30-JUN-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - 1st dummy pass release to build EXEs corresponding to L2PROD07.00


  1-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Added D0DAD (V0.00_05) and D0$STP$CAL to Prod release. Modified
      PROD_RELEASE:DOCERN_STP_LIB.COM to create directory and copy *DB*.DAT to
      Prod area: D0$STP$CAL, These data files are not yet released.

    - Rebuilt prod class and re-released:
            INC             V3.39_05 
            Params          V2.29_04
            L2Control       V1.20_11
            D0DAQ           V3.16_13

    - Redoing 7.00 Production release.


  1-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Rebuild V07.01, L2_MAIN.LNK is in Pass release, removed
      /include=l1util_jets_list_build.for from level1 library. It's now in
      Zebra_Util. Plus, we now pick up the above changes.


  3-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
            "Copy *FILTER*.FOR from L2SIM"
            "Permanently needed for STP-building of constants needed by CLINPH"
            "Remove LEVEL1/inc=l1util_jet_list_builder, in ZEBRA_UTIL now"
            "Remove LEVEL1/inc=l1util_jet_list_builder, in ZEBRA_UTIL now"
            "Remove LEVEL1/inc=l1util_jet_list_builder, in ZEBRA_UTIL now"
            "Do LIBP, not LIBT for production"
            "Removed LEVEL1.olb from link, no longer needed"
            "Remove LEVEL1/inc=l1util_jet_list_builder, in ZEBRA_UTIL now"


  6-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Made a new Gamma release of MUON_UTIL. Using V3.01_02 as it's base.
      Redoing Pass V07.01 *only* to test that.


  7-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - MUON_L2_6_94.CONST from Markeloff contains new Muon Survey Constants.
      This has been put into the STP CMS already.
    - L2RCP_SETUP.COM and CHANGE_VERSION.COM have been modified to use the new
      MUON_L2_6_94.CONST file. These need to be put into LEVEL2 CMS.
    - MUON_L2.RCP from Markeloff contains new Scintillator constants. Needs to
      be put into LEVEL2 CMS.


 14-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routines for 7.01

    MAG_POLARITY.FOR_NODE  ! Dummy from V06.11     MUON_UTIL,PERMANENT sim,node
    L1ESUM_TRGR.FOR        ! Muon controlled through L1ESUM_MUON - M. Fortner
                                                   PHYSICS_UTIL sim,node
    L1ESUM_MUON.FOR        ! Fills the TRGR ESUM summary bank from the
                             TRGR bank for muon L1 triggers - M. Fortner
                                                   PHYSICS_UTIL sim,node
    L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_FRAME.FOR   ! Extract FRAME Code section from
                                    calorimeter L1.5 section of TRGR bank - G.
                                    Snow           ZEBRA_UTIL sim,node
    L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_HEADER.FOR  ! Extract header from calorimeter L1.5
                                    section of TRGR bank - G. Snow
                                                   ZEBRA_UTIL sim,node
    CL2_SHRINK_RCP.FOR            ! Add ezrset - JL
                                                   CALOR_FILTER, stp
    L2_EM_INIT.FOR                ! Add ezpick - JL
                                                   CALOR_FILTER, stp


 14-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Fix typo bug (Instead L15CAL$PARAMS use D0$PARAMS) for the two


 15-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - New gamma releases of Params, Level1, Level2, STP, L2CONTROL and D0DAQ


 18-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routines for 7.01

    L1_L15CAL_FILL.FOR  ! Bug fix - Sal Fahey     LEVEL1 sim
    L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR  ! Change code so it can run with older trigger lists.
                          (i.e. Check if parameter L15_CONFIRM_TYPE is there.
                                If not, assume this is an old trigger list and
                                the confirm type is muon) - Sal Fahey
                                                  LEVEL2 sim,node


 20-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Add the following routines to L2PROD library for the next pass release.

    L2_COMP_RMAS.FOR    ! Compare RMAS banks - Lewis T. Goss    LEVEL2 sim
    L2_COMP_LETA.FOR    ! Compare LETA banks - Lewis T. Goss    LEVEL2 sim
    L2_COMP_ACOL.FOR    ! Compare ACOL banks - Lewis T. Goss    LEVEL2 sim
    L2_COMPARE.FOR      ! Added calls to RMAS,LETA, ACOL banks - Lewis T. Goss
                                                                LEVEL2 sim
    L2_COMPARE_FILT.FOR ! Corrected various bugs - Lewis T. Goss LEVEL2 sim
    L2_COMPARE.RCP      ! Updated RCP - Lewis T. Goss           LEVEL2
    CL2_CELL_ISOLATED.FOR ! Set FH1 cut to 30 Gev - Amber Boehnlein
                                                          CALOR_FILTER sim,node
    DROP_INPUT.RCP      ! Dummy/empty RCP                       EVENT_UTIL
    MC_DROP_INPUT.RCP   ! Drop list of banks on input - MC data - default TRGR
                          bank                                  EVENT_UTIL
    L12SIM_COMBINED.PBD ! Add DROP_INPUT package - Amber Boehnlein


 21-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routines for 7.01

    MUHPFL.FOR      ! Speed up muon unpacking - Mike Fortner  
                                                    MUON_UTIL sim,node
    MUOFFL.FOR      ! Speed up muon unpacking - Mike Fortner  
                                                    MUON_UTIL sim,node
    SAGTUB.FOR      ! Speed up muon unpacking - Mike Fortner  
                                                    MUON_UTIL sim,node

    Start 7.01 Pass Release ...


 25-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routines for 7.01

    MUMTRG.FOR      ! Speed up SAMUS and overlap - Mike Fortner  
                                                    MUON_UTIL sim,node
    DROP_INPUT.PBD  ! Change RCP default directory to FILTER_DEFAULT   -   PBD

    L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR ! Bug fix - Sal Fahey        LEVEL2 sim,node


 27-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Recopied all data, rcp etc from Gamma areas


 28-JUL-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    L2_L0_VERTEX.FOR      ! Fix |slowz|>100 bug and modify/add data checks -
                            Jeffrey Bantly              LEVEL2 sim,node


  1-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    MUSIM.RCP             ! New version from Leigh Markosky      LEVEL1


  2-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    MUSIM.RCP             ! Typo fix - Leigh Markosky           LEVEL1
    HS_COMPARE.FOR        ! Bug fix  - Jussara De Miranda       LEVEL1 sim


