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Jeremiah Marquis:
Jeremiah Marquis

Jeremiah Marquis



Dates of Service:
2006 - 2008

The Movies

06.08.2007 — I absolutely love going to the movies. There is something about that danger feeling when you go into the grocery and load up your cargo pants pockets and your girlfriends purse with cheap candy and sneak it into the theater. Pay $5 for for a small soda? Why? I can shove this two-liter down my pants and walk right in. Frost bite threat? Not if we walk in after previews...gotta time it just right. I know tricky guys who can get pints of ice cream in wearing only blue jeans and a t-shirt...THAT is a professional right there. Today I went to the movie theater and got a little over zealous when I tried to sneak in a Big Mac...they noticed the bag. This is the time when you say, "No hablo espaƱol" (I don't speak Spanish) and walk right works like a charm.
The problem with the movies here are that you can buy the latest and greatest DVDs at the entrance to the movie theater for half the cost. Today, for me to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" I had to pay 20,000 Guaranis (wouldn't do it again either). In order for me to go just outside of that movie theater and buy the DVD and take it home and watch it in the comfort of my living room it costs 10,000 Guaranis and I can watch it over and over again. Sure the quality isn't as good and sometimes the ending is completely cut off...but you get what you pay for right?
Another great thing is if you have the "movie guy" in your site that sells the ripped DVDs because you can become a "favored customer" of sorts and get the DVDs for 7,000 as long as you keep going back to him and only him...that's capitalism! (sort of...just the burning of the DVD undermines the whole system....whatever). Normally the movies he is burning are current with what is going on in the states so I don't miss a beat...if I wanted them that is.
I believe going to the movies is an experience! I mean you have the loud speakers in surround sound and the humongous screen that give you the feeling of being right there with the characters. You can't get that from a small 12" TV!!! That...and I was robbed so my TV and DVD player are gone now...and all the DVDs I had...BUT I STILL BELIEVE IN THE THEATER!!!
I just think it is great that we have the same movies down here that they have back in the states for a fraction of the cost...even the legal ones are only $4 to see. It helps me to feel that I am not completely and totally out of the entertainment loop...we wouldn't want that now would we?

This webpage expresses the views of Jeremiah Marquis. It does not express the views of the United States Peace Corps.

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