~s Radiance Digest, v2n5, Part 2 of 2 Dear Radiance Users, Here is the second half of Volume 2, Number 5 of the Radiance Digest. You should have received the first half already. If you don't get it in a day or so, write me e-mail and I'll resend it to you. As always, I ask that you do NOT reply to this letter directly, but write instead to GJWard@LBL.GOV if you have any questions or comments, or if you wish to be removed from the mailing list. These are the topics covered in this mailing: RPICT PARAMETERS - A couple questions answered re. rpict EXTENDING RADIANCE - How to add materials/surfaces to Radiance NEW BRTDFUNC AND NEON - An extended reflectance type and neon lights LIGHT SOURCE ACCURACY - Near-field accuracy test of light sources BRIGHTNESS MAPPING - Going from simulation to display PARALLEL RADIANCE AND ANIMATIONS- New features of 2.3 and animation AMIGA PORT - Reorganized Amiga port PVALUE - Getting values from pictures BACKGROUND COLOR - Setting the background in a scene DEPTH OF FIELD - Simulating depth of field A COMPANY CALLED RADIANCE - Not mine -- someone else's! Hopefully, I won't let a whole year go by before the next posting! -Greg ================================================================= RPICT PARAMETERS Date: Sun, 28 Feb 93 09:33:01 -0500 From: macker@valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Michael L. Acker) To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: rpict parameters Greg, Could you explain the purpose and use of the 'sp' parameter to 'rpict'? I'm a student who has been using Radiance 2.1 to do some graphics modeling as part of an independent graphics study. The scene that I am currently working with has objects as large as 100 feet across and as small as 1/2-inch wide. With sp at 4 (the default) the 1/2-inch objects are not completely represented in the image (missing parts I assume from inadequate sampling). However, when I reduce sp to 1, the 1/2-inch objects appear more complete (and smoother) though still not completely represented. Also, if I increase the ambient bounces (ab) to 1 or greater but leave all other parameters at their default, rpict produces images with very 'splotchy' surfaces. For example, white walls look as if they have had buckets of lighter and darker shades of white thrown at them. The problem appears to lessen if I reduce the surface specularity and increase the ambient super-samples (as). Could you give me some insight into the proper parameters to use that will smooth out the images? Or could you provide some example rendering statements with the parameter lists? Or do you do some preprocessing with oconv or postprocessing with other utilities, like pfilt, to smooth out (improve) the images? I'd appreciate any information you can offer. Thanks, Mike Acker,macker@valhalla.cs.wright.edu Date: Mon, 1 Mar 93 09:18:59 -0800 From: greg@pink.lbl.gov (Gregory J. Ward) To: macker@valhalla.cs.wright.edu (Michael L. Acker) Subject: Re: rpict parameters Hi Mike, In version 2.1 of Radiance, the -sp (sample pixel) parameter was changed to -ps (pixel sample) to make way for new -s? parameters to control specular highlight sampling. Since the -sp option has disappeared in version 2.1, you must either be using a previous version or a different option. At any rate, anti-aliasing in Radiance requires rendering at a higher resolution than that you eventually hope to display with, then using pfilt to filter the image down to the proper size. A set of reasonable parameters to do this might be: % rpict -x 1536 -y 1536 [other options] scene.oct > scene.raw % pfilt -x /3 -y /3 -r .65 scene.raw > scene.pic In this case, the final image size will have x and/or y dimensions of 512, and even small objects should appear smooth. As for the ambient bounces, it sounds as if the specular component of your surfaces may be too high. Non-metallic surfaces generally don't have specular components above 5%. Check out the document ray/doc/notes/materials for further guidelines. The splotchiness can be reduced by increasing the -ad and the -as parameters (as you seem to have discovered). Let me know if I can be of more help. Sometimes it is easier if you send me an example file with view parameters, if youre scene's not too big. -Greg ========================================================================= EXTENDING RADIANCE Date: Sun, 7 Mar 93 14:07:26 PST From: Mark J Young To: GJWard@lbl.gov Hello. Your name came up two days in a row for me. Yesterday I read your 1992 CG paper, "Measuring and modeling anisotropic reflection". I really enjoyed it and learned a good deal from it. I wish there were more graphics papers than had such a satisfying blend of science and graphics. Then I was reading a newsgroup posting that indicated that you have written a rendering package. So I was moved to ask your advice. Myself and a few colleagues at NYU are looking for rendering software that could be reasonably modifiable for the following purposes. We do psychophysical experiments and modeling of depth cue fusion (in the sensor fusion sense) in human 3D perception. Some of us also do modeling and psychophysics concerning color space in human perception. Those folks are looking towards extending that work to include reflectance models (of the internal kind). There is a desire to have graphics software that could generate stimuli for both the depth and color/reflectance experiments. There would need to be a variety of rendering pipeline structures, surface models, color models, and reflectance models employable. I have written a crude 3D modeler that allows me to independently manipulate the various 3D cues to a surface's shape in an abstract geometrical way. I didn't do anything sophisticated about the color representation or the reflectance model. We are at a point where I either do alot of work on this package or find a mature package that can be modified towards our needs. We would obviously like something that is extremely modular. My package is object-oriented (C++) and a paradigm like that seems very well suited to the kind of extensions we need to make. Do you know of a rendering package that is object-oriented or is of the flavor that we are looking for? Also, could you tell me where I can find "Radiance"? Thank you for any help you can give. Regards, Mark J. Young Experimental Psychology Vision Laboratory New York University NASA Ames Research Center 6 Washington Place Mail Stop 262-2 New York, NY 10003 Moffett Field, CA 94035 (212) 998-7855 (415) 604-1446 mjy@cns.nyu.edu mjy@vision.arc.nasa.gov Date: Mon, 8 Mar 93 11:10:16 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: mjy@maxwell.arc.nasa.gov Subject: human perception modeling Hi Mark, Thanks for the compliment on my paper. Yes, I have written a fairly mature simulation and rendering package called Radiance. You may pick it up by anonymous ftp from hobbes.lbl.gov (, along with some test environments, libraries and so on. The reflectance model built into Radiance is that presented in the `92 Siggraph paper. Additional hooks are provided for procedural or data-driven reflectance models, though the resulting simulation will be less complete as it will not include indirect highlight sampling (ie. highlights caused not by light sources but by reflections from other surfaces). The code is fairly modular and extensible, though it was written in K&R C for maximum portability and speed. (Also, C++ was not around when I started on the project 8 years ago.) Adding a surface model requires