Enstore Server Upgrades v0.5

  1. KickStart HowTo
    1. twiki log
    2. How to use the install CD:
    3. If you use an unmodified CD:
    4. Using an Enstore Kickstart CD:
    5. Using a Enstore Floppy install disk:
    6. Before Rebooting:
    7. Begin Install:
      1. Floppy disk
      2. CD
      3. Poking around during the install
      4. When the install Compltes
    8. Post install Reboot
    9. Trouble Shooting
      1. Fdisk Errors
      2. You are unable to login
      3. SYSCONNECT NIC Errors:
      4. Instructions & Addtions to troubleshoot sysconnect
      5. the sk98lin.o modules file
    10. Unwind Motherboard Vendor Bios Firmware
  2. Downtime rules:
  3. Partial Server Upgade Plan
    1. General List
      1. Chih-Hao's notes:
      2. Upgrade meeting notes from 03/08/2006 11:55 AM
    2. ~srv0
    3. ~srv1
      1. Issues to verify after a ~srv1 install
      2. stop dcache 
      3. start dcache
      4. update farmlets
    4. ~srv2
      1. What issues remain with remedy_api
      2. apache 
      3. Copy the correct files over
      4. Copy cgi scripts
    5. ~srv3
    6. things  tweaked after install of stkensrv3.
      1. CRON and histograms
    7. dCache install issues:
      1. pageDcacheCms*
      2. dcache_page_dccpcms
      3. PageDcacheSRM & pageDcacheKftp
      4. dcap and kftp products
      5. globus - grid certs
      6. Certificates
      7. Installs for pageDcache cronjobs
    8. ~srv4
    9. ~srv6
    10. ~srv5 & ~srv7
  4. Outstanding Questions?
    1. tcp-wrappers are installed
    2. Are we correctly setting the hosts.allow ?
    3. cron.daily & logrotate.d
    4. The correct configuration of send mail.
    5. Any questions about PostgreSQL & PyGreSQL
    6. How should servers have xinetd.d/ftp set?
    7. Which setting should we use for /etc/xinetd.conf ?
    8. SDS2 and the sk98lin driver
      1. some additions regarding SD-2 systems
      2. To use sysconnect as a primary NIC disable onboard NIC's in bios.
      3. Do not use old reference to sk98lin driver .
    9. Should we improve the /etc/resolve.conf file?
    10. Change settings for "ups product ipmi" ?
    11. Dimitri will install gnuplot-4.0
    12. crontab notes
    13. Postgres and PNFS boot script

KickStart HowTo

twiki log

Dmitri kept a twiki log of the project notes here.


How to use the install CD:

More to follow

If you use an unmodified CD:

More to follow

Using an Enstore Kickstart CD:

More to follow

Using a Enstore Floppy install disk:

More to follow

Before Rebooting:

get a copy of the kickstart Cd or Enstore & driver floppy disks.

(i.e.) mover processes, pnfs, library_managers & media_changers, postgres or whatever. 
[enstore@stkenmvr19a enstore] enstore-boot stop
%enstore sched --down 994019.mover --reason "upgrade to LTS"

Begin Install:

log onto the console as yourself. === if you have a valid ticket,  ksu to root.
Or, just login as root

Place the  Enstore kickstart CD or floppy into the appropriate device and reboot using:
/sbin/shutdown -r now

Floppy disk
If you are using the Enstore kickstart floppy disk you will be promted for a driver disk.
  1. if you have a driver disk.  hit YES.
  2. Remove the kickstart floppy disk.
  3. Insert the appropriate driver disk. hit YES again.  the driver disk begin will load.
  4. When the disk has loaded you will be prompted again.
  5. If you wish to load additional driver disks, continue
  6. If you do not have additional  driver disks, tab to NO and hit enter. 
  7. Otherwise load the next disk and hit enter.
  8. You do not need to reinsert the Enstore kickstart disk.
  9. You may remove the driver disk.
If you are using the Enstore kickstart  CD
  1. d0en_ks
  2. cdfen_ks
  3. stken_ks
I hope to make CDs that default to the local instance of Enstore.  So, on Moday the disks will default to the D0 Enstore kickstart.
We do have a caveat: Using the stken_ks dd option seems to fail in its purpose of stalling long enough to allow GB ehernet to negotiate an network connection..

more to follow.

