Wind Profile File Format: Line Description ---- ----------- 1 Station 2 Version 3 N Lat. W. Long. Site elevation (m) 4 END date and time of data collection UTC 5 Averaging time (min) Number of beams Number of range gates 6 Samples required for consensus:Total samples (consensus window size-m/s) (set for each beam) 7 Number of coherent averages Number of spectral averages Pulse width (ns) Inter-pulse period (ms) (In Pairs: oblilque beams - vertical beam) 8 Full-scale Doppler velocity (m/s) (oblique and vertical) Vertical correction for oblique beams (0=N, 1=Y) Delay to first range gate (ns) (oblique and vertical) Number of range gates (oblique and vertical) Spacing between range gates (ns) (oblique and vertical) 9 Azimuth and elevation (pair for each beam) 10 Data column header 11- Range gate height AGL (km) Wind speed (m/s) Wind direction (deg) Radial velocity (m/s) (each beam) Number of samples returned (each beam) Mean SNR (dB) (each beam) End $-EOF flag