writing two routines, one to intersect a ray with the surface, and another to answer whether or not the surface intersects a specific axis-aligned cube (for octree spatial subdivision). Adding a reflectance model requires writing a routine to determine the reflected value based on an incident ray, a list of light sources (actually a callback routine that computes a coefficient as a function of source direction and solid angle) and other ray values as required. The rendering pipeline is very flexible -- too flexible for most people. It makes it somewhat difficult to learn and to master. There are about 50 programs altogether. Even if you decide to use your own renderer, you may find some of the programs provided with Radiance useful to your research. The one part of Radiance that is currently difficult to change is the RGB color model. I have been prodded by several people to introduce a more general spectral model, which is something I had planned to do at some point but I have been hung up by a lack of data and motivation. Right now, people can define the three color samples to mean whatever they want, but to get more samples, multiple rendering runs are necessary. I look forward to hearing more from you. -Greg Date: Tue, 20 Jul 93 13:19:52 MED From: bojsen@id.dth.dk (Per Bojsen) To: GJWard@lbl.gov Subject: Bezier Patches? Hi Greg, I was wondering how easy it would be to add support for Bezier patches as a new primitive in Radiance? What is the status of Radiance and future development of Radiance? Is it still free or is it going commercial? -- Per Bojsen The Design Automation Group Email: bojsen@ithil.id.dth.dk MoDAG Technical University of Denmark bojsen@id.dth.dk Date: Tue, 20 Jul 93 09:07:44 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: bojsen@id.dth.dk Subject: Re: Bezier Patches? Hi Per, Adding a new surface primitive is easy in principle. Two routines are needed: one to determine whether or not a surface intersects an axis-aligned cube, and another to determine the intersection point and surface normal for a ray with the surface. Neither one is particularly easy or difficult for Bezier patches, but I have little need for them myself. If ever I do need such a thing, I use gensurf to create a smoothed, tesselated version for me. Believe it or not, the Department of Energy STILL has not decided what they want to do with Radiance, or if they have, they haven't informed me. -Greg ================================================================== NEW BRTDFUNC AND NEON From: phils@Athena.MIT.EDU Date: Wed, 19 May 1993 18:18:50 -0400 To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: Mirrored glass? Greg, Do you have any suggestion for specifying mirrored glass? Reflective on the outside and low transmission on the inside. Neither "glass" or "mirror" materials offer enough control of parameters. I'm not having much luck in using "trans" materials either. Have any ideas what skyscrapers are made of? Thanks, Philip Date: Wed, 19 May 93 17:36:45 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: phils@Athena.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Mirrored glass? Hi Philip, I really wish I knew more about coated glazings so I could implement at good material type for them. It's not a difficult problem; I simply don't know the physics of these materials. The measurements I have access to deal only with photometric transmittance -- they don't consider color and they don't look at reflection. I suppose I could take a hack at it by assuming that reflectance either doesn't depend on incident angle (wrong) or that it follows Fresnel's law for a specific dielectric constant (possibly complex). The thing is, I'd like to do it right the first time, but I need more information. Let me do a little investigation on my end to see what I can come up with. I can't think of a good solution with the current material types unless you use the BRTDfunc and make it sensitive to orientation. I'll get back to you. -Greg Date: Thu, 27 May 93 16:18:16 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: phils@Athena.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: Mirrored glass? Hi Philip, I haven't forgotten about the glazing problem. In fact, I've spent a good part of the past week working on it. As it turns out, no one seems to have a very good handle on the behavior of coated glazings, including the manufacturers! Our resident window experts have been using a formula based on reflection function fits to clear and bronze glazing. I have implemented their formulas in Radiance via the BRTDfunc type. Unfortunately, I had to modify this type in the process in order to get it to work, so you'll have to pick up a new beta release which I've put in xfer/4philip.tar.Z on hobbes.lbl.gov. The function file ray/lib/glazing.cal is contained therein. [Don't try to upload this file -- it's already been incorporated in 2.3] Let me know if you need any help using it. -Greg Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 10:39:05 EST From: TCVC@ucs.indiana.edu Subject: Radiance and neon To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Hello Greg, 1) I have been modelling the effects of neon in the environment. Where its direct component is irrelevant, I have used instances of 'light' polygons in order to explore the effects of shape and color in relationship to specular surfaces. This certainly creates a rapid rendering time. But now I am also interested in the direct component of neon. It appears that point sources are arrayed along any "light" or "glow" emitting surfaces. Unfortunately, I appear to have no control of their density or spacing, so that uninstanced(sp!?) neon appears like a string of christmas lights attached to the tube. Are there parameters I can adjust? I am using 1 unit = 1 foot, sometimes 1 unit = 1 meter. Most views are fairly distant. A related problem is in my representing the effect of 3 neon tubes located behind a piece of frosted glass. The glass surface is about 8 feet long and .5 feet wide. I am interested in the direct component effect onto the surface of a 6 foot diameter pillar located 1 foot in front of this narrow light box. Rather than building a model of the neon tubes with 'glow' and then placing a Translucent surface in front of it, I have tried to simply use a polygon to represent the glass, and have given it the attributes of 'glow'. The result is the effect of 4 bare lightbulbs lighting the column. How can I increase this density so that the effect is smoothed out? 2) Is the intensity of the sun in Gensky in proportion to the intensity of the output of IES2RAD? I need to merge daylight with measured electric light sources in a complex environment. Interreflection will play an important role. Should I create my own sun using an IES2RAD spotlight with the correct sun intensity at a great distance? Please share your thoughts! -Rob Date: Sat, 16 Oct 93 22:20:08 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: TCVC@ucs.indiana.edu Subject: Q&A Hi Rob, 1) "Coving" from extended light sources. The artifacts you are witnessing are the result of the internal limit Radiance has in breaking up large light sources. The constant is somewhere in src/rt/source.h, and I think it's set to 32 or 64 presently. You can try increasing this value and recompiling, but a better approach is to set -dj to .5 or .7 and/or break up your long light source into several shorter ones. By the way, you can use glow with a distance of zero instead of instancing "light" polygons if all you want to avoid inclusion in the direct calculation. In release 2.3 (coming soon, I hope), a negative distance for a glow type also excludes the materials from indirect contributions, which can be a problem when -ab is greater than one and the sources are relatively small. 