Poking around during the install
Alt-F2 is the only interactive screen
Alt-F3  is  the  anaconda stdout
Alt-F4 & F5 are system or network stdout
Alt-F7 returns you to the anaconda GUI

if the install of the ups products seems to be going slow, check if the network is set half or full duplex.
Wait for the ups install progress line to jump form a thin vertical line to a 1 or 2 inch horizontal bar

===  %<  ===
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Duplex: Full   ( This may report Half )
===  %<  ===
ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off
ethtool -s eth0 duplex full
When the install Compltes
you may return to the anaconda GUI and be congratulated on a successfull install.
But wait there is more:  You may feel that you should check.

Tab to the SPOT & press Enter to reboot.
When the GRUB Splash screen pops up verify that the smp kernel will boot.
Use the arrow keys to move to it if the smp kernal is not already highlighted.

Post install Reboot

%ksu enstore
 %enstore start
 %enstore sched --up 994019.mover
 %enstore mover --online 994019
 %enstore mover --status 994019
ngop (-q agent), python (enstore version)
test by typing:
. /fnal/ups/etc/setups.sh
setup ngop
ngop status

Trouble Shooting

Fdisk Errors
could not read partition table.  may be bad disk.

  %fdisk -l
 %hdparm -t -T /dev/hda

you may inserat a  diagnostics CD or floppy disk. (QuickTech Pro).  then reboot. 
You are unable to login
at grub prompt hit E for edit.
add to line
linux init=/bin/sh

then after a reboot

mount -oremount,rw /dev/hda1 /
edit /etc/shadow and remove the root password.


log in as root and reset the password.
copy these files over again.
 % mount d0ensrv3:/diskc /backup
 % cp /backup/backup/passwd /etc/passwd
 % cp /backup/backup/shadow /etc/shadow
 % cp /backup/backup/group /etc/group

#alias eth0 e1000
alias eth0 sk98lin
alias eth1 e100
alias scsi_hostadapter qla2200
alias eth2 sk98lin
alias usb-controller usb-uhci 

% ksu
% rcp d0enmvr7a:/etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers 
% exit
 %monitor_server-boot start
 $farmlets -f

Instructions & Addtions to troubleshoot sysconnect
attached the instructions & my addtions to troubleshoot sysconnect

I made the following links in an attempt to to satisfy ~enstore/enstore/bin/Linux/wget:
/lib/libssl.so.2 -> libssl.so.0.9.7a
/lib/libcrypto.so.2 -> libcrypto.so.0.9.7a

However, we get an undefined symbol error for OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms, and a 37 MB log file (it can't find any tape).  Perhaps wget should be recompiled and linked?  Or should we use the system's wget?  In the meantime, I've made a link to the system's wget in $ENSTORE_DIR/bin/Linux for now and burn-rate is working.
the sk98lin.o modules file
The sk98lin.o modules from SLF3.0.5 are pretty old and exhibit the old arp resolution problems with V2.0 cards.  Fortunately, we don't yet have that many of them installed.  stkenmvr5a is the only updated system so far, but there will be more.  I've made new drivers for the smp and uniprocessor kernels.  They are on the *srv3 nodes.  The file names, which show where the files need to go, are:

-> lib/modules/2.4.21-32.0.1.EL/kernel/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.o

-> lib/modules/2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.o

So how do I get it?
Do I need to load using ethrnet connection and then copy driver as I did before or you have updated
drivers diskette?

Unwind Motherboard Vendor Bios Firmware

# copy DOS fs image
        echo "`date +%H:%M:%S` -[ Restoring DOS/$firmware image to /dev/${disk}1
        (gzip -d -c $RESTORE_FIRMWARE_FILE | dd bs=8k of=/dev/${disk}1)
        mount -t msdos /dev/${disk}1 $RESTORE_TO
        echo "`date +%H:%M:%S`    -[ Setting firmware nodename to $hostname ]-"
        [ -f $RESTORE_TO/nodename.txt ] && rm -f $RESTORE_TO/nodename.txt
        echo "$hostname" > $RESTORE_TO/nodename.txt
        echo "`date +%H:%M:%S`    -[ Setting firmware flavor to $FIRMWARE_FLAVOR
        [ -f $RESTORE_TO/flavor.txt ] && rm -f $RESTORE_TO/flavor.txt
        echo "$FIRMWARE_FLAVOR" > $RESTORE_TO/flavor.txt
        umount /dev/${disk}1
        echo "`date +%H:%M:%S` -[ Skipping DOS/$firmware firmware load ]-"

