Here at the BLM - NTC Knowledge Resource Center, you can view various presentations, satellite broadcasts, video clips, job aids and resources to help you gain a better understanding of the many BLM processes and programs. Just click on the link to view any of the resources.


National Training Center

NTC Facilities Orientation Video This video will provide the first time visitor with important information about the BLM - National Training Center.


Managing For Excellence Initiative - A Status Report

This presentation is of the live satellite broadcast June 14, 2007originating from the BLM - NTC.

Please note that this presentation is only accessible to BLM employees on the NTC intranet.


BLM Adaptive Management Overview and Orientation

Adaptive Management: the U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Guide was recently released. A Secretarial Order calls for the Guide to serve as the technical basis for adaptive management decision making. The Guide represents an important step in the Department’s efforts to engage partners in the cooperative conservation and management of our nation’s natural resources.

This recorded broadcast provides an overview and orientation of the Adaptive Management Technical Guide. It provides a brief overview of adaptive management concepts and describes circumstances where adaptive management is appropriate.

Visual Resource Management
(VRM) and Fluid Minerals

The Visual Resource Management (VRM) system provides tools to analyze the landscape and proposed projects to reduce the visual contrast upon the land.  These six video segments provide an overview of the VRM System, how to analyze a landscape, siting and earthwork considerations to reduce visual contrast, and visual simulations. These segments are from a Bureau of Land Management broadcast on VRM and Fluid minerals.  You can also download a notebook that covers best management practices, as applied to fluid minerals.  For information on VRM training opportunities, contact Elvin Clapp at 602-906-5506 or


SHERPA For Reclamation Bonds - BLM Course 3800-15

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

This two day satellite broadcast was broadcast live from the Bureau of Land Management National Training Center in Phoenix, Arizona. It was delivered over a two day period through four broadcast sessions.

The class focused on the use and application of SHERPA For Reclamation Bonds, which is a computer program used to estimate costs of reclamation.

Session 1 consists of the following topics: Introduction, SHERPA Basics, Methodology, and Data Entry.

Please note that this presentation is only accessible to BLM employees on the NTC intranet.