SVX Software Minutes - 15 July 1996 ----------------------------------- Present: Wayne, Vince, Ruth, Jim Patrick, Don, Ed, Mark. Agenda: Change in meeting time Documentation plans 9th floor test stand Sonic SVX test beam code AOB Change in Meeting time. ----------------------- This meeting will mnove to a new time - 10am Wednesdays - in order that Colin will be available. Documentation plans. -------------------- The plan is to keep documentation referring to the software meetings linked off of the ESEServer Web Page. The contact person is John Chramowicz. Jon will ask for write access so that we can update the page, and add links to minutes etc. Ruth asked about the SVX information available on the CDF server. Many documents are protected, although it would be helpful to the rest of the SVX group if they werent. Ruth will ask Paul Shepard about this. 9th floor test stand. --------------------- Wayne and Jon will need a test stand on 9x for software development parallel to Don's work on 14. Wayne has borrowed a 9U crate from Al Baumbaugh, and 9U-6U converters from Don and Ted. SONIC ----- Wayne has compiled SONIC on C++ and added mods for the output format for the GSTM and FIB. He is working on a downloader based on VMEAccess (which has since been renamed to FISION). SVX test beam code ------------------ Don is changing his example VMEAccess program to use tk v4.0. He is expecting a new PC in 2 weeks. It will probably run Windows 95 rather than NT. We will see if tk, VMEAccess etc is compatible with W95. Other Business -------------- Ruth asked about availablity of the list processing code in FISION. Jim Patrick reported that Jim Pangburn is working on this. Ed reported that the board req's for the GSTM are expected to go out this week.