============================== b01.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 1 - 6 October 2008 == Monte Carlo: grenier/qzli mcpp_gen v00-16-30 <- v00-16-30 Was in the last t08.03.00 build already, now with another pythia == External: Jonckheere pythia v6_409 <- v6_416 ============================== b02.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 2 - 15 October 2008 == D0Reco: qzli chpart_reco v00-07-18 <- v00-07-17 Reduce the number of bad states generated by ChPartGTrackPkg. fps_reco v01-00-00 <- v00-14-08 Adopting fps_reco for new dynamic range for FPS. Changing _eslc_u, _eslc_v SCALE from 500 to 4000 and make it positive (to preserve precision) == Tracking: greenlee gtr_find v00-23-31 <- v00-23-30 Improvements and bug fixes in GtrMissPkg. ============================== b03.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 3 - 22 October 2008 == Monte Carlo: grenier/qzli d0_mcpp_gen v00-15-06 <- v00-15-05 Update of Sherpa interface -- with conventional vXX-YY-ZZ tag name mcatnlo v03-03-04 <- v03-03-03 allow for specification of an a priori (d0mess + herwig) efficiency mcpp_gen v00-16-32 <- v00-16-30 Update of Sherpa interface ============================== b04.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 4 - 11 November 2008 == External: d0-release-mgr pythia v6_419 <- v6_409 Change pythia version ============================== b05.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 5 - 10 December 2008 == D0Reco: qzli physics_util v01-00-10 <- v01-00-09 Protect against Singular Error Matrix in KTrack due to bad ChargedParticle code from David Lam vkalman_util v00-12-02 <- v00-12-01 Check the Covariance matrix is non-singular before inverting code from David Lam ============================== b06.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 5 - 23 Dec 08 == CAF/CSG: greenlee caf_cert v00-01-04 <- v00-01-03 Adjust to interface change in TMBTrack. fixp13tmb_calprob v00-01-06 <- v00-01-05 Sync with p20 and p21. tmb_tree v01-02-38 <- v01-02-36 tmb_tree_maker v01-00-69 <- v01-00-68 Add quality attribute in TMBTrack. == D0Reco: qzli chpart_evt v00-10-19 <- v00-10-18 chpart_reco v00-07-20 <- v00-07-18 Add quality attribute to ChargedParticle. gtr_find v00-23-32 <- v00-23-31 Sync with p20 and p21. gtrbase v00-22-31 <- v00-22-30 Add quality attribute to GTrack. unpack_ft_fe v00-04-10 <- v00-04-08 Updated initialization of the unpacker to properly recognize MC/Data type == Data Quality: jonckheere dq_util v02-06-01 <- v02-05-02 -Update tools to find runs that recocert and later processing needs to be done on. AMJ -Updated lumitool.py - Michael Weber IMPORTANT Change: now also adding the lbns from badLBNList in the output list of bad lbns. These were not included previously and getLuminosity does not seem to add them to the .badlbns files. minor bug fixes updates to documentation and error messages ============================== b07.txt ============================== t08.04.00 build 7 - 23 Dec 08 == Build system: jonckheere unpack_ft_fe v00-04-08 <- v00-04-10 Backout. This version doesn't compile.