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When Things Go Wrong: Responding to Adverse Events.
A Consensus Statement of the Harvard Hospitals. Burlington: Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors; 2006.

This consensus paper of the Harvard-affiliated hospitals was prepared by clinicians, risk managers, and patients to provide an in-depth understanding of preventable adverse events, their impact on patients, families, and providers, and how to manage such events. The report provides detailed guidelines based on the premise that all care should be safe and patient-centered and that all actions require full disclosure. In addition to offering recommendations on how to effectively communicate with patients and families, the report discusses support for caregivers and a detailed strategy for institutions to respond to such events in a timely and appropriate fashion. Finally, the comprehensive report offers several appendices that include recommendations and a case study on communicating with patients and families.

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Resource Type:  Book/Report

Setting of Care:  Hospitals

Target Audience:  Health Care Providers

   Health Care Executives and Administrators > Facility and Group Administrators

   Health Care Executives and Administrators > Risk Managers


Safety Target:  Psychological and Social Complications

Error Types:  Active Errors

   Latent Errors

Approach to Improving Safety:  Quality Improvement Strategies > Practice Guidelines

   Error Reporting and Analysis > Error Reporting > Patient Disclosure

   Communication Improvement > Provider-Patient Communication

Origin/Sponsor:  North America > United States of America
Produced for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality by a team of editors at the University of California, San Francisco with guidance from a prominent Editorial Board. This site was designed and implemented by Silverchair.

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