2) Sun from gensky. Yes, gensky does produce a sun with the proper brightness, using certain assumptions about the atmospheric conditions. If you wish to adjust the value up or down, I suggest you modify the gensky output rather than trying to create the source yourself, since gensky does such a nice job of putting the sun in the right place. Gensky in version 2.3 will offer several new options for adjusting solar and zenith brightness. -Greg Date: Sun, 24 Oct 93 20:22:24 EST From: TCVC@ucs.indiana.edu Subject: new material type To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Hi Greg, Thanks for your note and assistance regarding consortium and "neon". I have yet to post some images for you to hopefully enjoy... maybe by Thanksgiving! There is a "material" which Radiance does not yet support and which I am finding the need for. It is similar to what is called "chroma key blue" in TV. The situation is this: I have a scanned image of a tree without foliage. This was taken from a painting from the surrealist painter Magritte, and will be used in an upcoming production of a play titled SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR by the Italian author Pirandello. Several instances of this "tree" are to be located on a platform. The backdrop is a cloud filled sky. The trees are seen silhouetted against this backdrop. They will actually be made by stretching a fine black net over a tree shaped frame, then applying opaque shapes to the surface. Fine branches will be caulked into the net. The complex shape will be suspended via fine wires from the pipes above the stage. My solution was to map the scanned image of the sky onto a polygon of type plastic. This works well. I then mapped the trees onto a polygon of type glass ( trees were made black on a white field in Photoshop). The result is that the trees are clearly silhouetted in their several locations between the audience and the backdrop. They cast predictable shadows etc... BUT the rectangular "glass" polygon surface is still present and even though it has an RGB value of 1 1 1 , its "presence" can be seen against the lighted backdrop... and light sources are seen as reflections on its surface. Any details other than black would be seen as transparant colors... fine for stained glass BUT I need them all to be opaque. I propose an "invisible" surface which only has a visual presence where elements of an image are mapped onto it. Perhaps there is an option for rbg = 1 1 1 or rgb = 0 0 0 to be the invisible component. This is dependent on the nature of the image. Perhaps the "paint" or image data could take on the attributes of metal, plastic, trans, mirror, or glass... making it truely versatile. Materials that could be modelled this way are not limited to theatrical objects. Sunscreens made of metal with punched holes and detailed architectural profiles are but a few of the objects that could take advantage of this new "material" type. Maybe I am missing the boat, and this is already a component of this excellent simulator... if so, please point it out. We have successfully used "trans" to represent stained glass and theatrical "scrim"... its the invisible component that's needed. -Rob Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 10:11:21 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: TCVC@ucs.indiana.edu Subject: Re: new material type Hi Rob, There is a new material type in the next release that may do what you want. It's called "BRTDfunc", and it's been modified since release 2.1 to permit a number of things, including varying diffuse reflectance using a pattern. I am not quite ready to release 2.3, but you may pick up an advanced copy I've made for you from hobbes.lbl.gov in /xfer/private/4rob.tar.Z. The private directory doesn't have read permission, so you won't be able to run "ls", but you should be able to pick up the file nonetheless. The only real changes I will make before the official 2.3 release will be in the documentation, so you probably won't need to recompile when it becomes official in a week or so. You can read the new ray/doc/ray.1 manual for an explanation, but what you want will look something like this: void colorpict tree_pict 7 clip clip clip tree.pic picture.cal pic_u pic_v 0 0 tree_pict BRTDfunc tree_mat 10 0 0 0 1-CrP 1-CgP 1-CbP 0 0 0 . 0 9 1 1 1 .1 .1 .1 0 0 0 The way I have given it here, you should face your tree polygon towards the audience, and the back will appear either transparent or fairly dark (where there are branches). Let me know if this works! -Greg Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 16:04:48 EST From: TCVC@ucs.indiana.edu Subject: Re: new material type To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Thanks for the fast responce! I can certainly get a lot of mileage out of the new material you have created. Your example produced a "cutout" of the image, so I reversed some parameters, making the scanned image opaque and the polygon transparent. void colorpict filigree 9 red green blue robtree2f.pic picture.cal pic_u pic_v -s 7.5 0 0 filigree BRTDfunc net 10 0 0 0 CrP CgP CbP 0 0 0 . 0 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 net polygon tree 0 0 12 0 0 0 6.5 0 0 6.5 13 0 0 13 0 I have yet to explore the properties of the image surface.... wether its like plastic or glass or metal or all. It works excellently for this application though! -Rob ====================================================================== LIGHT SOURCE ACCURACY From: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: lightlevels close to lightsources To: gjward@lbl.gov (Greg Ward) Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 17:17:05 MESZ Dear Greg, what follows is a uuencoded cpio demo file concerning light intensities close to lightsources, and a problem. Given a disc (diameter=1), rtrace calculates irradiance for a point above the disc center, varying the distance between center and point. The values are compared with a) inverse square law, valid for distances >> disc diameter b) the analytical solution Problem: The radiance values are too low for distances in the order of the diameter and smaller. For very small distances the values are in fact decreasing. Hm. Any help, ideas or is my testdemo wrong? (could be... could be..) The files: makefile starts the rtrace stuff rquadrat.rad demo geometry eins-durch-r-quadrat gnuplot file If you got gnuplot, simple say "make demo" and tell gnuplot load "eins-durch-r-quadrat" The two curves are 1/r^2 and the integrated solution, points are rtrace output. For -ds 0 all points lie on the 1/r^2 curve, as expected. Setting -ds 2 nicely shows the sampling of the disc, but -ds 0.001 results in a curve too low. TIA*1e8 Peter -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Apian-Bennewitz apian@ise.fhg.de Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Tel +49-761-4588-123 (W-Germany) D-7800 Freiburg, Oltmannsstrasse 5, Fax +49-761-4588-100 >>> new phonenumber effective after Friday, 11.6.93 >>> new Freiburg postal code: 79100 , effective 1.7.93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 13:12:39 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: Re: lightlevels close to lightsources Hi