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CondensedNtpModule Class Reference

#include <CondensedNtpModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for CondensedNtpModule:

JobCModule List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CondensedNtpModule ()
virtual ~CondensedNtpModule ()
void BeginJob ()
JobCResult Ana (const MomNavigator *mom)
const RegistryDefaultConfig () const
void Config (const Registry &r)
void Help ()
void EndJob ()

Private Member Functions

void FillUnRecoedMCInformation (TClonesArray *mcArray, TClonesArray *stdArray)
void ResetTreeVariables ()

Private Attributes

std::string fFileName
std::string fTreeName
TFile * fNtpFile
TTree * fNtuple
Int_t fDetector
Int_t fEndPlane
Int_t fStripInfoPresent
Int_t fDataType
Int_t fReconstructed

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CondensedNtpModule::CondensedNtpModule  ) 

Definition at line 60 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fEventInfo, fHeaderInfo, fInfoFiller, fShowerInfo, fTrackInfo, fTruthInfo, MSG, and root().

00060                                        :
00061   fFileName("analysisNtuple.root"),
00062   fTreeName("analysisNtuple"),
00063   fNtpFile(0),
00064   fNtuple(0),
00065   fDetector(1),
00066   fEventInfo(0),
00067   fHeaderInfo(0),
00068   fShowerInfo(0),
00069   fTrackInfo(0),
00070   fTruthInfo(0),
00071   fStripInfoPresent(1),
00072   fDataType(1),
00073   fReconstructed(1)
00074 {
00076   MSG("JobC", Msg::kDebug) << "CondensedNtpModule::Constructor" << endl;
00078   fHeaderInfo = new ANtpHeaderInfo();
00079   fEventInfo = new ANtpEventInfo();
00080   fTrackInfo = new ANtpTrackInfo();
00081   fShowerInfo = new ANtpShowerInfo();
00082   fTruthInfo = new ANtpTruthInfo();
00084   //instantiate the ANtpInfoObjectFiller object
00085   fInfoFiller = new ANtpInfoObjectFiller();
00087 }

CondensedNtpModule::~CondensedNtpModule  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 90 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fEventInfo, fHeaderInfo, fShowerInfo, fTrackInfo, fTruthInfo, and MSG.

00091 {
00093   MSG("JobC", Msg::kDebug) << "CondensedNtpModule::Destructor" << endl;
00095   if(fHeaderInfo) delete fHeaderInfo;     
00096   if(fEventInfo) delete fEventInfo;       
00097   if(fShowerInfo) delete fShowerInfo;     
00098   if(fTrackInfo) delete fTrackInfo;       
00099   if(fTruthInfo) delete fTruthInfo;
00101 }

Member Function Documentation

JobCResult CondensedNtpModule::Ana const MomNavigator mom  )  [virtual]

Implement this for read only access to the MomNavigator

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 155 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References Detector::Detector_t, fDataType, fDetector, fEventInfo, fHeaderInfo, ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillEventInformation(), ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillHeaderInformation(), ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillMCTruthInformation(), ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillShowerInformation(), ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillTrackInformation(), FillUnRecoedMCInformation(), fInfoFiller, fNtuple, fReconstructed, fShowerInfo, fStripInfoPresent, fTrackInfo, fTruthInfo, ANtpEventManipulator::GetEvent(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetEventManipulator(), MomNavigator::GetFragment(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetMCArray(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetMCManipulator(), ANtpMCManipulator::GetNtpMCStdHep(), ANtpMCManipulator::GetNtpMCTruth(), ANtpMCManipulator::GetNtpTHEvent(), ANtpEventManipulator::GetPrimaryShower(), ANtpEventManipulator::GetPrimaryTrack(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetSnarlEventSummary(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetStdHepArray(), ANtpEventManipulator::GetStrip(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::GetStripArray(), ANtpEventInfo::index, MSG, NtpTHEvent::neumc, NtpTHEvent::neustdhep, NtpSREventSummary::nevent, ResetTreeVariables(), ANtpEventManipulator::SetEventInSnarl(), JobCResult::SetFailed(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::SetPrimaryShowerCriteria(), ANtpRecoNtpManipulator::SetPrimaryTrackCriteria(), ANtpInfoObjectFiller::SetStripArray(), JobCResult::SetWarning(), and SimFlag::SimFlag_t.

