X-Sender: gardner@utmsi.utmsi.utexas.edu Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 17:50:10 -0500 To: eegle-pi@wings.glerl.noaa.gov From: Wayne Gardner Subject: EEGLE Progress and Discussion Meeting on Thurs., Oct. 28 Mime-Version: 1.0 To: EEGLE Ecological Processes and Modeling Group Following Dave Schwab's good example, I would appreciate having one investigator from each of our Ecological Processes and Modeling research groups give a summary of progress for 1998-99 and plans for 1999 at the Thursday morning EEGLE session. I.e. a member of each research team should give about a 15 minute presentation about major findings and proposed strategies for next year's work to help get discussions going. In addition please prepare 1 or two summary tranparencies about your project that may be used in the synthesis presentation for the Ecological Processes and Modeling group to be given in the afternoon. A tentative schedule for the speakers (or their designates) who will give talks in that session is: 1. Cotner: Phosphorus Dynamics and Production and Bacterial Dynamics in the Lake Michigan Plume 2. Fahnestiel: Impact of Episodic Transport and Resuspension on Coastal Plankton Processes: A Case Study of the LMRCP. 3. Vanderploeg. The recurrent Plume in Lake Michigan: A Critical Event for Copepod Reproduction and Recruitment. 4. Lavrentyev. The Effects of a Recurrent Spring Plume on the Dynamics and Structure of the Lower Food Web in Southern Lake Michigan. 5. Chen. Nutrient and Lower Food Web Dynamics: A Coupled Biological and Physical Modeling study. An important objective for the morning session is to develop plans to integrate future field and experimental programs with the modeling efforts, so interactive discussions between field researchers and Chen's modeling group will be critical. Look forward to seeing you all next Thursday in Minnesota! Best regards, Wayne P.S. I will be on vacation and out of the office after today but should be occasionally checking email. Wayne S. Gardner Telephone: 361 749 6730 The University of Texas at Austin FAX: 361 749 6777 Marine Science Institute 750 Channel View Drive Email: gardner@utmsi.utexas.edu Port Aransas, Texas 78373 home page: http://www.utmsi.utexas.edu