ADC Keyword Index P

This document is a comprehensive author index to the ADC's public archives as of Mar 13, 2000. The entries to the right of each keyword are the ADC short title identifiers for catalogs or journal tables containing that keyword. Click on the first letter of the keyword of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the keyword. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the ADC Data Viewer for data sets containing that keyword. Click on the first letter of the last name of the author of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the name. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the FTP directory for data sets by that author.

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]


The Hyades: distance, structure, dynamics, and age [1998]
Parallaxes, spectroscopic
Catalogue of nearest stars until 10pc [1979]
Parallaxes, trigonometric
A survey of trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions with the UK Schmidt telescope - II. Astrometric and photometric data for a complete sample of 6125 stars brighter than B=17.5, V=17.0 in the South Galactic Cap. [1986]
The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Fourth Edition [1995]
Data for FK4/FK4 Supplement Stars [1973]
Catalogue of nearest stars until 10pc [1979]
Mining in the Hipparcos raw data [1999]
Search for reference A0 dwarf stars: masses and luminosities revisited with Hipparcos parallaxes [1999]
The absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae from HIPPARCOS parallaxes and proper motions [1998]
Rotation and chromospheric activity in field M dwarfs [1998]
The Hyades: distance, structure, dynamics, and age [1998]
The PL relation of galactic carbon LPVs. The distance modulus to LMC [1998]
Towards a fundamental calibration of stellar parameters of A, F, G, K dwarfs and giants [1998]
Visual binary orbits and masses post Hipparcos [1999]
U. S. Naval Observatory photographic parallaxes. List IX [1993]
Photographic astrometry of binary and proper-motion stars. VIII. [1994]
Pelican Nebula
Interstellar extinction in the vicinity of the North America and Pelican nebulae [1993]
photoelectric photometry
Photometric survey near the main Galactic meridian: 1. Photoelectric stellar magnitudes and colours in the UBVR system [1995]
Photographic catalog
Catalogue of 20457 Star Positions Obtained by Photography in the Declination Zone -48 to -54 Degrees (1950) [1983]
Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 [1984]
Cape Photographic Catalogue for 1950.0 zone -30 to -64 [1954]
FOCAT-S: Pulkovo photographic Catalogue of Southern Hemisphere (Version 1993 March) [1994]
The ACT Reference Catalog [1997]
The Tycho Reference Catalogue [1998]
A photometric study of the open cluster IC 4665 [1969]
Wide-Field Plate Database [1997]
Spectrophotometric Standards of 7-8 mag [1998]
Simultaneous uvby-beta photometry of SX Phe stars [1993]
Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XXXV. Light curves of GG Lupi: Young metal-deficient B stars. [1993]
The Exciting Sources of Herbig-Haro objects. I. A Catalogue of 1-20um observations [1993]
Global mapping B-band photometry of a complete sample of Fornax and Virgo early-type galaxies [1994]
UBV photometry of the contact binary AB Andromedae [1994]
Young massive star clusters in nearby galaxies. II. Software tools, data reductions and cluster sizes [1999]
Magnitudes, colors and positions for bright stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud bar [1985]
Photographic UBV photometry to V~21 in the Puppis window [1989]
Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations [1990]
Stromgren photometry of three double mode high amplitude Delta Scuti stars [1992]
Photoelectric UBV photometry of stars in four fields near the galactic plane. [1992]
CCD observations in 7 open clusters: NGC 2421,2439,2489,2567,2627,2658,2910 [1992]
Walraven photometry of stars near the Luminous Blue Variable AG Carinae [1993]
The radial structure of the galactic disc [1992]
Quasi-periodic oscillations in TT Ari [1992]
Photometry of the Wolf-Rayet binary HD211853 in the Vilnius photometric system [1994]
New "flip--flop" of FK Comae Berenices [1994]
Photoelectric UBV photometry of stars selected in the HK objective-prism survey [1991]
CCD Photometry of the old open cluster NGC 7142 [1991]
Perth 70: A Catalogue of Positions of 24900 Stars Part B, Mean Values of the Observations [1976]
Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 [1993]
The Tycho Input Catalogue. Cross-matching the Guide Star Catalog with the Hipparcos INCA Data Base [1992]
Catalogue of early-type stars measured in a narrow-band photometric system [1975]
Photometric Data for the Bright Stars [1986]
A scanner CCD search for Cepheids and other variables in Crux and Centaurus. [1991]
The General Catalogue of Photometric Data [1990]
The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars in the Galactic Bulge. I. Periodic Variables in the Center of the Baade's Window [1994]
Spectrophotometric Atlas of Standard Stellar Spectra [1985]
Spectroscopy and Photometry of Elliptical Galaxies. VI. Sample Selection and Data Summary. [1989]
Survey of 108 E-S0 RSA galaxies [1993]
Integrated photometric properties of open clusters [1994]
The peculiar B[e] star HD 45677. I. Photometric observations. [1996]
Be stars in open clusters. I. uvby{beta} photometry. [1996]
CCD sequences in the Shapley supercluster of galaxies. II. The ESO data. [1996]
Photometry of seven clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift (z=0.15-0.50) [1996]
NGC 2477: photometry and luminosity function. [1996]
NTT V, I Colour-Magnitude Diagrams of the bulge globular cluster Tonantzintla 2 [1996]
Light curves and periods of Mira variables [1996]
Spectroscopy of the open cluster Blanco 1. II. Halpha emission as an indicator of relative age [1997]
NTT V, I, z photometry of the metal-rich bulge globular cluster Terzan 6 [1997]
Four colour photometry of late-type binary systems. II. New light curves of BH Virginis [1997]
A multiwavelength study of star formation in the very young open cluster NGC 6530 [1997]
Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies. III: A 76, A 157, A 407, A 505, A 671, A 779, A 1700, A 2028, A 2040, A 2052, A 2063, A 2065, A 2593, A 2657, A 2670 [1997]
Optical photometric monitoring of gamma-ray loud blazars. II. Observations from November 1995 to June 1996 [1998]
A catalogue of velocities in the cluster of galaxies Abell 85 [1998]
Photoelectric photometry and period analysis of selected delta Scuti stars in Praesepe [1998]
An extensive {Delta}a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars [1998]
On the Hipparcos photometry of Chemically Peculiar B, A, and F stars [1998]
YY CMi: contact or near contact system? [1998]
Be stars in and around young clusters in the Magellanic Clouds [1999]
IC 348 proper motion study from digitised Schmidt plates. [1999]
Photometry and position observations of Saturnian satellites during their mutual eclipses and occultations in 1995 performed at the observatories in Russia and Kazakhstan [1999]
Magnitudes, colors and positions for bright stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud bar [1985]
B and V photometry of faint stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1988]
Stromgren photometry of three double mode high amplitude Delta Scuti stars [1992]
UBVRIJHKL photometric catalogue of symbiotic stars [1992]
The radial structure of the galactic disc [1992]
Stroemgren photometry of dwarf novae [1993]
New "flip--flop" of FK Comae Berenices [1994]
The massive star content of the blue dwarf galaxy I Zw 36 from Faint Object Camera observations. [1994]
NTT VI photometry of the metal-rich and obscured bulge globular cluster Terzan 5. [1996]
Rotation of the outer disc from classical Cepheids. [1997]
Critical tests of stellar evolution in open clusters. II. Membership, duplicity, and stellar and dynamical evolution in NGC 3680 [1997]
The symbiotic star YY Her. I. Photometric history over 1890-1996. [1997]
Pleiades low-mass binaries: do companions affect the evolution of protoplanetary disks? [1997]
Studies of the flickering in cataclysmic variables. IV. Wavelet transforms of flickering light curves [1998]
Evolution of mass segregation in open clusters: some observational evidences [1998]
Evolutionary models for solar metallicity low-mass stars: mass-magnitude relationships and color-magnitude diagrams [1998]
Dust extinction and intrinsic SEDs of carbon-rich stars. II. The hot carbon stars [1999]
Dust extinction and intrinsic SEDs of carbon-rich stars. III. The Miras, CS and SC stars [1999]
HST observations of the very young SMC "blob" N88A [1999]
Photometric analysis of the neglected eclipsing binary system DL Cygni [1999]
Photometric calibration of the HST Wide-Field/Planetary Camera. II. Ground-based observations of calibration fields [1993]
The open cluster IC 4665 [1993]
NGC 6611: A Cluster Caught in the Act [1993]
The Behlen Observatory variable star survey: finding charts and light curves for the first ninety-three stars [1993]
Early-type stars in orthogonal halo fields. I. An objective-prism survey [1993]
Dust emission features in 3 micron spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars [1993]
The mass-luminosity relation for stars of mass 1.0 to 0.08 solar masses [1993]
The dwarf spheroidal companions to M31: a color-magnitude diagram for And III [1993]
Globular cluster photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. U, V, and I measurements of M15 [1994]
RR Lyrae stars and color-magnitude diagram of the globular cluster NGC 6388 [1994]
The metallicities and kinematics of RR Lyrae variables. I. New observations of local stars [1994]
Globular cluster photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. III. Blue stragglers and variable stars in the core of M3 [1994]
VRI Photometry of Globular Clusters in Virgo and Leo Ellipticals [1994]
BVI CCD photometry of galactic globular clusters. II. M 68 [1994]
Arm structure in normal spiral galaxies. I. Multivariate data for 492 galaxies [1994]
The Globular Cluster System of M81 [1995]
Moderate-resolution spectral standards from 560 to 900 nm [1995]
Late-type stars in M31. I. Photometric study of AGB stars and metallicity gradients [1995]
BVI CCD Photometry of NGC 5053: The Most Metal-Poor Galactic Globular Cluster [1995]
Total and Effective Colors of 501 Galaxies in the Cousins VRI Photometric System [1995]
HST Observations of the Core of the Globular Cluster NGC 6624 [1995]
The Enigmatic WN8 Stars: Intensive Photometry of Four Southern Stars on Time Scales From 30 min to 3 Months [1995]
Hubble Space Telescope observations of young star clusters in NGC 4038/4039, "The Antennae" galaxies [1995]
Periodic light curve changes for Beta Lyrae [1995]
Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera observations of the stellar populations near the nucleus of M33 [1995]
Observations and analysis of the field contact binary V728 Herculis [1995]
The LMC cluster NGC 1866. I. A revised photometric sequence and a reconnaissance of the surrounding field population [1995]
A VIc color-magnitude diagram of the globular cluster NGC 6352 from Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera observations [1995]
Membership of stars in NGC 1039 (M34) [1996]
A survey of Ca II H and K chromospheric emission in southern solar-type stars [1996]
The horizontal branches of globular clusters. I. The color-magnitude diagram of NGC 6426 [1996]
BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae [1996]
The Behlen Observatory variable star survey: Paper IV [1996]
The I Band Tully-Fisher Relation for Cluster Galaxies: Data Presentation [1997]
A New Survey of Stellar Kinematics in the Central Milky Way [1997]
Globular Cluster Photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. VI. WF/PC-I Observations of the Stellar Populations in the Core of M13 (NGC 6205) [1997]
M-Subdwarfs: Spectroscopic Classification and the Metallicity Scale [1997]
Deep HST V- and I-band observations of two globular clusters in the halo of M31 [1997]
The MACHO Project LMC Variable Star Inventory. V. Classification and Orbits of 611 Eclipsing Binary Stars [1997]
Direct distances to nearby galaxies using detached eclipsing binaries and Cepheids. I. Variables in the field M31B [1998]