  2-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01



  4-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    MC_L1SIM.RCP          ! Set L15_CERTIFIED_DEFAULT to TRUE again - NV  LEVEL2
    L1SIM_EVENT.FOR       ! Change a Fatal to a Warning error in LEVEL 1.5 CAL
                            for testing              - NV            LEVEL1 sim


  5-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    L2TOOL.DAT      ! Add the parameter L15_CONFIRM_TYPE - Sal Fahey    LEVEL2
    MUSIM_EVENT.FOR ! Latest version from Jussara.  Previous was obsolete.
                                                                    LEVEL1 sim

    TRIGPARSE.DOC   ! Trigparse V2.06 - Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE parameter   CONFIGS
    TRIGPARSE.DUMP  ! Trigparse V2.06 - Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE parameter   CONFIGS
    TRIGPARSE.EL    ! Trigparse V2.06 - Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE parameter   CONFIGS
    TRIGPARSE.ELC   ! Trigparse V2.06 - Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE parameter   CONFIGS
    TRIGPARSE.EXE   ! Trigparse V2.06 - Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE parameter   CONFIGS
    COOR_SIM.EXE    ! Latest version regarding Cal L1.5                  CONFIGS
    TRIG_RESOURCES.CTL  ! Add CAL 15 calls - Mod Muon Scintillator terms - 
                          Replace MR_MUON_LOW with MRBS_AND_MICROBL       

    L1SIM_EVENT.FOR ! Return back to the Fatal error message - NV     LEVEL1 sim

    L1SIM.RCP       ! Change calorimeter coverage to eta 16 - Add two terms
                      to be COPIED from input - SC_VETO_CNFM_BAR and 
                      MRBS_AND_MICROBL -  Amber Boehnlein               LEVEL2
    MC_L1SIM.RCP    ! Change calorimeter coverage to eta 16 - Add two terms
                      to be COPIED from input - SC_VETO_CNFM_BAR and 
                      MRBS_AND_MICROBL - Commented out run 1a saturation and
                      uncommented projected run 1b saturations -  
                                          Amber Boehnlein               LEVEL2

    MUSIM_INIT.FOR  ! Remove call to oblosete routine MU_OTC_MGR_INIT - Create
                      new PAW subdirectories for MUSIM hists - Jussara
                                                                      LEVEL1 sim


  5-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2TRAK.RCP    ! Return to 18-NOV-1994 copy which was decreased in size
                      to eliminate duplication in the RCPs for L2_VERTEX_CDC
                      and the L2 hitfinding routines L2CDC, L2FDC, and L2VTX.


  9-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    L1SIM.RCP       ! Remove the term SCINT_COSMIC                  LEVEL2
    MC_L1SIM.RCP    ! Remove the term SCINT_COSMIC                  LEVEL2
    L2_L0_VERTEX.FOR  ! Redone version of L2_L0_VERTEX.FOR to include 1A
                        data again - Jeff Bantly                LEVEL2 node,sim
    BKMSCT.FOR      ! Fix a zebra bug in scintillator - Mike Fortner
                                                             MUON_UTIL node,sim
    MSCTFL.FOR      ! Fix a zebra bug in scintillator - Mike Fortner
                                                             MUON_UTIL node,sim


 15-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    MUSIM.RCP   !   Change WAMONLY to .TRUE.                LEVEL1
    CL2_MAKE_TABLES.FOR   !  Remove call to CL2_SHRINK_RCP - JL
                                                        CALOR_FILTER stp
    L2_EM3_MAX.FOR   !  Fix crash problem due to strange data - JL
                                                        CALOR_FILTER sim,node
    MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR ! Include some entrypoints from MU_SUP_L15.FOR - Leigh
                                                        LEVEL1 sim
    MU_SUP_L15.FOR ! Move some entrypoints to MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR - Leigh
                                                        LEVEL1 sim
    L2_SUMJET.FOR  ! New TOOL to cut on Central Et of multijet events
                                                        LEVEL2 sim
    L2_SUMJET_INIT.FOR  !  Dummy routine                LEVEL2 sim
    L2_SUMJET_PARAMETERS.FOR  !  Dummy routine          LEVEL2 sim
    L2_SUMJET.DOC  !  L2_SUMJET document                LEVEL2


 18-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Pass Release the following routine for 7.01

    MUMFIN.FOR  !  Fix array typos - Mike Fortner -     MUON_UTIL sim
    L2_EM_UNPACK.FOR  !  Better protection against no + hits - JL -
                                                CALOR_FILTER sim,node
    L2_EM_XYZ_POSITION.FOR  !  fix track match road width for - IETA
                               (sometimes was too narrow); remove
                               ECLUS < 0 fatal error - JL -
                                                CALOR_FILTER sim,node
    L1COOR_GET_LIST.FOR  !  Modify to be fully compatible with COOR_SIM -
                                Sal Fahey               LEVEL1 sim
    L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR  ! Modify to be fully compatible with COOR_SIM -
                                Sal Fahey               LEVEL1 sim
    L1COOR_BUILD_KEYWORD.FOR  ! Modify to be fully compatible with COOR_SIM -
                                Sal Fahey               LEVEL1 sim
    L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS !  Add parameter KEY_THRESH - Sal Fahey


 29-AUG-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L1SIM.RCP ! Old copy forced all MR* terms FALSE.  For collider data
                ! need to COPY all of the following MR_VETO_HIGH
                !                                   MR_VETO_LOW
                !                                   MRBS_LOSS
      Since this is strictly an OFFLINE change, and only an RCP that requires
      NO rebuild, it has been copied into the [.NEW] area for L2PROD07.01 and
      re-troactively inserted into the class L2PROD07.01.


 12-SEP-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Update L2PROD CMS for the next 7.02 Pass Release 

    L15COOR_STVSTM_INIT.FOR  !  Code improvement - Greg Griffin  LEVEL1 sim
    L15COOR_TOOL_INIT.FOR    !  Code improvement - Greg Griffin  LEVEL1 sim
    L15C_GET_TERM_INFO.FOR   !  New code - Greg Griffin          LEVEL1 sim
    L15_CAL_SIM.FOR          !  Code improvement - Greg Griffin  LEVEL1 sim
    L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR   !  Code improvement - Greg Griffin  LEVEL1 sim
    L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR   !  Code improvement - Greg Griffin  LEVEL1 sim
    L15C_TERM_INFO.INC       !  New INC file - Greg Griffin      INC
    L15_GLOBAL_DSP.FOR       !  Bug fix - Sal Fahey              LEVEL1 sim
    GDSP_TOOL_NCAND_CUT.FOR  !  Bug fix - Sal Fahey              LEVEL1 sim
    L15_UNBIAS_INFO.FOR      !  Data Valid check no longer issues error message.
    		                The Global Error flag is checked instead -
			        R. J. Genik II   -   LEVEL2  sim,node
    L1ESUM_EVT.FOR           !  Add call to L15CAL_ESUM_FILL - Greg Snow 
                                                      PHYSICS_UTIL sim,node
    L15CAL_ESUM_FILL.FOR     !  Fills the TR15 ESUM summary bank from the Cal 
 			        Level 1.5 part of TRGR bank - Greg Snow
                                                      PHYSICS_UTIL sim,node
    PHYS_COR.FOR             !  Bug fix to deal properly with high eta trigger 
			        towers - Amber        PHYSICS_UTIL sim,node
    L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_LOCAL_DSP.FOR  !  Extract entries for one local DSP
 				        from CAL15 section of TRGR bank - Greg
                                        Snow          ZEBRA_UTIL sim,node
    L15CALDBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS  !  Add one parameter - Greg Snow   PARAMS


