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Subject:Still using ISCST3
We recently completed a modeling study using ISCST3 for urban air toxics applications. It appears to handle near ground level area sources reasonably well, compared with monitoring data we have. ADMS and AERMOD are very limited for these types of applications, as ISCST3 contains numerous updates and advantages over AERMODs underlying ISC2 architecture. Keep in kind, I'm talking about 500-1000 area sources with nearly 1000 receptors. ADMS can't handle that many sources/receptors. I think AERMOD can BUT, ISCST3 has the SCIM option that allows the model to sample one hour of met data per day, then at user specified intervals thereafter (our case every 25 hours). This is meant for apps that use 5 years of met data. Urban air toxics applications would be darn near impossible on a "normal" computer if this option werent available (run times in the hundreds of hours). Using this option with 5 years of met data means that each hour of the day is sampled about 1800 times, which should pick up diurnal patterns.

This is important when accounting for wet and dry deposition.

When AERMOD gets final approval, I'm sure a lot of the algorithms in later versions of ISC3 will be updated in AERMOD. For point source type applications, I'd probably go with a different model, but for area source type (mobile source) emissions, I am impressed with the current version of ISCST3. Back to work.....
NameGregg Thomas
OrganizationDenver Dept. of Environmental Health

- * ISCST3 ( Dennis Atkinson - 02/23/1999 )
. . * Background concentrations ( Rob O'Neal - 05/12/1999 )
. . * ISCST3 - area source changes with last update ( Stephanie Kuphal - 06/18/1999 )
. . * Dry Deposition Input Parameters ( Lalit Bhatnagar - 07/07/1999 )
. . . . * Dry Deposition ( Stephen Ochs - 09/28/1999 )
. . * Receptor Elevations ( Cynthia L. Burkhart - 07/09/1999 )
. . . . * Receptor Elevations response ( Mark Aguilar - 08/05/1999 )
. . . . * Receptor elevations from USGS DEM files ( David Suder - 09/24/1999 )
. . * Horizontal stacks ( Loyd Gravitt - 07/14/1999 )
. . . . * guidance regarding the modeling of horizontal stacks ( Brian Leahy - 07/22/1999 )
. . . . * Horizontal Stack Guidance ( Chris Rabideau - 08/19/1999 )
. . . . . . * TNRCC guidance for horizontal stack releases ( Milton Beychok - 08/20/1999 )
. . . . . . . . * TNRCC Guidance - #2 ( Chris Rabideau - 08/20/1999 )
. . . . . . . . . . * TNRCC Guidance #3 ( Steve Torpey - 09/03/1999 )
. . . . . . . . * RE: TNRCC guidance for horizontal stack releases ( Pleas J. McNeel iv - 09/02/1999 )
. . . . * Horizontal releases ( Tracy A. Moore - 09/27/1999 )
. . . . . . * Stack-tip downwash ( Arney Srackangast - 06/21/2000 )
. . . . * Horizontal Stacks ( phil McIntyre - 05/08/2001 )
. . . . * Horizontal Stacks ( louis - 05/16/2001 )
. . * ISC3ST and area sources compared to the FDM ( Brian Kaplan - 05/19/2000 )
. . . . * ISC3 area sources compared to FDM ( Roger Brode - 06/01/2000 )
. . . . * how can I obtain the full User's Guide for the Fugitive Dust Model ( sand - 03/23/2004 )
. . * Ozone Limiting Method ( Andy Nowak - 10/03/2000 )
. . * Report by Amarillo National Research Center ( Milton Beychok - 10/14/2000 )
. . . . * URL correction for report by Amarillo National Research Center ( Milton Beychok - 10/20/2000 )
. . . . . . * Amarillo National Research Center report ( Milton Beychok - 11/11/2000 )
. . . . . . . . * ISCST3 ( Mark Bussell - 11/13/2000 )
. . . . . . . . . . * Still using ISCST3 ( Gregg Thomas - 01/03/2001 )<-----You Are Here