Downtime rules:

Partial Server Upgade Plan

General List

*srv1: *srv2:
*srv0 and *srv6:
Chih-Hao's notes:
-- Chih-Hao writes:
In light of April 3 being:
  1. the first working day after day light saving time change.
  2. the first working day after Dan Ryan reconstruction begins ...
this is what I'll do for d0 upgrade:

I will start the jobs from home ...
  1. I assume that I will get an e-mail notice of d0en being paused by 8:00 a.m. Please do not touch d0ensrv[036] ... until I send out a notification
  2. I'll wait the 8:10 backup to run its natural course.
  3. After the backup finishes (should be in 10 minutes), I'll stop file_clerk, volume_clerk, info_server, accounting_server, and drivestat_server.
  4. I'll dump the current databases ... should be done in half an hour.
  5. I'll shutdown database servers.
  6. I'll send out e-mail notification to the ring master and cc: to enstore-admin
  7. Then, ISA may shutdown the machines and do the OS upgrade.
  8. I'll beat the traffic to get here ...
  9. After getting the go-ahead for d0ensrv[036], I'll do the rest. The estimated time is about 4 hours.
Upgrade meeting notes from 03/08/2006 11:55 AM
d0en Apr 3,4 upgrade list from the board
Monday and Tuesday:

Start 8am
backup pnfs database (vp)
backup f/v database (ch)
backup acc database (ch)
backup servers' state to srv2 raid (TJ+MZ)
backup servers' state to srv3 raid  (TJ+MZ)
Upgrade srv4 (IA)
After (acc db bup) upgrade srv6 (IA+MZ)
After  (f/v db bup) upgrade srv0 (IA+MZ)
After (pnfs db bup) upgrade srv1 (IA+MZ)  - don't delay this
After (up srv6) upgrade pg srv6 (CH)
After (up srv0) upgrade pg srv0 (CH)
After (up srv1) upgrade pg srv1 (VP)
upgrade srv2 (IA)
upgrade srv3 (IA)
upgrade postgres clients (CH)

LTO bin istallation in ADIC robot

srv5 and srv7 to be upgraded independent at another time (before or after)

David - QA on upgrades
Send out email about home areas and ask to clean up home areas on the srv machines (TJ)
write backup script  (TJ+MZ)
kickstart cleanup (TJ+MZ)
HW inventory (TJ+MZ)
Procedure for each SRV (TJ+MZ)


postgres - locally compiled but placed into ups (what version?)


~srv1 is a pnfs server node. I built the postgres and pnfs for it. If we want to upgrade the postgres to the latest version (8.1.2 for now) we need a downtime (~6-8 hours) to convert the databases to new format.

Issues to verify after a ~srv1 install
( This applies anywhere the pnfs database server lives )
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         6340 Jan 28  2003 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--    1 enstore  enstore      3703 Mar 10  2005 /home/enstore/.bashrc

stop dcache 
shut down stken dcache with:
start dcache
to start dcache on stkensrv1 after OS upgrade we
restored missing links in /usr/java area (CURRENT and OLD),
  1.     rpm -e libgcj-3.2.3-52 libgcj-devel-3.2.3-52 gettext-0.11.4-7
  2.     redhat-lsb
  3.     rpm -e gcc-java-3.2.3-52
  1.     cd ~enstore/dcache-deploy/dcache-fermi-config
  2.     ln -s ../classes .
  3.     ln -s ../config .

update farmlets
Update farmlets on stkensrv1 and stkensrv4. On stkensrv1, only the
stken files were there, and they were old. On stkensrv4, they were all there,
but also old.


What issues remain with remedy_api
What to install for the remedy api.

I have a couple of questions about apache running on stkensrv2

Which is the correct version?

Copy the correct files over
STKlog /local/ups/prd/www_pages/enstore/log/STK-log.html

Copy cgi scripts
none of the cgi scripts had been copied into the correct area.

Gene Oleynik wrote:
Link fails for Tape inventory summary page and  tape inventory.  lqcd dcache (maybe it is down)  so far that is all.


things  tweaked after install of stkensrv3.

CRON and histograms
copy of the ~enstore/CRON and ~root/CRON files ~srv3

We forgot to make a fresh copy of the ~enstore/CRON and ~root/CRON files from the old to the new stkensrv3 systems.  I have copied over the output files that had changed between 12/9 and today, and that hadn't already been superseded.   And I've merged the histogram file data.

dCache install issues:

chmod 666 /var/log/messages* to allow pageDcacheCms* jobs to run.

