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Maps, Models, and Tools for Bird Conservation Planning

Avian Species-of-Concern in the Appalachian Mountains (BCR 28)

Cerulean Warbler

Dendroica cerulea
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter

Cerulean Warbler

Habitat Association broad-leaved forest
Nest Type and Location open-cup, midstory/canopy
Migration Status Neotropical
Conservation Score 28

Kentucky Warbler

Oporornis formosus
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter


Habitat Association Humid deciduous forest with dense undergrowth, dense second growth, shady ravines, and swamp edges; in migration, a variety of wooded habitats; in winter, primarily broadleaf forest with dense undergrowth (AOU 1998).
Nest Type and Location open-cup, ground/low-nesting
Migration Status Neotropical
Conservation Score 25

Worm-eating Warbler

Helmitheros vermivorus
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter


Habitat Association Deciduous forest and damp, bushy ravines with dense undergrowth; also locally in regenerating clear-cuts; in migration, a variety of wooded habitats; in winter, primarily broadleaf forest with dense undergrowth (AOU 1998).
Nest Type and Location open-cup, midstory/canopy
Migration Status Neotropical
Conservation Score 24

Partners in Flight (PIF) assigns conservation scores to species by region, with higher scores signifying greater management concern based on rarity, population declines, or habitat specificity. These scores are updated annually as new information about population trends become available. The scores presented here were reported in the PIF Bird Conservation Plan for PIF Region 16, Upper Great Lakes Plain.

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URL: http://www.umesc.usgs.gov/terrestrial/migratory_birds/species_of_concern_bcr28.html
Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: February 27, 2007