TABLE `I.-Mortality rates for lung cancer and cancer of the respiratory tract for white females in the United States per 100,000 population for selected years, 1940 to 1976 Yew Lung and Bronchus Respiratory System 1940 - 3.6 1945 - 4.6 1950 4.7 5.4 1955 5.1 5.7 1960 5.9 6.4 1965 8.0 8.6 1970 12.3 13.1 1975 17.8 18.8 1976 19.5 20.5 SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistica (150) TABLE 8.-Percent of adult population who were current cigarette smokers in selected years in the United States Percent smokers Year Females Males 1964 31.5 529 1966 33.1 51.9 1970 36.5 422 1975 Percent reduction since 1964 28.9 39.3 2.6 13.6 SOURCE: National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health (155) reduction in the number of adult females who smoke cigarettes, whereas there has been a 13.6 percent reduction in the number of adult males smoking. Trends in the percentage of teenagers who arc regular cigarette smokers are presented in Table 9. Cigarette smoking among girls has increased steadily, so that at the present time equal numbers of boys and girls are smoking cigarettes and many of the differences which existed in the past between male and female smokers have disappeared. Epidemiological Studies Three of the large prospective epidemiological studies contain informa- tion on lung cancer in women. Data from these studies are summarized in Table 10. A number of retrospective studies have examined the 5-20 TABLE g--Percent of teenagers who were current cigarette smokers in selected years in the United States Year Girls Percent smokers Ages 12-18 1968 8.4 14.7 1970 11.9 18.5 1972 13.3 15.7 1974 15.3 15.8 SOURCE: National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health (1.5.%x) TABLE lo.-Lung cancer mortality ratios for women-prospective studies Study Population Number of deaths Mortality ratio Female Female nonsmokers smokers A.C.S. %- 562671 State Study(Q) Females 183 1.00 22fJ Swedish 27,732 study(SP) Females 8 l.aO 4.56 Japanese study(78) 142&57 Females 143 1.00 2.63 relationship of lung cancer to smoking habits in women (46 63,64,8% 122,128,13g,160,16~, 167,198,222,227,232,236,242,24247). &se-Response Relationships Dose-response relationships between lung cancer and cigarette smok- ing have been described for females by the number of cigarettes smoked per day, the degree of inhalation, and the duration of smoking. These relationships from selected studies are presented in Tables 11 through 14. The mortality ratios are as high as 10.0 for females who have smoked more than 20 cigarettes per day and for females who have smoked for more than 30 years. Path-728 of Cigarette Use Although death rates from lung cancer are increasing at an accelerat- ed rate in females, it may be that the peak will be somewhat less than in males; this may be due to substantial differences in the way males 5-21 TABLE Il.-Lung cancer mortality ratios for females, by number of cigarettes smoked per day: A.C.S. 25state Study Cigarettes smoked wr dav Mortality ratios . . Nonsmoker l-19 20+ 1.00 1.06 4.76 SOURCE: Hammond, E.C. (65) TABLE 12.-Lung cancer mortality ratios for females, by number of cigarettes smoked per day: Haenszel and Taeuber cigarettes smoked per day Mortality ratios Nonsmoker 1.00 Owasional 1.33 1-19 249 Xl+ 10.80 SOURCE: Heenscel W. (bl) TABLE 13.-Lung cancer mortality ratios for females, by duration of smoking: Swedish Study Duration of smoking in YeaA Mortality ratios Nonsmokem 1.0 l-29 years 1.6 30+ years 9.6 SOURCE: Cederlof. R. (W TABLE Il.-Lung cancer mortality ratios for females, by degree of inhalation: A.C.S. 25-State Study kP-= of inhalation Mortality ratios Nonsmokers 1.00 None to slight 1.78 Moderate to deep 3.70 SOURCE: Hammond. E.C. (65) 5-22 and females smoke cigarettes. A recent survey (155) of cigarette smoking behavior shows that women do not smoke as far down on the cigarette where proportionally more nicotine and tar are inhaled. More than 91 percent of females use filter cigarettes, compared with 80 percent of males. Females report that they do not inhale cigarette smoke as deeply into their lungs as males do. Women also smoke fewer cigarettes per day and select brands of cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine yields, compared to men. In 19'75, 76.7 percent of current female smokers smoked a pack or less per day, whereas this was true for only 69.6 percent of males (155). In the past, women began smoking later than men, but at the present time this is no longer true. The available evidence suggests that women who smoke cigarettes in the same amount and with equal depth of inhalation as men are likely to experience death rates similar to those found in men. Twins The best way to control genetic factors as a potentially complicating variable in studies of lung cancer and cigarette smoking is to conduct the investigation in a population of twins who are discordant as to smoking habits (one smokes, the other does not). Cederlof, et al. (33) published new data on smoking and lung cancer from the Swedish Twin Registries in 1977. Although