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Thais biserialis - aperture (shell opening) facing up

Thais biserialis - aperture (shell opening) facing up
Photographer: Lorena Campo

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Title: Thais biserialis - aperture (shell opening) facing up
Scientific Name(s): Thais biserialis
Description: The coiled seashell of Thais biserialis with the aperture (shell opening) facing up. Photograph taken 2002 or earlier.

Preferred Keywords: Shells, Marine mollusks, Gastropods
Other Keywords: Muricidae, Snails, Dextral

Continent: Central America and Caribbean
Country: Nicaragua
City or Place Name: Pacific Ocean coast

Physical Description: Camera: Canon Powershot A75

Cataloguing Node: NBII Image Gallery
Publisher: National Biological Information Infrastructure
Source: Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental (SINIA)

Rights: Public Domain

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