New variables in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey calibration fields. [1998]
Deep optical imaging of the bright Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548: a long, very low surface brightness tail. [1998]
WIYN Open Cluster Study 1: Deep Photometry of NGC 188 [1998]
Pre-main-sequence evolution in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud [1995]
Radio properties and optical identification of two samples of milliJansky radio sources at 1.4 GHz [1996]
The Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey IV: The Redshift Catalogue [1996]
The massive star populations in ionized gas shells in M33 and M31 [1995]
Blue straggler stars in the globular cluster NGC 5053 [1989]
Correlations between the flaring radio emission and starspot distribution of UX Arietis [1995]
The intermediate stellar mass population in R136 determined from Hubble Space Telescope planetary camera 2 images [1995]
The Massive Stars of I Zw 18 as Seen in Hubble Space Telescope Images [1995]
The intermediate stellar mass population in NGC 604 determined from Hubble Space Telescope Images [1996]
Opening a new window on Ap star atmospheres: a T-Tauri relation for HR 3831 from its limb-darkened pulsation amplitudes [1996]
The Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. III. The discovery of Cepheids and a new distance to M101 using the Hubble Space Telescope. [1996]
The intermediate stellar mass population in the M31 OB association NGC 206. [1996]
The coolest isolated M dwarf and other 2MASS discoveries. [1997]
The surface brightness fluctuations and globular cluster population of NGC 4478. [1997]
Morphological studies of the galaxy populations in distant "Butcher-Oemler" clusters with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. AC 103, AC 118, and AC 114 at z = 0.31. [1998]
A spectroscopic survey of the galaxy cluster CL 1358+62 at z = 0.328. [1998]
The Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the extragalactic distance scale. XII. The discovery of cepheids and a new distance to NGC 2541. [1998]
Distance errors and the stellar luminosity function [1989]
The APM Bright Galaxy Catalogue [1996]
Evidence for a new class of extreme ultraviolet sources [1997]
HST colour-magnitude diagrams of six old globular clusters in the LMC [1998]
Rotation Periods of Open Cluster Stars, II [1993]
Photometric Light Curves for Ten Rapidly Rotating Stars in Alpha Persei, the Pleiades, and the Field [1993]
Secondary Photometric Standards for Northern Nova-Like Cataclysmic Variables [1995]
Stars classified as constant in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars. II. [1996]
CG Muscae: a cataclysmic misclassification [1997]
The nature of visual components in 82 multiple systems [1998]
The All Sky Automated Survey. The catalogue of the periodic variables stars in the Selected Fields. [1998]
A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II. [1994]
BVRI Photometry of Spectroscopic Binaries [1996]
Photometry, 102, 65, 62
Catalogue des Mesures Photometriques dans le Systeme (102, 65, 62) de Eggen: Catalogue of Individual Measures; Catalogue of Averages [1974]
Photometry, 13-color
13-color Photometry of 1380 Bright Stars [1975]
Photometry, beta
Distant (r>5 kpc) OB Stars in the Galaxy [1993]
Photometry, BV
Membership of Low-Mass Stars in the Open Cluster Alpha Persei [1992]
Ruprecht 106: a young metal-poor galactic globular cluster. [1990]
The young Magellanic cluster NGC 2004 [1991]
BVR photoelectric sequences for selected fields in the Palomar Sky Survey and the magnitude-diameter relation [1991]
The Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1835: photometry of the RR Lyrae stars [1993]
Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: DDO 210 and NGC 3109 [1993]
Dynamics of the young binary LMC cluster NGC 1850 [1993]
Luminosity functions for post-turnoff stars in globular clusters. I. NGC 288 [1993]
New proper motions in the globular cluster M5 [1993]
Lick slit spectra of thirty-eight objective prism quasar candidates and low metallicity halo stars [1993]
The globular cluster NGC 6366: its blue stragglers and variable stars [1993]
photometry, BV
B and V photometry of faint stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1988]
Photometry, BVRI
The central field of Omega Centauri [1996]
photometry, BVRI
BVRI Photometry of Spectroscopic Binaries [1996]
Photometry, calcium triplet
Galactic globular cluster metallicity scale from the Ca II triplet I. Catalog [1997]
Photometry, CCD
The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE). The General Catalog of Stars in the Galactic Bulge. I. Stars in the Central Baade's Window OGLE Field BWC. [1996]
BVRI CCD photometry of 361281 objects in the field of M 31 [1992]
An imaging K-band survey- I. The catalogue, star and galaxy counts. [1994]
Colour magnitude diagram for the globular cluster M13 [1993]
The CCD photometry of the globular cluster Palomar 1. [1995]
CCD photometry of distant open clusters: II NGC 6791 [1995]
Photometric Bgr survey of the distant clusters of galaxies Cl 1613+3104 and Cl 1600+4109 [1996]
Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster NGC 2243 [1996]
Critical tests of stellar evolution in open clusters. I. New photometry and radial velocities for NGC 3680 [1996]
Deep CCD photometry and the initial mass function of the core of the OB cluster Berkeley 86. [1996]
CCD Sequences in the Shapley supercluster of Galaxies. I. The LCO-Toronto telescope data. [1996]
CCD Photometry of distant open clusters: III. Berkeley 18. [1997]
CCD photometry of the globular cluster Palomar 13 [1997]
A photometric catalogue of the Coma cluster core [1997]
UBV absolute CCD photometry and differential astrometry of close visual double stars, with G-type primaries. [1997]
NTT CCD photometry of the globular cluster M 79 = NGC 1904 in UBV [1997]
Photometrically determined membership of the young, open cluster IC 2391 [1997]
CCD photometry of late-type stars in the young open cluster IC 2602 [1997]
V,I CCD photometry of metal-rich globular clusters: NGC 6528 [1998]
Fundamental parameters of the highly reddened young open clusters Westerlund 1 and 2 [1998]
The Optical Gravitational lensing Experiment. Variable stars in globular clusters - IV. Fields 104A-E in 47 Tuc [1998]
Microvariability of the blazar OJ 287 [1998]
Faint photometric BVRc CCD sequences. The North Galactic Pole (b=85 deg) and the anticenter (l=133.2, b=-1.6 deg) [1998]
CCD imaging of twenty nearby isolated irregular galaxies [1998]
CCD photometry of distant open clusters. IV. Trumpler 5. [1998]
VI CCD photometry of metal-rich bulge globular clusters: NGC 6553 [1999]
CCD photometry and astrometry of visual double and multiple stars of the HIPPARCOS catalogue. II. CCD photometry and differential astrometry of 288 southern "intermediate" systems [1999]
Multi-colour photometry of nearby dwarf galaxies [1999]
A catalogue of velocities in the direction of the cluster of galaxies Abell 496 [1999]
Quantitative analysis of carbon isotopic ratios in carbon stars. I. 62 N-type and 15 SC-type carbon stars. [1996]
CCD photometry of the Tucana dwarf galaxy [1996]
Be star surveys with CCD photometry. II. NGC 1818 and its neighbouring cluster in the LMC. [1997]
Globular clusters 1 and 3 in the Fornax dwarf galaxy [1997]
The stellar population of the globular cluster M 3. II. CCD photometry of additional 10,000 stars [1997]
V, I photometry of the metal-rich bulge globular cluster Terzan 2 [1997]
No stellar age gradient inside supergiant shell LMC4. [1997]
The Galactic globular cluster NGC 1851: its dynamical and evolutionary properties [1998]
CCD Surface Photometry of galaxies with dynamical data II. UBR photometry of 39 elliptical galaxies [1990]
Massive stars in Cyg OB2. [1991]
Berkeley 93: a distant star cluster nestled in a dust cloud [1994]
The OB association LH 58 in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1994]
CCD Calibration of the Magnitude Scale for the SSRS2 Sample: The Equatorial Region [1994]
Variable stars in and around the SMC cluster NGC 330 [1994]
A Photometric Study of the Globular Cluster M54 and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: Evidence for Three Distinct Populations [1995]
CCD Photometry for the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 6584 [1995]
Star formation in dwarf irregular galaxies: NGC 6822. [1995]
Imaging and spectroscopic observations of the Case Survey blue/emission-line galaxies. [1995]
Young Globular Clusters in the Milky Way: Arp 2 [1995]
The optical gravitational lensing experiment: variable stars in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy [1995]
An X-ray survey of the open cluster NGC 6475 (M7) with ROSAT. [1995]
Bright stars and recent star formation in the irregular Magellanic galaxy NGC 2366. [1995]
Variable Stars in the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy [1995]
The RR Lyrae Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M15 [1995]
Luminosity functions for post-turnoff stars in globular clusters. II. NGC 7099 [1996]
Multicolor CCD photometry of the SMC cluster Kron 3 [1996]
The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies. I. Cluster definition and photometric data [1996]
Scanned CCD V and I Photometry at the South Galactic Pole [1996]
The age of NGC 3680 and a test of convective overshoot. [1997]
NSV 09295: A double-mode RR Lyrae variable [1997]
VRI CCD photometry of supergiant stars in the barred galaxies NGC 925 and NGC 1637 [1998]
RR Lyrae variables in the inner halo. I. Photometry. [1998]
Kinematics of the Hercules supercluster [1998]
Recent star formation in Shapley constellation III in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1998]
Star formation in and evolution of the blue compact dwarf galaxy UGC 6456 determined from Hubble space telescope images [1998]
CCD photometry of the globular cluster M 53. I. Color-magnitude data and blue straggler stars. [1998]
Multicolor CCD photometry of the poorly studied globular cluster M80. [1998]
The universality of the fundamental plane of E and S0 galaxies: sample definition and I-band photometric data. [1998]
A color-magnitude diagram for the halo globular cluster M 55 [1988]
CCD photometry of the anomalous globular cluster Palomar 12 [1989]
CCD photometry of the RR Lyrae variables in the LMC cluster NGC 2257 and the adjacent field [1989]
A 1.4 GHz source survey in an area without nearby rich galaxy clusters [1990]
BVRI CCD photometry of the metal-poor globular cluster M68 (NGC 4590) [1990]
A search for binaries in the globular cluster NGC 3201 [1994]
The galactic open cluster NGC 7419 and its five red supergiants. [1994]
The main-sequence turnoff of the old SMC globular cluster NGC 121 [1985]
UBVR CCD photometry of stars in M 31. I. Baade's field IV [1988]
Variable Stars in Magellanic Cloud Clusters. II. NGC 1850 [1995]
Dynamics of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 3201 [1995]
Berkeley 17: the oldest open cluster? [1997]
Evolved massive stars in the local group. I. Identification of red supergiants in NGC 6822, M31, and M33. [1998]
CCD photometry of galactic clusters containing Cepheid variables - IV. NGC 6649 [1987]
Main-sequence CCD photometry of the globular cluster omega Cen [1991]
CCD-photometry of galactic globular clusters - III. NGC 6171. [1991]
On the giant, horizontal and asymptotic branches of galactic globular clusters - V. CCD photometry of NGC 1261. [1993]
Mapping the {beta} Cephei instability strip: photometric variability of stars in the central part of the Cygnus OB2 association. [1998]
A BV Color-Magnitude Diagram for the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 1851 [1992]
Improved CCD Standard Fields [1992]
CCD photometry of the galactic globular cluster NGC6535 in the B and V passbands [1994]
vbyHbeta CCD photometry of Melotte 66: a disk analog of Omega Centauri? [1994]
Secondary Photometric Standards for Northern Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects [1997]
Light Curves For 40 Field RR Lyrae Variables [1997]
Photographic photometry of stars and positions of variables in the globular cluster NGC 6584. [1995]
photometry, CCD
The stellar population of the globular cluster M 3. II. CCD photometry of additional 10,000 stars [1997]