. . . . . . . . . . . . * ISCST3 ( Gaelle Landrieu t - 02/13/2002 )
. . . . . . . . * RE: odours and modelling ( Brian - 02/03/2003 )
. . . . * ISCST3 accuracy ( Bruce Johnson - 04/02/2001 )
. . . . . . * ISCST3 accuracy ( Milton Beychok - 04/03/2001 )
. . * Validation of ISCST3 Deposition? ( Gary Napp - 11/29/2000 )
. . * treatment of Stability Class 7 (G) ( Peter Engel - 02/02/2001 )
. . . . * Same as Class 6 (F) ( Gregg Thomas - 02/13/2001 )
. . * Modelling in Europe ( Omar Salinas - 03/02/2001 )
. . . . * ME ( Mark D. Huncik - 03/15/2001 )
. . . . * surfdata and uairdata ( Bing Rufo - 04/03/2001 )
. . . . * Dispersion modelling of a european source. ( Ioanna Paraskaki - 12/01/2003 )
. . * Why I can't use ISCST3 ( kola - 06/16/2001 )
. . . . * Compiling ISCST3 ( Dennis Atkinson - 08/20/2001 )
. . . . * can't run ISCST3 ( gracie chong - 07/26/2002 )
. . . . * running SCRAM ( bing rufo - 08/15/2002 )
. . . . . . * Met. Data FORMAT for SCRAM ( F.K. Warner - 07/13/2006 )
. . . . . . . . * Scram Met. Data ( Ken Morrison - 07/21/2006 )
. . * Selecting USGS DEM files to create Receptor Grid ( John "Sunny" Wilson - 10/11/2001 )
. . . . * DEM finder ( Gregg Thomas - 11/16/2001 )
. . * air modelling for opencast coal mining ( g.v.reddy - 11/02/2001 )
. . * ISC3 or SLAB??? ( H. Schmidt - 11/14/2001 )
. . . . * isc3 or slab ( Terry Brady - 04/15/2002 )
. . * Coastal Module ( Guy Edgar - 11/22/2001 )
. . * ISCST3 - Area sources, dust source terms ( JC Botha - 01/08/2002 )
. . . . * john charlesbotha ( linda - 10/23/2002 )
. . * Y2K Compliance ( Jee Ko - 01/24/2002 )
. . . . * No changes ( Gregg T - 02/19/2002 )
. . * Terrain below Stack Base Elevation ( John E. Wilson - 01/28/2002 )
. . * Particle density ( Tim Scholz - 04/06/2002 )
. . * pm2.5 ( Yossi Er-El - 07/14/2002 )
. . * Open Pit Source ( Brigid Briskin - 08/12/2002 )
. . * WindSpeed profile ( Stefano Giarola - 09/26/2002 )
. . . . * Windspeed profile ( Milton Beychok - 02/09/2003 )
. . * HE>ZI Option Generates Large Error Files ( Arney Srackangast - 10/30/2002 )
. . * Modeling deposition from quarry operations ( Anne Power - 01/10/2003 )
. . * ISCST3 in canyon environment ( Mark Solomon - 01/16/2003 )
. . * ISCST3 source-receptor distances, mobile sources ( Steve Coldwell - 03/19/2003 )
. . * ISCST390 and Windows 2000/XP ( bing rufo - 04/05/2003 )
. . . . * ISCst3 XP ( stefano bagli - 05/26/2003 )
. . . . . . * ISCST3 ( Paolo G. Albano - 06/04/2003 )
. . . . * ISCST390 & Windows 2000/XP ( John Wilson - 11/18/2003 )
. . . . . . * Request for information ( Umid Joshi - 06/20/2005 )
. . . . * use dos emulator ( Kenneth Unice - 01/04/2006 )
. . * conc. percentiles outputs ( WS LAM - 06/10/2003 )
. . . . * conc.percentiles ( terry Brady - 06/24/2003 )
. . . . * conc. percentiles ( Terry Brady - 06/30/2003 )
. . . . . . * Percentiles - free gui ( Krista Guenther - 07/25/2003 )
. . * Odor Modeling Averaging Time ( Joe Bazes - 07/11/2003 )
. . . . * Odor Modeling Averaging time ( Milton Beychok - 07/16/2003 )
. . . . . . * Odor Averaging Time ( Joe Bazes - 07/31/2003 )
. . * ISCST3 Odor Modeling ( Joe Bazes - 07/11/2003 )
. . . . * odor modelling ( Terry Brady - 09/10/2003 )
. . * dust sources ( Kristian - 10/29/2003 )
. . * iscst3 kind of source ( arturo valdes - 11/19/2003 )
. . * Multiple vertical stacks ( Dianna Chianis - 12/11/2003 )
. . * user's guide II ( C LELEU - 12/29/2003 )
. . * Deposition of Asbestos ( Brian Kaplan - 02/12/2004 )
. . * Ammonium Phosphate emission factor ( Maya Sadeh - 09/14/2004 )
. . * multiyear met input ( Charlie Rollins - 12/09/2004 )
. . . . * Re:multiyear met input ( Brian Patterson - 09/02/2005 )
. . * meteo data ( Stefania Padovani - 11/26/2004 )
. . * isclt3 ( Francesco Saviozzi - 03/30/2005 )
. . . . * ISCLT3 ( Ken Morrison - 04/11/2005 )
. . . . . . * ISCLT3 ( Matt Mesarch - 04/28/2005 )
. . . . . . . . * isclt ( R.Pallavaraja - 11/18/2005 )
. . * is it possible to model trees barrier with ISCST3? ( Francisco Leal - 10/06/2005 )
. . * ISCST3 ( Amy Powell - 07/20/2005 )
. . . . * ISCST3 ( Rafi Khawaja - 10/07/2005 )
. . * does downwash apply? ( Rcs - 08/05/2005 )
. . . . * Re: does downwash apply? ( Brian Patterson - 09/02/2005 )
. . * ISCST Output concentration ( David Yu - 10/12/2005 )
. . * Using ISCST3 to Model Emissions from Cars ( Joe Bazes - 12/20/2005 )
. . * Using Met Data from Very High Met Tower (250 meters) ( Joe Bazes - 12/20/2005 )
. . * Terrain Grid Pathway Input ( Niels Versfeld - 01/17/2006 )
. . * ISC3 in Peru´s city ( Eric Concepcion - 05/22/2006 )
. . * a questions aobut meteorology stations ( Eric Concepcion - 05/22/2006 )
. . * stack diameter (ISCST3) ( Federico Forni - 11/17/2006 )
. . * Units of the Output Concentrations ( Flaubert Santullo - 08/21/2006 )


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