 15-SEP-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Update L2PROD CMS for the next 7.02 Pass Release

    L2CDHT.RCP        !  Set INL2 to TRUE - NV    LEVEL2
    L1SIM.RCP         !  Set the saturation values for run Ib data - NV LEVEL2
    GTTRGR2.FOR       !  Take the copy from V6.11 production release - 
                                                MUON_UTIL sim,node

    Start the 7.02 release.  We don't save the 7.01 but we create a new CLASS
for 7.02.  The verification was completed for 7.01.


 16-SEP-1994 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - New Gamma releases of INC, PARAMS and D0DAQ have been made. These
      correspond to release classes:

            INC     V3.29_15
            PARAMS  V2.29_08
            D0DAQ   V3.17_02

      See PROD$L2PROD:L2PROD-V07.DOC for full version details.


 28-SEP-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes

    Code collected for L2PROD07.03 release, as follows:
  9-SEP-1994     L2CDHT.RCP            Enable CDD1/CDD3 (VTX&FDC) hitfinding
                 L2SET.INC             Sets max L2SET number.
                 L2_DO_CD_HITFIND.FOR  Protection against bad L2SET numbers.
                 L2_VERT.FOR           Restructured to avoid multiple calls to
                                       Protection against bad L2SET numbers.

                 L2_CDCUNP.FOR         Compressed hits version - HL,DC
                 L2CDPULS.C            Change width to endarea-startarea+1,
                                       Set startarea=startlead after check of 
                                       diff>0              - Gerald Guglielmo
 12-SEP-1994     GTTRGR2.FOR           Never made it to MUON_UTIL. Copied from
                 RECDDN.FOR            Check for compressed hit banks if
                                       raw data banks have been dropped.

 14-SEP-1994     L2_PRESCALE.FOR       New L2_PRESCALE tool, uses L2SET# to
                 L2_PRESCALE_INIT.FOR  select between the parameters:
                 PRESCALE_LUMSETS.RCP  l2_prescale_by,med_prescale_by, and
                 L2TOOL.DAT            high_prescale_by.  Requires new STP
                 L2_PRESCALE.DOC       with PRESCALE_LUMSETS_RCP mapping
                                       LOW, MED, and HIGH to the L2SET#.

 14-SEP-1994     L2TOOL.DAT            Add L15_CONFIRM_TYPE (C) parameter 
                                       Add new L2_SUMJET tool.
                                       Add new L2_PRESCALE parameters.

 15-SEP-1994     CD_HITFIND.RCP        Finalized set of L2SET# arrays.
                 L2_VERT.RCP           Limited in L2SET.INC to 10 sets.
                 L2SIM.RCP             L2SET# = 1 as default. This does
                                       no CD_VERTEXing, no L2hitfinding,
                                       and uses default in L2_PRESCALE.

 15-SEP-1994     VMS_FILTER_INIT.FOR         New frame code to support
                 VMS_FILTER_PARAMETERS.FOR   release of L2_SUMJET tool.
                 REGULAR_FILTER_INIT.FORT    New frame code to support
                 REGULAR_FILTER_PARAMETERS   release of L2_SUMJET tool.

 15-SEP-1994     L2_SUMJET_PARAMETERS.FOR    Reduce ERRMSG to 'W' level
                 L2_EM3_MAX.FOR              Remove warning calls to ERRMSG.
 15-SEP-1994     Compressed hits version of  L2_CD_MATCH subroutines.
                 Created by Hailin Li per discussions with Dan Claes.
                 Debugged and corrected/improved by Gerald Guglielmo.
                 Permits L2_CD_MATCH to run on raw CDD2 data when available
                 (identical to original code).  When CDD2 missing, runs off
                 the L2 compressed hits banks, searching for them 1st under
                 the FILT bank ( where they should appear on  raw data when
                 hit compression has been done ) and then under  OFLT  (for
                 data  already  passed through the  simulator's  RERUN_L12).
                 L2_CDC.FOR                  Compressed hits version .
                                             Uses L2_FIND_DCH2.
                                             Fix double-counting problem.
                 L2_ZDEXPD.FOR               Added protection against bad
                                             FADC channels. (LIHL,CLAES)
                 L2_HITFIND.FOR              Corrected WGHT/THR2 (DL v SW)
                                             Change .GT. -> .GE. checks.
                 L2_FIND_CDH2.FOR            Searches FILT & OFLT structures
                                             for CDHT banks.         GUG
 16-SEP-1994     L2_CDHITS.FOR               Move HITLST filling into loop
                                             to properly record multiple
                                             pulse in hitcluster.    GUG
                 L2_CDEL.FOR                 Increase nhit maximum to 8
                                             Drop extra call to l2_hitfind 
                                             by storing hit position with 
                                             hit clusters for passing hits.
                 CMPHITS.INC                 Compressed hit arrays for 
                 L2_CMPHITLST.FOR            Return hit information from 
                                             CDH2 compressed data
                                             Chris Klopfenstein, LILH,GUG
                 L2_CMPCDEL.FOR              Compressed hits version of
                                             L2_CDEL.           LIHL,GUG
                 L2_CMPCDHITS.FOR            Compressed hits version of
                                             L2_CDHITS.         LIHL,GUG
                 GZCDH3.FOR                  All new hitfinding code
                 GZL2FPDH.FOR                from C.Klopfenstein
                 L2CDUNPK.FOR                     R.Avery
                 L2FDC.FOR                        L.Chen 
                 L2FDC_STP.FOR                    D.Claes
                 L2FDPULS.C                  Copied from SHADOW test
                 L2_VTXINIT.FOR              building sub-directory
 19-SEP-1994     L2RCP_SETUP.COM             Run STANDARD thru FILTER_DEFAULT.
                 L2RCP_STANDARD.COM          Rebuilt under new L2_RCP.PBD.
                 L2_RCP.PBD                  Adds PRESCALE_LUMSETS_RCP.
 26-SEP-1994     L2_PRESCALE                 Backward compatible to older
                                             parameter set.      D.Claes
                 TRIGPARSE.DOC               New parameters for L2_PRESCALE
                 TRIGPARSE.DUMP              New default for EMFR max/min
                 TRIGPARSE.EL                New tool L2_SUMJETS
                 TRIGPARSE.ELC                    Scott Snyder
                 C2EM_ZLINKA.INC             Lost in L2PROD06 -> 07 shuffle
                 C2EMFL.FOR                  Not new code, but needs to
                 C2L2EM.FOR                  be re-compiled against the
                 L2C2EM.FOR                  above INC file.