00156 {
00157   MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "start ana" << endl;
00159   JobCResult result(JobCResult::kPassed);
00161   //get the records from MOM
00162   assert(mom);
00164   NtpSRRecord *record = dynamic_cast<NtpSRRecord *>(mom->GetFragment("NtpSRRecord"));
00165   NtpStRecord *stRecord = dynamic_cast<NtpStRecord *>(mom->GetFragment("NtpStRecord"));
00167   if(!record && !stRecord){
00168     MSG("CondensedNtpModuleAtm", Msg::kWarning) << "Could not get NtpSR or NtpSt Record from MOM" << endl;
00169     result.SetWarning().SetFailed();
00170     return result;
00171   }//end if no NtpSRRecord
00173   //if there is no NtpMCRecord, then mom returns a null pointer
00174   NtpMCRecord *mcRecord = 0;
00175   mcRecord = dynamic_cast<NtpMCRecord *>(mom->GetFragment("NtpMCRecord"));
00176   if(!mcRecord&&fDataType&&!stRecord){
00177     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kWarning) << "Could not get NtpMCRecord from MOM " 
00178                                              << " - hopefully you werent expecting one " << endl;
00179     result.SetWarning().SetFailed();
00180     return result;
00181   }
00183   NtpTHRecord *thRecord = 0;
00184   thRecord = dynamic_cast<NtpTHRecord *>(mom->GetFragment("NtpTHRecord"));
00186   //fill the header information
00187   Detector::Detector_t det = Detector::kFar;
00188   if(fDetector<1) det = Detector::kNear;
00189   //get a sim flag
00190   SimFlag::SimFlag_t dataType = SimFlag::kData;
00191   if(fDataType) dataType = SimFlag::kMC;
00193   //instantiate a ANtpRecoNtpManipulator object to help you get the info you want
00194   ANtpRecoNtpManipulator *ntpManipulator = 0;
00195   if(record) ntpManipulator = new ANtpRecoNtpManipulator(record, mcRecord, thRecord);
00196   else if(stRecord) ntpManipulator = new ANtpRecoNtpManipulator(stRecord);
00198   fInfoFiller->SetStripArray(ntpManipulator->GetStripArray());
00199   fInfoFiller->FillHeaderInformation(ntpManipulator, det, dataType, fHeaderInfo);  
00201   //set up which flags you want to use to determine the primary shower or track
00202   //a value of 0 for a flag means it will not be used
00203   ntpManipulator->SetPrimaryTrackCriteria(0,1,0); // nplanes, length, total pulse height
00204   ntpManipulator->SetPrimaryShowerCriteria(0,1); // nplanes, total pulse height
00206   //mc data because fDataType = 1, but no reconstructed event because 
00207   //record doesnt exist.  still want to have the mc info in the tree though 
00208   //to understand events that werent reconstructed
00209   if((mcRecord&&!record&&fDataType) 
00210      || (stRecord&&fDataType&&ntpManipulator->GetSnarlEventSummary().nevent<1)){
00212     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "why am i here?" << endl;
00214     fReconstructed = 0;
00216     //flag the run, subRun values to indicated that 
00217     //this snarl was not reconstructed.  keep track of 
00218     //how many times that happens
00219     FillUnRecoedMCInformation(ntpManipulator->GetMCArray(), ntpManipulator->GetStdHepArray());
00220     fNtuple->Fill();
00221     ResetTreeVariables();
00223     return result;              
00224   }
00226   fReconstructed = 1;
00228   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00229   //here is where you start looping over the events in the ntuple to fill your analysis tree
00231   //set up some pointers to typical NtpSR objects
00232   NtpSRTrack *ntpTrack = 0;
00233   NtpSRStrip *ntpStrip = 0;
00234   NtpSREvent *ntpEvent = 0;
00235   NtpSRShower *ntpShower = 0;
00236   NtpMCTruth *ntpMCTruth = 0;
00237   NtpMCStdHep *ntpMCStdHep = 0;
00238   NtpTHEvent *ntpTHEvent = 0;
00239   //NtpTHStrip *ntpTHStrip = 0;
00240   //NtpTHTrack *ntpTHTrack = 0;
00241   //NtpTHShower *ntpTHShower = 0;
00243   //loop over the events in the snarl - it is also possible to just loop over 
00244   //showers, tracks or slices in the record using a loop like
00245   //for(Int_t i = 0; i < record->evthdr.ntrack; ++i){
00246   //  ntpTrack = ntpManipulator->GetSnarlTrack(i);
00247   //}
00248   //
00249   //you can get the primary track/shower from the snarl using 
00250   //ntpManipulator->GetSnarlPrimaryTrack()/GetSnarlPrimaryShower()
00252   for(Int_t i = 0; i < ntpManipulator->GetSnarlEventSummary().nevent; ++i){
00254     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "on event " << i << endl;
00256     fEventInfo->index = i;
00258     //get event i.  the call to NtpHelper::GetEventInSnarl sets the 
00259     //NtpSREvent data member in that object to the current event so that
00260     //you can later call for the primary track, shower, etc.
00261     ntpManipulator->GetEventManipulator()->SetEventInSnarl(i);