the number of deaths from lung cancer among the monozygotic twins is quite low, the trend is clear. The authors state, "The welldocumented evidence of a causal association between smoking and lung cancer found in other studies has been further supported." Lung Cancer and the Use of Other Forms of Tobacco Pipe and cigar smokers in the United States have experienced lung cancer mortality rates that are somewhat higher than those of nonsmokers but substantially lower than those of cigarette smokers (1). Most pipe and cigar smokers report that they do not inhale the smoke, and as a consequence the total exposure is relatively low. There is little evidence that lung cancer is associated with the use of chewing tobacco or snuff. These relationships are explored in detail in the Chapter on Other Forms of Tobacco Use (specifically in Tables 15, 16, 17 and 22 of that chapter). Histology of Lung Cancer There are several different histologic types of lung malignancies in humans. These include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, bronchiole-alveolar, and mixed and undifferentiated carcinomas of the lung. The predominent type of carcinoma in males is squamous cell carcinoma, whereas the most common lung cancer in females is adenocarcinoma. Over the past 5-23 15 years there has been little change in the incidence of large-cell, bronchiole-alveolar, and mixed and undifferentiated carcinomas. There has been an increase in adenocarcinoma and a decrease in squamous cell carcinomas. In 1962, Kreyberg (111~~) categorized epidermoid, small-cell, and large-cell carcinoma of the lung as Group I and adenocarcinoma and bronchiole-alveolar carcinoma as Group II. He noted that the risk for smokers was substantially greater for Group I than for Group II tumors. This view has been supported by some investigators (40, 47, ,221). Other investigators have disputed this classification (9,14,15,100, 230,254). Weiss, et al. (230) followed the experience of 6,136 men over a lO- year period. They found that well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, small-cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma displayed a dose- response relationship to smoking, but poordifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma did not. More recentiy, Auerbach, et al. (10) examined histologic types of lung cancer associated with smoking habits from autopsy data on 662 men who had had lung cancer. In this study all cell types seemed to be related to smoking to about the same degree. Most recently, Vincent, et al. (221) reviewed the histopathology of lung cancer in patients seen over a 13-year period at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute. Their data indicated that adenocarcinoma is becoming progressively more prevalent, compared to other forms of lung cancer. They were unable to disassociate smoking as a causative factor in any of the presently defined pathological categories of lung cancer. Cessation of Smoking There is a decrease in the risk of developing lung cancer after cessation of smoking. This decrease in risk occurs over a period of several years. After 10 to 15 years, the risk of dying of lung cancer for ex-smokers has decreased to point where it is only slightly above the risk for nonsmokers. All of the major studies show this reduction in risk. The most recent data from the British Doctor's Study are presented here for illustration (Table 15). The mortality ratios for ex-smokers were higher in the first year after quitting than they were for continuing smokers. The explanation for this is that both healthy and sick individuals quit smoking. Higher mortality is experienced by those who quit because of illness. Lower mortality is experienced by those who quit while experiencing apparently good health. In the US. Veterans Study, a differentiation is made between ex-smokers who stopped smoking on the recommendation of a doctor and those who quit for other reasons. About 10 percent of the smokers quit because of doctors' orders and were presumably ill. This group had much higher death rates from lung cancer than those who stopped for other reasons. 54% TABLE 15.-Lung cancer mortality ratios in excigarette smokers, by number of years stopped smoking Year8 smokioe Mortality ratio Still Smoking 15.8 l-4 16.0 5-9 5.9 lo-14 5.3 15+ 2.0 Nonsmokem 1.0 SOURCE: Doll. R. (UO) The magnitude of the residual risk which ex-smokers experience is determined by the cumulative exposure to cigarette smoke which the individual experienced before he quit smoking. The risk at any point in time would be determined by the maximum amount the individual smoked, the years since stopping smoking, the age when smoking began, degree of inhalation, and reasons for quitting smoking. The lung cancer mortality experience of ex-smokers is graphically present- ed in Figure 3. The risk of developing lung cancer increases with age, for both smokers and nonsmokers. The incidence in cigarette smokers is much higher than in nonsmokers. It can be seen that the lung cancer mortality of ex-smokers