigenically cross-reactive with that of FIV-Fca; however, FIV-Oma transcripts do not cross-hybridize with FIV-Fca. A conserved region of the FIV-Oma pol gene has 76 to 80% nucleic acid identify with the corresponding pol regions of other feline lentiviruses and 64 to 69% identity with those of human, ovine, and equine lentiviruses.
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Selected References
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