623 Waimea ..................... Huehue.. .................... Holualoa ..................... Kaukahoku Leheuln .............. KONA, W. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. DECEMBER, 1903 2,720 3.01J0 1,350 TABLE VI1.-Heighta of rivers referred to zero8 of gages.-Continued. P u u w a ~a a a Kanch.. ......... Hoehue ............................ Kahuku Ranch'. .............. Houuapo ..................... Naalehu ...................... KAU Lie. 2,700 l,fi80 15 651) IT. S. Experinieiitnl Statiou. 1~r.H. Magnetic Statiou .......... ..... .I ~___.__~ .. ...... Fwl. ..... 4. 5 G . 3 F+tt. Iri//nnir//e Rirer. 1 .Ifi/ra 1 Fer(. I Fret. ...... l 1 Portlaud.(lree ............ ' 12 1 15 I r' 3 Albany, Oreg .............. 118 20 6.2 Red River of lhc Norlh. Cblunkbin Riwr. The Dalles, Oreg.. ........ .' Miles hloorhead, hliuu 4 ......... 418 Uolatilla, Oreg ............. 270 I Sncrnnienh River. 2.8 Red Bluff, Cal ............. 265 53 14.4 :: 0 1~ Sacramento, Cal.. ......... 64 i 29 , 19.1; I 5. i 7. 4 3,4 I 2. !I 1.4 Meteorological Ohm-uutioiu ut Honolulu, Dccemher, 1303. Thc statiann i r at ?lo 15' N. 157" 5W W. I t is the Hawaiiau Weather Rureau station (Set. fig. 2, No. 1. i; the ~IONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW for July, 1902, page 365.) Hawaiiau standard t.inie is 1ub 30= slow #of Grwuwich tirue. Houolulo local mean tirue Punahoii. is 1uL 31m slvw ,if Ureeriwich HAWAIIAN CLIMATOLOQICAL DATA. Rainfall data .for December, 19!G. By R. C. LI DECKER, Territorial Meteorologist. The pressure is rnrrected 6iw teiuperatnre and reduced to sea lerel, and the grarity cor- rectiaiu, -0.U6, I?:LS heeu applied. The :%rerage 6lirectiuu iiud force of tlie a i u d nud tl~eareragecloiiiliuess for the whole day a r r giseu ~iulers they hrrre varied more thau iijual, in wliieh case the extreiues are iven. Thesr:ileof ainil fvrce is (I tal 12, or Rearifort scale. Trodirect.inurofaiud, or valueaofwiud force. o r ainouots of clouiliuess, couuectt.d hv a dash, i o d i d e rhauge from one to the other. C:iiufall fi,rtweutr-F#>Iir hoursis iuensiired :it 9 a. m. local, or 7 3 1 p. ui,, Greenwich lime. The rail1 gage. 8 itidles iu di:rnieter, is 1 foot. ahow roilud. Therwometer, 9 feet above grurin,l. 1+1~01iu~l is 43 feet and t h e haroiueter 50 feet a!kve sea Ierel. - 5 a -4 ~~~ - f,rrhes. 1.4s 0. IJ0 1. 4 4 (I. li5 1. ?> (I. 51; (I. 65 1. s:, 5. 26 6. 42 1.113 ....... ....... ....... I . I? 1.7s 2. i l J h, 51 HAW A I I. HILO, e. and ue. Ffd. Waiakea ..................... 5U Hilo (towu). ................ 100 puoeq, ....................... .I 55 n u 1 1 r -i ' ~~t -~i . Wailutu, ue.. ............. l,.\KAI. k e h p s . F. 111 1;. 02 6. $2 3. 25 4. 63 5. i 4 8.16 6. s5 ....... ....... ....... 2. !!i 1. i 2 2. 1J1 ....... 2.411 3. lid 1. R i 2. 'I) ?. 11; 1.95 1. il 1. 5ll 0. 5s 1.16 2. 30 ....... ....... 2.65 ....... 0. B!I 2, i 3 1.14 ....... 1. G;< 1.25 1. fiS 2. %I ....... ....... 2. 30 11). 5fi ....... ....... ....... ....... - Y -. .I: 4 - E - li Y 2 * 311. un :31. 1111 29, !Mi 31). 011 311. WL ?!I. !I!I ?!I. !li 2!). !It; 2!l. s i ?!I. %:I ?!I. !II; ::0. V? ?!I. !1!1 30.04 20. (19 MI. 09 3 1 . (16 :XI, Ill) 29.95 29. !IS 29. !l!l 2 9 .x 29. !In 31). 0' :?I), (I:? :;n. IJI :in. 01 :31. 0:: HI). 04 30.02 SO. 115 ..... :{it. 01)c -t. o?! Keouloku .................. OAHU. Punahou (W. B. ), sw.. ..... Kula~ik:iliua(C'nstle) sw.. .. hfakiki Reserroir .. I: ...... 11. H. Naval Statiou, sw.. ... Rapiolaui Park, sw. ........ ('ollege Hills. .............. Manria (Wnodlawu h i r y ), a Rlanoa IRhnrles iiarrlens) . Iusaue AHyllIIIl. ............ Hdiool street (Bishop), sw.. Knniehaineha Hchoul.. ..... Kalihi-Uta s w .. .......... Nuiiauu (Isf. \V. Hall), sw.. Nuuaiiu IWyllie street).. .. N1111au11 (Elec. Statisbn), sw. Nuoanii (Luakaha), c .. .... 11. S. Experiiuent. Statinu. __ K a1 iu 1 a .................... Imiiakea (Nahiiiua) ....... Taotalos Heights I. L.'rearl.. . Waiiuaualo. UP.. ........... hlaouawili ue. __. . _. __ __ .. Iiaueohe . .'. ................ Ahnimauu, ue.. ............ Kahuku, u ................. [I. 8. Maguetic Statiou . . , . . W ai pall 11 ................... hloanallia .................. RAUAI. Lihue (Molokoa), e .. ....... Lihrie (Kokaua), e.. ........ Gealia. e. ................. Kilauea (I'lantati