74 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIBW. MAILCH, 1W. on Blue mountains, near the Lehigh gap, destroying much valu- a#de timber. Leab extensive fires were reported, as follows :- Alexandria, Dakota, 12th, 17th, 24th. Fort Meade, Dakota,-l3th, 14th, 17th. Fort Yates, Dakota, 8th. Yankton, Dakota, 7th, Sth, 10t8h, 13th to lFith, 10th, 24t,h, 35th. Hnmboldt, Iowa, 17th, 24t11, 29th, 30th, 31st'. Oreswell, Kausa,s, 6th, luth, l l t h , lsth, igth, 33d. Fort Riley, Kansas, 19th, 80th. Olrcy Centre, Kansas, 1st. -Independence, Kansas, lst, 2d, 3d to 23d, 26th, 37tli,3Oth. Pates Centre, Kansas, 9th to 12th. Crete, Nebraska, Stli, 10t81i, 13th. North Platte, Selmiska, 24t81i. Omaha, Kebraska, 17th. Portland, Oregon, 21st. Chattanooga, Teuuessee, lst, 4th, 5th. Coleman City, Texas, 2d, 6th, 7th, l l t h . Indianola, Texas, 3d. Wytlieville, Virginia, mountain fires, 1st. DROUGHT. Cape Meudocino, California, 13th.-Along the coitst, uorth and south of this place, the preraleut fogs have prevented the grass from drying up, but further inla.nd t'he fields are scorched and rain is greatly needed. 18th.-Great alarm is felt amoug farmers concerniug bhe probable failure of crops, owiug to the prolonged drought. Notwithstanding the dews a,nd heavy fogs its effects are felt, in this vicinity. Visalia, California, 3 1st.-The receut raius have proved of great benefit to agricultural iuterests. Veget,rtt.ion has macle mpid progress during the ptst few days, and t.he prospects are faeorable for a good crop. Bangor, Maine, 3lst.-The wills i u t8his looalifg are shut, tlowri on account of low water. MIGRATION OF BIRDS. Geese fyimj northward .-Poi 11 t. Judith, Bhode Is1 aid, 13th, iath, 15th, lTth, 18t.h, 20th ; Portlaud, Maine, 31st8 ; Augusta, Georgia, lst, 5th; Pelestine, Texas, 3d, 4th, 5th, llth, l i t h ; Denison, Texas, lltth, 30th j Logansport), Indiana, 8th, 16t8h, 17th; Oswego, New York, SGth, 27th; Toledo, Ohio, 1311; Buffalo, New York, 30th j CIiampa,igu, Illinois, Wtb, 231, %th, 30th ; Keokuk, Iowa, 4th ; Ouialiit, Nebraaka, Y d , 5th : Yuum, Arizona, 22d, 23d; Lewistou, Idaho, 28t,h ; Spaugle, Washiug- ton Territory, 6t8h, 9th, 1 l t h ; Portlaud, Oregou, 3 1 ; Bet'liel, Connecticut, 19th ; Morristoil, Dakota, 23rl ; Alexandria, Darn- kota, Pth, 13th ; Forsyth, Georgia,, 19t)hj Elmira, Illinois, 1st ; Riley Illinois, 13th ; Swanwick, Illiuois, 4th ; Edgiiigt,oii, Illi- nois, ht, 2d, 9th, 12th, 18th, 31st ; Mouticello, IOW:I, lib11 ; Des Moines, Iowa, 35th j Creswell, Kansas, 13t8h, 17kh ; Holt>ou, .Kansas, 5th j Independence, Iiausas, 3 d , 13th, 34bh ; Yates Centre, KRUSBB, 23d; Pretty Prairie, Kansas, lst, Gth, 13t,h : Osawatomie, Kansas, 14t8h j Somerset, Rlasxachusetts, 38th j Clear Creek, Nebrmka, lst, 5th, 23rl ; Cret,e, Nebraska,, lst,; Flushing, New York, 18th ; Jacksouburg, Ohio, l i t h ; Gaud Dover, Ohio, 19th, 2184 26th, Grainpiau Hills, Peuusylrauia, 14th; Variety Mills, Virginia, lst, 3d j Cedar Rapids, lowa., 16th. FZyi?zg southioard.-Augnst:t, Georgia., 3d ; Toledo, Ohio, 5th; Cleveland, Ohio, 2d; Des Moines, Iowit, Gth; Riley, Illi- nois, 29th; Edgiagtou, Illinois, 14th j Humboldt, Iowa, 1W ; Creswell, Kansas, Sth, 13th ; Clay Centre, Kansas, 13t81i j Wytheville, Virgiuia, 1st. Flyhag eUe~lc.nrd.