Minutes of the June 10, 2005 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Roger Dixon presented Letters of Recognition to Ron Moore (for long damper OAC and helix scaling experiment) and to Petr Ivanov, Jerry Annala and Yuri Alexahin (for their work on octupoles at 150) - Congratulations! 2. Vladimir informed that Valery Lebedev, CY Tan and Jim Steimel are going to be distracted from the Tev issues to work on the Pbar stacking rate increase (till Oct). 3. Bruce on operations: 5 stores, lumi btw 51-90e9, i.e. lower than it used to be, because of 10% fewer protons, 10-15% fewer pbars, all stores ended intentionally, store #4195 had very low 51e30 because of larger emittances (blown up by injection error), store #4201 had higher losses everywhere because of tune and coupling messed up after staying 6 hrs at 150 but still ended up with L=86; strange 15-sec-period mode 1 phase oscillations took place in 4195; D0 is still by losses in squeeze; CDF Hall temperature variations led to LB quad motion and 0.25 mm V orbit movement. 4. Mike Syphers extracted beta* at CDF and D0 from CPM TBT data taken at LB last week: CDF H/V=35+-1/32+-1 cm, D0 H/V=35+-2/36+-0.5 cm. CDF hor waist Z-position seems to be 38 cm off. Need to redo the experiment with uncoalesced beam. 5. Vladimir reported that in stores with large longitudinal phase oscillations (due to instability), the proton longitudinal emittance growth rate (dominated by IBS) had 10% contribution proportional to N_a (number of pbars in opposite bunches). The effect was first noted by Alvin in store 4111 and can be explained as a longitudinal beam-beam effect (in 1991 expected to be seen in e+e- Phi-factory, but not observed anywhere yet). In ordinary stores, the effect is NOT present (beams-doc-1864). 6. Yuri analysed TBT data from new BPMs and observed H and V tune modulations of the order of (3-5)e-4 at frequencies other than synchrotron ones: 60 Hz, 120 Hz, 3xSynch Freq, 1300Hz and 1960Hz). No idea yet where kHz modulations may come from. 7. Vladimir concluded that 12% proton increase at LB (arranged by Andreas in store #4185) led to +4% increase in integrated luminosity per bunch. Can probably be even higher after proper tune adjustment. He also listed top 10 Tevatron Beam Physics mysteries (doc-1869) Minutes recorded by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore