Entry bubble Bats!

By: Nancy | June 12, 2008 | Category: Home and Family

flying bat

I’ve had so many bats in my house over the years, friends call me Batgirl. They’ve been everywhere:

  • One was sound asleep on a wash cloth the morning I turned 34. Glad I switched on the light before putting it under the faucet to wet it down and soap it up. Happy birthday to me!
  • When my neighbor Wally tried to help me rescue one that was scratching around inside my furnace, the little brown blur bolted out and Wally dove for the floor, hugging my ankles and screaming like a girl.
  • Another once completed a perfectly synchronized, Blue Angels-style overhead maneuver with my pet cockatiel. The bird then hid in the bathroom while the bat played dead on the guest room curtains. Attempting to pull it down, I slipped off the bed, tangling myself and the bat in yards of green dotted swiss. We both screamed.
  • And last week, I awoke to the sound of rustling on the floor and turned the light on to find a bat flying counterclockwise around my clockwise-rotating ceiling fan. I don't know which one of us was dizzier.

Bats squeeze inside this time of the year through cracks and holes less than a half inch in diameter. Since my first winged intruder, I've been hunting down and sealing gaps in the attic and around basement pipes and windows in my World War II-era house. After last week's bat, I filled a gap in my floor molding, where I’m guessing it got in.

A bat will usually get out if you isolate it in a room and leave a window open. But if you need to catch one, wear long sleeves and heavy gloves and wait for it to land. Slide your visitor off whatever it's hanging onto and into a lidded box so you can carry it outside safely for release.

If you've been bitten or scratched and the bat can be caught, contact your local health department or animal control center to have the bat tested for rabies. If it tests positive, you'll need to get rabies shots. Only a very small percentage of bats carry rabies, so don't panic when one gets inside, but do play it safe.

Here's some more info on bat myths, other ways to get them out of your house and ways to batproof your home to prevent future visits.

Swap stories with me. Have you ever had a bat in your home?

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Comments (24):

blue comment bubble Posted by Thomas on June 12, 2008 at 09:50 AM EDT

I am sorry to read about your little adventure with another bat. I guess there is one good thing about this is that you get to find another hole to seal. Over the long run you will begin to save money on your energy bill because you are weather proofing your house.

My one and only adventure with some bats happened while I was painting one summer. I was painting by a second story window when I bumped the shudder by the window. All of a sudden a couple of bats flew out right by my head. It scared the living day lights out of me. I still to this day do not understand how I did not fall off of the ladder I was on.


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blue comment bubble Posted by stylin mom on June 12, 2008 at 10:21 AM EDT

I don't have a "bat" story, but I did have a squirrel in my house. A black squirrel fell down my chimney and figured out how to open the fire place door. I come in the house with arms full of groceries and saw a black furry thing run past me in the hallway!

I started screaming and ran out of the house. I threw my groceries in my car and ran to my neighbor's house. She was very kind (and lauging at me calling me a 'city girl'); she helped calm me down by making me a grill cheese sandwich.

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blue comment bubble Posted by bobtenn on June 12, 2008 at 10:26 AM EDT

no,,,never a bat,, but i have had a hummingbird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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blue comment bubble Posted by tracie on June 12, 2008 at 10:31 AM EDT

One night when I was in college I crashed on the couch and was sound asleep. I felt something playing with my hair, thinking it was the cat. When I had finally had enough, I woke up and found my cat was trying to get a bat out of my hair! I screamed at such a decibal I think only the neighborhood dogs heard my cries. I promptly called the police who were kind enough to come and take care of it for me. They even said it wasn't their first bat call!

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blue comment bubble Posted by bluehawk on June 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM EDT

As far as I'm concerned, any number of Bats are welcome in this neighborhood any time they feel like visiting, or staying. In fact, I'll personally build them rent-free habitations.

They surely do eat a LOT of pesky insects!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Johnd on June 12, 2008 at 11:20 AM EDT

I had a bat issue and was quoted $2000 to rid them by a professional service... obviously trying to take advantage of our fears from potential health issues etc... However I didn't feel qualified to fix the problem so I asked more about the cost structure I was quoted... they indicated that there was a 2 yr guarantee - I asked "what if you do the job well but give no extended guarantee" - that got it down to something like $1000 which I negotiated down to $600 to do the job...which I was willing to pay - that was 2 yrs ago - problem solved no bats

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blue comment bubble Posted by bats on June 12, 2008 at 11:33 AM EDT

i believe bats are more afraid of people then the other way around

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blue comment bubble Posted by Citizen Jmaximus on June 12, 2008 at 02:34 PM EDT

I had a bat problem once, so I called my neighbor, a real joker. He told me I had bats in my belfry.

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blue comment bubble Posted by rhian25556@aol.com on June 16, 2008 at 08:58 AM EDT

My mother lived with my sister and my sister's husband. They were spending the first night in their new home, which is over 300 years old.

My mother said she could hear scratching and said something was upstairs. They knew my mother was unhappy with the move and said she was heaing things. Then my mother saw something in the shadows. She said you better get up here. My sister and brother in law came up stairs and were ready to tell my mother that nothing was there. But when they turned on the lights, there were 2 small bats flying around. Needless to say, my mother did not sleep in that room that night. And next day my sister called for someone to fix the situation!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Bean on June 16, 2008 at 10:05 AM EDT

In college, my best friend got a bat in his apartment. He called our other friend for help- who showed up armed with a tennis racket and a catcher's mask. The bat was too confused to ever come back...

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blue comment bubble Posted by Nancy on June 18, 2008 at 04:25 PM EDT

Everybody at Gov Gab headquarters has been talking about these bat, squirrel and hummingbird(!) stories all week! Thanks for sharing them.

I haven't had any more bat sightings recently. But knowing my old house, I will again when I least expect it...


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blue comment bubble Posted by bigdaddy on June 19, 2008 at 01:22 PM EDT

Bats are good -- outside.

After using the tennis racket for my first few indoor bat encounters, I have taken to using a bowl and magazine to secure them and release outside.

I'm also wondering why the linked bat articles are archived under "endangered" when they are a very common critter.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Linda on June 20, 2008 at 06:10 PM EDT

My aunt went downstairs to wash the laundry and discovered a bat in the washing machine!

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blue comment bubble Posted by bats everywhere I go on June 26, 2008 at 10:05 AM EDT

I had bats in my home in the VI and now in Florida. I love them because they are such neat creatures and fantantic for the environment. I just am curious why they seem to move in any home I have. Other people say they never even seen them in the neighbor hood before I arrived. Strange or fortunate?

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blue comment bubble Posted by Nancy on June 26, 2008 at 10:13 AM EDT

Bigdaddy, the linked article on bats mentions a couple types that are endangered. But I'll tell ya, those little brown ones are FAR from endangered in my neighborhood. lol

Linda, I'd have screamed so loud if I found a bat in my washing machine! Did your aunt report whether it smelled "April fresh" when it came out?

And Bats Everywhere, all my neighbors swear that they don't see bats either. Why us? Some sort of animal magnetism?

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blue comment bubble Posted by ALABAMA BATS on July 03, 2008 at 05:43 PM EDT


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blue comment bubble Posted by took my breath away....... on August 20, 2008 at 05:20 PM EDT

Early one morning 5:00 am on way to car through basement something flew in front of me overhead, couldn't make out what it was just saw the wings....not sure if it was a bat, how do I know? the very same night my teen son had the same sighting, don't know where it went, still can't find it to confirm....any suggestions out there? Thanks, Out of breath, small township in New Jersey

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blue comment bubble Posted by gabby on December 10, 2008 at 04:04 AM EST

Tonight i was sitting on the couch talking on the phone when i saw something big fly by and land on the side of my tv! I ran so fast upstairs, I fell 3 times before i got to the bathroom where i stayed to plot getting out of the house without becoming batgirl! I ended up calling animal control, who got it in 2 min flat! I still cant sleep because I am wondering where his bat brothers and sisters are! I cant even figure out how he got in! If there is one.... doesnt that mean more?

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blue comment bubble Posted by Nancy on December 10, 2008 at 08:39 AM EST

Ohhhh, Gabby you have my condolences. I'm glad animal control came out quickly.

In what part of the country do you live? In the DC area where I am, the bats have migrated to Mexico or the Gulf states or are hibernating til spring. If you live in a colder area like I do, that may have been a hibernating bat that could have gotten stirred up if you went up in your attic or other storage area. If you live in the far southern US where bats are still out and about and you had an unusually chilly night, this guy was probably slipping inside to get warm.

I get my bat visits one at a time. They don't seem to roost in my attic in groups, happily. One will just get chilly or inquisitive and slip in somehow--and I've had my drafty old place checked and rechecked and sealed every place I could think of that they'd be getting in. I think these guys must know where I hide my spare house keys! :)

Check around your house in the daytime when bats are snoozing and go through your attic, basement, etc looking for and sealing up cracks or holes the size of your thumb or larger.

Good luck--let me know how it goes!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Jim&Matthew on December 10, 2008 at 11:14 AM EST

It was a dark and stormy night, last night in fact, after hearing faint scratching in the 3rd floor ceiling that we thought was squirrels, we saw a bat fly thru the hall and into a room, I closed the door and after squirming like a little girl and getting the fishing net from the garage we went in to face the bat - but it was no where to be found.

We heard a short flapping noise from one of the under-the-gable storage areas and figured it went in there through a gap in the door (this is a big gable where we can stand up in it). after searching we found nothing.

Could it have left ? maybe its still in there ? local animal control is useless.

I sealed the door to the room to keep it out of the rest of the house till I can figure out what to do. I am dreading the idea of sealing up potential holes in the roof (4-stories up!).

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blue comment bubble Posted by Nancy on December 10, 2008 at 03:20 PM EST

Be still my heart. Jim&Matthew, do you live in a Victorian house? Bats love those things. So does Nancy...

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blue comment bubble Posted by Scaredmommy! on December 16, 2008 at 01:18 AM EST

Ok well I moved into this house a short 3 weeks ago.. I am a single mom and had saved and saved to get this house...:( I was at work and in busted my 4 kids..MOM we have a problem!! Noise in the attic.. I said--well - I am sure its just the trees that hang so low on the roof..My first thought was mice--BUT I had gutted the house and painted and fixed every ceiling -cabinet and basemet and never saw a dropping --so the mice thing was out..I was laying in the bathtub that night and behind the wall I heard the scratching begin..I jetted out of the tub and onto the phone where I called a BAT SERVICE.. Told me they are hibernating in my walls right now and there was nothing they could do till April!! I want to sell this place and leave..I am in TEARS writing this.. Some of you may think I am crazy and a baby--but I am sooo afraid..The fear got worse today when my nephew came upstairs from the basement and said--YOUR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS---BUT.....last night while he was sleeping a couple bats were flying around--it woke him but he didnt have anything to hit it with and WENT BACK TO SLEEP..he is not afraid of them at all...I was told they werent going to fly around or I would see any till spring..OMG what am I going to do?? Any idea? I live in an old house with hardwood floors and old metal grate vents that I spent BIG money on to bring them back to the era of the house..:( I am so afraid--I can't sleep...HELP! HELP!!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Nancy on December 16, 2008 at 05:11 PM EST

Oh Scaredmommy, I really feel for you.

I would call the bat removal people back and tell them the bats are awake and you need them removed. If they won't do it, try calling animal control or another bat or pest abatement/wildlife removal company.

I'm not surprised that you heard the bat in the wall when you were in the tub. Walls that hold plumbing pipes tend to be a little wider and easier for them to move around in.

It's one thing to just hear bats in the walls or ceilings but it's another to have them flying around where people are.

Please check back and let me know how it goes for you and your family.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Kieko on December 31, 2008 at 12:04 PM EST

Bats are awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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