Major changes to RadWare from rw00 to rw01 releases (May 2000 to October 2001) =================================================== Fixed a major bug in the escl8r compressed matrix data preparation routine prep, which incorrectly compressed by a factor of 2 and made the resulting compressed matrix asymetric and the energy calibration slightly incorrect. Users with compressed .esc or .e4k files made with rw99 to rw01 versions before October 2001 should create new files from the original matrix wherever possible, and refit their level schemes. Added undo/redo gls edit functions to programs gls, xmgls, escl8r, xmesc, levit8r, xmlev, 4dg8r, xm4dg, dixie_gls - command UE to undo, RE to redo - or use undo/redo buttons in xm* motif programs Added undo/redo gate or data-file-setup functions to programs escl8r, xmesc, levit8r, xmlev, 4dg8r, xm4dg - command UC to undo, RC to redo - or use undo/redo buttons in xm* motif programs Added new feature to command file (Macro) processing in gf3 for easy updating of on-line livetime displays: cf wai n where n is an integer - waits n seconds - if control-C pressed during the wait period, command file processing is interupted. Added readline call to libs/util/cask.c to enable command line history and editing. Users must have Gnu readline installed, include -DHAVE_GNU_READLINE in CFLAGS in the Makefile, and include -lreadline -lncurses in LIBS in the Makefile. These are the defaults in Makefile.linux. Fixed bug in dixie_gls.c that incorrectly calculated level data under some circumstances. Added support for .sec files, which are like 8192-ch .spn files. Added encapsulated postscript file support for all postscript routines; specify file name extension .eps to generate an encapsulated postscript file rather than a standard .ps postscript file. Added .spn (4-byte integer matrix) support to program addmat. Fixed a minor bug in lufwhm that prevented reopening old .tab files. Added color and better text support to plot, pedit and plot2ps. These features are not yet documented. For examples, see the demo/demo_plot* files. Plus many other minor bug fixes.