/home/enstore/enstore/sbin/pageDcache dccp cms
++ /home/enstore/enstore/sbin/pageDcache dccp cms
cmsdcdr2.fnal.gov: Connection refused
trying normal rcp (/usr/bin/rcp)  WARNING: NO ENCRYPTION!
cmsdcdr2.fnal.gov: Connection refused

output from /tmp/dcache_page_output_dccpcms_11046

INFORMATIONAL: Product 'kftp' (with qualifiers ''), has no current chain (or may not exist)
INFORMATIONAL: Product 'dcap' (with qualifiers ''), has no current chain (or may not exist)
INFORMATIONAL: Product 'dcap' (with qualifiers 'unsecured'), has no current chain (or may not exist)

Moved the /etc/exports from stkensrv8 to stkensrv3.

INFORMATIONAL: Product 'kftp' (with qualifiers ''), has no current chain (or may not exist)
INFORMATIONAL: Product 'dcap' (with qualifiers ''), has no current chain (or may not exist)
INFORMATIONAL: Product 'dcap' (with qualifiers 'unsecured'), has no current chain (or may not exist)

PageDcacheSRM & pageDcacheKftp

pageDcacheSRM hasn't run since the upgrade because srmcp is missing.
pageDcacheKftp hasn't run since the upgrade;  gssmodule.so is unhappy:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fnal/ups/prd/kftp/v3_6/NULL/bin/ftpcp.py", line 1, in ?
    from gssftp import GSSFtpClient, FTPError
  File "/fnal/ups/prd/kftp/v3_6/NULL/lib/gssftp.py", line 1, in ?
    import gss
ImportError: /fnal/ups/prd/gsspy_krb/v1_0b+p2_3/Linux/lib/gssmodule.so: undefined symbol: PyType_IsSubtype
dcap and kftp products
The current versions of dcap and kftp were installed in UPS but were not declared.
I have decalred them.

ups declare -f Linux+2.4 -c dcap v2_32_f0408
ups declare -f NULL -c kftp v3_6

globus - grid certs
I have looked briefly at the globus - grid certs on stkensrv8 and stkensrv3.  It looks like stkensrv3 was copied to stkensrv8. 


--- snip -->% --Too many to list here --->%---

total 64
drwxrwxr-x   13 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 .
drwxr-xr-x   27 enstore  enstore      4096 Dec  9 15:49 ..
drwxrwxr-x    2 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 bin
drwxrwxr-x    6 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 etc
-rw-r--r--    1 enstore  enstore      6715 Apr 24  2002 GLOBUS_LICENSE
drwxrwxr-x    4 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 include
drwxrwxr-x    3 enstore  enstore      8192 May 28  2003 lib
drwxrwxr-x    3 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 libexec
drwxrwxr-x    6 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 man
drwxrwxr-x    2 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 sbin
drwxrwxr-x    3 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 setup
drwxrwxr-x    5 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 share
drwxrwxrwx    2 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 tmp
drwxrwxr-x    2 enstore  enstore      4096 May 28  2003 var

ls -l /etc/grid-security/*
/usr/krb5/bin/rcp -pr root@stkensrv3:/etc/grid-security .

chkconfig --level 345 nfs on
chkconfig --level 345 netfs on
chkconfig --level 345 smartd  on
chkconfig --level 345 portmap on
chkconfig  gpm off
chkconfig microcode_ctl off
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off

Installs for pageDcache cronjobs
ups declare -f Linux+2.4 -c dcap v2_32_f0408
ups declare -f NULL -c kftp v3_6

upd list gsspy_krb
       Product=gsspy_krb       Version=v1_0b+p2_3      Flavor=Linux
               Qualifiers=""   Chain=current

upd install gsspy_krb v1_0b+p2_3

upd list gsspy_gsi
       Product=gsspy_gsi       Version=v1_0b   Flavor=Linux
               Qualifiers=""   Chain=current

upd install -G "-c"  gsspy_gsi v1_0b

informational: installed gsspy_gsi v1_0b.
upd install succeeded.

ups list -a gsspy_gsi
       Product=gsspy_gsi       Version=v1_0b   Flavor=Linux
               Qualifiers=""   Chain=""

upd install -c blt
informational: installed tcl v7_4dfa.
informational: installed tk v4_0dfa.
informational: installed blt v1_9.
ups declare -c  srmcp v1_20

<stkensrv3.fnal.gov> ups list -a srmcp
       Product=srmcp   Version=v1_20   Flavor=NULL
               Qualifiers=""   Chain=current

ls /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01/bin/
ls: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_01/bin/: No such file or directory

ls /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1/bin/
ls: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1/bin/: No such file or directory
ls /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_08/
chmod 755 /var/spool/mqueue/


ACI product may not install properly.