 27-SEP-1994     ACOLFL.FOR   BKACOL.FOR     Results banks for the
                 GTACOL.FOR   GZACOL.FOR     L2_ACOL_JETS and
                 L2_ACOL_JETS.FOR            L2_ETACUT tools, plus
                 PRACOL.FOR                  supporting routines.
                                                  L. Taylor Goss
                 IZACOL.LINK  ACOL.PARAMS
                 IZLETA.LINK  LETA.PARAMS 


                 BKLETA.FOR   LETAFL.FOR
                 GTLETA.FOR   GZLETA.FOR
                 PRLETA.FOR   L2_ETACUT.FOR
                 LUM_SET.DOC                 Luminosity Set conventions
                                             Summarizes the RCPs for all
                                             LEVEL2 luminosity-dependent

                 DBCALIB$CAL_L2.DAT          New calorimeter gain values.

 28-SEP-1994     SATG1A.FOR                  Timing improvement.
                 SAGTUB.FOR                  Bug fix.
                 MOTWRD.FOR                  Fix l1.5 word bug and loop bug
                                             for RECO 12.15
                                             All fetched from MUON_UTIL cms.
                 SAM_D0STPFILE_25FEB94.DAT   Fetched from OFFICIAL offline
                                             library per instructions from
                                             Dmitri Denisov.
                 SAMUOT.FOR                  Redefines IFW4 to be compatible 
                                             with defn's of "best" and "good" 
                                             muons w/off-line reconstruction.
                 CHANGE_VERSION.COM          Select SAM_D0STPFILE_25FEB94.DAT
                                             for DATA, SAM_D0STPFILE.DAT for
                                             MC.  Update MU$CONST -> 6_94 file.


 29-SEP-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - TRIG_RESOURCES.CTL        New release from Bill Cobau (D0$L2BETA area)
    - DZERO.GLB-TRIGLIST        Updating to v92 trigger list


  4-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.03 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 15:15 04-OCT-1994 for Run 84303**


  6-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    No SAMUS tracking in L2.  Back up to previous EXE/STP.

**V06.12 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 13:20 06-OCT-1994 for Run 84370**

    SHADOW tests done with L2PROD07.03 exe, and problem found.

    - SAMTRK.FOR    Check for new events through LHEAD+7 not LHEAD+9.
                    Previously failing every event when found zero there.
                                    Andrei Mayorov, D. Claes

    - BUILD_STPS.COM    Pick up new SAMUS constants by default.  Previous
      L2RCP_SETUP.COM   pass still defaulted to OLD constants without an
                        active CHANGE_VERSION.
    - MAIN_FILTER_BEGIN.FOR  Suppress multiple warning messages from
                             lack of L2SET# or L15CAL crate 81 (this
                             can still happen in assorted special runs)
    Starting first pass at L2PROD07.04.


  8-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes

    - Event recording of L2 processing time stamp (in FILT bank) plus
      reservation of words for flags identifying GONGed events.


    - Per instructions from Mike Fortner, pick up the following from latest
      MUON_UTIL release (bringing LEVEL2 up-to-date with OFFLINE):

                    MUHMFL.FOR      MUMSET.FOR      GZSAPH.FOR
                                    MUHITS.FOR      SAPHFL.FOR



 11-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - MUON_L2_SEP94_S.CONST  Contains the latest  pdt  geometry, the latest
                             calib constants from the offline database, new
                             compressed MSTC banks for the new scint octant,
                             with  all  slopes set  to negative (=inactive), 
                             and geometry banks for the new scint octant.
                                       D.Wood, S.Duggad, W.Smart, P.Quintas

      GTMSTC.FOR             Now supports compressed banks format.

      CHANGE_VERSION.COM     Points MU$CONST to the new constants file.
      L2RCP_SETUP.COM                           D.Claes


 11-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - Capture latest test release copy of IZSAPH.LINKS needed by the
     BKSAPH and GZSAPH routines.


 12-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - New MUON_L2_SEP94_S.CONST adds the missing MDFT banks.


 13-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - BKFILT.FOR            Bug had MZFORM trying to reform the HEAD bank
    - MAIN_FILTER.FOR       Bug had IQ/Qs (floating point/integer) misassigned 


 14-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - MAIN_FILTER.FOR       Additional call to GZFILT() needed to reset LFILT
                            following FILTER_FILL_BANKS.


 17-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes

**V07.04 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 19:45 17-OCT-1994 for Run 84721**


 20-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_MASSCUT_PARAMETERS.FOR     A version with F-level ERRMSG calls
                                    somehow made the previous release.  
                                    Re-making 07.04 with all calls at W-level.


 24-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - FILTER_DROP_BANKS.FOR       Add new parameter, BANKS_TO_DROP_2, to 
      L2SETUP.DOC                 L2SETUP.  Until a new TRIGPARSE provides
                                  this addition, retain the old L2TOOL.DAT.
                                  (Code itself is backward compatible).
                                                      Dan Claes

      L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_HEADER.FOR        Drop ERRMSG call when crate 81
      L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_LOCAL_DSP.FOR     is not found by ESUMFL.
                                                      Greg Snow

      EMSV.PARAMS    EMSV.ZEB             New EMSV bank provides
      EMSV_LINK.INC  EMSV_VALUES.INC      memory to the L2_EM tool.
      EMSV_LINK_INI.FOR                               L.Taylor Goss
      IZEMSV.LINK    L2_EM.FOR    

      CL2_MAKE_ETNOM.FOR                  Additional speedup.
      L2JETS_CEN_CL2.FOR                              J.T.Linnemann


 24-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - Starting L2PROD07.05 pass release.