00262     ntpEvent = ntpManipulator->GetEventManipulator()->GetEvent();               
00263     if(ntpEvent) fInfoFiller->FillEventInformation(ntpManipulator, 
00264                                                    ntpEvent, 
00265                                                    fEventInfo);
00267     //get the primary track for the event - if no track is present it 
00268     //returns 0
00269     ntpTrack = ntpManipulator->GetEventManipulator()->GetPrimaryTrack();                
00270     if(ntpTrack) fInfoFiller->FillTrackInformation(ntpTrack, fTrackInfo);
00272     //get the primary shower for the event - if no shower is present it 
00273     //returns 0
00274     ntpShower = ntpManipulator->GetEventManipulator()->GetPrimaryShower();              
00275     if(ntpShower) fInfoFiller->FillShowerInformation(ntpShower, fShowerInfo);
00277     //why not get a strip as well - if there is a strip in the event, the 
00278     //following line will get it
00279     if(fStripInfoPresent) ntpStrip = ntpManipulator->GetEventManipulator()->GetStrip(0);
00281     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "CondensedNtpModule::Ana mcRecord="<<mcRecord << endl;
00282     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "CondensedNtpModule::Ana thRecord="<<thRecord << endl;
00283     //check to see if there is MC information around and get the NtpMCTruth and
00284     //NtpTHEvent objects
00286     //the GetNtpTHEvent method takes as its argument the same index as the 
00287     //GetEventInSnarl method, ie the index of the current event.  you can 
00288     //then use the NtpTHEvent object returned to figure out which index to 
00289     //give the GetNtpMCTruth and GetNtpMCStdHep methods to return the appropriate 
00290     //truth information corresponding to this event.  what is going on behind the 
00291     //scenes is that there are arrays of NtpMCTruth and NtpMCStdHep objects in 
00292     //the NtpMCRecord but to figure out which entry is the appropriate one you need 
00293     //to have the NtpTHRecord array of thevt which is filled in the same order as 
00294     //the evt array in the NtpSRRecord.
00295     ntpTHEvent = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpTHEvent(i);
00296     if(ntpTHEvent){
00297       ntpMCTruth = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCTruth(ntpTHEvent->neumc);        
00298       ntpMCStdHep = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCStdHep(ntpTHEvent->neustdhep);  
00299     }
00301     //can also do the above using NtpTHStrips, NtpTHShowers or NtpTHTracks.  get the index 
00302     //of the strip, track or shower in the NtpSRRecord stp, trk or shw arrays first, then 
00303     //get the NtpTHTrack/Shower object using the NtpHelper.  have to uncomment the variable 
00304     //declarations in lines 223-225 to use this
00305     //uncomment out the disired lines below
00306     /*
00308       if(ntpStrip) ntpTHStrip = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpTHStrip(ntpStrip->index);
00309       if(ntpTHStrip){
00310       ntpMCTruth = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCTruth(ntpTHStrip->neumc);        
00311       ntpMCStdHep = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCStdHep(ntpTHStrip->neustdhep);  
00312       }
00314       if(ntpTrack) ntpTHTrack = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpTHTrack((Int_t)ntpTrack->index);
00315       if(ntpTHTrack){
00316       ntpMCTruth = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCTruth(ntpTHTrack->neumc);        
00317       ntpMCStdHep = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCStdHep(ntpTHTrack->neustdhep);  
00318       }
00319       if(ntpShower) ntpTHShower = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpTHShower((Int_t)ntpShower->index);   
00320       if(ntpTHShower){
00321       ntpMCTruth = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCTruth(ntpTHShower->neumc);       
00322       ntpMCStdHep = ntpManipulator->GetMCManipulator()->GetNtpMCStdHep(ntpTHShower->neustdhep); 
00323       }
00324     */
00326     //got the NtpMCTruth object now, so fill the desired info
00327     MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) << "CondensedNtpModule::Ana ntpMCTruth="<<ntpMCTruth<< endl;
00328     if(ntpMCTruth){
00329       fInfoFiller->FillMCTruthInformation(ntpMCTruth, fTruthInfo);
00330     }                           
00333     fNtuple->Fill();
00334     ResetTreeVariables();
00335   }//end loop over events for this snarl
00336   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00338   delete ntpManipulator;
00340   return result;
00341 }

