Page 14 Manzanar Free Press March 20, 1943

Second Sight


SEATED comfortably in a Manzanar home made easy chair, I found myself browsing but oftentimes reading discriminately the old copies of the Free Press through the mimeograph on to the streamlined printed edition.

Through the portholes of Manzanar, which has been our battleground for the preceding year, passes a glorious year of sports which bring memories destined to remain forever with us.


To be exact, it was on April 11th that the sports in stride with the editorial section made its debut in Manzanar. Yours truly was responsible for some of the injection that went on the last page at the outset. Softball was at it's height then and all games were played just outside of the press room. A few strides and I was there to cover the game.


A few weeks hence, personable Jimmie Hashimoto transferred from the editorial and was christened on this section. Incidentally, Jim and I are the only two out of the six left from the historic "le premier pas" of the paper.

Following up Jim, who is the present Associate Sports Editor, jocular Peter Ohtaki refreshed the staff. His title was Chief Sports Reporter until he left for Hunt Relocation Center with the Bainbridge gang. And oh how we miss that fellow! His friendships were the real thing, they are not glass threads, but the solidest thing we know.


And there was a time when roving Nob Myose was taking the brunt of the work as legman and did a swell job. Up to the time when fever hit us, Nob worked with us but he has since retired to do something work.

Then came quiet Shigeo Minabe, a graduate from Unihi, who gave the younger kids a break with his breeze. He too has retired and if you happen to be near kitchen 24, you'll see this young man doing his bit to please the hungry folks as renown Senior Cook.

If by chance, you need a helping hand, "hands" Yo Hara will be at your service. This second generation sensation formerly worked on the press art section but now he's a responsible make-up man on this page. A whizz at writing in a hurry.


Glamour was always with us, what with Chickie Shiba bedecked on the staff. She covered the gains and shorts section as editor. She now enhances the business sector as "white-collar" secretary.

With a call for girls sports writer, delectable Yuki Odahara reported and soon after took over Chickie's big job. Talented, she was certainly an asset to the staff. And as the press goes to bed, she is well in Kalamazoo, Michigan, doing her lovely best to write love stories aside from her domestic work.

sketch of baseball player

And now, on the briefs:


Baseball was the first of the renaissance of sport among the Manzanites. Whichever way one travels across the dusty fields of Manzanar, one bumps into a softball game—that was some 350 days ago but at the present writing, basketball has jumped into the forefront in sports. It would be mild to say that confusion reigned during the first year. Ups and downs, bets, lopsided odds were found to be plentiful.


In our jackpot life here in Manzanar, recreation is the one thing the youngsters turn to. There's no other way to turn other than to sports, and without some sort of activities, in growing ennui may lead to complications.

And as I mentioned before, that hoodlums are, born of idleness, of misdirected energies, it is to corral this unbounded energy that our recreation plays such an important part.

Even before the sports department began writing the crowded fourth page, athletics began booming. With Recreation introduced to the young sports champions of Manzanar, an intensive program of sports was laid out.


Now, with a fine body of leaders, Recreation is pushing forth with more ego the sports activities at a rapid pace. Min Watanabe, our able athletic director, has a responsible staff in Toshi Terasawa, Joe Okabe, Shiro Nomura, Shig Okada, and Kow Maruki. Paul Uyemura, former director of sports, is now coordinator of young boys' and men's activities. A fine addition to the staff.


sketch of baseball player

With priority to work against, extensive facilities and equipment are still in the blue-print stage. But in spite of shortages in many lines of sports equipment, last year was by far the best year sports ever has had in the industrial recreation. Manzanar had one jump on the outside sports world, there was no transportation problem.


All this hub-hub of having an Amateur Athletic Union should once and for all solve our athletic problems, solidify and promote to the betterment of sports.

A union of interests resulting in unity of aim and governed by one code of rules will be our AAU.

The union collaborating with the Recreation department can pledge its best efforts to constantly improve our sports, to make it active and safer. The members must support the interest of the organization in the development of this much needed stronghold.

To organize this union may still be another talk but there's no harm in looking forward to it to materialize and try our darndest to get it out of the blue-print stage.


One of the finest gestures was extended on the part of Lovell's people in sending an invitation to play basketball to the Heart Mountain center against their Lovell Westwood Indians last month.

Mayor Frank Brown extended the invitation to play at Lovell high school gymnasium in an exhibition infantile paralysis benefit basketball contest.

With what scope of information yours truly has on hand, this marks the first opportunity that the residents in the center have had to meet the outside people on a friendly basis.

Incidentally, the Heart Mountain All-Star hoopsters bowed to the classy Lovell outfit, 46-22, in the first outside encounter.

Immediately following this tilt, the All-Stars received an invitation from whipped the Byron Independents. The locals whpped the Byron team in a 40-37 thriller.


With this proud Anniversary number, we find ourselves turning another leaf, beginning another year. And so this year, more than ever, the sports staff will try to capture pungent comments, features, and results and pen them on paper while the dew is still on them...

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