/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* svm_hideo.c */ /* */ /* The Hildreth and D'Espo solver specialized for SVMs. */ /* */ /* Author: Thorsten Joachims */ /* Date: 02.07.02 */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2002 Thorsten Joachims - All rights reserved */ /* */ /* This software is available for non-commercial use only. It must */ /* not be modified and distributed without prior permission of the */ /* author. The author is not responsible for implications from the */ /* use of this software. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ # include # include "svm_common.h" /* Common Block Declarations */ # define PRIMAL_OPTIMAL 1 # define DUAL_OPTIMAL 2 # define MAXITER_EXCEEDED 3 # define NAN_SOLUTION 4 # define ONLY_ONE_VARIABLE 5 # define LARGEROUND 0 # define SMALLROUND 1 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ # define DEF_PRECISION 1E-5 # define DEF_MAX_ITERATIONS 200 # define DEF_LINDEP_SENSITIVITY 1E-8 # define EPSILON_HIDEO 1E-20 # define EPSILON_EQ 1E-5 double *optimize_qp(QP *, double *, long, double *, LEARN_PARM *); double *primal=0,*dual=0; long precision_violations=0; double opt_precision=DEF_PRECISION; long maxiter=DEF_MAX_ITERATIONS; double lindep_sensitivity=DEF_LINDEP_SENSITIVITY; double *buffer; long *nonoptimal; long smallroundcount=0; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ void *my_malloc(); int optimize_hildreth_despo(long,long,double,double,double,long,long,long,double,double *, double *,double *,double *,double *,double *, double *,double *,double *,long *,double *); int solve_dual(long,long,double,double,long,double *,double *,double *, double *,double *,double *,double *,double *,double *, double *,double *,double *,double *,long); void linvert_matrix(double *, long, double *, double, long *); void lprint_matrix(double *, long); void ladd_matrix(double *, long, double); void lcopy_matrix(double *, long, double *); void lswitch_rows_matrix(double *, long, long, long); void lswitchrk_matrix(double *, long, long, long); double calculate_qp_objective(long, double *, double *, double *); double *optimize_qp(qp,epsilon_crit,nx,threshold,learn_parm) QP *qp; double *epsilon_crit; long nx; /* Maximum number of variables in QP */ double *threshold; LEARN_PARM *learn_parm; /* start the optimizer and return the optimal values */ /* The HIDEO optimizer does not necessarily fully solve the problem. */ /* Since it requires a strictly positive definite hessian, the solution */ /* is restricted to a linear independent subset in case the matrix is */ /* only semi-definite. */ { long i,j; int result; double eq; if(!primal) { /* allocate memory at first call */ primal=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*nx); dual=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*((nx+1)*2)); nonoptimal=(long *)my_malloc(sizeof(long)*(nx)); buffer=(double *)my_malloc(sizeof(double)*((nx+1)*2*(nx+1)*2+ nx*nx+2*(nx+1)*2+2*nx+1+2*nx+ nx+nx+nx*nx)); (*threshold)=0; for(i=0;i=4) { /* really verbose */ printf("\n\n"); eq=qp->opt_ce0[0]; for(i=0;iopt_n;i++) { eq+=qp->opt_xinit[i]*qp->opt_ce[i]; printf("%f: ",qp->opt_g0[i]); for(j=0;jopt_n;j++) { printf("%f ",qp->opt_g[i*qp->opt_n+j]); } printf(": a=%.30f",qp->opt_xinit[i]); printf(": y=%f\n",qp->opt_ce[i]); } printf("eq-constraint=%.30f opt_ce0=%f\n",eq,qp->opt_ce0[0]); printf("upper_bound=%.30f\n",qp->opt_up[0]); } result=optimize_hildreth_despo(qp->opt_n,qp->opt_m, opt_precision,(*epsilon_crit), learn_parm->epsilon_a,maxiter, /* (long)PRIMAL_OPTIMAL, */ (long)0, (long)0, lindep_sensitivity, qp->opt_g,qp->opt_g0,qp->opt_ce,qp->opt_ce0, qp->opt_low,qp->opt_up,primal,qp->opt_xinit, dual,nonoptimal,buffer); if(verbosity>=3) { printf("return(%d)...",result); } if(learn_parm->totwords < learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize) { /* larger working sets will be linear dependent anyway */ learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize=maxl(learn_parm->totwords,(long)2); } if(result == NAN_SOLUTION) { lindep_sensitivity*=2; /* throw out linear dependent examples more */ /* generously */ if(learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize>2) { learn_parm->svm_maxqpsize--; /* decrease size of qp-subproblems */ } precision_violations++; } /* take one round of only two variable to get unstuck */ if(result != PRIMAL_OPTIMAL) { smallroundcount++; result=optimize_hildreth_despo(qp->opt_n,qp->opt_m, opt_precision,(*epsilon_crit), learn_parm->epsilon_a,(long)maxiter, (long)PRIMAL_OPTIMAL,(long)SMALLROUND, lindep_sensitivity, qp->opt_g,qp->opt_g0,qp->opt_ce,qp->opt_ce0, qp->opt_low,qp->opt_up,primal,qp->opt_xinit, dual,nonoptimal,buffer); if(verbosity>=3) { printf("return_srd(%d)...",result); } if(result != PRIMAL_OPTIMAL) { if(result != ONLY_ONE_VARIABLE) precision_violations++; if(result == MAXITER_EXCEEDED) maxiter+=100; if(result == NAN_SOLUTION) { lindep_sensitivity*=2; /* throw out linear dependent examples more */ /* generously */ /* results not valid, so return inital values */ for(i=0;iopt_n;i++) { primal[i]=qp->opt_xinit[i]; } } } } if(precision_violations > 50) { precision_violations=0; (*epsilon_crit)*=10.0; if(verbosity>=1) { printf("\nWARNING: Relaxing epsilon on KT-Conditions (%f).\n", (*epsilon_crit)); } } if((qp->opt_m>0) && (result != NAN_SOLUTION)) (*threshold)=dual[1]-dual[0]; else (*threshold)=0; if(verbosity>=4) { /* really verbose */ printf("\n\n"); eq=qp->opt_ce0[0]; for(i=0;iopt_n;i++) { eq+=primal[i]*qp->opt_ce[i]; printf("%f: ",qp->opt_g0[i]); for(j=0;jopt_n;j++) { printf("%f ",qp->opt_g[i*qp->opt_n+j]); } printf(": a=%.30f",primal[i]); printf(": nonopti=%ld",nonoptimal[i]); printf(": y=%f\n",qp->opt_ce[i]); } printf("eq-constraint=%.30f\n",eq); printf("b=%f\n",(*threshold)); printf(" smallroundcount=%ld ",smallroundcount); } return(primal); } int optimize_hildreth_despo(n,m,precision,epsilon_crit,epsilon_a,maxiter,goal, smallround,lindep_sensitivity,g,g0,ce,ce0,low,up, primal,init,dual,lin_dependent,buffer) long n; /* number of variables */ long m; /* number of linear equality constraints [0,1] */ double precision; /* solve at least to this dual precision */ double epsilon_crit; /* stop, if KT-Conditions approx fulfilled */ double epsilon_a; /* precision of alphas at bounds */ long maxiter; /* stop after this many iterations */ long goal; /* keep going until goal fulfilled */ long smallround; /* use only two variables of steepest descent */ double lindep_sensitivity; /* epsilon for detecting linear dependent ex */ double *g; /* hessian of objective */ double *g0; /* linear part of objective */ double *ce,*ce0; /* linear equality constraints */ double *low,*up; /* box constraints */ double *primal; /* primal variables */ double *init; /* initial values of primal */ double *dual; /* dual variables */ long *lin_dependent; double *buffer; { long i,j,k,from,to,n_indep,changed; double sum,bmin=0,bmax=0; double *d,*d0,*ig,*dual_old,*temp,*start; double *g0_new,*g_new,*ce_new,*ce0_new,*low_new,*up_new; double add,t; int result; double obj_before,obj_after; long b1,b2; g0_new=&(buffer[0]); /* claim regions of buffer */ d=&(buffer[n]); d0=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2]); ce_new=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2]); ce0_new=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n]); ig=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m]); dual_old=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n]); low_new=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n+(n+m)*2]); up_new=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n+(n+m)*2+n]); start=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n+(n+m)*2+n+n]); g_new=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n+(n+m)*2+n+n+n]); temp=&(buffer[n+(n+m)*2*(n+m)*2+(n+m)*2+n+m+n*n+(n+m)*2+n+n+n+n*n]); b1=-1; b2=-1; for(i=0;i=( up[i]-epsilon_a)) && (ce[i]>0.0))) ) { bmin=sum; b1=i; } if(((b2==-1) || (sum>bmax)) && (!((init[i]<=(low[i]+epsilon_a)) && (ce[i]>0.0))) && (!((init[i]>=( up[i]-epsilon_a)) && (ce[i]<0.0))) ) { bmax=sum; b2=i; } } /* in case of unbiased hyperplane, the previous projection on */ /* equality constraint can lead to b1 or b2 being -1. */ if((b1 == -1) || (b2 == -1)) { b1=0; b2=n-1; } for(i=0;i up[b2]) { t=start[b2]-up[b2]; start[b2]=up[b2]; start[b1]+=t; } if(start[b1] > up[b1]) { t=start[b1]-up[b1]; start[b1]=up[b1]; start[b2]+=t; } } } if((-g[b1*n+b2] == g[b1*n+b1]) && (-g[b1*n+b2] == g[b2*n+b2])) { if(ce[b1] != ce[b2]) { /* set to upper bound */ changed=1; t=up[b1]-init[b1]; if((up[b2]-init[b2]) < t) { t=up[b2]-init[b2]; } start[b1]=init[b1]+t; start[b2]=init[b2]+t; } } /* if we have a biased hyperplane, then adding a constant to the */ /* hessian does not change the solution. So that is done for examples */ /* with zero diagonal entry, since HIDEO cannot handle them. */ else if((fabs(g[b1*n+b1]) < lindep_sensitivity) || (fabs(g[b2*n+b2]) < lindep_sensitivity)) { add+=0.093274; } /* in case both examples are linear dependent */ else if(g[b1*n+b2] != 0 && g[b2*n+b2] != 0 && (fabs(g[b1*n+b1]/g[b1*n+b2] - g[b1*n+b2]/g[b2*n+b2]) < lindep_sensitivity)) { add+=0.078274; } /* printf("b1=%ld,b2=%ld\n",b1,b2); */ lcopy_matrix(g,n,d); if((m==1) && (add>0.0)) { for(j=0;j2) { /* switch, so that variables are better mixed */ lswitchrk_matrix(d,n,b1,(long)0); if(b2 == 0) lswitchrk_matrix(d,n,b1,(long)1); else lswitchrk_matrix(d,n,b2,(long)1); } if(smallround == SMALLROUND) { for(i=2;i2) { /* now switch back */ if(b2 == 0) { lswitchrk_matrix(ig,n,b1,(long)1); i=lin_dependent[1]; lin_dependent[1]=lin_dependent[b1]; lin_dependent[b1]=i; } else { lswitchrk_matrix(ig,n,b2,(long)1); i=lin_dependent[1]; lin_dependent[1]=lin_dependent[b2]; lin_dependent[b2]=i; } lswitchrk_matrix(ig,n,b1,(long)0); i=lin_dependent[0]; lin_dependent[0]=lin_dependent[b1]; lin_dependent[b1]=i; } /* lprint_matrix(d,n); */ /* lprint_matrix(ig,n); */ lcopy_matrix(g,n,g_new); /* restore g_new matrix */ if(add>0) for(j=0;j0) ce0_new[0]=-ce0[0]; for(i=0;i0) ce0_new[0]-=(start[i]*ce[i]); } } from=0; /* remove linear dependent vectors */ to=0; n_indep=0; for(i=0;i=3) { printf("real_qp_size(%ld)...",n_indep); } /* cannot optimize with only one variable */ if((n_indep<=1) && (m>0) && (!changed)) { for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { primal[i]=init[i]; } return((int)ONLY_ONE_VARIABLE); } result=solve_dual(n_indep,m,precision,epsilon_crit,maxiter,g_new,g0_new, ce_new,ce0_new,low_new,up_new,primal,d,d0,ig, dual,dual_old,temp,goal); j=n_indep; for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { if(!lin_dependent[i]) { j--; primal[i]=primal[j]; } else if((m==0) && (g[i*n+i]==0)) { /* if we use a biased hyperplane, each example with a zero diagonal */ /* entry must have an alpha at the upper bound. Doing this */ /* is essential for the HIDEO optimizer, since it cannot handle zero */ /* diagonal entries in the hessian for the unbiased hyperplane case. */ primal[i]=up[i]; } else { primal[i]=start[i]; /* leave as is */ } temp[i]=primal[i]; } if(verbosity>=3) { obj_before=calculate_qp_objective(n,g,g0,init); obj_after=calculate_qp_objective(n,g,g0,primal); printf("before(%.30f)...after(%.30f)...result_sd(%d)...", obj_before,obj_after,result); } return((int)result); } int solve_dual(n,m,precision,epsilon_crit,maxiter,g,g0,ce,ce0,low,up,primal, d,d0,ig,dual,dual_old,temp,goal) /* Solves the dual using the method of Hildreth and D'Espo. */ /* Can only handle problems with zero or exactly one */ /* equality constraints. */ long n; /* number of variables */ long m; /* number of linear equality constraints */ double precision; /* solve at least to this dual precision */ double epsilon_crit; /* stop, if KT-Conditions approx fulfilled */ long maxiter; /* stop after that many iterations */ double *g; double *g0; /* linear part of objective */ double *ce,*ce0; /* linear equality constraints */ double *low,*up; /* box constraints */ double *primal; /* variables (with initial values) */ double *d,*d0,*ig,*dual,*dual_old,*temp; /* buffer */ long goal; { long i,j,k,iter; double sum,w,maxviol,viol,temp1,temp2,isnantest; double model_b,dist; long retrain,maxfaktor,primal_optimal=0,at_bound,scalemaxiter; double epsilon_a=1E-15,epsilon_hideo; double eq; if((m<0) || (m>1)) perror("SOLVE DUAL: inappropriate number of eq-constrains!"); /* printf("\n"); for(i=0;i0) { sum=0; /* dual hessian for eq constraints */ for(j=0;j0) { sum=0; /* dual linear component for eq constraints */ for(j=0;j 0) && (iter < (scalemaxiter*maxfaktor))) { iter++; while((maxviol > precision) && (iter < (scalemaxiter*maxfaktor))) { iter++; maxviol=0; for(i=0;i<2*(n+m);i++) { sum=d0[i]; for(j=0;j<2*(n+m);j++) { sum+=d[i*2*(n+m)+j]*dual_old[j]; } sum-=d[i*2*(n+m)+i]*dual_old[i]; dual[i]=-sum/d[i*2*(n+m)+i]; if(dual[i]<0) dual[i]=0; viol=fabs(dual[i]-dual_old[i]); if(viol>maxviol) maxviol=viol; dual_old[i]=dual[i]; } /* printf("%d) maxviol=%20f precision=%f\n",iter,maxviol,precision); */ } if(m>0) { for(i=0;i=(up[i])) { primal[i]=up[i]; } } if(m>0) model_b=dual[n+n+1]-dual[n+n]; else model_b=0; epsilon_hideo=EPSILON_HIDEO; for(i=0;i(low[i]+epsilon_hideo)) &&(dist>(1.0+epsilon_crit))) { epsilon_hideo=(primal[i]-low[i])*2.0; } } /* printf("\nEPSILON_HIDEO=%.30f\n",epsilon_hideo); */ for(i=0;i=(up[i]-epsilon_hideo)) { primal[i]=up[i]; } } retrain=0; primal_optimal=1; at_bound=0; for(i=0;(i(low[i]+epsilon_a)) && (dist > (1.0+epsilon_crit))) { retrain=1; primal_optimal=0; } if((primal[i]<=(low[i]+epsilon_a)) || (primal[i]>=(up[i]-epsilon_a))) { at_bound++; } /* printf("HIDEOtemp: a[%ld]=%.30f, dist=%.6f, b=%f, at_bound=%ld\n",i,primal[i],dist,model_b,at_bound); */ } if(m>0) { eq=-ce0[0]; /* check precision of eq-constraint */ for(i=0;i=(up[i]-epsilon_a)) { primal[i]=up[i]; } } } isnantest=0; for(i=0;i0) { temp1=dual[n+n+1]; /* copy the dual variables for the eq */ temp2=dual[n+n]; /* constraints to a handier location */ for(i=n+n+1;i>=2;i--) { dual[i]=dual[i-2]; } dual[0]=temp2; dual[1]=temp1; isnantest+=temp1+temp2; } if(isnan(isnantest)) { return((int)NAN_SOLUTION); } else if(primal_optimal) { return((int)PRIMAL_OPTIMAL); } else if(maxviol == 0.0) { return((int)DUAL_OPTIMAL); } else { return((int)MAXITER_EXCEEDED); } } void linvert_matrix(matrix,depth,inverse,lindep_sensitivity,lin_dependent) double *matrix; long depth; double *inverse,lindep_sensitivity; long *lin_dependent; /* indicates the active parts of matrix on input and output*/ { long i,j,k; double factor; for(i=0;i=0;i--) { if(!lin_dependent[i]) { factor=1/matrix[i*depth+i]; for(k=0;k=0;j--) { factor=matrix[j*depth+i]; matrix[j*depth+i]=0; for(k=0;k