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Browse - Treatment/Intervention Results

To view a measure summary, click on a measure title. The default view is the Brief Summary, from which you can also view the Complete Summary, the Full-text (when available), the XML View, and download a PDA of the Complete Summary by clicking on the appropriate link in the Summary box of the Side Menu.

To prepare a Measure Comparison, you must check the box next to a retrieved measure title. Then click on the "Add to My Collection" button. Now, there are measures in "My Collection." To compare these measures, click on the "Compare Checked Measures" button. For additional help, see Measure Comparison Help.

Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment (MeSH Category) - List all 1180 measures
Surgical Procedures, Operative - List all 218 measures
Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures - List all 12 measures

Refractive Surgical Procedures - 12 measures
Vitrectomy - 2 measures