void CondensedNtpModule::BeginJob  )  [virtual]

Implement for notification of begin of job

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 104 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fDataType, fDetector, fEventInfo, fFileName, fHeaderInfo, fInfoFiller, fNtpFile, fNtuple, fShowerInfo, fTrackInfo, fTreeName, fTruthInfo, MSG, and ANtpInfoObjectFiller::SetDetector().

00105 {
00106   MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kDebug) 
00107     << "In BeginJob\n" << fFileName.c_str() 
00108     << " " << fTreeName.c_str() << endl;
00110   // Tell the InfoFillerObject which detector it is working on.
00111   // Module uses an int:     0-->NearDet & 1-->FarDet 
00112   // (Detector_t uses kNear = 1, kFar = 2) 
00113     switch (fDetector)
00114     {
00115     case 0:
00116       fInfoFiller->SetDetector(Detector::kNear);
00117       break;
00118     case 1:
00119       fInfoFiller->SetDetector(Detector::kFar);
00120       break;
00121     default:
00122       fInfoFiller->SetDetector(Detector::kUnknown); //Nothing is certain
00123       break;
00124     }
00126   // save the current working directory
00127   TDirectory* savedir  = gDirectory;  
00129   // create the new TFile for holding the electronics tree
00130   // this changes the value of gDirectoy
00131   fNtpFile = new TFile(fFileName.c_str(),"RECREATE");  
00133   // create TTree, these will attach themselves to the current 
00134   // working directory   
00135   fNtuple = new TTree(fTreeName.c_str(), "Analysis Tree");
00137   // the branches are all objects of type ANtp*Info*
00138   fNtuple->Branch("header.", "ANtpHeaderInfo", &fHeaderInfo, 64000, 2);
00139   fNtuple->Branch("event.", "ANtpEventInfo", &fEventInfo, 64000, 2);
00140   fNtuple->Branch("shower.", "ANtpShowerInfo", &fShowerInfo, 64000, 2);
00141   fNtuple->Branch("track.", "ANtpTrackInfo", &fTrackInfo, 64000, 2);
00142   if(fDataType>0){
00143     fNtuple->Branch("truth.", "ANtpTruthInfo", &fTruthInfo, 64000, 2);  
00144   } 
00146   // change back to current working directory before leaving constructor
00147   savedir->cd();   
00149   return;
00150 }

void CondensedNtpModule::Config const Registry r  )  [virtual]

Return the actual configuration. If your module directly pulls its configuration from the fConfig Registry, you don't need to override this. Override if you have local config variables.