is initially similar to that of smokers, but, with the passage of time, the mortality risk moves progressively closer to that of nonsmokers. It is interesting to note that, except for the first 2 years after stopping smoking, there is a continued increase in the risk of developing lung cancer among ex-smokers, although it is less than that of those who continue to smoke. The slope of this line is less than that for nonsmokers, and so there is a convergence of these two curves. Lung Cancer and Air Pollution A number of studies have been conducted in which the relative influence of cigarette smoking, urban residence, and air pollution in the etiology of lung cancer is examined. Eight of the earlier studies were reviewed in the 1971 Report of the Surgeon General (212). More recent publications include: "Epidemiological review of lung cancer in man" by Higginson and Jensen (75) and a report of a task group, "Air pollution and Cancer," edited by Cederlof, et al. (31). There have also been studies by Doll (,&?), Weiss (229), Carnow (30), and Kotin and Falk (109). Lung cancer is consistently more common in urban than in rural areas. There is only a small urban-rural lung cancer gradient for nonsmokers. There is a much larger urban-rural gradient for smokers. Cigarette consumption is generally greater in urban areas, but it is 5-25 1000 lnctdencr as peer cent of rate at time of sro~~olny floyscalel I I , 1 0 5 10 15 20 Years since stoppmg FIGURE 3.-Lung cancer mortality in continuing cigarette smok- ers and nonsmokers as a percentage of the rate among ex-cigarette smokers at the time they stopped smoking SOURCE: UICC Technical Reports (24.7) difficult to estimate how much of the excess urban mortality can be 5-26 accounted for by cigarette smoking alone. It is possible that there is an interaction between the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and other compounds in the ambient atmosphere. Epidemiologic investigations thus far indicate that the most important cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoking and that urban factors such as air pollution have very little independent effect on the development of lung cancer. In the absence of cigarette smoking, the combined effects of all atmospheric agents do not increase the death rates for lung cancer more than a very few cases per 100,000 persons per year. Lung Cancer and Occupational Factors There are several occupations (described in Chapter 7) which are associated with the development of lung cancer and cancer at other sites (84). Estimates of the fraction of cancer deaths in the United States that can be attributed to occupational exposure have been made by several investigators. These estimates have been as low as 1 to 5 percent (45, 73, ?`4, 153, 241). Cole (37) has placed these estimates as high as 10 to 15 percent. There are difficulties in estimating the proportion of cancers attributable to certain occupational exposures, tobacco, alcohol, or diet. Most of these estimates are based on the assumption that specific cancers are caused by specific agents. It is more likely that cancer is a disease of interactions. The precipitating cause and subsequent development of cancer is likely to be a process with multiple phases and multiple agents. Both internal and external factors interact at each of several stages before cancer becomes clinically apparent. The development of cancer, then, is influenced by two or more different external factors acting simultaneously or sequentially. This principle is illustrated by the synergistic effects of tobacco and alcohol. Cigarette smoking by itself is an important cause of oral cancer, whereas alcohol by itself is a relatively minor cause of oral cancer. Combined exposure to cigarette smoking and alcohol results in an increased risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity which is considerably higher than the risk experienced by cigarette smokers alone or drinkers alone. The synergistic relationship between cigarette smoking and occupa- tional exposure as it relates to the development of cancer is complicated. Most hazardous occupational exposures are to single agents or to a few at most. Cigarette smoking results in exposure to more than 2,000 chemical compounds, among which are carcinogens, tumor initiators, and promoters (see Chapter 14). It might be expected that cigarette smoking would have an adverse interaction with several Wupational exposures, which it is important to try to identify. Insofar as possible, workers should be provided with a safe working environ- ment, free from potentially harmful agents. It is equally true that workers can substantially reduce or eliminate the potential for 5-27 harmful occupational interactions by eliminating cigarette smoking from their lifestyle. This would probably eliminate the vast majority of the lung cancers which are occupationally related. Short of giving up smoking entirely, it might be impossible for the worker to avoid many of the risks of developing cancer which may be related to his employment. Smoking