Dear all, Here is a short summary of what happened during the May shutdown. Please let me know if something is incorrect or missing. Thanks Cheers Christophe 1) Installation status: ======================== This follows the list of things to be done which was sent before the shut down. To summarize the situation, almost evrything which was foressen has been done. A) HV installation: ==================== The HV cabling in the collision hall and the movable counting house is finished. The HV splitters have been changed and have all been installed inside the tunnel. We now have one input for the HV splitter (1 L0 HV value per castle), 5 outputs (we need 4 for a quadrupole and 1 spare), and 5 grounded plugs. (for the dipoles, we have 1 input, 3 outputs, and 3 grounded plugs). For safety reasons, all HV cables have to be plugged somewhere. This means that all MAPMT HV cables where we do not have any detectors are not plugged to ground on the splitter box. All the connections have been done and tested inside the tunnel. We still have a few cables used to go from the HV splitter box output to the L0 PMT which are not used and not plugged in (this is the place where we do not have any detectors nor pseudo-detectors). In this case, the cable is left close to the castle and is not plugged at both ends. B) Detector and pseudo-detectors: ================================== 2 detectors have been completely redone. They now contain 7 MAPMTs each. They have been installed at P1 UP and P2 UP. The signals are transmitted to the SCR via the ribbon cables. Here is the correspondance for these cables (short ribbon cable to SCR) P1 UP: ======= RI-02-1 RC-05-1 RC-37-1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 P2 UP: ======= RI-01-1 RC-01-2 RC-06-1 RC-27-3 2 3 2 4 3 4 3 5 4 5 4 6 5 6 5 7 6 7 6 8 7 8 7 RC-37-8 In addition, 10 pseudo-detectora have been installed at D1, D2, A1 UP, A1 DOWN, A2 UP, A2 DOWN, P1 DOWN, P1 IN, P2 DOWN, P2 IN. Cable scheme for the L0 trigger: ================================= The L0 signal cables have been connected to the ribbon cable number RC-33-3 in the collsion hall sothat we could transmit all L0 signals to the SCR. L0-D1 pin 15 L0-D2 L0-A1 UP pin 9 L0-A1 DOWN pin 10 1 . . . 16 Signal L0-A2 UP pin 11 |_________________| Ground L0-A2 DOWN pin 13 L0-P1 UP pin 1 L0-P1 DOWN pin 2 L0-P1 IN pin 3 L0-P2 UP pin 16 L0-P2 DOWN pin 6 L0-P2 IN pin 7 All L0 PMTs and MAPMTs have been tested using the dark signal and found to work fine. The response level needs to be tested using the LMBs. C) LMB: ======== Two LMBs have been installed in the tunnel at P1 UP and P2 UP. The LMB at P2 UP has also a circuit to restore the input pulse signal. D) Power boxes: ================ We built and installed the new circuit to control the power boxes. The idea is to control the 5V both for the control line and the emrgency line by a switch in the SCR, having two 5V power supplies in the tunnel located at D1-D2 and P2. We pulled three new cables to be able to transmit the 5V signal at A1 and A2, and at P1 in the tunnel. Unfortunately, it turned out that we were not able to get the circuit working. The basic problem is that the different circuits are put in parallel (in the scheme, only one circuit was drawn), and we receive the 5V via other way. It also turns out that it is not possible to control independently the drivers from each castle using thsi scheme since we have short circuits in this case. Since we had too many problems using the new scheme, we went back to the previous version of the switches where we have one power supply (5V) in the SCR and two switches (one for the emergency line and one for the control line). Both lines were tested and found to work fine. We need to change this during the next shut down and may be go to logic circuits which would prevent the problems we had. Since we went back to the previous scheme, we do not have any way to control the 5V by software for each castle separately. One bad power box was found at D1-D2 and has been taken to LAB6 for repair. (Since this was at D1-D2, we did not attempt to repair it quickly, since D1-D2 are off anyway). The box is not transmitting the 110V even when we put 5V on it. E) Electronic installation: ============================ We are now plugging everything (110 V) in the tunnel using commercial power strips. 11 of them were bought and installed in the tunnel. During the shutodown, we installed all drivers in the tunnel for tests. Now, the driver at A2 OUT has been removed to be able to do some tests in the SCR. F) Cables in collision hall: ============================= The five remaining LMR-400 cables have been pulled in the collision hall and in the movable counting house. 