Photometry, classification
Automated Two-Dimensional Classification from Multicolour Photometry in the Vilnius System [1986]
Near Infrared Photometry of a Sample of IRAS Point Sources [1992]
Integrated photoelectric magnitudes and color indices of bright galaxies in the Johnson UBV system. [1995]
Photometry, CMT1T2V
The metallicity gradient and distribution function of globular clusters around NGC 1399 [1993]
Metal abundances for a large sample of globular clusters in M87 [1993]
Photometry, CN band
Photoelectric Measurements of the 4200-A CN Band and the G Band in G8-K5 Spectra [1960]
Photometry, Cousins
Analysis of Archival Data For Cool Dwarfs. II. A Catalog of Temperatures [1994]
Long-term monitoring of active stars. V. UBV(RI)c photometry collected in Feb-Mar 1990. [1996]
Southern and equatorial irregular variables. I. Photoelectric photometry [1997]
BV(RI)c monitoring of ON 231 during the great outburst in 1994-1997 [1998]
Multi-colour photometry of nearby dwarf galaxies [1999]
Otical-IUE observations of the gamma-loud BL Lacertae object S5 0716+714: data and interpretation [1997]
Photometric study of the old galactic cluster Be 31 [1993]
On the stellar population and star-forming history of the Orion Nebula Cluster [1997]
Analyses of Archival Data for Cool Dwarfs. II. A Catalog of Temperatures [1994]
Secondary Photometric Standard Stars for the Thuan-Gunn and Johnson- Kron-Cousins Systems. [1994]
Photometry, DDO
A Catalogue of Homogeneous Photometry of Bright Stars on the DDO System [1981]
A Kinematic Abundance Survey at the Galactic Poles [1982]
Photometry, Eggen
Catalogue des Mesures Photometriques dans le Systeme (102, 65, 62) de Eggen: Catalogue of Individual Measures; Catalogue of Averages [1974]
Photometry, G band
Photoelectric Measurements of the 4200-A CN Band and the G Band in G8-K5 Spectra [1960]
Photometry, Geneva
A calibration of Geneva photometry for B to G stars in terms of Teff, logg, and [M/H] [1997]
Variations of Ap stars in the Geneva system [1998]
Multiplicity among peculiar A stars I. The Ap stars HD 8441 and HD 137909, and the Am stars HD 43478 and HD 96391 [1998]
Physical parameters of the Algol system TZ Eridani from simultaneous analysis of Geneva 7-colour light curves [1998]
An analysis of the Ap spectroscopic binary HD 59435 [1996]
The variations of the Bp star HD 137509 [1997]
Eclipsing binaries with candidate CP stars. I. Parameters of the systems HD 143654, HD 184035 and HD 185257 [1997]
Geneva photometry in the young open cluster NGC 6231 [1997]
The pulsating yellow supergiant V810 Centauri [1998]
Photometric parameters for rotating models of A- and F-type stars [1999]
The Ap spectroscopic binary HD 59435 revisited [1999]
Photometry, H-alpha
H-{Alpha} Photometry of Late-Type Stars I. F-, G- and K-Type Stars North of the Equator [1964]
A Catalogue of observations in H alpha [1981]
An H{alpha} catalogue of galaxies in Hickson Compact Groups. I. The Sample [1999]
Embedded clusters in giant extragalactic HII Regions. I. BVRHalpha photometry [1994]
Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XII. Ground-based monitoring of 3C 390.3. [1998]
Photometry, H-beta
Four-Colour uvby and H-beta Photometry of A5 to G0 Stars Brighter than 8.3 mag [1983]
A Catalogue of H-beta Photometry of Southern A5 to G0 Stars Brighter than 8.3 magnitudes [1984]
The atmospheric parameters of A and F stars. I. Comparison of various methods [1993]
Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XII. Ground-based monitoring of 3C 390.3. [1998]
A homogeneous catalog of new UBV and H-beta photometry of B and A type stars in and around the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association [1992]
Photometry, H-gamma
The atmospheric parameters of A and F stars. I. Comparison of various methods [1993]
Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XII. Ground-based monitoring of 3C 390.3. [1998]
Photometry, hk
Ca II H and K filter photometry on the uvby system. II. The catalog of observations. [1995]
Photometry, hydrogen-line
Photoelectric Measures of Hydrogen-Line Absorption in Early-Type Stars [1962]
A Catalog of Stellar Lyman-Alpha Fluxes [1993]
Photometry, infrared
Two-Micron Sky Survey [1969]
The Catalogue of 10-micron celestial objects [1974]
The 100-Micron Survey of the Galactic Plane [1971]
Homogeneous catalogue of red and infrared magnitudes in the photoelectric photometric system of Kron [1982]
The Stellar Component of the Galaxy as seen by the AFGL Infrared Sky Survey [1983]
IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog [1986]
IRAS Faint Source Catalog, |b| > 10 Degrees, Version 2.0 [1989]
Equatorial Infrared Catalog [1990]
IRAS Minor Planet Survey (IMPS) [1992]
An imaging K-band survey- I. The catalogue, star and galaxy counts. [1994]
Near-Infrared Source Counts in the Galactic Plane [1983]
IRAS Small Scale Structure Catalog [1985]
Catalog of Infrared Magnitudes and H I Velocity Widths for Nearby Galaxies [1982]
Catalogued Galaxies and Quasars observed in the IRAS Survey, Version 2 [1989]
IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey Data File [1990]
Near-infrared and optical broadband surface photometry of 86 face-on disk dominated galaxies. I. Selection, observations and data reduction. [1994]
Linear and non-linear limb-darkening coefficients for the photometric bands R I J H K [1995]
A catalogue of massive young stellar objects [1996]
Determination of effective temperatures for an extended sample of dwarfs and subdwarfs (F0-K5). [1996]
Near-infrared surface photometry of spiral galaxies. I. The data. [1996]
Infrared aperture photometry at ESO (1983-1994) and its future use. [1996]
1.65 micron (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. I: Observations of 158 galaxies with the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope. [1996]
New infrared carbon stars in the IRAS Point Source Catalog [1997]
Near infrared photometry of IRAS sources with colours like planetary nebulae. III. [1997]
Determination of the temperatures of selected ISO flux calibration stars using the Infrared Flux Method [1998]
Broad-band JHK(L') photometry of a sample of giants with 0.5>[Fe/H]>-3 [1998]
Star formation in the Vela Molecular Clouds. III. Near infrared images and mm photometry of D-cloud IRAS sources. [1999]
Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus: I. H-band surface photometry of 174 spirals [1999]
Distribution and studies of the infrared stellar population in the Galaxy. V. Other clear regions around the galactic centre. [1993]
A Baade-Wesselink analysis of the RR Lyrae star V9 in 47 Tucanae. [1994]
The embedded stellar population in northern NGC 6334 [1996]
Radiation transfer in circumstellar disks [1997]
Deep optical and near infrared imaging photometry of the Serpens cloud core [1998]
Infrared Array Photometry of Bulge Globular Clusters. I. Combined ground based JK and HST VI Photometry of NGC 6553 [1998]
Infrared carbon stars: new identifications and their space distribution in the Galaxy [1998]
Field #3 of the Palomar-Groningen survey. II. Near-infrared photometry of semiregular variables. [1998]
Towards a fundamental calibration of stellar parameters of A, F, G, K dwarfs and giants [1998]
Infrared-luminous giants in M32: an intermediate-age population? [1992]
Homogeneous JHKL photometry of a sample of BL Lac Objects [1992]
A model of the 2-35 micron point source infrared sky [1993]
Energy distributions of radio galaxies [1993]
Dust emission features in 3 micron spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars [1993]
The mass-luminosity relation for stars of mass 1.0 to 0.08 solar masses [1993]
On the nature of Mg II absorption line systems in quasars [1993]
The dwarf spheroidal companions to M31: a color-magnitude diagram for And III [1993]
R band polarimetry of Cygnus OB2: Implications for the magnetic field geometry and polarization models [1994]
Infrared Array Photometry of Metal Rich Globular Clusters. II. Liller 1 -- The Most Metal Rich Cluster? [1995]
Near-Infrared Surface Photometry and Morphology in Virgo Cluster Spiral Galaxy Nuclear Regions [1995]
A 2.2um imaging survey of the Orion A molecular cloud [1995]
Red and infrared polarimetry of highly reddened stars in the galactic plane. [1995]
Infrared array photometry of metal-rich globular clusters. III. Two more clusters and an analysis of V-K colors. [1995]
Near infrared JHK photometry of intermediate redshift clusters [1996]
The TIRGO lunar occultation program: summary of the 1985-1995 observations. [1996]
A study of quasar absorption-line systems with IRAS [1996]
A Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of NGC 2282 [1997]
Properties of the Monoceros R2 Stellar Cluster [1997]
Near-infrared photometric studies of RZ Cassiopeiae. [1998]
The red supergiants in M31: spectra, colors, and luminosities [1988]
SiO maser sources in the outer disk of the Galaxy [1996]
Deep imaging of the field of the high-redshift radio source 4C 23.56 [1997]
The centers of star formation in NGC 6334 and their stellar mass distributions [1989]
The Hawai K-band survey. III. Spectroscopy of K < 20 galaxies. [1994]
IRAS observations of young stellar objects in the Corona Australis dark cloud [1992]
Multiwavelength energy distributions and bolometric luminosities of the 12 micron galaxy sample [1995]
Opening a new window on Ap star atmospheres: a T-Tauri relation for HR 3831 from its limb-darkened pulsation amplitudes [1996]
Colors and K-band counts of extremely faint field galaxies. [1997]
The Parkes selected regions : deep optical and infrared observations of radio galaxies and quasars at high redshifts. [1989]
Low-Mass Stars in Outer Field in NGC 6397 [1996]
A Study of Reddened Luminolls Stars in the Southern Milky Way IV. JHK Photometry [1993]
Photometry, K-line
K-Line Photometry of Southern A Stars, Table I: Summary of Data on Southern A Stars [1971]
Photometry, Kron
Homogeneous catalogue of red and infrared magnitudes in the photoelectric photometric system of Kron [1982]
Photometric study of the old galactic cluster Be 31 [1993]
Photometry, narrow-band
Narrow-Band Photometry of Late-Type Stars [1970]
Narrow-Band Photometry [1981]
A Kinematic Abundance Survey at the Galactic Poles [1982]
Photometry, photographic
Photographic Magnitudes for Stars at High Galactic Latitude [1983]
Proper motions, membership, and photometry of open clusters near eta Carinae [1993]
A determination of the thick disk chemical abundance distribution: implications for galaxy evolution. [1995]
A study of the motion, membership, and distance of the Hyades cluster [1975]
The Outer Regions of the Galactic Bulge: I. Observations. [1995]
The giant branch and variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 3201. [1996]
Photometry, RI
The luminosity function at the end of the main sequence: results of a deep, large-area, CCD survey for cool dwarfs. [1994]
Photometry, sequences
UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars in the Magnitude Range 11.5 < V < 16.0 Around the Celestial Equator [1992]
UBV Photoelectric Sequences in SA 92-115 [1973]
Photometry, special systems
Secondary Photometric Standard Stars for the Thuan-Gunn and Johnson- Kron-Cousins Systems. [1994]
Photometry, standards
Secondary standard stars for uvby-beta CCD photometry [1997]
Faint photometric BVRc CCD sequences. The North Galactic Pole (b=85 deg) and the anticenter (l=133.2, b=-1.6 deg) [1998]
Secondary Photometric Standard Stars for the Thuan-Gunn and Johnson- Kron-Cousins Systems. [1994]
Photometry, Stroemgren
Secondary standard stars for uvby-beta CCD photometry [1997]
Photometry, surface
Theoretical Colours and Isochrones for some Hubble Space Telescope Colour Systems [1989]
Detailed bibliography of the surface photometry of galaxies [1982]
Near-infrared and optical broadband surface photometry of 86 face-on disk dominated galaxies. I. Selection, observations and data reduction. [1994]
Morphological classification and structural parameters for early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. [1996]
Surface photometry of galaxies in low density regions. [1996]
Near-infrared surface photometry of spiral galaxies. I. The data. [1996]
Photometric and morphological analysis of UCM galaxies. I. Observations and reductions. Morphological classifications [1996]
1.65 micron (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. I: Observations of 158 galaxies with the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope. [1996]
1.65 micron (H-band) surface photometry of galaxies. II: observations of 297 galaxies with the TIRGO 1.5m telescope. [1996]
Near infrared surface photometry of late-type Virgo cluster galaxies [1997]
Morphological classification and structural parameter of galaxies in the Coma and Perseus clusters [1997]
The "Virgo photometry catalogue"; a catalogue of 1180 galaxies in the direction of the Virgo Cluster's core [1998]
Surface photometry of early-type galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field [1998]
Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies. III. Brightness profiles [1994]
Near-Infrared Surface Photometry and Morphology in Virgo Cluster Spiral Galaxy Nuclear Regions [1995]
Catalogue of Galactic globular-cluster surface-brightness profiles [1995]
A 20cm VLA survey of Abell clusters of galaxies. V. Optical observations and surface photometry [1995]
The Ursa Major cluster of galaxies. I. Cluster definition and photometric data [1996]
Photometry, UBV
Catalogue of Proper Motions, UBV-Photometry and Spectral Classification of the region of NGC 7092 (M39) [1994]
UBV Photometry of Bright Stars [1966]
The Spatial Distribution of Young Stars in Vela [1977]
Catalogue of Individual UBV and uvbyb Observations in the Region of the Orion OB 1 Association. [1977]
A Reference List for the UBV System [1976]
Photographic UBV Photometry for Stars in Open Clusters [1984]
A Photometric and Spectrophotometric Investigation in a Region at the South Galactic Pole [1978]
UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (1986): I. The Original data [1987]
UBV Photometry of Faint Stars (V>14.5) in the Open Cluster M67 [1986]
Catalogue of UBV Photometry and MK Spectral Types in Open Clusters (3rd Edition, August 1986) [1986]
New Subdwarfs. IV. UBV Photometry of 1690 High-Proper-Motion Stars [1986]
Catalog of Individual UBV Observations of Stars in the Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (LSS) Catalog [1989]
Catalogue of Homogeneous Means in the UBV System [1991]
UBV Photometry of Stars whose Positions are Accurately Known [1984]
30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The Stellar Content and Initial Mass Function [1992]
Supernova Studies: a Catalogue of magnitude observations of Type I Supernovae [1990]
UBV Photometry of Barium Stars [1993]
The Palomar-Green catalog of ultraviolet-excess stellar objects. [1986]
A Finding List of Faint UV-Bright Stars in the Galactic Plane [1973]
MK spectral classifications, 13th General Catalogue, Epoch 2000, including UBV photometry [1998]
SAO and Supplementary Data [1980]
CSI Catalogue with Selected Data [1983]
Proper Motions and UBV Photometry of Stars in the Region of the h and Chi Persei Clusters [1980]
Proper Motions and UBV Photometry of Stars in the Region of Open Clusters NGC 7788, NGC 7790, Berkeley 58 and Anonymous [1980]
Radial Velocities of Southern Luminous Stars [1997]
UBV Photoelectric Sequences in SA 92-115 [1973]
Multifrequency monitoring of RU Lupi: I. Observations [1995]
A new study of the young open cluster NGC 7510 [1996]
Monitoring MWC560=V694 Mon in 1990-1995. I. Conventional and high-speed UBV photometry [1996]
Automatic optical monitoring of 10 blazars. [1996]
Multi-colour photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of the WN5 star EZ Canis Majoris [1996]
UBV photometry of wide visual double stars. V. Double stars with mainly K- and M- type primaries. [1996]
UBV photometry of galactic foreground and LMC member stars. II. Galactic foreground stars (supplement) [1997]
CCD photometry of variable stars in the field of the globular cluster NGC 6397 [1997]
Surveys of ultraviolet-excess quasar candidates in large fields. The area around NGC 450 [1997]
The FUOR characteristics of the PMS star BN Orionis inferred from new spectroscopic and photometric observations [1997]
UBV absolute CCD photometry and differential astrometry of close visual double stars, with G-type primaries. [1997]
UBV photometry and period variations of V839 Ophiuchi [1997]
UBV photometry of Be stars at Hvar: 1972-1990 [1997]
Photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2323 [1998]
Photometric study of the late-type contact binary YY Eridani [1999]
UBV absolute CCD photometry and differential astrometry of a sample of visual double stars with A-type primaries [1999]
UBV photometry of galactic foreground and LMC member stars. I. Galactic foreground stars [1993]
Toward a consistent model of the B0.5IVe + sdO binary phi Per [1995]
Lithium abundance in binaries of the Hyades open cluster [1996]
Jet-like structures in beta Lyrae. Results of optical interferometry, spectroscopy and photometry [1996]
Is the symbiotic binary EG And an eclipsing system? [1997]
Properties and nature of Be stars. 17. V360 Lac = HD 216200 is a B3e + F9IV: binary [1997]
B-type pulsators in the open cluster NGC 884 ({chi} Persei) [1997]
Long-term photometric flares patrol (1967-1977) on EV Lac: a clear evidence of a longitude concentrated flaring activity in 1970 [1997]
No stellar age gradient inside supergiant shell LMC4. [1997]
Photospheric and chromospheric activity in the late-type giant component of the evolved binary system HD 185510 [1998]
HD 163151: a new W UMa type system [1998]
The ionizing cluster of 30 Doradus. I. Internal reddening from NTT photometry. [1999]
Photometric parameters for rotating models of A- and F-type stars [1999]
Massive stars in Cyg OB2. [1991]
The Stellar Content of LH 9 and 10 (N 11) in the LMC: A Case for Sequential Star Formation [1992]
A Photometric Study of the "Second Parameter" Globular Cluster Palomar 14 [1992]
U. S. Naval Observatory photographic parallaxes. List IX [1993]
OB Associations and Spiral Structure in the Southern Arm of M33 [1993]
Massive stars near Eta Carinae: the stellar content of Tr 14 and Tr 16. [1993]
NGC 2287: an important intermediate-age open cluster [1993]
CCD photometry of the old open cluster M67 [1993]
Photometric study of the old galactic cluster Be 31 [1993]
UBV photometry of luminous stars toward the Galactic Center [1993]
A survey of proper motion stars. XII. An expanded sample [1994]
AH Cam: A Metal-Rich RR Lyrae Star with the Shortest Known Blazhko Period [1994]
The space density and kinematics of blue metal-poor main sequence stars near the solar circle [1994]
Hot, luminous stars in selected regions of NGC 6822, M31 and M33 [1995]
The stellar initial mass function in the giant H II region NGC 595 [1996]
UBV Photometry of Southern Luminous Stars [1996]
U,B,V Light Curves of the Short-Period Solar-Type Eclipsing Binary, V417 Aquilae [1997]
Fornax globular cluster 3: new color-magnitude diagrams for cluster and surrounding field [1997]
The star formation history of the Carina dwarf galaxy. [1998]
Dwarf Cepheids in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy. [1998]
Recent star formation in Shapley constellation III in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1998]
Globular cluster photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. VII. Color gradients and blue stragglers in the central region of M30 from Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 observations. [1998]
WFPC2 observations of star clusters in the Magellanic clouds. II. The oldest star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. [1998]
HW Persei: an eclipsing binary at critical contact? [1998]
Stars of spectral type A and B in the southern galactic halo. I. UBV photometry [1982]
UBV photometry of OB associations within superbubbles of the Large Magellanic Cloud [1996]
Faust observations of ultraviolet sources toward the Virgo cluster [1997]
UBV-{beta} Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars [1998]
Photoelectric UBV photometry of stars selected in the HK objective-prism survey [1991]
A homogeneous catalog of new UBV and H-beta photometry of B and A type stars in and around the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association [1992]
A catalog of blue and red supergiants in M33. [1993]
An IUE survey of interstellar H I Ly{alpha} absorption. I. Column densities. [1994]
Triggered star formation and the dynamics of a superbubble in the LMC: the OB association LH 47/48 in DEM 152 [1995]
The Initial Mass Function and Massive Star Evolution in the OB Associations of the Northern Milky Way [1995]
The UV-brightest stars of M33 and its nucleus: discovery, photometry, and optical spectroscopy [1996]
New Perspectives on AX Monocerotis [1997]
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey - II. Zone 1 - the North Galactic Cap [1997]
Photoelectric UBV photometry of northern stars from the HK objective-prism survey. II. [1991]
Distant (r>5 kpc) OB Stars in the Galaxy [1993]
Rapid optical variability in NGC 7469: UBV photometry. [1995]
On the origin of optical variability of WW Vulpeculae. [1997]
UBV Photometry of HD Stars in the Fields of Selected Cataclysmic Variables [1993]
Photometry, UBVr20
Catalogue of Photometric Measurements in the UBVr 20 System [1973]
Photometry, UBVRI
Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue in the Johnson UBVRI System [1986]
A Catalog of Concentric Aperture UBVRI Photoelectric Photometry of Globular Clusters [1986]
UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars Around the Celestial Equator [1983]
UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars in the Magnitude Range 11.5 < V < 16.0 Around the Celestial Equator [1992]
Multifrequency monitoring of RU Lupi: I. Observations [1995]
Photometric and spectroscopic studies of cool stars discovered in EXOSAT X-ray images. III. Photometric properties [1996]
Investigation on the region of the open cluster Tr 14 [1996]
Near-infrared surface photometry of spiral galaxies. I. The data. [1996]
New aperture photometry for 217 galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters. [1996]
Long-term monitoring of active stars. V. UBV(RI)c photometry collected in Feb-Mar 1990. [1996]
UBVRI photometric monitoring of 7 rapidly rotating late-type dwarfs in the Alpha Persei cluster [1996]
Stellar contents of the open clusters Be 64 and Be 69 [1997]
Multicolour deep CCD photometric study of the moderately young southern open star clusters NGC 3228, NGC 4103, NGC 5662 and NGC 6087 [1997]
UBVRI imaging photometry of the open cluster Cr 272 [1997]
Southern and equatorial irregular variables. I. Photoelectric photometry [1997]
UBVRI photometry of the FK5 Extension Catalogue Stars. [1997]
Microvariability of the blazar OJ 287 [1998]
Monitoring of AO 0235+164 during a faint state [1998]
BV(RI)c monitoring of ON 231 during the great outburst in 1994-1997 [1998]
F, G and K stars in the ROSAT all-sky survey. I. Photometry. [1998]
The overlapping open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758: II. BVR photographic photometry and proper motions [1998]
The intraday variability in the radio-selected and X-ray-selected BL Lac objects [1998]
Photometric monitoring of three BL Lac objects in 1993-1998 [1999]
ESO Imaging Survey. IV. Multicolour analysis of point-like objects toward the South Galactic Pole. [1999]
A search for candidate light echoes: photometry of supernova environments [1999]
Young massive star clusters in nearby galaxies. II. Software tools, data reductions and cluster sizes [1999]
Photometry of V1794 Cygni between 1975 and 1995 [1999]
Variability of classical T Tauri stars. Its relation to the accretion process [1996]
Optical and infrared observations of 27 oxygen-rich stars. Modelling of the circumstellar dust shells. [1996]
Deep UVBRI photometry in IC 348 [1997]
The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. II. Lithium depletion in dwarf components [1997]
Dust around young stars. Photopolarimetric activity of the classical Herbig Ae/Be star RR Tauri. [1997]
Otical-IUE observations of the gamma-loud BL Lacertae object S5 0716+714: data and interpretation [1997]
The overlapping open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758. I. UBVRI-CCD photometry [1998]
Brightening of the T Tauri star RY Tau in 1996. Photometry, polarimetry and high resolution spectroscopy [1999]