Peter, Your results, though disappointing, are not terribly surprising. You see, I don't use an analytical solution for disk sources. In fact, the real problem is that I don't sample them as disks at all. I assume they are approximately square, and thus sample points may fall outside the actual disk at the corners, particularly if -ds is small or -dj is close to 1. Points that fall outside the disk are not counted, so the resulting estimate is low. [But read ahead - there was a mistake in the integral] Intelligent sampling is difficult (ie. expensive) to do in general, so I don't usually do it. It would add a lot to the cost of the calculation because it has to happen everytime a source is examined, which is all the time in Radiance. The only case that is handled properly is parallelograms (incl. rectangles). Thus, if you want a correct result, you'd better start with a rectangular light source. Fortunately, most sources are approximately rectangular, and it is cheap to sample them. Just out of curiousity, why did you decide to test this case? Because you know the analytical solution, or because you have a real need to calculate illumination very close to a disk light source? (BTW, you'll find that spheres are even worse -- I don't substructure them at all in Radiance!) -Greg P.S. Here is a bgraph input file to plot the same stuff. You can type: bgraph comp.plt | x11meta or bgraph comp.plt | psmeta | lpr -P PostScript_printer These programs are distributed with Radiance 2.1. I wrote them ages ago, before GNU came into being. :::::::: comp.plt :::::::: include=function.plt xmin=.001 xmax=8.5 Alabel=Exact Blabel=Rtrace A(x)=PI*2*(1-x/(sqrt(x*x+1))) Bdata=rtrace.out From: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: Re: lightlevels close to lightsources To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov (Gregory J. Ward) Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 12:20:25 MESZ Hi Greg, thanks for your answer. > Just out of curiousity, why did you decide to test this case? Because you Yep. the disc integral is a lot easier to do. The first idea was to compare the 1/r^2 approxomation with the real thing, to estimate errors in the measurements I make. Only as second thought came the idea of comparison with rtrace. Probably more of academic interest. greetings Peter -- From: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: nice values in rpict/rtrace To: gjward@lbl.gov (Greg Ward) Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 14:51:38 MESZ one more suggestion: The default nice values in rt/Rmakefile are a bit of an xtra. If you user wants lower priority, normal nice is available, but its a bit tricky to get rid of the nice once rpict has set it. This can be nasty in shell scripts and NQS / HP-taskbroker batch processing. IMHO, suggestion: as a default, no nice settings in rt/Rmakefile. (BTW: my integral was a bit wrong, we'll look into this) Peter Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 08:15:14 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: Re: nice values in rpict/rtrace You know, Rmakefile is there for you hackers to play with. If no other processes are running on the machine, the nice value has no effect. It's just there so your time-consuming processes that are not interactive, rtrace and rpict, don't slow you down too much when you're trying to do something. It's also there to protect me and my less knowledgeable users from the scorn of system administrators. I'm one of them, so I know how scornful they can be. -G From: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: rtrace&integral To: gjward@lbl.gov (Greg Ward) Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 15:05:04 MESZ ok ok ok ok ok ok ok , f(x)=pi*(1-x*x/(x*x+1)) looks a lot better, your disc subdivison is ok. sorry for all the noise. -- Peter Apian-Bennewitz apian@ise.fhg.de Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 08:24:32 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: apian@ise.fhg.de Subject: Re: rtrace&integral I'm much relieved to hear it! I can't believe I was willing to just lay down and admit that my calculation was all wrong without even checking your work. Oooo! It makes me so mad! The new plot does look much better, though I notice the value still does drop precipitously at extremely close range. Using a value of .7 for -dj changes that drop to noise above and below the correct value, which is better. The reason it drops is that there is a limit to how far the subdivision will go, so the calculation doesn't go berzerk next to light sources. Thanks for following through on this. -G ==================================================================== BRIGHTNESS MAPPING To: raydist@hobbes.lbl.gov, raylocal@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: Hello Date: Tue, 15 Jun 93 18:35:47 +0100 From: Kevin Jay marshall Hello again, I am not really a new radiance user, but I am not by any means a first time user. I first have to say that I have found Radiance to be an exceptional collection of programs and enjoy using them when I get a chance. Lately I have been really studing Radinace and trying to understand the meat inside the programs, and have found it a little hard to follow. I think that most of my problem is lack of experience and knowledge in light technique. I am hoping that someone out there is able to give me a hand in what I am learning. I am creating a scene that does not contain much lighting but a couple of direct sources read in from an ies file format. What I am having a problem with is the intensity of light after I reset the exposure with pfilt, the lights are coming out really too bright. I have read the segment that Greg wrote Jim Callahan on Exposure in the Radiance Digest. So I would like to ask a couple of questions also. First, is in the letter in the digest it was stated that the exposure was a more precise way of setting the image color to look more realist. Would it be safe to say that the use of pfilt would be more correct than a gamma correction applied to an image? I only ask, because I am not absolutely 100% sure of the correct answer, but I would guess the answer is yes. So once I know that answer it will be easier to understand the next question. I would like to find the correct exposure that suits the realness of the picture better. Would I be correct if I decided to set the exposure value based on the ratio of my lights luminous efficiency to that of white light? Since the lights I am using all have the same luminous efficiency about 21 lumens/watt as aposed to the 179 lumens/watt white light in Radiance. Could I use the two pass pfilt averaging of the exposure values and then multiply the luminous value by 11% which is what 'my light/white light'? Or on the other had would I just use the 1 pass exposure setting and set the exposure to that of white light 179 lumens/watt. They both look good to me, but the first method is brighter than the other. I am just starting in all this luminous levels and what not so my main question is am I on the right track? Is one of my solutions better than the other or am I absolutely not understanding my problem correctly? Then another question if someone has time. Since I am new to the lumious/illuminance Engineering, what is the advantage to calculating Radiance values as apposed to calculating luminous values? I spent the other night attempting to understand why and what I could understand is that Radiance is based upon amount of light emitted from a