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Automatically build VisIt with the build_visit script!

Download build_visit script here.

VisIt can now be built automatically using the build_visit script on many Linux, MacOS X, and AIX platforms (more to come). The build_visit script takes care of downloading relevant VisIt and 3rd party source code, configuring, and building it all using your C++ compiler. We encourage users to build VisIt using the build_visit script when our binary distributions have trouble running on some systems. We also recommend using the build_visit script on your system if you plan to:

  • Modify the VisIt source code.
  • Run a parallel compute engine. Building a parallel version of VisIt on your system allows you to configure VisIt so it uses your MPI library, avoiding incompatibilities.
  • Create your own VisIt plugins. Building VisIt on your system ensures that it is built with the same C++ compiler that you will use to develop your plugin, minimizing the chance for runtime library incompatibilities.
build_visit screen shot
(build_visit screen shot)

VisIt Source Code

To simplify what has become a very complex procedure, we have developed the build_visit script to automatically download and build VisIt and 3rd party sources on Linux, MacOS X, and AIX platforms. If you would like to build a version of VisIt manually, or for another system, or to modify the source code, you will need to download the VisIt source code and the source code for each library upon which it depends. After downloading all of the packages, you can build VisIt on a Unix system by following the instructions in the Build Notes. For instructions on building VisIt on Windows, see our FAQ. Links to download the Unix source code, the Windows source code, the build notes, the md5 and sha1 checksums, and file sizes are below, organized by release starting with the most recent release. Links to download the third party libraries are at the end. The checksums and file sizes are for checking that the files were properly downloaded if corruption of the files is suspected during the download process.

VisIt 1.11.1

VisIt 1.11.0

VisIt 1.10.0

VisIt 1.9.1

VisIt 1.9.0

VisIt 1.8.1

VisIt 1.8.0

VisIt 1.7.1

VisIt 1.7

VisIt 1.6.1

VisIt 1.6

VisIt Third Party Libraries


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Updated: December 15, 2008

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