-umittilla, Oregou, 29th; Edgington, Illinois, 31st. Ducks .flying north.?rard.-Point Judi bh, ahode Isla,nd, 30t,li ; Logansport, Indiana, 8th j Toledo, Ohio, 37th j Hurou, Dakota,, 15th ; Alexaudria, Da.kota, 13th j Edgington, Illinois, 2d, Obh, 12th, 18th ; Monticello, Iowa, 17th; Hnmboltlt, Iowa, 13th; Des Moines, Iowa, 25th; Yates Centre, Kans~s, 3 1 ~t , 24th; Fort Scott, Kansaq 1st; Clear Creelr, Nebraska, 5th, 23~1; .Jacksonburg, Ohio, 30th. Flying 8outhroard.-Hattera, North Carolina, 36tb j Edgiugton, Illinois, 24th j Crete, Nebraska, appearing, 30th j Gutteuburg, Iowa, appeariug, 14th. Crmes *flying ?iorthiclnra.-visa,lia,, California, 26th ; Hum- boldt, Iowit, 34th ; Clear Creek, Nebraska, Brnutx flgiug north- ward, 3d. NOTES AND EXTRACTS. The following summary is taken from the '( March Report of the Teuuessee Weather Service," under direction of Mr. A. J. McWhirter, Commissioner of Agriculture, Statistics aiid Mines. The io1 1 owing niet8eorol ogica 1 summary has been forwarded by Mr. S. R. Thonipson, Director of the 6'Nebr:tska Weather Service. " BK~I~I.ETIN FOR MAHCH. 1883. The month wa\ cold. with rainfall and atmospheric humidity less than Rai/~ticZZ.-Tlte average by sections was as follows : Southeast, 0.48 . Average for eutire state' usual southwest, 0.27 , northeast, 0.80 ; northwest. 0.55. 0.60. Krluiiw Hztnzidii.y.--Oniaha, inas , 86 1, niin., 14 0 ; mean, 64.1. Nurth Platte. mean, 64 8. De Soto, ma.\ , 29.32 ~ min., 28.2, niean, 2 b .7 ~ College Farm, mean, 69 00. Trntperultrre.-The mean temperature of the air was 35 3X. The average The following were some of the masimuni and minimum temperatures : Omaha, max., 71.0', mitt., 0'. De Soto, inas., 69.0'; min., 21.0'. Col- lege Farm, max., 71.0', min , 6.0' North Platte. mas., 71.3', min., 12 0'. W/~d.-bIiIt+ trawlled, Omaha, lj,465 ; North Platte. 6,980. Prevailing direction. Omaha, north ; North Platte, northwest, College Farm, north. (+r e a h t trlocitj- at Omaha, was 22 miles, north and northwest; at North Platte. 34, west. i?fiut-e/Z(tnr~otts -Larks were seen at Bearer Creek on the lsf, at Sutton on the 6th, at Superior on the l l t h , a t Minden on the l2th, and at Geneva on the 19th Robhius are reported on the 1st at Nebraska City. the 7th a t Crete, and 12th a t Beaver Creek. Wild Geese tljing south were oherred at Crete on the 12th, and a t Sutton on thr 1:;th There waz a dust storm at Crete on the 18th. During the iiiiddlr and latter part of the month, there were several light snowfalls all over the state The spring is 1 er) late, and thus far has proved very unpro- pitious to the farming interests. Dr. Clark, of Sutton. nrites that the spring ic inore backward than it has been for twelve gears of all noon observations was 43.73. Blue birds were seen a t Crete on the 2d. ERRATUM. On page 48, of the February REVIEW, under the heading ' 6 Atmospheric. electricity interfering wit81i telegraphic com- muuicatiou, kc.," in the report of Captain VogelgeRang, the aberratiou of'tlie compass should be 38 points, instead of 224 poiuts as pnhlishecl.