David packaged aci v3_1_2 along with v3_1_0 into the tar files on stkensrv3:/diskc/backup. It includes statically linked executables, both the archives and the shared libraries, and some utilities that weren't in the previous version, all built ostensibly for Linux 8.0
  1. who & why declared aci 3_1_2.
  2. whoever did this should do the rest (modify enstore.table) if this was necessary.
I do not recall any developer declaring aci 3_1_2


postgres - locally compiled but placed into ups (what version?)
The only glitch that I have encountered was the database server startup scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d (and links in rc3.d and rc6.d) were missing.  I guess they were not preserved during the upgrade and I imagine that stkensrv0 might suffer the same. I'll pay attention to stkensrv0 this time. However, in the future upgrade, we should remember to preserve all relevant scripts in /etc/rc.d ...

~srv5 & ~srv7

Outstanding Questions?

tcp-wrappers are installed

Looking in Installed Packages:
Name                                   Arch    Version            Repo       
tcp_wrappers                      i386      7 .6-34.1            db         
zz_tcp_wrappers_change  noarch  3.0-2                  db  

Tcp_wrappers does install,  I am not sure what rpm package it is in.
rpm -ql zz_tcp_wrappers_change-3.0-2

Are we correctly setting the hosts.allow ?

are restrictions put in hosts.allow more than .fnal.gov?  this will mess up the scanning from randy.

Here are the entries in the hosts.allow file.
# Loopback interface
ALL: localhost banners /etc/banners

# FermiLab Network
ALL: .fnal.gov: banners /etc/banners
ALL: banners /etc/banners

# Minos Soudan (only needed for STKEn)
ALL: banners /etc/banners
ALL: banners /etc/banners

# Enstore Private Network
ALL: banners /etc/banners

I have sent this note to Troy and Connie.  We may have questions about
the sendmail config files.  D0enmvr7a uses the installed defaults. 

cron.daily & logrotate.d

I copied the /etc/logrotate.d dir to /etc/logrotate.d.backup
I then removed psacct and yum.rpm from /etc/logrotate.d

Make a copy  of /etc/cron.daily:
cp -pr /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.daily.backup

And moved these files into cron.daily.backup
mv /etc/cron.monthly/0anacron /etc/cron.daily.backup/monthly.0anacron
mv /etc/cron.weekly/0anacron /etc/cron.daily.backup/weekly.0anacron


Should we remove or modify this link?
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           28 Aug  8  2005 /etc/cron.daily/00-logwatch -> ../log.d/scripts/logwatch.pl

The correct configuration of send mail.

The default install of send mail should be correct.

On movers;

Sendmail is running but shouldn't accept mail;
UNAUTHORIZED NETWORK SERVICE, type 2! stkenmvr17a LISTEN sendmail 1095 root 4u IPv4 1427 TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN) root 1095 0.0 0.0 6132 388 ? S Oct11 0:02 sendmail: accepting connections

on the movers we removed these two files.

We may want to change that.

Any questions about PostgreSQL & PyGreSQL

PostgreSQL v8_0_3 and PyGreSQL 3.6.2 have been built and installed on stkensrv9 ...
 run the tailor script. there will need to be a simlink made to connect the web area (currently /local/ups/prd/httpd/servers/stken/html) to /diska/www_pages when the raid is hooked up. it has the same alias as the current stken so i did not run it.

PostgreSQL & PyGreSQL
I have built and installed PostgreSQL 8.0.3 and PyGreSQL 3.6.2 on

The only glitch that I have encountered was the database server startup scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d (and links in rc3.d and rc6.d) were missing.  I guess they were not preserved during the upgrade and I imagine that stkensrv0 might suffer the same. I'll pay attention to stkensrv0 this time. However, in the future upgrade, we should remember to preserve all relevant scripts in /etc/rc.d ...

I have restarted the database servers, accounting_server and drivestat_server. They all look fine.