at home but not on the job will not avoid this interaction, because the tars which are trapped in the airways will still be there when. the individual goes to work. Asbestos In 1935, Lynch and Smith (127) in the United States and Gloyne (61) in in the United Kingdom reported an association between asbestos and lung cancer. In 1968, Selikoff, et al. (188, 189) first took into account the interaction between cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure in the development of lung cancer. They estimated that asbestos workers who smoked cigarettes had eight times the lung cancer risk of smokers without this occupational exposure. This was estimated to be 92 times the risk of nonsmokers who did not work with asbestos. This study has been continued and is supported by other investigations which consistently show a potent synergism between the carcinogens of tobacco smoke and asbestos (29,69). There is evidence that exposure to asbestos carries some real risk to nonsmokers; however, this is of a low order of magnitude compared to the risks experienced by cigarette smokers (135,15?`). Uranium Mining Lung cancer is an occupational risk associated with uranium mining. The causative agents in the atmosphere of mines are alpha particles resulting from the decay of short-lived radon daughters (12, 48). Several investigators (7, 126, 173, 224, 225, 226) have extensively studied underground uranium miners in the United States. The combined effect of tobacco smoke and radon daughter exposure results in high death rates from lung cancer among uranium miners. The risk for cigarette-smoking uranium miners is at least four times greater than for cigarette smokers who do not work in the mines. Nickel Epidemiological studies by Morgan (146) and Doll (44) and experimen- tal studies by Hueper (89) and Sunderman, et al. (200,201,202) suggest that exposure to nickel or nickel carbonyl is a potent carcinogen for the respiratory tract in humans and animals. The interaction of cigarette smoking on the risk of respiratory cancer in nickel workers will probably never be adequately studied, since the Mond process for refining nickel is rarely used and conditions in nickel refining factories have improved. 5-28 Chkwome th yl Ethers Epidemiological and experimental studies (59, 114) have identified chloromethyl ethers as potent carcinogens for the human and animal respiratory tract. Investigations are in progress to more fully characterize these relationships, but the closing of the plants producing these substances makes it unlikely that the relative contribution of cigarette smoking to this type of occupational lung cancer will ever be known. Animal Studies Experimental animal models have been developed in which to study tobacco-induced carcinogenesis. Over the past 30 years, this field has acquired considerable sophistication and has enhanced our understand- ing of carcinogenesis in humans. Experimental carcinogenesis has advanced to the point where it is now possible to reproduce in animals the major categories of respiratory tumors observed in humans and to link the induction of certain types of respiratory tumors to definite categories of exposure (176). By intratracheal administration of polynuclear hydrocarbons in rats and hamsters, bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma is induced. Certain systemic carcinogens, particularly diethylnitrosamine in hamsters, give rise to adenomatous tumors of bronchial and bronchiolar- alveolar origin, as well as to papillary tumors in the trachea. Of the main types of respiratory tumors seen in human pathology, only one, the oat cell carcinoma, has not yet been found to be reproducible in experimental animals (176). Skin Painting and Subcutumous Injections The earliest animal models for studying tobacco carcinogenesis involved the single or repeated painting of shaved or unshaved animal skin with solutions containing whole tobacco tar, various tobacco condensate subfractions, or single chemical compounds known to be Present in tobacco smoke (161). Subcutaneous injections of various substances or fractions found in tobacco were also used as experimen- tal models. Considerable criticism was directed towards these early studies, but they effectively demonstrated that a variety of carcino- genic compounds were found in tobacco smoke and that tobacco tar wag a potent carcinogenic substance. Early experiments of these types have been reviewed by Wynder and Hoffmann (245). T?ddronchiul Implantation and Instillation More complex experiments have been performed using direct implan- tation, instillation, or fixation of suspected materials in the tracheo- bronchial tree of animals. Several authors have reviewed these studies (115,143, 175, 176, 245). 5-B Lung tumors which closely resemble lesions found in human cigarette smokers can be induced in hamsters by intratracheal instillation of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). BaP induces a low incidence of bronchogenic tumors in hamsters when administered in saline; but when it is adsorbed into