Black body and its measurments through, and from matterials is wavelength independent. I also looked up the definition of the candela which is based upon radiance measurements that are converted to luminous measurements by a max luminous efficiency of 683 lumens/watt is at a wavelength of 545 nm. I realise I am probably asking questions that will probably better answered in a course, but I figure it never hurts to ask. Well thanks for the time. -Sincerly, Kevin Date: Tue, 15 Jun 93 13:01:44 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: kevin@sigma.hella.de Subject: exposure, etc. Hi Kevin, Luminous efficacy doesn't really have much to do with luminance or the perception of brightness. Luminous efficacy tells how efficiently a lamp converts electrical energy into visible light. You can still use a greater quantity of inefficient fixtures to outshine the more efficient ones, but as a researcher in energy conservation it is my job to criticize you if you do. If I understand you correctly, your basic question is, 'how do I display my image so as to reproduce the same viewer response as the actual environment?' I believe this question is still open to debate, but at least it is starting to attract some of the research attention from the computer graphics community that it deserves. One answer has come from Jack Tumblin and Holly Rushmeier. Looking back to subject studies conducted in the early 1960's, they devised a formula that maps world luminance values to display luminances in a way designed to evoke the same viewer response as the actual scene (would). So far, their paper has appeared only as a technical report (number GIT-GVU-91-13 from the Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing, Atlanta, GA 30332-0280), but an abbreviated version will soon appear in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications [Fall 1993 issue]. An implementation of the Tumblin-Rushmeier display mapping is appended at the end of this message. In the meantime, Chiu, Herf, Shirley, Swamy, Wang and Zimmerman have done some interesting work on mapping brightness adaptively over an image in their 1993 Graphics Interface paper. They refer also to Tumblin and Rushmeier's work, which seems to becoming widely accepted as the standard even before it's been properly published. The approach I've been working on lately is a simple linear scalefactor, which can be applied with pfilt, or dynamically with a new version of ximage. The scalefactor is based on some early 1970's subject studies by Blackwell, and it attempts to reproduce visible contrast on the display to correspond to the visible contrast in the environment being simulated. For a standard color monitor, the formula boils down to: exposure = .882/(1.219 + L^0.4)^2.5 where the world adaptation luminance, L, is expressed in candelas/m2. To find this value, it's easiest to use the 'l' command of ximage after selecting the area at which the viewer is supposedly looking. Let's say that ximage reports back a value of 25. You could then apply pfilt as follows: pfilt -1 -e `ev '.882/(1.219+25^.4)^2.5'` orig.pic > adjust.pic Be sure to use the -1 option, and this must be the first exposure-adjusting application of pfilt to your picture, otherwise you will not be starting from the original values and the exposure will be off. Like I said before, the next version of ximage will have a new command, '@', that performs this adjustment interactively. The result is a dark display if you're starting from a dark environment, and a normal display if the environment has good visibility. Again, do not confuse luminous efficacy with brightness perception. The efficacies given in common/color.h are for the visible spectrum only, and are different from full-spectrum efficacies reported for the sun and electric light sources. The only reason for using spectral radiance (the physical unit) instead of luminance is to have the capability of color. The conversion factor between the two of 179 lumens/watt corresponds to uniform white light over the visible spectrum. It does not include lamp losses or infrared and ultraviolet radiation, as do other luminous efficacies, and is purely for conversion purposes. I could pick almost any value I like, as long as I use it consistently to go back and forth between radiant and luminous units. -Greg ---------------------------------------------- { BEGIN tumblin.cal } { Mapping of Luminance to Brightness for CRT display. Hand this file to pcomb(1) with the -f option. The picture file should have been run previously through the automatic exposure procedure of pfilt(1), and pcomb should also be given -o option. Like so: pfilt input.pic | pcomb -f tumblin.cal -o - > output.pic If you are using pcomb from Radiance 1.4, you will have run without pfilt and set the AL constant manually. If you are using a pcomb version before 1.4, you will have to do this plus change all the colons ':' to equals '=' and wait a lot longer for your results. Formulas adapted from Stevens by Tumblin and Rushmeier. 29 May 1993 } PI : 3.14159265358979323846; { Hmm, looks familiar... } LAMBERT : 1e4/PI/179; { Number of watts/sr/m2 in a Lambert } DL : .027; { Maximum display luminance (Lamberts) } AL : .5/le(1)*10^.84/LAMBERT; { Adaptation luminance (from exposure) } sq(x) : x*x; aa(v) : .4*log10(v) + 2.92; bb(v) : -.4*sq(log10(v)) + -2.584*log10(v) + 2.0208; power : aa(AL)/aa(DL); mult = li(1)^(power-1) * ( LAMBERT^-power/DL * 10^((bb(AL)-bb(DL))/aa(DL)) ); ro = mult*ri(1); go = mult*gi(1); bo = mult*bi(1); { END tumblin.cal } [And here is a response from Charles Ehrlich...] Date: Wed, 31 Dec 69 16:00:00 PST From: SMTPMcs%DBUMCS02%Servers[CEhrlich.QmsMrMcs%smtpmrmcs]@cts27.cs.pge.com Subject: Kevin's email To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov, greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Kevin, You have stumbled on (or rammed into) one of the most sticky issues related to renderings and visualization. I catagorize it as "How does the eye measure light?" I would like to share with you my understanding of the situation. Radiance is based on the idea of Scientific Visualization...the very same kind of algolrhythms and techniques used to take measurements of any other kind of real-world physical data like the density of earth from sonic echos or cloud coverage from radar imaging, are used to represent visual data. The only difference is that Radiance happens to be best at measuring a physical quantity that we all are very familiar with...light. As a proof of concept, display a radiance image on screen with ximage, position the cursor somewhere in the image, and press the "i" key. Notice the bands of color appear. This is a "False-Color" image, just another way of displaying luminance values different than the way our eye "measures" luminance values. 2. Very little is known about the way our eyes actually measures light. Radiance doesn't try to figure this out to the Nth degree. It uses an approximation technique that is similar to the technique used by the color photographic process (none in particular.) When you say that your image appears too bright, this is because, indeed, that is the way a camera would represent the same scene on a photograph. Really! I've proven it to myself. Alternatives to the linear, photographic mapping technique exist, but are not refined (look in the ray/src/cal/cal directory for tumblin.cal). More work needs to be done that involves emprical studies of human response. In my opinion, a gamma correction comes closer to the way the human eye preceives light than a linear mapping. I've asked greg to build into ximage a way of displaying images with gamma correction, and to build into pfilt a reversible gamma correction facility (so that the original, linear values of the image file can be retreived.) He does not want to do this because indeed, the eye does not do "gamma correction." I believe that once it is figured out what the eye does, he'd be happy to implement that algolrhythm. For the time being, I use Adobe Photoshop to make the image look more realistic, if I'm less concerned with accuracy or design. 