import java.lang.String; import java.awt.*; import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; /** * Combination of Java and Native Windows C code to capture an * image with a Hamamatsu Orca 12-bit camera and a National Instruments Image * Acquisition board. This plugin could serve as an example of how ImageJ can * communicate with C code through JNI, allowing ImageJ to capture images when * there is no Java programming library or Twain driver available for a frame * grabber.

* * @author Jeffrey Kuhn * @author The University of Texas at Austin * @author */ public class AcquireIMAQ_ implements PlugIn { /** Width of image to acquire. The maximum size for this camera is 1024. * Note that "static" is used to insure that the last number is remembered * every time the plugin is called. */ static int iWidth = 1024; /** Height of image to acquire. The maximum size for this camera is 1024. * Note that "static" is used to insure that the last number is remembered * every time the plugin is called. */ static int iHeight = 1024; /** Name to give the newly acquired image */ static String strName = "Acquired"; /** A unique number is tagged onto the end of the name of each newly acquired image. */ static int iImageNumber = 0; /** Length of camera exposure to use. (see @see Acquire for an explanation). */ static double dExposure = 1.0; /** * Called when the plugin is loaded to load the C++ library */ static { System.loadLibrary("AcquireIMAQ_Native"); } /** * Java interface to C++ function which grabs images. * * @param iWidth Width of the image to capture * @param iHeight Height of the image to capture * @param aPixels Array of short value in which to place the pixel values * @param dParam Array of image capture parameters passed to and from * the C++ Acquire function. The following is a list * of parameters:

* dParam[0] - Default camera exposure. The value of * exposure determines how bright the image is:

* for Partial frame exposure, 0 < exposure < 1.0

* for Full frame exposure, exposure = 1.0

* for Multiple frame exposre, exposure = an integer > 1

* * @return true if frame capture was successfull, false if a probem * occurred or the user canceled the operation. */ native boolean Acquire(int iWidth, int iHeight, short[] aPixels, double[] dParams); /** * Begin acquiring an image. */ public void run(String arg) { if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.18p")) return; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Acquisition"); gd.addNumericField("Width (1024 max):", iWidth, 0); gd.addNumericField("Height (1024 max):", iHeight, 0); gd.addNumericField("Exposure:", dExposure, 2); gd.addStringField("Name:", strName); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; iWidth = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); iHeight = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); dExposure = gd.getNextNumber(); strName = gd.getNextString(); // make a new unsigned 16 bit image ImageProcessor ip = new ShortProcessor(iWidth, iHeight); short[] asPixels = (short[]) ip.getPixels(); double[] adParams = new double[1]; adParams[0] = dExposure; if (Acquire(iWidth, iHeight, asPixels, adParams)) { // retrieve the exposure if changed. dExposure = adParams[0]; ip.resetMinAndMax(); // Increment the image number and append it to the image name iImageNumber++; new ImagePlus(strName + " " + iImageNumber, ip).show(); } } }