 26-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes

    - Offline verification confirms that this release is IDENTICAL to the
      previous L2PROD07.04 pass release (with the exception of the new
      EMSV banks, which we will drop ONLINE).


 29-OCT-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.05 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 19:00 28-OCT-1994 for Run 85204**


  2-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - ERRMSG.RCP             Specifies the L2 warnings to be suppressed ONLINE.
      L2SETUP_INIT.FOR       Copies ERRMSG.RCP into STP.
      L2RCP_STANDARD.COM     Defines ERRMSG_RCP for STP building.
      L2_RCP.PBD                                      D.Claes

      MAIN_FILTER_BEGIN.FOR  Add call to ERRMAX_RCP to suppress warnings.
      ERRMAX_RCP.FOR         ONLINE version drops INRCP call. 

      COSMIC_L2_FDC.FOR      A stray routine that never made it into CMS.
                             For linking COSMIC_L2 online node only.

      SAL3LN.FOR             Bug fix to pass dimuon events.
      SAMUS_L2.RCP                                    Andrei Mayorov


  2-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Update L2PROD CMS for the next 7.06 Pass Release

    L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR        !  Bug fix responsible for online node crashes
                                                        - Sal Fahey
    L15_UNBIAS_INFO.PARAMS    !  Modify two parameters 
                                 (I_AND_OR_USED_SKIP from 272 to 273 and
                                  L1_Fired_Mask_Offset from 11 to 6)
                                                        - Sal Fahey


  4-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.06 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 23:40 03-NOV-1994 for Run 85371**

    Backed up to previous EXE due to crashes at start of NEW runs.
    ERRMAX_RCP cannot find ERRMSG_RCP anymore.
**V07.05 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 03:41 04-NOV-1994 for Run ?????**

    - ERRMAX_RCP.FOR         ONLINE version cannot EZDROP rcps.
                             They are needed for subsequent BEGIN_RUNs.
                             Also add missing EZRSET call.

      L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR     Bug in bit position counting.


  5-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.06 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 16:30 04-NOV-1994 for Run 85402**


 16-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Update L2PROD CMS for a redo of 7.06 Release

    L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR        !  Remove the IF FIRST for reading out the
                                 AND_OR_USED.RCP - Sal Fahey

**This newly linked EXE/CODE was downloaded 13:53 21-NOV-1994 for Run 86269**


 17-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - From MUON_UTIL cms.  All go into MUON_UTIL,L2NOD_CODE,L2SIM_CODE

    MUCPLN.FOR   MUHPRO.FOR   MUHRAW.FOR        Implements column readout
    MUHWIR.FOR   MUTSET.FOR   MUTHXX.FOR        and addresses other
    MUTHX2.FOR   MUFTBX.FOR   MUFTBD.FOR        tracking problems.
    MUTHIT.FOR   MUMUOT.FOR                             Dave Hedin

    BKSAMH.FOR   MOTPAK.FOR   MUFITBC.FOR       Improved zebra handling
    MUHITS.FOR   MUOHFL.FOR   MUTSWW.FOR        and some overlap fixes.
    MUWTOS.FOR   SAHHFL.FOR   SAPHFL.FOR                Mike Fortner

    Making first pass at L2PROD07.07.


 29-NOV-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - MUHITS.FOR    Corrects pointer address IADD=IADD-1
      SAHHFL.FOR    Update to new SAMH format, compresses SACL banks.
                                                        Mike Fortner
    New pass at L2PROD07.07.

**V07.07 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 16:00 01-DEC-1994 for Run 86438**


  1-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Make a Dummy 7.08 release to move 7.07 on the top directory.


  2-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - 13:30 New COOR installed ONLINE for Run 86480.  This version will
            order filter script calls by trigger list order (rather than
            the previous filter bit order).  If retained ONLINE we will
            release the corresponding COOR_SIM executable.


  8-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    COOR_SIM.EXE                Renumbers run order of filter scripts...to
                                be executed now in trigger list order.

    RUN_COOR_SIM.COM            DELETEs top version of all FILT,TRIG,RS,LEV1
                                files from TRIGPARSE once the COOR_SIM output
                                has been generated.  $ COOR_SIM  KEEP   will
                                skip this cleanup.

    FILTER_VERSION_WRITE.FOR    Includes version number in D0USER
                                initialization report.          

    L2_SUMJET.FOR               Add missing EZRSET call.
                                Edit ERRMSGs.           
    L2_PRESCALE.FOR             Redo logic on EZGET errors so that
                                search/count of EZPICK,EZRSET shows 
                                them exactly paired.

    BKMSTC.FOR                  Compressed bank fixes (includes new octants)
    GTMSTC.FOR                                              M.Fortner

    MNCHIT.FOR                  New scintillator octants
    MNMINT.FOR                                              M.Fortner

    MUHITS.FOR                  Fix for SAHHFL crash.
    MUHTFL.FOR                                              M.Fortner

    MOTRFL.FOR                  Code speedups.
    MUANLZ.FOR                                              M.Fortner


  8-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Redo 7.08 Release (18 files updated)

    MU_OTC_MGR.FOR, MUSIM.RCP       Code and RCP update to reflect the 
                        recent changes in the 1.5 OTC manager hardware which 
                        was installed for triggerlist 10.0.     - Leigh


  9-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_SUMJET.FOR             Fetch IPth parameter with EZGETA (not EZGET)


  9-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Redo 7.08 Release (total 7 files updated)

    CAEPFL_RESCALE.FOR      Fix ezpick/ezrset bug       - Chip Stewart
    CAHITS_ERRMSG.FOR       Fix ezpick/ezrset bug       - Chip Stewart
    CGEVFL_FETCH.FOR        Fix ezpick/ezrset bug       - Chip Stewart
    CSFBUILD.FOR            Fix ezpick/ezrset bug       - Chip Stewart
    COOR_SIM.EXE            Renumbers run order of filter scripts...to
                            be executed now in trigger list order.
                                                        - B.Gibbard
    RUN_COOR_SIM.COM        DELETEs top version of all FILT,TRIG,RS,LEV1
                            files from TRIGPARSE once the COOR_SIM output
                            has been generated.  $ COOR_SIM  KEEP   will
                            skip this cleanup.
                                                        - J.Linnemann


  9-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Redo 7.08 Release with the following routines taken from the 
      d0$beta:[calor_off.cms] cms library.



 15-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    - Redo 7.08 Release 

    L2_SUMJET.FOR             Fix the call to EZRSET        


 18-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    MUON_L2_SEP94_S2.CONST      New geometry banks added for SCINT module 127.