4 green cables for LMBs have been pulled in the collsion hall and movable counting house. The two last green cables which had been pulled before in the collision hall under the detector are still there and need to be removed/pulled later on. G) LMR-400 cables in tunnel: ============================= The three remaining black LMR 400 cables in the tunnel for A1 DOWN and A1 OUT, and LMB A2 have been pulled in the tunnel. H) Cameras: ============ All cameras have been installed in the tunnel. We now have two fixed cameras at D1 and D2, and four pan and tilt cameras at A1, A2, P1 and P2. It is possible to move them and see all motors except the DOWN one from the SCR. The light is also switched on/off from the SCR. I) Plates for racks: ===================== Blue plates have been installed at all racks at A1, A2, P1 and P2. They are needed sothat the smoke detectors could collect the smoke better in case of problems. At D1-D2, we cut aluminim plates to put around the racks. J) FIRUS Connection: ===================== All the smoke detectors are now connected to FIRUS and are working fine. 2) IIB tests: ============== All IIB have been modified to be able to read the sense of motion. The cables allowing this have also be modified. All IIBs have been tested systematically using the switch board. On 25 IIBs, 7 have been found to be bad: - IIB 20: moves without strobe - IIB 21: moves slowly (even more slowly that low speed) if strobe is off - IIB 22: moves without strobe, does not stop with strobe off - IIB 23: does not see strobe - IIB 24: moves without strobe, does not stop motor when strobe is off - IIB 25: moved to IN when home was on, start moving without strobe - IIB 10: we did not succeed to move A1 OUT with it Here is now the location of the different IIBs: D1: IB-02 D2: IB-01 A1 UP: IB-07 A1 DOWN: IB-08 A1 IN: IB-09 A1 OUT: ??? A2 UP: IB-03 A2 DOWN: IB-04 A2 IN: IB-05 A2 OUT: IB-06 P1 UP: IB-11 P1 DOWN: IB-12 P1 IN: IB-13 P1 OUT: IB-14 P2 UP: IB-15 P2 DOWN: IB-16 P2 IN: IB-17 P2 OUT: IB-18 3) Pot motion tests: ====================== We first attempted to move the pots without the program to test directly the hardware. (this was done using the program from Vladimir, which sends directly the commands to the RM by typing them in a screen) The test was done in two steps: - first move the pots to home, then to IN position, then back to home - move the pots to 15, 25, 20 and to home All the pots succeeded doing this except the following ones: - A1 up and A1 down where we had communication problems with the RM (no information was sent). We exchanged the RM by taking the one from the SCR and it worked - A1 out did not move, we changed the IB and it worked - D1 moved but the LVDT information was almost not changing. We checked with a multimeter and the voltage was almost not changing. The input voltage was too low. May be there is bad contact? the test was done again one hour later and the LVDT was found to be good again. Since we have one spare, we should remove this one from the tunnel for more extensive tests at LAB6. The second test was done using the python program. We have systematically the same problems. The output of the IB is connected to the RM via a black cable and two IB (namely two detectors) are connected via the same cable. We use the bits 0 to 7 for the first pot and 8 to 15 for the next pot. In normal operation, the UP (resp. IN) pot is plugged to the first series of bits and the DOWN one (resp. OUT) to the second series. We notiiced the same problem with all DOWN and OUT pots, namely that the status (RUN ou STOP) is wrong. With the new version of the python program, we first send the position where the pots need to go, and we check the status after this which should be STOP. If this is not the case, the STOP command is sent and the pot cannot move. The status was observed to be OK for all UP and IN pots but not for the OUT and IN pots. Thus, we could not move the DOWN and OUT pots during this test. The next test was done to try to understsand this problem. We first exchanged the two parts of the black cable at A1 UP / DOWN. In normal operation, the first series of bits is the UP pot and the UP IIB, and the second series for the DOWN POT, and the DOWN IIB. By exchanging the two parts of the cable, the problem moved from the DOWN pot to the UP pot. This shows that the problem is not coming from the IIB. The second test was to change the connections between the RM outputs and the IIB inputs (one cable per IIB). The conclusion is that the problem moves from the DOWN pot to the UP pot. Thus the problem is not coming from the black cables (IIB output and RM input). The third test was to change the RM and the problem stays where it is (the DOWN pot). So, this problem is not related to one particular RM, but all of them behave in the same way. The question is then if this is a problem of the RM structure or not? To study this problem in more detail, we removed one RM from the dipoles from the tunnel (we do not have any spare any longer) as well as one driver which was connected to A2 OUT. It will be possible to use them in the SCR. To be able to move at least all the UP and DOWN pots, we decided to change the nominal plugs. The UP and the DOWN pots are now plugged on two different black cables, and they are using the first series of bits. The IN and OUT pots were not plugged in, and it is not possible to move them. It is also not possible to move D1 and D2 since we needed to take the RM from the tunnel. We are now doing some more random motion tests and the results will come in a separate mail. 4) What was not done and needs to be done later on: ===================================================== - Build circuit dividers to be able to measure 10 and 15V for the amplifier boards - Couplers to be changed for all motors (we have stronger couplers now) - 5 V control for control line and emergency line. The scheme has to be redone and the circuits made - move and pull the two last green cables for LMB running under the D0 detector if possible - build structure for AFE boards - put mirrors to see down motors - more extensive tests of python program / EPICS variables