2.a. Radiance image files store many more magnitudes of luminance values than a photograph or a computer monitor can reproduce. How the eye processes these out-of-range luminance values is still largely unknown. For the lighting designer, or concerned informed architect using Radiance, what it should tell you when you've created a scene that you judge to have "light sources that are too bright" is that you need better light sources...ones with a better cutoff angle and/or higher specularity grating and/or VDT grade luminaires. You could also try an indirect lighting solution that makes the ceiling surrounding the light fixtures bright so that the CONTRAST RATIO between the light fixtures and the wall is not so great, effectively reducing the perceived brightness of the light fixtures. You could also try using a brighter colored carpet so that more light gets reflected onto the ceiling if an indirect (uplighting) solution does not work for you. Note: changing the brightness of your carpet from 5% to 10% doubles the amount of reflected light! I haven't seen the particulars of your scene and I don't know how you're calculating your images, but make sure you're doing an indirect (-ab>0) calculation to initially set the -av value if you're using direct fixtures. If you're using indirect fixtures, then you're whole calculation should be an indirect one (-ab>=1). To set the -av value, set up a .rif file for rad to calculate an interactive (rview) image with ambient bounces. Pick a point in the scene once the image is fairly well refined that you think represents the average ambient value in the shadows of your scene. Rview will report something like: ray hit such_and_such_surface surface_type surface_mat at point (x.xxxxx, y.yyyyyy, z.zzzzzzz) with value (r.rrrrrr, g.gggggg, b.bbbbbb). This last value is the luminance at that point. Write it down and try a few other places in the scene. Unless you want colored shadows, average each value with the function (.3*Red+.59*Green+.11*Blue), which is the function for the eye's (and Radiance's) average brightness given the three primary colors. Use the resulting value in subsequent calculations of rview or rpict for all three coordinates of -av. I believe that, the difference between the luminous efficacy of your fixtures has little to do with pfilt exposure settings. It has everything to do with the description of your fixtures from within radiance. I assume that you're using some kind of low pressure sodium fixture that has less white in it? I believe that you should be adjusting you're fixture's intensity such that it matches that of white light using the same function above (verify this with Greg). Very little work has been done (to my knowledge) with different colored light sources and what to do with them once an image has been calculated (how to average them so that the image "looks" accurate.) Again, this depends upon how the eye funcitons and I suggest using Adobe Photoshop if you must use colored light sources. For the most part, unless you're using multiple types of light source colors (low pressure sodium and incandescent) you should just assume that the lights are white. If you're talking about the difference between a good tri-phosphor fluorescent light and daylight, I'd say you're wasting your time, unless the difference between these sources is what is important to you. Most people find the orange hue of daylight film used in incandescently lighted places to be anoying. The same goes for the bluish tint one finds with tungsten film used in daylighted spaces. Again, we do not know exactly how the eye responds to light, especially when it involves great contrasts, and when it involves multiple colors of light. Even if we did, Radiance uses only three samples of the spectrum...which is not enough to accurately describe what is going to happen to the light from a light source with all sorts of spikes and valleys in its spectrum when it gets mixed together with other spectrally diverse sources in a scene. And furthermore, I know of n commercially available computer monitor or photographic film with more than three colors of phosphors or dyes. But, who knows, maybe there's a Radiance-16 out there with 16 samples of the spectrum. (don't hold you're breath.) But then again, even HDTV only has three colors of phosphors. But, you say, the eye only has three "colors" of receptors. I say that I've never seen a computer monitor that can display "fluourescent," day-glow orange, purple or green. Why? -Chas chas@hobbes.lbl.gov Date: Tue, 15 Jun 93 16:35:46 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: chas, kevin@sigma.hella.de Subject: remarks on Chas' remarks Hi Kevin (and Chas), I agree with everything Chas had to say (as far as I can remember!). I did forget to mention gamma correction. Gamma correction is called that because most CRT-based display systems exhibit a natural response curve that to reasonable approximation follows a power law, ie: display_luminance = maximum_luminance * (pixel_value/255)^gamma The gamma correction done by ximage and the other converters is designed to compensate for the built in response function of the display monitor or output device, but it can be used to increase or decrease contrast if desired as well. For example, your monitor may have a gamma value of 2.6 (typical). If you want to display an image with artificially increased contrast (eg. for more vibrant colors), you can intentionally underrate the gamma with ximage, (eg. ximage -g 1.5). Similarly, you can artificially decrease contrast by overrating the gamma (eg. ximage -g 3.2). To find out what the actual gamma of your monitor is, you can look at the image supplied in ray/lib/lib/gamma.pic like so: ximage -g 1 -b gamma.pic Set your monitor to normal brightness and contrast, then match the display on the left with the grey scale on the right. The corresponding number is the correct gamma value for this monitor under these settings. Rather than setting the gamma with the -g option in ximage all the time, you may then define the environment variable GAMMA to this value, ie: # In .login file: setenv GAMMA 2.6 : Or, in .profile: GAMMA=2.6 export GAMMA This has the added advantage of setting the gamma value in rview, which doesn't have a -g option. If you have an SGI, I should mention that the way they handle gamma correction is a bit screwy. There is a system-set gamma value that neither indicates the actual gamma of the graphics display nor does it completely correct for the natural gamma of the monitor, but leaves the combined system response somewhere between linear and the natural curve in most cases. For example, the system gamma is usually set to 1.7. What this means is that if the monitor's natural response was around 1.7, then the graphics system has fully compensated for this and the response function is now linear. In fact, the