    CHANGE_VERSION.COM          Setup COMs point to new MU$CONST file (above).
    L2RCP_SETUP.COM                                             D.Claes

    MU_OTC_LOOKUP.FOR           EZPICK/EZRSET patches.
    MU_OTC_MGR.FOR                                              L.Markosky

    L2_COMPARE.PBD              Latest ONLINE verification files.
    L2_COMPARE.RCP                                              A.Zieminski

    - Redo 7.08 Release 


 19-DEC-1994 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.08 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 12:00 19-DEC-1994 for Run 87116**


  3-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    L2_COMP_JETS.FOR       Increase MAXPAR from 10 -> 55.  Updated from the 
                           ONLINE verification linking area.
                                                            Djoko Wirjawan

    TRIGPARSE.DOC          Add `MAX_PRESCALE_BY' parameter to L2PRESCALE and 
    TRIGPARSE.DUMP         `BANKS_TO_DROP_2' to L2SETUP.   Update the ONLINE
    TRIGPARSE.EL           defaults.  Automatically split BANKS_TO_DROP parm
    TRIGPARSE.ELC          if it gets too long. Warn if any string parameter 
                           to a tool is too long for COOR to handle.
                                                            Scott Snyder

    CD_HITFIND.RCP         New conventions under the additional L2_PRESCALE
    LUM_SET.DOC            code changes in  L2_PRESCALE.FOR.  Only the  STP
                           will change with these RCPs.

    L2TOOL.DAT             Defines the additional L2SETUP parameter of
                           BANKS_TO_DROP_2  and  L2_PRESCALE parameter
                           of MAX_PRESCALE_BY.   

    L2_CDCUNP.FOR          Add CRTID & PREV_CHNL to  MAP array out-of-bounds
    L2_FDCUNP.FOR          error messages.


  5-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MU_L15_TABLES_1B.RCP    Add the masked OTC tables - Dave Vititoe
    P0_WAMC_MASK.DAT        Masked OTC lookup tables   - Dave Vititoe        


  9-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    EZPICK.FOR             Now allows a check to confirm a re-zeroed stack.
    EZPICK_CHECK.FOR       This will identify mismatched EZPICK/RSETs.
    EZPICK_CHECK_STACK.FOR          Added to groups L2SIM,L2NODE,SCRP_UTIL.

    FILTER_INITIALIZ.FOR   never EXRSET. (NOTE: the call is temporarily
    FILTER_SUMMARY.FOR     commented out of FILTER_SUMMARY.FOR awaiting
    FILTER_VERSION_WRITE.FOR        new L1SIM_SUMMARY) Added to groups 

    FILTER_CROSS_CHECK.FOR    Reorganize summary output to reflect ONLINE
    FILTER_L1_DETAIL.FOR      report.
    FILTER_SUM_HEADER.FOR           Added to groups L2SIM,L2NODE,FILTER_UTIL.
    FILTER_SUM_INFO.FOR                                     J.T.Linnemann

    L2_SUMJET.FOR             Correct GTJAUX handling with call to 
                                                            Chip Stewart

    MUDU1A.FOR      Correct the SAMUS GEANT bug.    
                                                            Mike Fortner
    BKMUHP.FOR      Additional ZEBRA protection/cleanup should fix
    GTMUHP.FOR      SAHHFL crashes.
    SAHHFL.FOR                                              Mike Fortner


  9-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Release V07.09 of above.


 27-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Re-Release of above, under VMS 6.1


 31-JAN-1995 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Re-Release of 7.09 with a new version of COMPACK (V4.32) with fix for
      VMS 6.1


  6-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MUFTBX.FOR              Fortan V6 compiler bug fix - Dave Hedin
    RUN_COOR_SIM.COM        Go back to the previous version setting up FOR V6
                            and then V5.  Dan had updated cms (as well as all
                            the previous clases of older versions) removing
                            the FOR V6 to V5 setup since under the new VMS the
                            default FOR version is V6 (coor_sim has been
                            compiled under V6).  But due to problems of
                            creating a V6 online EXE we go back to the
                            previous version. 
    MU_OTC_MGR.FOR          Fortan V6 compiler bug fixes - Leigh Markosky
    MU_SUP_L15.FOR          Fortan V6 compiler bug fixes - Leigh Markosky


  6-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - Modify:
        BUILD_PIPE_FILES.COM    ! can now run on D0, doesn't need CMS library.
            *but* must have the various code .LIS files already there
        BUILD_VMS_OBJS.COM      ! remove deletion of .LIS files for above
        COMPILE_L2PROD_PASS.COM ! uses CC/VAXC if at VMS 6.1
        GENERATE_COOR_SIM_INFO.COM  ! remove setup of FORTRAN.V6
        RUN_COOR_SIM.COM        ! remove setup of FORTRAN.V6

    Make release V07.10


 22-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L15_UNBIAS_INFO.FOR     Switched over to specifically find crate 11 from
                            gzfind_crate for instances where it is not the 
                            first crate in the TRGR bank - R. J. Genik

    Redo release V07.10


 23-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L15_UNBIAS_INFO.FOR         Fix typo bug - Sal Fahey
    L15_UNBIAS_INFO.PARAMS      Change parameter L1_Fired_Mask_Offset from 6
                                to 5 (GZFIND_CRATE returns the 1st word in the
                                crate and not the 0th.)  -  Sal Fahey
    MUON_CALOR_CONFIRM.FOR      Fix NPHI=2 bug.  Don't reset THRESH value  -
                                P. Quintas
    WAM_CAL_CONFIRM.FOR         Change Threshold to 0.5 GeV - P.Quintas

 24-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR           Remove an integer array - Leigh Markosky
    MU_SUP_L15.FOR              Remove entry points that belong to
                                MU_SUPERVISOR - Leigh Markosky

    Redo release V07.10


 28-FEB-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas for V07_11

    Amber Boehnlein modified ESUM.PARAMS to include two new objects, HTSUM and 
    HTVECT. These objects are filled from the SUMJET tool.  HTVECT includes 
    the phi information from the vector sum.  The modified routines are 
    ESUM_INIT and L2_SUMJET and the parameters file ESUM.PARAMS.  However we 
    had to release another 30 routines to pick up the new ESUM.PARAMS

    ESUM_INIT.FOR       Added intialization for ETOTAL, HTSUM, HTVECT
    L2_SUMJET.FOR       Added Esum call
    ESUM.PARAMS         Add two new objects HTSUM and HTVECT

    >>---> Code to be recompiled due to new ESUM.PARAMS


    Release V07.11


  1-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_CDCUNP.FOR     FORMATs fixed in ERRMSGs that report bad channel
      L2_FDCUNP.FOR     numbers.