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 403 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fDataType, fDetector, fEndPlane, fFileName, fStripInfoPresent, fTreeName, and Registry::Get().

00404 {
00405   int         tmpb;  // a temp bool. See comment under DefaultConfig...
00406   int         tmpi;  // a temp int.
00407   double      tmpd;  // a temp double.
00408   const char* tmps;  // a temp string
00410   if (r.Get("FileName",           tmps)) fFileName              =  tmps;
00411   if (r.Get("TreeName",           tmps)) fTreeName              =  tmps;
00412   if (r.Get("EndPlane",           tmpi)) fEndPlane              =  tmpi;
00413   if (r.Get("Detector",           tmpi)) fDetector              =  tmpi;
00414   if (r.Get("StripInfoPresent",   tmpi)) fStripInfoPresent      =  tmpi;
00415   if (r.Get("DataType",           tmpi)) fDataType              =  tmpi;
00417   //quiet compiler warnings
00418   tmpb = 0;
00419   tmpd = 0.;
00421   return;
00422 }

const Registry & CondensedNtpModule::DefaultConfig  )  const [virtual]

Get the default configuration registry. This should normally be overridden. One useful idiom is to implement it like:

const Registry& MyModule::DefaultConfig() const { static Registry cfg; // never is destroyed if (cfg.Size()) return cfg; // already filled it // set defaults: cfg.Set("TheAnswer",42); cfg.Set("Units","unknown"); return cfg; }

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 377 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References Registry::LockValues(), Registry::Set(), and Registry::UnLockValues().

00378 {
00380   int itrue = 1;  // work around for lack of bool in registry
00381   int ifalse = 0; // work around for lack of bool in registry
00383   static Registry r;
00385   r.UnLockValues();
00387   r.Set("FileName",           "analysisTree.root");
00388   r.Set("TreeName",           "analysisTree");
00389   r.Set("EndPlane",           485);
00390   r.Set("Detector",           1);
00391   r.Set("StripInfoPresent",   1);
00392   r.Set("DataType",           1);
00394   r.LockValues();
00396   //quiet compiler warnings
00397   itrue = ifalse;
00399   return r;
00400 }

void CondensedNtpModule::EndJob  )  [virtual]

Implement for notification of end of job

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 354 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fNtpFile, fNtuple, and MSG.

00355 {
00357   MSG("CondensedNtpModule", Msg::kInfo) << "start end job method" << endl;      
00359   //save current working directory
00360   TDirectory *savedir = gDirectory;
00362   //cd to the "directory" of the file
00363   fNtpFile->cd();
00365   fNtuple->Write();
00367   //go back to original working directory
00368   savedir->cd();  
00370   fNtpFile->Write();
00371   fNtpFile->Close();
00373   return;
00374 }

void CondensedNtpModule::FillUnRecoedMCInformation TClonesArray *  mcArray,
TClonesArray *  stdArray

Definition at line 425 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fEventInfo, ANtpInfoObjectFiller::FillMCTruthInformation(), fInfoFiller, fTruthInfo, ANtpEventInfo::index, and NtpMCTruth::stdhep.

Referenced by Ana().