Late A-type stars: new Stroemgren photometric calibrations of absolute magnitudes from Hipparcos [1999]
A photometric study of the W UMa-type system RZ Tauri [1999]
B-type pulsators in the central region of NGC 869 (h Persei) [1999]
BVRI photometry of the star-forming region NGC 2264: the initial mass function and star-forming rate [1999]
Time series analysis of V368 Cephei photometry [1999]
Time series analysis of V1794 Cygni long-term photometry [1999]
Photometry of dwarf K and M stars [1993]
Intracluster dust polarization in the Carina nebula [1993]
The intermediate age open cluster NGC 7044. [1993]
UBVRI Photometry of SN 1993J in M81: The First 120 Days [1994]
Light curves of SN 1993J from the Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium [1994]
CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904 (M79) [1994]
Faint Cepheid studies. I. Comparison with existing data sets [1996]
Faint Cepheid Studies. II. Stars with Published Periods [1996]
M87, globular clusters, and galactic winds: issues in giant galaxy formation. [1998]
DIRECT distances to nearby galaxies using detached eclipsing binaries and Cepheids. II. Variables in the field M31A. [1998]
Recent star formation in Sextans A. [1998]
Multicolor CCD photometry of the poorly studied globular cluster M80. [1998]
A study of nine high-redshift clusters of galaxies. III. Hubble space telescope morphology of clusters 0023+0423 and 1604+4304. [1998]
Subdwarf studies. I. UBVRI photometry of NLTT stars. [1989]
Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XII. Ground-based monitoring of 3C 390.3. [1998]
The Parkes selected regions : deep optical and infrared observations of radio galaxies and quasars at high redshifts. [1989]
Faint UBVRI CCD sequences for wide-field surveys. I. [1995]
Faint UBVRI CCD sequences for wide-field surveys. II. UBVR sequences at {delta}=-30{deg} [1999]
Analysis of flare activity in SS 433 on the basis of photoelectric photometry. [1997]
Photometric survey near the main Galactic meridian: 1. Photoelectric stellar magnitudes and colours in the UBVR system [1995]
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The catalog of clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. [1998]
BVRI Photometry of Spectroscopic Binaries [1996]
UBVRI observations of stars in the Guide Star Photometric Catalogue [1990]
UBVRIJKLMNH Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue [1978]
A standard stellar library for evolutionary synthesis: II. The M dwarf extension [1998]
Spectro-photometric evolution of elliptical galaxies. II. Models with infall. [1996]
UBV-JHKLM photometry of CH Cygni over 1978-1995: dust properties and doubts on the triple star model. [1996]
The T Tauri star population in the Lupus star forming region [1997]
Model atmospheres broad-band colors, bolometric corrections and temperature calibrations for O - M stars [1998]
Sh 138: a compact HII region excited by a very young cluster [1999]
UBVJHKLM Photometry of Nova Cygni 1992. [1994]
Red supergiants in the LMC. I. BVRIJHK photometry, magnitudes and intrinsic colours. [1997]
Photometry, ubvy, beta
NGC 2287: an important intermediate-age open cluster [1993]
A photometric and spectrographic study of SX Phoenicis [1993]
Photometry, UcBV
Catalogue of Photoelectric Photometric Measurements in the UcBV System [1975]
Photometry, ultraviolet
Catalogue of stellar ultraviolet fluxes (TD1): A compilation of absolute stellar fluxes measured by the Sky Survey Telescope (S2/68) aboard the ESRO satellite TD-1 [1978]
OAO 2 Ultraviolet Photometry: An Atlas of Stellar Spectra [1979]
OAO2 filter Photometry of 531 stars of diverse types [1980]
Supplement to the Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue [1978]
A Search for Ultraviolet-Excess Objects [1980]
The UV properties of normal galaxies. II. The non-IUE data. [1995]
The UV properties of normal galaxies. III Standard Luminosity Profiles and Total Magnitudes [1995]
HST observations of the core of globular cluster NGC 6397 [1994]
HST observations of Blue Stragglers stars in the core of the globular cluster M3 [1997]
Hubble Space Telescope / Faint Object Camera observations of the inner regions of the galactic globular cluster M15. [1993]
The stellar initial mass function in the giant H II region NGC 595 [1996]
UIT: New ultraviolet stellar photometry and surface brightness profiles of the globular cluster M 79 (NGC 1904) [1996]
UIT: Ultraviolet Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud [1997]
Ultraviolet Photometry of Stars in the Compact Cluster R136 in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1997]
Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope Observations of the Magellanic Clouds [1998]
Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: fields centered on Rho Ophiuchi and the Galactic center [1996]
Ultraviolet imaging telescope near-ultraviolet bright object catalog. [1996]
Faust observations of ultraviolet sources toward the Virgo cluster [1997]
Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: a field in Orion [1993]
A Catalog of Far-Ultraviolet Point Sources Detected with the FAUST Telescope on ATLAS-1 [1995]
Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Photometry: Fields in Sagittarius and Scorpius [1995]
Ultraviolet and optical observations of OB associations in M31 [1995]
Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: a field in Monoceros [1993]
UIT and optical imagery of Large Magellanic cloud associations LH 52 and LH 53: ages and initial mass function slopes [1995]
The UV-brightest stars of M33 and its nucleus: discovery, photometry, and optical spectroscopy [1996]
A Composite HST Spectrum of Quasars [1997]
Color-luminosity relations for the resolved hot stellar populations in the centers of M31 and M32. [1998]
A catalogue of faint, UV-excess objects. [1990]
Photometry, UVBGRI
Catalogue of UVBGRI (Stebbins and Withford) measurements: Published data and Weighted Means [1975]
Adaptive optics near-infrared imaging of R136 in 30 Doradus: the stellar population of a nearby starburst. [1996]
Photometry, uvby
Four-Colour uvby and H-beta Photometry of A5 to G0 Stars Brighter than 8.3 mag [1983]
Long-term photometry of variables at ESO. I - The first data catalogue (1982-1986) [1991]
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. The Second Data Catalogue (1986-1990) [1993]
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. III. The Third Data Catalogue (1990-1992) [1995]
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. IV. The Fourth Data Catalogue (1992-1994) [1995]
The Palomar-Green catalog of ultraviolet-excess stellar objects. [1986]
The Stromgren and Perry Photoelectric uvby Catalog [1965]
Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XXXVII. Light curves of the B-type system V539 Arae [1996]
Stroemgren uvby photometry of the magnetic chemically peculiar stars HD 32633, 25 Sex, HR 7224, and HD 200311 [1997]
On the possible variability of metallic-line and Mercury-Manganese stars [1997]
Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XXXVIII. Light curves of the triple system V906 Scorpii [1997]
On the possible variability of the main sequence A stars theta Virginis and 109 Virginis [1997]
uvby Photometry of the magnetic Chemically Peculiar Stars HD 37776, HR 2258, HR 6958, and 108 Aquarii [1997]
Four colour photometry of binary systems. III. The early-type binary system CR Cassiopeiae [1998]
The revised GB/GB2 sample of extragalactic radio sources [1998]
uvby photometry of the chemically peculiar stars AR Aurigae, 3 Hydrae, 49 Cancri, and BX Boo [1998]
Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XXXVI. Light curves of the O7V+O9V system V3903 Sagittarii [1998]
Delta-a and Stroemgren photometry of stars in the Renson-catalogue of Ap and Am stars [1998]
Four-colour photometry of eclipsing binaries. XXXIX. Light curves of the pre-main sequence triple system TY Coronae Australis [1998]
uvby photometry of 33 Tauri, HD 50169, and HR 7786 and an assessment of FCAPT comparison stars [1998]
uvby Photometry of the chemically peculiar stars. HD 15980, HR 1094, 33 Gem, and HD 115708 [1999]
uvby photometry of the magnetic CP stars HD 35298, 19 Lyrae, HD 192678, and HR 8216 [1999]
uvby Photometry of the magnetic CP stars 45 Leonis, HR 4330, 49 Herculis, and HR 6718 [1999]
Rapid photometric and spectroscopic variability of the Be star DX Eridani [1996]
The role of convection on the uvby colours of A, F, and G stars [1997]
uvby photometry of theta Coronae Borealis during 1994 and 1995 [1998]
HD 37017 = V1046 Ori. A double-lined spectroscopic binary with a B2e He-strong magnetic primary [1998]
Photometric parameters for rotating models of A- and F-type stars [1999]
Galactic structure from faint Stroemgren photometry: the catalog of observations [1992]
The eclipsing binary EG Serpentis [1993]
Reddening estimation for halo red giants using ubvy photometry [1994]
Spectrophotometry of 237 stars in 7 open clusters [1997]
Ca II H and K photometry on the uvby system. III. The metallicity calibration for the red giants. [1998]
New Perspectives on AX Monocerotis [1997]
Stromgrem uvby photometry of the magnetic chemically peculiar stars HR 1643, Theta Aur, 49 Cam, and HR 3724 [1997]
Stromgren photometry of stars in Baade's Window. I. The data. [1996]
A Study of Reddened Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way I. uvby Photometry [1993]
Photometry, uvby, beta
Four-colour uvby photometry for bright O to G0 type stars south of declination +10 degrees [1976]
Catalogue of Individual UBV and uvbyb Observations in the Region of the Orion OB 1 Association. [1977]
uvby-Beta Photometry of 398 Members of Visual Multiple Stellar Systems [1982]
A Study of Visual Double Stars with Early-Type Primaries. IV. Astrophysical Data [1985]
uvby Estimated Astrophysical Parameters [1980]
Radial Velocities of Southern Luminous Stars [1997]
uvbyHbeta photometry of main sequence A type stars [1996]
uvby-{beta} photometry of high-velocity and metal-poor stars. VIII. Stars of very low metal abundance. [1996]
Secondary standard stars for uvby-beta CCD photometry [1997]
Four clour photometry of late-type binary systems. I. First uvby{beta} light curves of ZZ Ursae Majoris. [1997]
CP2 stars as viewed by the ubvy-beta system [1998]
Stellar uvby{beta} photometry in three EUV shadow directions [1998]
Search for reference A0 dwarf stars: masses and luminosities revisited with Hipparcos parallaxes [1999]
uvby-beta observations of 528 type B stars with V between the 8th and 9th magnitude. [1992]
Photometric versus empirical surface gravities of eclipsing binaries [1997]
Chemical composition of halo and disk stars with overlapping metallicities [1997]
HD 163151: a new W UMa type system [1998]
UBV-{beta} Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars [1998]
Photometry, VBLUW
X-ray/optical observations of stars with shallow convection zones (A8-G2 V) [1998]
Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere. [1999]
Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations [1990]
Walraven photometry of stars near the Luminous Blue Variable AG Carinae [1993]
Photometry, Vilnius
Automated Two-Dimensional Classification from Multicolour Photometry in the Vilnius System [1986]
Catalogue of Photoelectric Photometry in the Vilnius system [1989]
Interstellar extinction in the vicinity of the North America and Pelican nebulae [1993]
Multi-colour photometric and spectroscopic monitoring of the WN5 star EZ Canis Majoris [1996]
Photometry, VRI
VRI photometry of stars in the fields of 12 BL Lacertae objects [1996]
CCD photometry of late-type stars in the young open cluster IC 2602 [1997]
Supergiant stars in the disk of NGC 672 [1996]
VRI CCD photometry of supergiant stars in the barred galaxies NGC 925 and NGC 1637 [1998]
Mass segregation in young Large Magellanic Cloud clusters. I. NGC 2157. [1998]
A Study of Reddened Luminous Stars in the Southem Milky Way III. VRI Photometry [1993]
photometry: CCD
Colour magnitude diagram for the globular cluster M13 [1993]
CCD-photometry of the galactic globular cluster NGC 2808. [1990]
photometry: galaxies: early-type
Colors and color gradients in bulges of galaxies [1994]
photometry: Stroemgren
Four-colour uvby and H-beta photometry of all stars earlier than G0 and brighter than ~10.7mag in Selected Area 203 towards the Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds [1992]