    - L2_ETACUT.FOR     JAUX option included, but OFF by default.  This 
                        has been tested both OFFLINE in the simaltor and
                        ONLINE in specail runs and SHADOW tests.
                                                    Iain Bertram
    - MUON_L2_MAR95_S3.CONST
                        New scintillator channels and constants
                                                    Rich Markeloff

    - CHANGE_VERSION.COM    COMs to define MU$CONST to the above new file.

    - MUON_L2.RCP    New parameter added for future usage (currently not used).


  1-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    CMATCH_TRIGELEC.FOR     Fix a F6 compiler bug - NV
    ESUM_COMPARE.FOR        Remove call to ISAE_ESUM since this
                            routine does NOT exist in L2PROD  -   NV

    Redo Release V07.11


  6-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MU_SCINT_MOD.FOR        Pickup the latest routine from MUON_UTIL cms
                            - Added lower West& East scint - T.McMahon 10/31/94

    Redo Release V07.11


  8-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.11 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 13:06 07-MAR-1995 for Run 89247**

  On 3/6/95 beam returned and we took the 1st store of data using the v07.08
  L2 EXE.  Dan had to hand-build the STP to include new (OCTANT 7) scint
  geometry banks due to hardware modifications that happened during the
  shutdown.  This STP (and the MUON_L2_SEP94_S4.CONST file) has been copied 
  to the V07_08 area for bookkeeping purposes.

  In addition the V07.11 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.STP and VMS_FILTER_D_SRV_MU.STP were
  also hand-built (3/7/95) and copied to the appropriate area (the
  MUON_L2_MAR95_S4.CONST was also inserted into the CMS 7.11 class).


  8-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
  There were missing samus tracks in v7.11 which have been traced to a bug that
  was fixed in samtrk last fall, but not propagated into the muon_util
  library and consequently not to L2PROD.  Mike Fortner gave us the correct
  routine and Alan hand-built the online EXE on D0.

    SAMTRK.FOR      Update call to SATRMC, change call to SATG2A - Andrei
    SATG2A.FOR      Code clean up - Andrei Mayorov

  Dan also included into L2PROD CMS and L2PROD07.11 class the following:

    MUON_L2_MAR95_S4.CONST      Updated SCINT geo and constants w/ OCTANT 7
    CHANGE_VERSION.COM          Markeloff: New Muon Const file
    L2RCP_SETUP.COM             Markeloff: New Muon Const file

  Also go back to the previous MUON_L2.RCP since it was updated in cms with
  a "wrong" (older-modified) version.  Dan also hand-built the online STP.

    MUON_L2.RCP                 Go back to the previous version from V07.08

  Release V07.12


  9-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.12 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 23:20 08-MAR-1995 for Run 89329**


 10-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Alan had updated CMS with the COM files BUILD_STANDARD_FILES.COM,
CHANGE_VERSION.COM.  Due to problems that we had to making the 7.12 release we
go back to the previous version (V07_11) of:



 15-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MUON_L2.FOR     Let PTHI also pass PTLO L1.5 confirm - P. Quintas

    Since this change is controled by the trigger list (V10.3) we don't make a
newer L2 version.  An unused parameter in triglist will be used to turn it on. 
The behavior of the L1.5 bits changed some time ago, and the routine 
MUON_L2.FOR wasn't changed to keep up.  This has not been a problem before 
now, since this "feature" wasn't used.
Alan built the online EXE/STP on the D0 cluster on March 10.

**V07.12' REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 2:25am 14-MAR-1995 for Run 89518**


 16-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Redo Release V07.12


 24-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L1_MUON_FILL.FOR    Bug fix that occurs for high multiplicity events
    L1_MUON_SIM.FOR                     - D. Vititoe

Code for new results bank (HTSM) for L2_SUMJET tool-  L.T. Goss
    HTSM_VALUES.INC     Values to be stored in the result bank HTSM 
    HTSM.PARAMS         Parameters that give pointers for locations of info in
                        HTSM bank
    IZHTSM.LINK         Link offset of bank HTSM in mother bank
    L2_SUMJET.FOR       Make HTSM bank
    GTHTSM.FOR          New results bank for L2_SUMJET tool

  Release V07.13


 24-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    L2_CDINIT.FOR       Raise default (maximum) run number 99999->999999
    L2_FDCINIT.FOR                                          D.Claes

    L2RCP_STANDARD.COM  Add MC version of MUON_L2_RCP.
    L2_RCP.PBD                                              D.Claes


 27-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Alan put the new CSF RCP files into L2PROD cms from the CALOR_OFF cms

    CSF.RCP and CSF_ICD.RCP     New ICD sampling weights  - Chip Stewart


 27-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Major muon code release!  It includes the following changes:

    - New WAMUS tracking
    - MTC calorimeter confirmation (to be used in EF only)
    - SSW tracking
    - Scintillator timing cut
    - SAMUS code speed-up and clean-up 

    MC_MUON_L2.RCP          New RCP turning on the new centroid logic

    BKMGEH.FOR              BKSAMT.FOR
    BKSTTH.FOR              GTMSCT.FOR
    GTMSTC.FOR              GTSSTG.FOR
    GTSTTH.FOR              MNACTIVE.FOR
    MNCHIT.FOR              MNETOF.FOR
    MNFIND.FOR              MNHIT.FOR
    MNMBGE.FOR              MNMFUL.FOR
    MNWLST.FOR              MRDBCN.FOR
    MSCTFL.FOR              MSCT_HIT.FOR
    MTGOOD.FOR              MUANLZ.FOR
    MUCPLN.FOR              MUDVER.FOR
    MUFITWS.FOR             MUFTBD.FOR
    MUFTNB.FOR              MUGET_VERT.FOR
    MUHPFL.FOR              MUIFW3.FOR
    MUMCEN.FOR              MUMCRS.FOR
    MUMFIN.FOR              MUMSET.FOR
    MUOHFL.FOR              MUON_L2.FOR
    MUTCOR.FOR              MUTRK3.FOR
    MUTSAM.FOR              MUTSSW.FOR
    MUTSTR.FOR              MUWTOS.FOR
    PRMUHP.FOR              PRSAHT.FOR
    PRSTTH.FOR              PTRAK1.FOR
    SAHPRO.FOR              SAHTFL.FOR
    SAL3LN.FOR              SAMTRA.FOR
    SAMTRB.FOR              SAMTRK.FOR
    SAMUOT.FOR              SATC2L.FOR
    SATF2L.FOR              SATF4L.FOR
    SATG1A.FOR              SATG2A.FOR
    SATGSW.FOR              SATOPM.FOR
    SSWFCN.FOR              SSWFCN1.FOR
    SSWFIL.FOR              SSWHIT.FOR
    SSWML2.FOR              SSWTCP.FOR
    SSWTL2.FOR              SSWTRA.FOR
    SSWTRB.FOR              SSWTRK.FOR
    SSWTWR.FOR              STTHFL.FOR


