Bureau of Land Management
Environmental Education Homepage


Leafy Spurge

This Eurasian native was brought to the United States as a seed impurity in about 1827. It has spread aggresivly in rangelands and other dry areas throughout the northern half of the U.S. It can cause severe irritation to the mouths and digestive tracts of domestic or wild grazing animals. Its spreading and persistent nature make it a serious noxious weed wherever it is growing. The seed capsules explode when dry, shooting the seeds as far as 15 feet. The seeds remain viable in the soil for up to 8 years.

Distinguishing Features

Up to three feet tall.

Leaves are alternate, narrowly linear with smooth margins, one quarter inch wide, and one to four inches long. Shoots are erect, pale green and unbranched.

Flowers are small, yellow-green, and enclosed by a pair of yellowish-green, heart-shaped brackets.

Plant and root have milky latex that is damaging to eyes and sensitive skin.

If You Spot This Culprit,

Report the location to a local land manager or park ranger.

Avoid walking on, driving on, or camping in infested areas.

Remove all weed seeds from your clothing, shoes, pets, camping gear, and tire treads before moving on.

We have reason to believe this criminal weed is hiding out in the surrounding area.

We Need Your Help!

Reward: Knowing you have contributed to a healthier environment.


Last Updated: January 25, 2005

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