photometry: UBV
UBV and uvbyb photometry of stars in the region of the Zeta Sculptoris cluster [1988]
UBV photometry of galactic foreground and LMC member stars. I. Galactic foreground stars [1993]
photometry: uvby, beta
UBV and uvbyb photometry of stars in the region of the Zeta Sculptoris cluster [1988]
uvby-beta photometry of high-velocity and metal-poor stars. VI. A second catalogue, and stellar populations of the Galaxy [1993]
photometry: Vilnius
Interstellar extinction in the vicinity of the North America and Pelican nebulae [1993]
Planetary nebulae
Sixth Catalogue of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars [1981]
Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae [1992]
A new catalogue of H-alpha emission-line stars and small nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud [1993]
Planetary nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds : I. Carbon abundances and TypeI PNe [1996]
Accurate positions and finding charts of known planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud. [1997]
Radial velocities of planetary nebulae towards the Galactic bulge [1997]
Obscured AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds. I. IRAS candidates [1997]
Abundances in planetary nebulae near the galactic centre. I. Abundance determinations [1997]
SiO masers in OH/IR stars, proto-planetary and planetary nebulae [1998]
The kinematics of 867 galactic planetary nebulae [1998]
Variable central stars of young Planetary Nebulae. A photometric study of the central star of M2-54 [1999]
Recombination coefficients for the 5g-4f transitions of O III at nebular temperatures and densities [1999]
Spectrophotometric observations of planetary nebulae high above the Galactic plane [1996]
Planetary nebulae morphologies, central star masses and nebular properties [1997]
On the mass distribution of planetary nebulae central stars [1997]
The planetary nebulae populations in five galaxies: abundance patterns and evolution [1998]
Abundance gradients in the outer galactic disk form planetary nebulae [1999]
Properties that cannot be explained by the progenitors of planetary nebulae [1997]
Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey [1998]
Compact Radio Sources near the Galactic Plane [1992]
A 5GHz VLA survey of the galactic plane. [1994]
A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae [1995]
The stellar halo of M104. I. A survey for planetary nebulae and the planetary nebula luminosity function distance [1996]
The distances of planetary nebulae and the galactic bulge [1996]
Planetary nebulae as standard candles. XI. Application to spiral galaxies [1997]
The Spectrum of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6567 [1993]
The Spectrum of the Planetary Nebula, IC 418 [1994]
planetary nebulae: general
An objective-prism survey of emission-line objects in M 31. [1993]
A new catalogue of H-alpha emission-line stars and small nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud [1993]
A near infrared survey of northern planetary nebulae [1994]
A catalogue of HeII 4686 line intensities in Galactic planetary nebulae [1994]
On an alternative statistical distance scale for planetary nebulae. Catalog with statistical distances to planetary nebulae. [1994]
Planetary nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds : I. Carbon abundances and TypeI PNe [1996]
A search for OH maser emission from post-asymptotic giant branch stars. [1996]
Accurate positions and finding charts of known planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud. [1997]
Radial velocities of planetary nebulae towards the Galactic bulge [1997]
Abundances in planetary nebulae near the galactic centre. I. Abundance determinations [1997]
Atomic data from the Iron Project. XXVII. Electron impact excitation collision strengths and rate coefficients for Fe IV [1997]
Near infrared photometry of IRAS sources with colours like planetary nebulae. III. [1997]
The kinematics of 867 galactic planetary nebulae [1998]
Recombination coefficients for Ne II lines at nebular temperatures and densities [1998]
Recombination line intensities for hydrogenic ions: the fine structure components of HI and HeII [1999]
Atomic data from the Iron Project. XXXVII. Electron impact excitation collision strengths and rate coefficients for Fe VI [1999]
Recombination coefficients for the 5g-4f transitions of O III at nebular temperatures and densities [1999]
The interstellar medium of M 31. III. Narrow-band imagery in H-alpha and SII. [1992]
Radio continuum observations of southern planetary nebulae candidates [1993]
Abundances of non-type I planetary nebulae in the LMC [1993]
Chemical behaviour of planetary nebulae and galactic abundance gradients [1993]
Abundance gradients from disk planetary nebulae: O, Ne, S, and Ar [1994]
Radio continuum observations of planetary nebula candidates from the northern hemisphere [1995]
On the status of planetary nebulae with WR-type nuclei [1995]
Spectrophotometric observations of planetary nebulae high above the Galactic plane [1996]
Planetary nebulae morphologies, central star masses and nebular properties [1997]
On the mass distribution of planetary nebulae central stars [1997]
The planetary nebulae populations in five galaxies: abundance patterns and evolution [1998]
Abundance gradients in the outer galactic disk form planetary nebulae [1999]
A Westerbork synthesis radio telescope 327 MHz survey of the galactic plane. [1996]
Properties that cannot be explained by the progenitors of planetary nebulae [1997]
Planetary nebulae in the NRAO VLA sky survey [1998]
A 5GHz VLA survey of the galactic plane. [1994]
Post-asymptotic giant branch evolution of low- to intermediate-mass stars [1994]
A statistical distance scale for galactic planetary nebulae [1995]
The stellar halo of M104. I. A survey for planetary nebulae and the planetary nebula luminosity function distance [1996]
The distances of planetary nebulae and the galactic bulge [1996]
Planetary nebulae as standard candles. XI. Application to spiral galaxies [1997]
planetary nebulae: individual (Abell 35)
Ultraviolet variations in the spectrum of the visible central star of Abell 35 [1994]
planetary nebulae: individual (M2-54)
Variable central stars of young Planetary Nebulae. A photometric study of the central star of M2-54 [1999]
planetary nebulae: individual (NGC 2452)
A deep BVI photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2453 [1995]
planetary nebulae: individual (NGC 7027)
The 654-1046nm line spectrum of the planetary nebula NGC 7027 [1995]
planetary systems
Beta Pictoris: Evidence of light variations [1995]
Ephemerides of planets between 1900 and 2100 (1998 update) [1996]
A Search for Jupiter-Mass Companions to Near-By Stars [1995]
Ephemerides of planets between 1900 and 2100 (1998 update) [1996]
Photographic observations of Pluto 1991-1994 with the Baldone Schmidt telescope. [1996]
CCD observations of Triton [1996]
CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites 1990-1994 [1997]
A catalogue of the observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites made in 1991 during the PHEMU91 Campaign [1997]
Astrometry of Satellites I to V of Uranus [1998]
New CCD positions of Triton and a comparison with the theoretical predictions [1998]
CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites in 1995 and 1997 [1999]
CCD observations of Nereid and a new orbital determination [1999]
CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites: 1995-1998 [1999]
Photographic positions for the first eight satellites of Saturn [1999]
Photometry and position observations of Saturnian satellites during their mutual eclipses and occultations in 1995 performed at the observatories in Russia and Kazakhstan [1999]
Observations and ephemerides of the faint satellites of Jupiter [1996]
Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter occurring in 1997 [1996]
Theory of motion and ephemerides of Hyperion [1997]
Modeling the diversity of outer planetary systems. [1998]
planets and satellites: general
Numerical expressions for precession formulae and mean elements for the Moon and the planets. [1994]
Planetary Theories in rectangular and spherical variables: VSOP87 solution. [1988]
Ephemerides of Pluto between 1700 and 2100 (PLUTO95) [1995]
Representation of planetary ephemerides by frequency analysis. Application to the five outer planets. [1995]
CCD observations of Triton [1996]
Table of vacuum ultraviolet emission band systems of molecular nitrogen from 82.6 to 124.2 nm [1998]
CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites: 1995-1998 [1999]
planets and satellites: individual (Hyperion)
Theory of motion and ephemerides of Hyperion [1997]
planets and satellites: individual (Jupiter)
A catalogue of the observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites made in 1991 during the PHEMU91 Campaign [1997]
Observations and ephemerides of the faint satellites of Jupiter [1996]
planets and satellites: individual (Nereid)
CCD observations of Nereid and a new orbital determination [1999]
planets and satellites: individual (Pluto)
Photographic observations of Pluto 1991-1994 with the Baldone Schmidt telescope. [1996]
planets and satellites: individual (satellites of Jupiter)
Astrometry of outer Jovian satellites from The Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets (UESAC) [1996]
A catalogue of the observations of the mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites made in 1991 during the PHEMU91 Campaign [1997]
Predictions of the mutual events of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter occurring in 1997 [1996]
planets and satellites: individual (satellites of Neptune)
CCD observations of Triton [1996]
planets and satellites: individual (satellites of Uranus)
Position of Uranian satellites [1994]
CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites [1995]
Astrometry of Satellites I to V of Uranus [1998]
CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites: 1995-1998 [1999]
planets and satellites: individual (Saturn)
Photographic positions for the first eight satellites of Saturn [1999]
planets and satellites: individual (Triton)
New CCD positions of Triton and a comparison with the theoretical predictions [1998]
planets and satellites: satellites of Saturn
CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites in 1995 and 1997 [1999]
Atomic data from the IRON Project. V. Effective collision strengths for transitions in the ground configuration of oxygen-like ions [1994]
Stark broadening of the NV 6f,g,h-7f,g,h,i line complex [1995]
Stark broadening of Xe II lines. [1996]
Atomic data from the IRON Project. XVII. Radiative transition probability for dipole allowed frobidden transitions in Fe III. [1996]
Stark broadening of spectral lines of multicharged ions of astrophysical interest. XVII: Ca IX and Ca X spectral lines [1998]
Stark broadening of spectral lines of multicharged ions of astrophysical interest XVIII: Si XI and Si XIII spectral lines [1998]
Stark broadening of spectral lines of multicharged ions of astrophysical interest. XX: O VII and Mg XI spectral lines [1998]
Stark broadening of spectral lines of multicharged ions of astrophysical interest. XXI: Sc X, Sc XI, Ti XI and Ti XII spectral lines [1998]
Ionization balance for optically thin plasmas: rate coefficients for all atoms and ions of the elements H to Ni. [1998]
Atomic data from the IRON project: VI. Collision strengths and rate coefficients for Fe II, [1995]
Atomic data from the IRON Project. VII. Radiative transition probabilities for Fe II. (Rev. November 1995) [1995]
Relativistic Free-Free Gaunt Factor of the Dense High-Temperature Stellar Plasma [1987]
Relativistic Free-Free Gaunt Factor of the Dense High-Temperature Stellar Plasma. II. Carbon and Oxygen Plasmas [1990]
The Rosseland mean free-free Gaunt factor of the dense high-Temperature stellar plasma [1991]
Plate data
Michigan Catalogue of two dimensional spectral types for the HD stars. (Vol.1, -90deg < {delta} < -53deg) [1975]
Michigan Catalogue of two dimensional spectral types for the HD stars (Vol.2: -52 to -40 degrees) [1978]
Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars. Vol.3 [1982]
