Energy Citations Database
Searched:  Author Contains ("Cooney, J.D.")
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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  6644977 Effects of varying food concentrations on reproduction in Diaptomus clavipes Schacht Cooney, J.D. ; Gehrs, C.W. 1980 Jul 01 -
  6684721 Relationship between egg size and naupliar size in the calanoid copepod Diaptomus clavipes Schacht Cooney, J.D. ; Gehrs, C.W. 1980 Jan 01 -
  6469563 Effects of temperature and nutritional state on the acute toxicity of acridine to the calanoid copepod, Diaptomus clavipes Schacht Cooney, J.D. ; Beauchamp, J.J. ; Gehrs, C.W. 1983 Jan 01 -
  ORNL/TM-8572 Effects of temperature and nutritional state on the toxicity of acridine to the calanoid copepod, Diaptomus clavipes Schacht Cooney, J.D. ; Gehrs, C.W. ; Bunting, D.L. II 1983 Jul 01 Y
  ORNL/TM-6330 Effects of varying food and density on reproduction in Diaptomus clavipes Schacht Cooney, J.D. ; Gehrs, C.W. ; Bunting, D.L. II 1978 May 01 Y
  EPRI-EA-5820 Effects of food and water quality on culturing and toxicity testing of Ceriodaphnia dubia: Final report Cooney, J.D. ; DeGraeve, G.M. ; Moore, E.L. ; 1988 May 01 Y
  20075750 Sporadic mortality in chronic toxicity tests using Pimephales promelas (Rafinesque): Cases of characterization and control Downey, P.J. ; Fleming, K. ; Guinn, R. ; 2000 Jan 01 -
  EPRI-EN-6469 Precision of the EPA seven-day Ceriodaphnia dubia survival and reproduction test DeGraeve, G.M. ; Cooney, J.D. ; Marsh, B.H. ; 1989 Nov 01 Y
  EPRI-EA-6189 Precision of the EPA Seven-Day Fathead Minnow Larval Survival and Growth Test: Intra- and interlaboratory study: Final report DeGraeve, G.M. ; Cooney, J.D. ; Pollock, T.L. ; 1989 Jan 01 Y
  EPRI-EN-6468 Effects of environmental and experimental design factors on culturing and testing of Ceriodaphnia dubia Cooney, J.D. ; DeGraeve, G.M. ; Moore, E.L. ; 1989 Sep 01 Y
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