Table of contents for Conscience and casuistry in early modern Europe / edited by Edmund Leites.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

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Introduction Edmund Leites
1. Governing conduct James Tully
2. Laxity and liberty in seventeenth-century Engllish political thought Margaret Sampson
3. Casuistry and character Edmund Leites
4. Prescription and reality Jean Delumeau
5. The 'new art of lying': equivocation, mental reservation, and casuistry Johann P. Sommerville
6. Kant and casuistry H.-D. Kittsteiner
7. Moral arithmetic: seven sins into ten commandments John Bossy
8. Optics and sceptics: the philosophical foundations of Hobbes's political thought Richard Tuck

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Ethics Europe History 17th century, Ethics Europe History 18th century, Conscience, Casuistry