NASA SBIR 00-II Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: 16.05-9794 (For NASA Use Only - Chron: 000207 )
PROPOSAL TITLE: Ultra Lightweight Deployable Boom

An ultra lightweight deployable boom that demonstrates repeated performance reliably is desired for gossamer missions such as solar sails. Composite Optics, Inc. (COI) is currently investigating these types of structures with advanced furlable composite materials and design methodology. During Phase I, a proof-of-concept solar sail boom called X-Spring was successfully designed, optimized, fabricated and tested. The results from Phase I strongly encourage a Phase II, which will focus primarily on Performance, Reliability and Repeatability (PRR) of this technology. We will investigate the limits of this technology to achieve lighter, longer, higher performing, lower cost booms for not only gossamer structures but also for other NASA and commercial applications. During Phase II we will investigate PRR of the Phase I proof-of-concept boom. We will then examine if changes to the design, materials and processing are needed to increase PRR. We will then design, optimize, and fabricate a second proof-of-concept that incorporates all changes and lessons learned identified. Following the fabrication of the second proof-of-concept, we will test the boom and evaluate its PRR. Finally, we will design and fabricate four 7m booms to be used on a solar sail model.

The success of this project will provide the military, scientific and commercial market a new technology with unique characteristics specifically intended but not limited to gossamer missions. A demand for ultra large, lightweight, deployable boom and truss structures will exist for many future space missions. Many of these future missions will have a higher degree of requirements, such as mass and natural frequency, due to their larger size. COI has identified several new materials, design concepts, and manufacturing approaches that offer unique opportunities to improve on future space structures. It is our goal to commercialize this technology not only for space, but also for terrestrial applications such as portable masts for communication devices, surveying equipment, cameras, shelters and other applications that require a long, lightweight deployable members that can be setup within minutes. To ensure successful product commercialization in a timely manner, we plan to communicate our progress to technical community via publications and marketing at the appropriate conferences.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (Name, Organization Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Mark Pryor
Composite Optics, Incorporated
9617 Distribution Avenue
San Diego , CA   92121 - 2393

NAME AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip)
Composite Optics, Incorporated
9617 Distribution Avenue
San Diego , CA   92121 - 2393

Form Printed on 11-26-01 17:18