1,@ I @ , 1,@ 4 A m @'7onci,me WO@lrm at th@ it new WI wh v h6alf, as I coi@p r a n'o@ th i-dinator ta onL t i' @6., i n- 13 p 0 ndion commu re V61 1 i@ n I ntin@uir -ai d.H It Se'r OrT nown. n ndian it- nfer, func e, Allied'He'd Su a E en re, s nd E LA,." e'ct mav - @chro@i@c @R t reporied.61 ph ysl( I I 97 n'ci'g'e-@ ELA 'r6port "on releaser. E@A-i-.@6'a h. s @ial A., ds of Spanis umai no of, HE br, S R habilit fi Liaison tra u ee r E e a 0 cira ua 10 tleir,respeCTive institutions programs premisesi, -hp fo t @;e" 'e@ri c;ond-@,c@u CO*un t -sponsored ..cou e c ,rs -co la Po t@a ff.! 0 c I 6c. I su commi I eni'si ml p evi o'ALLIED HEALTH ST ER,WORK EXPERIENCE Fbk roiect a @wa r . Fred e icin( assiqnm es rc ceci,o c n. was tc III ness,"as@an tramewor f uman c Ology@ a,cknowie( i,nc rea fio difi ompr ive ci i 6 'm i n g n igly involved in lo6k@i6( r 'Cl d s. rv C-'E f@,tc r he' li@ I Or 6 f n u'et fh6@@sp@ctrum of e i .(,n niz at 0 ino commented li@ of 'e r'v' ice, s": i n@ our SC( ilable. Th i@iio@ for the opi)ortunityli size, e Ith c.dr,e deli.% istence'ana its non-e@isteiic dis io6i: fo@.ii@6@ tionai expi-anat odservea in the bttem@i gi,,@ysterps I pqtinc or( @6iti @i i health" rdc@F,6nated@,! consul tiev saw;nim ideneticia @sive care., Y6@@6fte@- art ci@n"f,@" ether h 10 ere,s( emphasis wa- ri 0 tud6nfs@"e@pressea a qaii n tes 6 f 6@l i-e e', to,"6s,'rd@doth@rs'.knc- "o'i itle-@ peri erientes@wer,&: ';tan ot,one's oWr 'ro e td Si @6n@' rl'< 'O'P@o -iawdrk- f rr sional i'chc e inv r ma@imum n c tne@inaivid 0'1'-@l ours( @,-dcademic sessic erlic 'of rog ra m, renc view n 'ties undertaken.:@ Fi dil h6@ p it@'c Y REGION 19, AREA;- ac, Comm rence, ti v a nesdo J n f AIIV Meeti ng'.@@: ARE CC AR EA-'@.. C Sub 'committee of,Care RM Continu,it -Thu rida -,Jan. Yi Ccpmp..- ta,nts AREK,' f P6tierit B @@@:R ifte@e j !3h 8 F@r 46 M 06do Jan@.: II Yi, ARE@@' ncei Planninq:S noor it@e 12 Tuesday,.'@Jon.', rdi AREA@@ 66ti Cdrd ac'C66' -AREA, d Jan r ng, -@i tee on cid.. hbc,..Co Conti tor@,k-ance to c ciency@ ona resus n in .g norr id6T' ti C' the ervice mi ti rr h, p t@ inin Hsi red t@4( ;m@ i n, i and .e ra,m'to- H6sr i al. of @t4e-@G ad @a drtt@@ @A e a as liaison. I nd CRMP,@'witk@ 'a n -8el o merito aci @-@Mo iiie OE e October i Americ'ar Clinic w6@ @ati6@t tl e r :with@muck::'ceremonyr,qp b@@ p RMPA@reas held a'con er Asi I e tw s rav @@r@@Rep8i-t ki na -their -e@ st Th' was I he6i th ca em@, cer Com'm'itt6e and Dr., P6til@. Co"re tt 6@6"6ppointed to three:To@k Forces p w b e t. a pro Crisis in the .0@X@ ne P6ra@edical@ lmmu y @@."Novem@r" 'The of its ro n 'a cib faciliti emo 16b of c m canc( r s in, t-ommunitl/ American India W, @fO@ further I I' T @na i s,@. ir Cate@'of-.th6 Acutely all c e Co unty. CO Ca 19