00426 {
00427   NtpMCTruth *ntpMCTruth = 0;
00428   NtpMCStdHep *ntpMCStdHep = 0;
00430   //get the number of entries in the arrays
00431   Int_t numMCEntries = mcArray->GetLast()+1;
00432   Int_t stdHepLow = 0;
00433   Int_t stdHepHigh = 0;
00435   //loop over the individual events - only one in the far detector, 
00436   //many in the near
00437   for(Int_t i = 0; i < numMCEntries; ++i){
00439     fEventInfo->index = i;
00441     ntpMCTruth = dynamic_cast<NtpMCTruth *>(mcArray->At(i));
00442     if(ntpMCTruth) fInfoFiller->FillMCTruthInformation(ntpMCTruth, fTruthInfo);
00444     stdHepLow = ntpMCTruth->stdhep[0];
00445     stdHepHigh = ntpMCTruth->stdhep[1];
00447     //loop over the stdhep entries for the current mc event
00448     for(Int_t j = stdHepLow; j < stdHepHigh+1; ++j){
00449       ntpMCStdHep = dynamic_cast<NtpMCStdHep *>(stdArray->At(j));
00451       //add the code for what you want to fill here 
00452     }                   
00454   }//end loop over mc events
00457   return;
00458 }

void CondensedNtpModule::Help  )  [virtual]

Implement to spew some useful help to cout

Reimplemented from JobCModule.

Definition at line 344 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References MSG.

00345 {
00346   MSG("JobC", Msg::kInfo) 
00347     << "NearElectronicsCheck::Help\n"
00348     <<"CondensedNtpModule is a module which demultiplexes events "
00349     <<"in the far detector."
00350     << endl;
00351 }

void CondensedNtpModule::ResetTreeVariables  )  [private]

Definition at line 461 of file CondensedNtpModule.cxx.

References fEventInfo, fShowerInfo, fTrackInfo, fTruthInfo, ANtpTruthInfo::Reset(), ANtpTrackInfo::Reset(), ANtpShowerInfo::Reset(), and ANtpEventInfo::Reset().

Referenced by Ana().

00462 {
00464   fEventInfo->Reset();
00465   fShowerInfo->Reset();
00466   fTrackInfo->Reset();
00467   fTruthInfo->Reset();
00469   return;
00470 }

Member Data Documentation

Int_t CondensedNtpModule::fDataType [private]

Definition at line 66 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), and Config().

Int_t CondensedNtpModule::fDetector [private]

Definition at line 54 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), and Config().

Int_t CondensedNtpModule::fEndPlane [private]

Definition at line 55 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Config().

ANtpEventInfo* CondensedNtpModule::fEventInfo [private]

Definition at line 57 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), FillUnRecoedMCInformation(), ResetTreeVariables(), and ~CondensedNtpModule().

std::string CondensedNtpModule::fFileName [private]

Definition at line 50 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by BeginJob(), and Config().

ANtpHeaderInfo* CondensedNtpModule::fHeaderInfo [private]

Definition at line 58 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), and ~CondensedNtpModule().

ANtpInfoObjectFiller* CondensedNtpModule::fInfoFiller [private]

Definition at line 63 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), and FillUnRecoedMCInformation().

TFile* CondensedNtpModule::fNtpFile [private]

Definition at line 52 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by BeginJob(), and EndJob().

TTree* CondensedNtpModule::fNtuple [private]

Definition at line 53 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), and EndJob().

Int_t CondensedNtpModule::fReconstructed [private]

Definition at line 67 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana().

ANtpShowerInfo* CondensedNtpModule::fShowerInfo [private]

Definition at line 59 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), ResetTreeVariables(), and ~CondensedNtpModule().

Int_t CondensedNtpModule::fStripInfoPresent [private]

Definition at line 65 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), and Config().

ANtpTrackInfo* CondensedNtpModule::fTrackInfo [private]

Definition at line 60 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), ResetTreeVariables(), and ~CondensedNtpModule().

std::string CondensedNtpModule::fTreeName [private]

Definition at line 51 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by BeginJob(), and Config().

ANtpTruthInfo* CondensedNtpModule::fTruthInfo [private]

Definition at line 61 of file CondensedNtpModule.h.

Referenced by Ana(), BeginJob(), CondensedNtpModule(), FillUnRecoedMCInformation(), ResetTreeVariables(), and ~CondensedNtpModule().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Fri Feb 13 23:02:07 2009 for loon by doxygen 1.3.5