PostgreSQL and PyGreSQL are installed on *srv[01236]. 
Current PostgreSQL version used by ENSTORE is 8.0.3 and PyGreSQL version is 3.6.2.

I guess I need to package PyGreSQL somehow ...

-- Chih-Hao

How should servers have xinetd.d/ftp set?

We decided that movers do not need ftp running. Netscan has been comparing the xinetd.d/ftp files and warns that ftp in /etc/xinetd.d and /home/enstore/enstore/etc/ do not match.

It appears that this isn't correct.  I cd'd to /home/enstore/enstore/etc as enstore and entered these commands
One problem with this. These same files in enstore/etc are used by both movers and servers. All the other services are the same for both. If this service is different, we need a mechanism to distinguish the config files.

I have disabled ftp on stkensrv1. If we eventually decide we need it, I'll modify netscan to allow it.
Otherwise, let's assume it should be disabled.

Which setting should we use for /etc/xinetd.conf ?

cps Limits the rate of incoming  connections. Takes  two arguments.   The  first argument is the number of connections per second to handle.  If the rate of  incoming  connections is higher than this, the service will be temporarily disabled.  The second argument  is  the number  of seconds to wait before re-enabling the service after it has been disabled.  The default for this setting is 50 incoming connections and the interval is 10 seconds.

cat /home/enstore/enstore/etc/xinetd.conf /etc/xinetd.conf
# Simple configuration file for xinetd
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/

       instances              = 60
       log_type                = SYSLOG authpriv
       log_on_success   = HOST PID
       log_on_failure       = HOST
       cps                       = 1000 30

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

# Simple configuration file for xinetd
# Some defaults, and include /etc/xinetd.d/

       instances             = 60
       log_type               = SYSLOG authpriv
       log_on_success   = HOST PID
       log_on_failure      = HOST
       cps                      = 25 30

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

SDS2 and the sk98lin driver

some additions regarding SD-2 systems
To use sysconnect as a primary NIC disable onboard NIC's in bios.
On boot
  1. Enter into setup mode.
  2. Select Advanced,
  3. Select PCI Configuration.
  4. Set both on board cards "disabled",
  5. press F10 to save and exit.
Do not use old reference to sk98lin driver .
Use what Wayne set up:
/diskc/backup/share/lib_modules_2.4.21-32.0.1.EL_kernel_drivers_net_sk98lin_sk98lin.o -> lib/modules/2.4.21-32.0.1.EL/kernel/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.o

/diskc/backup/share/lib_modules_2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp_kernel_drivers_net_sk98lin_sk98lin.o -> lib/modules/2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp/kernel/drivers/net/sk98lin/sk98lin.o

Should we improve the /etc/resolve.conf file?

By adding lines for a secondary name server.
cat /etc/resolv.conf
search fnal.gov

Change settings for "ups product ipmi" ?

What can be donw to improve the install of ipmi?  We need to setup the correct ipmi.
ups list -a ipmi
        Product=ipmi    Version=v1.5    Flavor=Linux+2.4
                Qualifiers=""   Chain=current

        Product=ipmi    Version=devel   Flavor=Linux+2
                Qualifiers=""   Chain=""
cd ~enstore/isa-tools/bin

Dimitri will install gnuplot-4.0

also gnuplot-4.0 is available in /root/gnuplot-4.0 on *ensrv2 and *ensrv3

one should do (as root) after install of LTS 3.x:
  1. rpm -e gnuplot
  2. cd gnuplot-4.0
  3. make clean
  4. make distclean
  5. ./configure --prefix=/usr
  6. make
  7. make install

crontab notes

If you edit a crontab in /var/spool/cron, and leave behind a renamed version of the original, or otherwise create files that don't belong there, they will try to run. The general rule is that anything in there or /etc/cron.d, etc. is considered a crontab.

For example,
if you edit root and leave root.bck, both root and root.bck will try to run. Recent releases of Linux are smart enough to not actually run a file in /var/spool/cron whose name is not in the passwd file, but in general I wouldn't count on it. That's why there's a /var/spool/cron.disable on many of our systems.

If you look in /var/log/cron on stkensrv2, there are "ORPHAN" entries for enstore.old, baisley.save, and root.incomplete. I moved those files to cron.disable.

The same principle applies to /etc/xinetd.d and /etc/xinetd.d.backup.

Postgres and PNFS boot script

Where do we get these scripts?  Vladmir will work on this