monitor's gamma is larger than this, and the combined response ends up being around gamma=1.2, which is to what you should set the GAMMA environment variable. Hope this is more help than confusion... -Greg To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov, chas@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: Hello Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 18:09:48 +0100 From: Kevin Jay marshall Greg and Chas, I wanted to write again and thankyou for all your help and to fill you in on all the results of the test that we made the other day. What we first did was to measure actual headlights on a car from one of the employee's here, then what we did was to take a picture of the car at night of what the car's headlights on the road actually look like. Then we took that data and simulated the headlights using Radiance. That was when I had the problem of how to use pfilt correctly, which I still cannot do. But thanks to the two of you and some experimenting of my own I understand why it is currently impossible to get the exact picture I am looking for to be the exact picture that my boss is looking for and so on. I also have come to respect the job that is trying to be accomplished by the pfilt program. But to continue on. So we created some pictures and then yesterday I had the opportunity to accompany my boss to the light channel here at Hella to see the actual headlights that were created from all this theoretical data. The results were excellent. My picture looked exactly like the real lights shown on the road, except for the brightness. I think the part my boss likes best is the ability to compute a rough picture, which is enough to get a clear idea of the distribution on the street, in about 5 to 10 minutes. Well anyway I thought you might be interested in the results. -Kevin Date: Thu, 24 Jun 93 09:35:09 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: kevin@candela.hella.de Subject: Re: Hello Cc: chas Hi Kevin, I'm glad you got it to (sort of) work. Like we told you, more sophisticated brightness mappings are possible with pcomb, but you have to know what you are doing, I think, to get good results. -G Date: Wed, 31 Dec 69 16:00:00 PST From: SMTPMcs%DBUMCS02%Servers[CEhrlich.QmsMrMcs%smtpmrmcs]@cts27.cs.pge.com Subject: Hella headlight study To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Kevin, I'm very encouraged to hear that your simulation worked!! How much time have you spent learning Radiance all together? Regarding the fact that the brightness of the image (presumably around the location of the headlights or where the beam hits the road) did not match the physical simulation...did you take any luminance measurements and correlate those with the luminance predicted by Radiance (using the "L" command within ximage?) I think that doing that might just convince your boss what Radiance is all about...namely that the pretty picture you get is just a by-product of the time-consuming, physically-based calculations going on behind the scenes. -Chas ======================================================================= PARALLEL RADIANCE AND ANIMATIONS From: matgso@gsusgi1.gsu.edu (G. Scott Owen) Subject: Re: parallel radiance To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov (Gregory J. Ward) Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 13:44:35 -0500 (EDT) Greg, Has the parallel version of radiance been released yet? We were thinking of adapting Radiance to the PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine- see article in latest IEEE Computer)) environment. What do you think of this idea? Scott Owen Date: Tue, 22 Jun 93 15:58:01 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: matgso@gsusgi1.gsu.edu Subject: Re: parallel radiance Hi Scott, Although I still have not received permission to distribute the next release, I have made a beta copy of the software for you to test in the /xfer directory on the anonymous ftp account on hobbes.lbl.gov, in the file "4owen.tar.Z". Check out the manual page for "rpiece" in ray/doc/man1. Usage is a little awkward, so don't be shy with your questions. I picked up a copy of the article from IEEE Computer, but haven't taken the time to read it through carefully, yet. It seems like a really good approach. The approach I have taken is more simple-minded, but shares the advantage of running in a heterogeneous environment. In fact, all I require is NFS and the lock manager to coordinate multiple processes. The host processors may be on one machine, on many machines distributed over the network, or any combination thereof. Each processor must either have exclusive access to enough memory to store the entire scene description, or must share memory with other processors that do. If you want to do animations, you can run separate frames on the separate machines, rather than dividing up each frame, which is technically more difficult. At the end of this letter I have put a couple of files that might make your animation work easier. Using the "view" command within rview, you may write out a list of key frames, one after another, in a walk-through view file, like so: : v walk.vf -t N Where "N" is replaced by the number of seconds that you assumed has passed since the previous keyframe (for the first keyframe, just enter 0). After you have all the keyframes you want in the view file, simply run the mkspline command on that file, writing the result to a .cal file: % mkspline walk.vf > walk.cal Then, you may use rcalc to compute any frame desired from your animation: % rcalc -n -f walk.cal -f spline.cal -e 't=10.3' -o view.fmt >10.3.vf Or, generate the entire sequence: % cnt 1000 | rcalc -f walk.cal -f spline.cal -e 't=Ttot/999*$1' \ -o view.fmt | rpict -S 1 -vf start.vp -x 1000 -y 1000 \ [more options] -o frame%03d.pic {octree} & You should also be aware of the pinterp program, which can greatly speed up renderings of walk-through animations. (Ie. animations where no objects are in motion.) Since I have never gotten around to making an animation rendering program, I would strongly recommend that you show me your scripts before running any long renderings on your machines. I could potentially save you a lot of compute time with a little appropriate advice. -Greg ----------------- BEGIN "spline.cal" ------------------ { Calculation of view parameters for walk-throughs. Uses Catmull-Rolm spline. 09Feb90 Greg Ward Define: T(i) - time between keyframe i and i-1 Input: t - time Output: s(f) - spline value for f at t where f(i) is value at T(i) } s(f) = hermite(f(below), f(above), (f(above)-f(below2))/2, (f(above2)-f(below))/2, tfrac); tfrac = (t-sum(T,below))/T(above); Ttot = sum(T,T(0)); below = above-1; above = max(upper(0,1),2); below2 = max(below-1,1); above2 = min(above+1,T(0)); upper(s,i) = if(or(i-T(0)+.5,s+T(i)-t), i, upper(s+T(i),i+1)); sum(f,n) = if(n-.5, f(n)+sum(f,n-1), 0); or(a,b) = if(a, a, b); min(a,b) = if(a-b, b, a); max(a,b) = if(a-b, a, b); hermite(p0,p1,r0,r1,t) = p0 * ((2*t-3)*t*t+1) + p1 * (-2*t+3)*t*t + r0 * (((t-2)*t+1)*t) + r1 * ((t-1)*t*t); --------------- END "spline.cal" -------------------- --------------- BEGIN "mkspline" ---------------------- #!