Catalogue of two-dimensional spectral types for the HD stars. Vol.4 [1988]
Plate Centers of the European Southern Observatory Sky Survey [1974]
Wide-Field Plate Database [1997]
Classification of 831 two-micron sky survey sources south of +5deg [1975]
A study of the motion, membership, and distance of the Hyades cluster [1975]
Polarization Catalog [1978]
A Catalogue of Linear Polarization Measurements for 5070 stars [1976]
The Preliminary Version of the Bibliographic Catalogue of Stellar Polarization (BCSP) [1996]
Polarization of Be stars [1986]
Catalogue of Polarization Measurements and Related Data of Extragalactic Radio Sources [1979]
Coefficients for calculating the second-order moments of the polarization profiles of hydrogen lines [1995]
UBV polarimetry of 361 A- and F-type stars in Selected Areas [1998]
Polarimetry of southern peculiar early-type stars [1998]
Pulsars identified from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey [1999]
Dust around young stars. Photopolarimetric activity of the classical Herbig Ae/Be star RR Tauri. [1997]
Evidence for very large-scale coherent orientations of quasar polarization vectors [1998]
Asteroids as far-infrared photometric standards for ISOPHOT [1998]
Polarization properties of a sample of broad absorption line and gravitationally lensed quasars [1998]
Brightening of the T Tauri star RY Tau in 1996. Photometry, polarimetry and high resolution spectroscopy [1999]
Interstellar dust and magnetic field at the boundaries of the Local Bubble Analysis of polarimetric data in the light of Hipparcos parallaxes [1999]
Intracluster dust polarization in the Carina nebula [1993]
R band polarimetry of Cygnus OB2: Implications for the magnetic field geometry and polarization models [1994]
Red and infrared polarimetry of highly reddened stars in the galactic plane. [1995]
Polarimetric Observations of BL Lac [1994]
Orientation of Circumstellar Disks and the Statistics of H{alpha} Profiles of Ae/Be Herbig Stars. [1996]
Stars with ISM polarization observed with HPOL [1999]
Optical polarization of 1000 stars within 50 pc from the Sun [1993]
Study of variability of the polarization in Herbig Ae/Be stars [1995]
Dust around young stars. Photopolarimetric observations of the T Tauri star BM Andromedae [1995]
Coefficients for calculating the second-order moments of the polarization profiles of hydrogen lines [1995]
Linear polarimetry of Ap stars. V. A general catalogue of measurements [1995]
UBV polarimetry of 361 A- and F-type stars in Selected Areas [1998]
Polarimetry of southern peculiar early-type stars [1998]
Pulsars identified from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey [1999]
Dust around young stars. Photopolarimetric activity of the classical Herbig Ae/Be star RR Tauri. [1997]
Evidence for very large-scale coherent orientations of quasar polarization vectors [1998]
Polarization properties of a sample of broad absorption line and gravitationally lensed quasars [1998]
Interstellar dust and magnetic field at the boundaries of the Local Bubble Analysis of polarimetric data in the light of Hipparcos parallaxes [1999]
Populations, stellar
Distribution and studies of the infrared stellar population in the Galaxy. V. Other clear regions around the galactic centre. [1993]
The radial structure of the galactic disc [1992]
The massive star content of the blue dwarf galaxy I Zw 36 from Faint Object Camera observations. [1994]
Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera observations of the stellar populations near the nucleus of M33 [1995]
On the stellar population and star-forming history of the Orion Nebula Cluster [1997]
Recent star formation in Shapley constellation III in the Large Magellanic Cloud [1998]
H{gamma} and H{delta} absorption features in stars and stellar populations [1997]
Stromgren photometry of stars in Baade's Window. I. The data. [1996]
Positional data
Proper Motions of Stars in the Zone Catalogue -40 to -52 degrees of 20843 Stars for 1900 [1936]
Catalogue of 20554 Faint Stars in the Cape Astrographic Zone -40 to -52 Degrees for the Equinox of 1900.0 [1939]
Katalog von 3356 Schwachen Sternen fuer das Aequinoktium 1950 +89 degrees [1955]
Astrographic Catalogue [1974]
Astrographic Catalogue [1974]
Results of observations with the nine-inch transit circle 1913-1926. Catalogue of 9989 standard and intermediary stars, Miscellaneous stars. [1933]
Catalogue of Coordinates of Reference Faint, Bright and Double Stars South of -47 Degree and Corrections to FK4 Positions as Observed by Pulkovo Astronomers with the Meridian Circle at the Cerro-Kalan Observatory (Chile) in 1963-1968 [1986]
AGK3 Catalogue [1975]
Positions and proper motions OF 1981 stars in the vicinity of {alpha} Per [1980]
AGK3 Catalogue [1975]
Catalogue of 20457 Star Positions Obtained by Photography in the Declination Zone -48 to -54 Degrees (1950) [1983]
Third Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars Catalogue (SPF3) [1974]
Lowell Proper Motion Survey: 8991 Stars with m > 8, PM > 0.26"/year in the Northern Hemisphere [1971]
Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30 [1952]
First Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars Catalogue (SPF1) [1975]
Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 [1984]
Sydney Southern Star Catalogue [1983]
Accurate Positions of 502 Stars in the Region of the Pleiades [1970]
Yale Zone Catalogue: Zone -60deg to -70deg [1983]
Survey of the Astrographic Catalogue from 1 to 30 degrees of northern declination [1983]
Perth 75: a catalogue of positions of 2589 FK4 and FK4S stars [1982]
Meridian Observations made in Brorfelde Copenhagen University Observatory 1964-1967 Photographic [1968]
Lowell Proper Motion Survey - Southern Hemisphere Catalog 1978 [1978]
General Catalogue of 33342 stars (Version 1985) [1937]
Cape Photographic Catalogue for 1950.0 zone -30 to -64 [1954]
Combined Lick-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue. [1986]
Fourth Fundamental Catalogue and Supplement [1963]
First, Second and Third Herstmonceux Catalogues for 1950.0 [1983]
Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions [1988]
Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5) Part I [1988]
Precise Radio Source Positions Determined by Mark III VLBI: Observations from 1979 to 1988 and a Tie to the FK5 [1990]
Lick Jupiter-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue [1978]
Lick Saturn-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue [1979]
The U.S. Naval Observatory Zodiacal Zone Catalog [1990]
AGK3R [1990]
The U.S. Naval Observatory Pleiades Catalog [1969]
The Tokyo PMC Catalog 86: Catalog of Positions of 3974 Stars Observed in 1986 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle [1989]
Perth 83, A Catalogue of Positions of 12,263 Stars [1990]
A Catalog of Selected Compact Radio Sources for the Construction of an Extragalactic Radio/Optical Reference Frame [1984]
Astrographic Catalogue Reference Stars [1991]
International Reference Stars (IRS) [1991]
Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5) Part II. The FK5 Extension [1991]
The AGK3U: an updated version of the AGK3 [1992]
The Second General Catalogue of Stars Observed with the Photoelectric Astrolabes (GCPA2) [1992]
The Tokyo PMC Catalog 85: Catalog of Positions of 1007 Stars Observed in 1985 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle [1987]
Catalog of positions of 5748 stars observed in 1987 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (PMC87) [1991]
The Tokyo PMC Catalog 88: Catalog of positions of 3800 stars observed in 1988 and planetary positions observed in 1986 to 1988 with Tokyo Photoelectric MEridian circle (PMC88) [1992]
Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions - South [1993]
FOCAT-S: Pulkovo photographic Catalogue of Southern Hemisphere (Version 1993 March) [1994]
Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 [1993]
The Tycho Input Catalogue. Cross-matching the Guide Star Catalog with the Hipparcos INCA Data Base [1992]
The Tokyo PMC Catalog 89: Catalog of Positions of 3866 Stars Observed in 1989 and with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle [1993]
Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog [1987]
Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Reference Galaxies [1987]
XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars [1995]
Catalogue of Proper Motions, UBV-Photometry and Spectral Classification of the region of NGC 7092 (M39) [1994]
The Bright Stars Supplement to the PPM and PPM South Catalogue, Revised Edition [1993]
A preliminary list of stars from Tycho observations [1994]
The 90000 Stars Supplement to the PPM Star Catalogue [1994]
Catalogue of Proper Motions in the region of NGC 3680. [1995]
The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS [1996]
The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 [1996]
A normal system of positions and proper motions in the equatorial zone centred at epoch 1970. [1997]
The Pulkovo PVC96 catalogue: the first version of catalogue of FK5 stellar declinations observed in 1987-1994 with the Photographic vertical circle. [1997]
The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE). The General Catalog of Stars in the Galactic Bulge. I. Stars in the Central Baade's Window OGLE Field BWC. [1996]
The ACT Reference Catalog [1997]
The AC2000: the Astrographic Catalogue on the Hipparcos System [1997]
The Tokyo PMC Catalog 90-93: Catalog of Positions of 6649 Stars Observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle [1997]
The Tycho Reference Catalogue [1998]
The Guide Star Catalog Version 1.2 [1996]
The Guide Star Catalog Version 1.1-ACT (GSC-ACT Catalogue) [1996]
The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars. [1995]
Data for FK4/FK4 Supplement Stars [1973]
SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog - Star Catalog Database, Version 2 [1998]
A Catalogue of Rich Clusters of Galaxies [1989]
Optical positions of radio emitting stars. [1996]
First catalogue of stars with photoelectric astrolabe in San Juan [1996]
Photographic observations of Pluto 1991-1994 with the Baldone Schmidt telescope. [1996]
The photoelectric astrolabe catalogue of Yunnan Observatory (YPAC) [1996]
M15, an astrometric standard for CDD observations. [1996]
CCD observations of Triton [1996]
A compiled catalogue of optical positions of extragalactic radio sources. [1996]
A radio continuum study of the Magellanic Clouds. Part V: Catalogues of radio sources in the Small Magellanic Cloud at 1.42, 2.45, 4.75, 4.85 and 8.55 GHz. [1997]
CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites 1990-1994 [1997]
CCD measurements of double and multiple stars in Belgrade [1997]
Astrometric positions of stars with high proper motions in the Southern Hemisphere [1997]
MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars [1997]
Precision meteor orbits obtained by the Dutch Meteor Society - Photographic Meteor Survey (1981-1993) [1998]
On the use of the Hipparcos intermediate astrometric data [1998]
Astrometry of Satellites I to V of Uranus [1998]
New CCD positions of Triton and a comparison with the theoretical predictions [1998]
Catalogue of HII regions in NGC 7331 at the 6 meter telescope [1998]
Catalogue of HII regions measured on 6m telescope plates at Observatoire de Marseille [1998]
Observations of the Sun with the astrolabe of Santiago: 1995-1997 [1998]
Continuous declination system set up by observations of photoelectric astrolabe Mark I in Irkutsk. The first results of international cooperation between CSAO and VS NIIFTRI. [1998]
Second San Juan photoelectric astrolabe catalogue [1999]
CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites in 1995 and 1997 [1999]
The photographic observations on the components of Sirius [1999]
An astrometric catalogue for the area of Coma Berenices [1999]
CCD observations of Nereid and a new orbital determination [1999]
Absolute declinations with the photoelectric astrolabe at Calern Observatory (OCA) [1999]
CCD astrometric observations of Uranian satellites: 1995-1998 [1999]
Photographic positions for the first eight satellites of Saturn [1999]
Photometry and position observations of Saturnian satellites during their mutual eclipses and occultations in 1995 performed at the observatories in Russia and Kazakhstan [1999]
Automated identification of OB associations in M 31 [1993]
Redshift periodicity in the Local Supercluster [1996]
Comparison of the Carlsberg optical references frame with the International celestial reference frame [1996]
SMART97: a new solution for the rotation of the rigid Earth [1998]
Triton stellar occultation candidates 1992-1994 [1992]
Globular cluster photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. III. Blue stragglers and variable stars in the core of M3 [1994]
Triton stellar occultation candidates: 1995-1999 [1995]
HST Observations of the Core of the Globular Cluster NGC 6624 [1995]
A 2.2um imaging survey of the Orion A molecular cloud [1995]
A radio reference frame [1995]
Additional emission-line candidates from the HK survey [1996]
Systematic errors in the FK5 catalog as determined from CCD observations in the extragalactic reference frame [1997]
A Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core [1997]
A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar [1997]
Main-sequence CCD photometry of the globular cluster omega Cen [1991]
Accurate Positions for MCG Galaxies [1998]
Identifications and coordinates of variable stars in the globular cluster M 3 = NGC 5272. [1994]
Identifications and coordinates of variable stars in the globular cluster M 5 = NGC 5904. [1995]
Identification and coordinates of variable stars in the globular cluster M 4 = NGC 6121. [1996]
Identification and coordinates of variable stars in the globular clusters M 53 = NGC 5024 and NGC 2808. [1997]
A reference catalog for accurate position determinations in the region of M 31 [1998]
The position corrections of 1400 stars observed with PA II in San Juan [1994]
San Juan radio star catalogue and comparison with Hipparcos catalogue [1998]
An atlas and catalogue of northern dwarf novae [1987]
Proper motions
Proper Motions of Stars in the Zone Catalogue -40 to -52 degrees of 20843 Stars for 1900 [1936]
Catalogue of 20554 Faint Stars in the Cape Astrographic Zone -40 to -52 Degrees for the Equinox of 1900.0 [1939]
Proper Motions of 1160 Late-Type Stars [1970]
Katalog von 3356 Schwachen Sternen fuer das Aequinoktium 1950 +89 degrees [1955]
AGK3 Catalogue [1975]
Positions and proper motions OF 1981 stars in the vicinity of {alpha} Per [1980]
AGK3 Catalogue [1975]
Lowell Proper Motion Survey: 8991 Stars with m > 8, PM > 0.26"/year in the Northern Hemisphere [1971]
Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30 [1952]
Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 [1984]
Sydney Southern Star Catalogue [1983]
LHS Catalogue: a catalogue of stars with proper motions exceeding 0.5" annually. [1979]
Accurate Positions of 502 Stars in the Region of the Pleiades [1970]
Yale Zone Catalogue: Zone -60deg to -70deg [1983]
Perth 75: a catalogue of positions of 2589 FK4 and FK4S stars [1982]
New Luyten Catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than two tenths of an arcsecond (NLTT) [1979]
Lowell Proper Motion Survey - Southern Hemisphere Catalog 1978 [1978]
General Catalogue of 33342 stars (Version 1985) [1937]
Cape Photographic Catalogue for 1950.0 zone -30 to -64 [1954]
Common Proper Motion Stars In The AGK3 [1986]
A survey of trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions with the UK Schmidt telescope - II. Astrometric and photometric data for a complete sample of 6125 stars brighter than B=17.5, V=17.0 in the South Galactic Cap. [1986]
The LDS Catalogue: Double Stars with Common Proper Motion Proper motion survey with the 48-inch Schmidt Telescope, XXI [1969]
Fourth Fundamental Catalogue and Supplement [1963]
First, Second and Third Herstmonceux Catalogues for 1950.0 [1983]
Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions [1988]
Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5) Part I [1988]
The Catalogue of Proper Motions for High Luminosity Stars [1990]
The U.S. Naval Observatory Zodiacal Zone Catalog [1990]
AGK3R [1990]
The U.S. Naval Observatory Pleiades Catalog [1969]
Perth 83, A Catalogue of Positions of 12,263 Stars [1990]
Astrographic Catalogue Reference Stars [1991]
International Reference Stars (IRS) [1991]
Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5) Part II. The FK5 Extension [1991]
The AGK3U: an updated version of the AGK3 [1992]
Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions - South [1993]
FOCAT-S: Pulkovo photographic Catalogue of Southern Hemisphere (Version 1993 March) [1994]
Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 [1993]
Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog [1987]
Catalogue of Proper Motions, UBV-Photometry and Spectral Classification of the region of NGC 7092 (M39) [1994]
The Bright Stars Supplement to the PPM and PPM South Catalogue, Revised Edition [1993]
The 90000 Stars Supplement to the PPM Star Catalogue [1994]
Catalogue of Proper Motions in the region of NGC 3680. [1995]
Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog Cross-Identifications and Appendices [1994]
Tables of membership for 43 open clusters (1994 Version) [1995]
Positions, proper motions, and magnitudes in the area of the open Cluster Tr 10. [1984]
A normal system of positions and proper motions in the equatorial zone centred at epoch 1970. [1997]
The ACT Reference Catalog [1997]
The Tycho Reference Catalogue [1998]
The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars. [1995]
Data for FK4/FK4 Supplement Stars [1973]
New Kinematic Data for Bright Southern OB Stars, Table 2: Kinematic Data, Table 4: Combined Proper Motions [1972]
CSI Catalogue with Selected Data [1983]
Proper Motions and UBV Photometry of Stars in the Region of the h and Chi Persei Clusters [1980]
Proper Motions and UBV Photometry of Stars in the Region of Open Clusters NGC 7788, NGC 7790, Berkeley 58 and Anonymous [1980]
Membership of Low-Mass Stars in the Open Cluster Alpha Persei [1992]
The MSX Infrared Astrometric Catalog [1996]
Catalogue of nearest stars until 10pc [1979]
Study of proper motions in the region of the open cluster M67 and membership of stars [1993]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 16h and 24h [1994]
New proper motion determination of Luyten catalogue stars (LTT) south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 16h and 24h. [1995]
New proper-motion stars with declination between -5deg and -30deg and right ascension between 0h and 9h [1996]
The astrometric accuracy of ``Carte du Ciel'' plates and proper motions in the field of the open cluster NGC 1647 [1996]
Proper motions of stars in the region of the Orion Nebula cluster (C 0532-054) [1996]
GPM1 - a catalog of absolute proper motions of stars with respect to galaxies [1997]
New proper-motion stars with declination between -5deg and-30deg and right ascension between 9h and 13h30m [1997]
Absolute proper motions for the calibration of the Hipparcos proper motion system [1997]
Astrometric positions of stars with high proper motions in the Southern Hemisphere [1997]
Membership determination of stars using proper motions in the region of the open cluster M11 [1998]
New proper motion determination of Luyten catalogue stars (LTT) with declination between -5{deg} and -30{deg} and right ascension between 0h and 13h 30m. [1998]
The overlapping open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758: II. BVR photographic photometry and proper motions [1998]
Determination of proper motions and membership of the open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758. [1998]
Determination of proper motions and membership of the open clusters NGC 1817 and NGC 1807 [1998]
Mining in the Hipparcos raw data [1999]
An astrometric catalogue for the area of Coma Berenices [1999]
IC 348 proper motion study from digitised Schmidt plates. [1999]
New high proper motion stars with declinations between -5{deg} and -30{deg}, and right ascensions between 13h 30m and 24h [1999]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 00h00 and 04h30 [1989]
New proper motion determination of Luyten catalogue stars (LTT) south of declination -40 and right ascension between 00h 30m. [1990]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 04h30 and 16h00 [1991]
New proper motion determination of Lyuten catalogue stars (LTT) south of declination -40 and right ascension between 04h30 and 16h00m [1992]
Proper motion study of the globular cluster M92. [1996]
Proper motion of the hot subdwarfs. The kinematic population membership of the SdB [1997]
The absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae from HIPPARCOS parallaxes and proper motions [1998]
Wolf-Rayet stars and O-star runaways with HIPPARCOS. I. Kinematics. (Based on data from the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite) [1998]
The fine structure of the Pleiades luminosity function and pre-main sequence evolution [1998]
A lithium-survey for pre-main sequence stars in the upper Scorpius OB association [1998]
Proper motions of faint ROSAT WTT stars in the Chamaeleon region. [1999]
The open cluster IC 4665 [1993]
U. S. Naval Observatory photographic parallaxes. List IX [1993]
Proper motions, membership, and photometry of open clusters near eta Carinae [1993]
New proper motions in the globular cluster M5 [1993]
Proper motions in the southern ESO Areas 207, 439, AND 440 [1993]
Photographic astrometry of binary and proper-motion stars. VIII. [1994]
The metallicities and kinematics of RR Lyrae variables. II. Galactic structure and formation from local stars [1995]
The absolute proper motion and a membership survey of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy [1995]
Membership of stars in NGC 1039 (M34) [1996]
A Proper-Motion Membership Study of the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 [1996]
Early evolution of the Galactic halo revealed from Hipparcos observations of metal-poor stars [1998]
A study of the motion, membership, and distance of the Hyades cluster [1975]
The deceleration powering of synchrotron emission from ejecta components in supernova remnant Cassiopeia A [1995]
Positions and proper motions in the area of the open cluster NGC 129 [1997]
proper motions
The Tycho Reference Catalogue [1998]
Study of proper motions in the region of the open cluster M67 and membership of stars [1993]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 16h and 24h [1994]
Very low mass stars in the galactic cluster Praesepe [1995]
Membership determination of stars using proper motions in the region of the open cluster M11 [1998]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 00h00 and 04h30 [1989]
New proper motion determination of Luyten catalogue stars (LTT) south of declination -40 and right ascension between 00h 30m. [1990]
New proper-motion stars south of declination -40deg and right ascension between 04h30 and 16h00 [1991]
New proper motion determination of Lyuten catalogue stars (LTT) south of declination -40 and right ascension between 04h30 and 16h00m [1992]
High precision rotating neutron star models. I. Analysis of neutron star properties [1994]
An atlas of X- and {gamma}-ray pulse profiles of the Crab pulsar (PSR 0531+21): an analysis of energy and time variations. [1997]
Pulsars identified from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey [1999]
The evolution of helium white dwarfs. I. The companion of the millisecond pulsar PSR J1012+5307 [1998]
The Cambridge IPS Survey at 81.5 MHz [1987]
Expectancy of large pulsar glitches: a comparison of models with the observed glitch sample [1994]
Multifrequency flux density measurements of 280 pulsars. [1995]
pulsars: general
High precision rotating neutron star models. II. Large sample of neutron stars properties [1994]
Pulsars identified from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey [1999]
Expectancy of large pulsar glitches: a comparison of models with the observed glitch sample [1994]
Multifrequency flux density measurements of 280 pulsars. [1995]
pulsars: individual (PSR 0531+21, Crab pulsar)
An atlas of X- and {gamma}-ray pulse profiles of the Crab pulsar (PSR 0531+21): an analysis of energy and time variations. [1997]
pulsars: individual (PSR J1012+5307)
The evolution of helium white dwarfs. I. The companion of the millisecond pulsar PSR J1012+5307 [1998]

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]