/bin/csh -f # # Make a .cal file for use with spline.cal from a set of keyframes # if ( $#argv != 1 ) then echo Usage: $0 viewfile exit 1 endif cat <<_EOF_ { Keyframe file created by $0 from view file "$1" `date` } _EOF_ foreach i ( Px Py Pz Dx Dy Dz Ux Uy Uz H V T ) echo "$i(i) = select(i," rcalc -i 'rview -vtv -vp ${Px} ${Py} ${Pz} -vd ${Dx} ${Dy} ${Dz} -vu ${Ux} ${Uy} ${Uz} -vh ${H} -vv ${V} -vs 0 -vl 0 -t ${T}' \ -o ' ${'$i'},' $1 | sed '$s/,$/);/' end --------------- END "mkspline" -------------------------- --------------- BEGIN "view.fmt" ------------------------ rview -vtv -vp ${Px} ${Py} ${Pz} -vd ${Dx} ${Dy} ${Dz} -vu ${Ux} ${Uy} ${Uz} -vh ${H} -vv ${V} --------------- END "view.fmt" ------------------------ ================================================================= AMIGA PORT Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 13:09:05 MED From: bojsen@id.dth.dk (Per Bojsen) To: GJWard@lbl.gov Subject: Reorganized hobbes.lbl.gov:/pub/ports/amiga Hi Greg, I've reorganized the /pub/ports/amiga directory on hobbes.lbl.gov. I deleted the old files there and put some new files up instead. I broke the big archive up into a few pieces and replaced the binaries with new versions. I hope it's ok with you! -- Per Bojsen The Design Automation Group Email: bojsen@ithil.id.dth.dk MoDAG Technical University of Denmark bojsen@id.dth.dk ======================================================================= PVALUE Date: Sat, 17 Jul 93 22:42:00 EDT From: "Yi Han" To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: question Hi Greg, I have installed your RADIANCE program. I just have a quick question for you. Is there a way to find out luminance and radiance on all pixels of the picture? It is like the function of press and "l" keys in ximage. But I don't want to do it pixel by pixel. Thank you very much for your help. Yi Date: Mon, 19 Jul 93 09:28:34 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: yihan@yellow.Princeton.EDU Subject: Re: question Yes, you can use the "pvalue" program to print out the color or gray-level radiance values. For the spectral radiance values, pvalue by itself or with the -d option (if you don't want the pixel positions). For the gray-level radiance values use the -b option (with or without -d). For the luminance values, take the radiance values and multiply them by 179. You can do this with rcalc, like so: % pvalue -h -H -d -b picture | rcalc -e '$1=$1*179' > luminance.dat -Greg ============================================================== BACKGROUND COLOR Date: Mon, 18 Oct 93 20:28:48 -0400 From: David Jones To: greg@hobbes.lbl.gov Subject: setting background to something other than black ? Hi Greg, I am putting together a rendering of a geometric model for a presentation and I want the background to be a dark royal blue, instead of black. That is, whenever the traced ray goes off to infinity without intersecting a surface, I want it dark blue. I know this can be done in an elegant way, but I cannot figure it out. Can you tell me? of course the slides need to be ready by tomorrow .... dj Date: Tue, 19 Oct 93 09:33:06 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: djones@Lightning.McRCIM.McGill.EDU Subject: Re: setting background to something other than black ? Just use a glow source, like so: void glow royal_blue 0 0 4 .01 .01 .3 0 royal_blue source background 0 0 4 0 0 1 360 -Greg ================================================================== DEPTH OF FIELD Date: Fri, 29 Oct 93 12:50:40 PDT From: djones@mellow.berkeley.edu (David G. Jones) To: gjward@lbl.gov Subject: optics and radiance Hi Greg, I am unsure how accurate RADIANCE can model certain optical effects. For example, what about blur ? Can I "build" a simple "camera" inside RADIANCE and "view" the image plane? I might build a scene and build a camera in this scene, with a "thin lens" from "glass" and place an iris of a certain diameter in the middle and view the "image plane" behind the lens ? Would this work? Would it give be the appropriate blur for the iris diameter? What if I have two "irises" displaced from the optical axis? This is in fact what I really want to model. Any hope in heck of this working in RADIANCE? dj Date: Fri, 29 Oct 93 14:09:14 PDT From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: djones@mellow.berkeley.edu Subject: Re: optics and radiance Hi David, Radiance does not directly simulate "depth of field," but it is possible to approximate this effect through multiple renderings with slightly different view parameters by summing the resulting pictures. All you do is pick a number of good sample viewpoints (-vp) on your aperature (or iris, as the case may be), then set the -vs and -vl view options like so: vs = s / (2*d*tan(vh/2)) vl = l / (2*d*tan(vv/2)) where: d = focal distance (from lens to object in focus) s = sample shift from center of aperature (in same units as d) l = sample lift from center of aperature vh = horizontal view angle (-vh option) vv = vertical view angle Then, sum the results together with pcomb, applying the appropriate scalefactor to get an average image, eg: pcomb -s .2 samp1.pic -s .2 samp2.pic -s .2 samp3.pic \ -s .2 samp4.pic -s .2 samp5.pic > sum.pic Let me know if this works or you need further clarification. -Greg P.S. You can start with lower resolution images, since this averaging process should be an adequate substitute for reducing (anti-aliasing) with pfilt. ================================================================== A COMPANY CALLED RADIANCE Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 16:55:47 PST From: ravi@kaleida.com (Ravi Raj) To: GJWard@lbl.gov Subject: A company called Radiance Software Greg, I am a partner in a company called Radiance Software. Radiance was formed as a partnership in January of this year and the company develops a low-cost modeling and animation system called Movieola. The product at the moment runs only on SGIs but is expected to be ported to Sun, HP and IBM by middle of next year. Version 1.0 of the product is expected to ship in February next year. I've heard a lot about your ray tracing product called Radiance. I haven't really used it yet but am planning on downloading your code and checking it out on an SGI. Believe it or not, when we formed a partnership called Radiance Software, it never occurred to us that there might be a rendering product called Radiance. We are planning on incorporating Radiance Software soon. Would you or Lawrence Berkeley Labs mind your product name being used as a company name by a company that develops a modeling/animation system? We'd really appreciate hearing from you one way or the other. Please reply via e-mail or call Lee Seiler at (510) 848-7621. Many Thanks! Ravi Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 14:55:42 PST From: greg (Gregory J. Ward) To: ravi@kaleida.com Subject: Re: A company called Radiance Software Hi Ravi, Well, well. You know there is also a rendering program called "Radiant" and some other product called "Radiance." Neither one is very popular as far as I know, but the crowding of names in such a short lexicographical space is a bit confusing. Radiance (our software) has been around for a good 5 or 6 years, so having a company by the same name could confuse a lot of people. I appreciate your asking me about it, though. Since rendering is in some sense complimentary to modeling and animation, perhaps your company would like to take advantage of this happenstance by becoming a distributor of our software? We are in the process of setting up a licensing arrangement to make this possible, and the fee should be quite reasonable. At any rate, I would appreciate it if you do check out the Radiance renderer and tell me what you think. (You might want to wait a few days for me to prepare the next release, version 2.3.) -Greg