 27-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Redo Release V07.13


 28-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    More MUON_UTIL routines

    MUIFW2.FOR          Bug Fix
    SAHTFL.FOR          Bug fix


 28-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    REMOVE from L2 cms unused MUON_UTIL code



 28-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas

    L2_L0.RCP           Change the FAST_Z_NOMINAL and SLOW_Z_NOMINAL values
                        from  -8.90 to 0.0          - Dan Claes

Since the V10.4 triglist few new triggers were introduced that veto on L0.
The nominal L0 Z position was set to -8.9 (RUN1A value) so Dan had to hand-built
an STP to fix this problem.  Old triggers were fine since they required a
specific vertex (FAST or SLOW) and NEVER used the nominal vertex value.  The
hand-built STPs were copied to the D0$PROD:[D0PRODUCTION.L2PROD] area (V07.12
EXE) and the old ones (from the V07_12 TOP area) were copied to the area 
D0$PROD:[D0PRODUCTION.L2PROD.OLD.V07_12_OLD_STP] for bookkeeping purposes.

**V07.12'' REGULAR_L2_MAIN.STP(only)downloaded 4am 29-MAR-1995 for Run 89965**

 28-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Redo Release V07.13


 29-MAR-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes

    SAM_D0STPFILE_28MAR95.DAT   New survey constanst for SAMUS.
    CHANGE_VERSION.COM      Set up logicals to select new SAMUS constants.
    L2RCP_SETUP.COM                                         D.Claes

    FILTER_BOOK_BANKS.FOR   Write version/pass number ONLINE only.
                            Preserve MC version numbers OFFLINE.
                            [This should be retrofit into ALL rebuilds]


  5-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MUON_L2_MAR95_S.CONST       Updated constants and geometry - Markeloff
    CHANGE_VERSION.COM          New Muon Const file
    L2RCP_SETUP.COM             New Muon Const file

    MSCT_HIT.FOR                Scintillator bug fix - P. Quintas
    MUON_L2.FOR                 Scintillator bug fix - P. Quintas
    DZERO.GLB-TRIGLIST          Update to v10.4 trigger list
    TRIG_RESOURCES.CTL          Latest CTL file with two new terms
    L1SIM.RCP                   Copy two new terms from input
    MC_L1SIM.RCP                Initialize two new terms


  6-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR           Add EZPICK/EZRSET in order to allow the L1 and
                                L2 simulations to get the same value for 
                                CENTROID_SET    - P. Quintas
    FILTER_DROP_RAW.FOR         Update to the latest version from FILTER_UTIL
                                (identical results)

    L2_ACOL_JETS.FOR            ZEBRA bug fix - L.T. Goss
    L2_ETACUT.FOR                       >>
    L2_MASSCUT.FOR                      >>
    L2_SUMJET.FOR                       >>


  7-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following files were provided by D. Vititoe

    MUSIM.RCP                   Contains new L1.5 switches 
    MU_L15_TABLES_1B.RCP        Point L1.5 code to new tables 

    MU_L15_TAB_INIT.FOR         Code speed-up

    MU_OTC_MGR.FOR              New L15 switch 
    MU_TRIG_CRATE_L15.FOR       Enable P1 lookup in overlap

    M_SAMN_ALL_FIN_C.DAT        New SAMUS P0 tables

    M_SAMN_ALL_B3_B4_MASK.DAT   Table masks for the speedup code

    SAMCEN_CHSELN.30695         New samcen tables 

    PRESET_MEMORY.FOR           Use MZWORK to "protect" - J. Linnemann 
    L2_DO_CD_HITFIND.FOR        Bug fix                 - J. Linnemann

    Redo Release V07.13


 10-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    PRESET_MEMORY.DOC           Latest from ZEBRA_UTIL
    CL2_SET_STP.FOR             Bug fix - J. Linnemann

    MU_L15_TAB_INIT.FOR         ezrset bug fix - D. Vititoe
    MU_OTC_LOOKUP.FOR           Include WAMONLY switch - D. Vititoe
    MUSIM.RCP                             >>

    MAIN_FILTER.FOR             Add a dummy entry point SET_TIMER_EXPIRED 
                                - J. Linnemann
    GET_L2SETUP_MAX_TIME.FOR    Pick up latest code from FILTER_UTIL
                                - J. Linnemann

    FILTER_DROP_BANKS.FOR       Add FILTER_TRY_DROP entry point - J. Linnemann
    FILTER_FILL_BANKS.FOR       Drop a list of banks which are included into
                                L2SETUP list and are not needed to make 
                                the end-of-event banks - J. Linnemann
    INZCOM.FOR                  Increasing ZEBCOM NNQ=400000 -> 500000  
                                - D. Claes

    Redo Release V07.13


 11-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MAIN_FILTER.FOR             Cause a Fatal error when SET_TIMER_EXPIRED is
                                get called - NV
    INZCOM.FOR                  Use the D0$INC:ZEBCOM.INC instead of a local
    ZEBCOM.INC                  Increasing ZEBCOM NNQ=400000 -> 500000

    Redo Release V07.13


 11-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MU_OTC_LOOKUP.FOR           ezrset bug fix - NV

    Redo Release V07.13


 14-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following updated L15CAL SIM routines are from Greg Griffin (endorsed 
by Sal Fahey) and they suppose to fill out correctly the crate-81 information 
in TRGR bank, fix several bugs and add some improvements.  The expectation is 
that NOW the L15CAL simulator should start working (before the L2_CONFIRM_L15 
was crashing!)

    L15CAL_EM_SIM.FOR                     L15C_FILL_DEBUG_SECTION.FOR
    L15C_GET_TERM_INFO.FOR                L15_CAL_SIM.FOR
    L15_GLOBAL_DSP.FOR                    L15_LOCAL_DSP.FOR

    MAIN_FILTER.FOR             Add out_of_space checking and treat the event
                                the same way as out_of_time (which currently
                                online we should NEVER be in this situation
                                since the gonging code is turned off due to
                                large default time limit 999999999.)  Also
                                produce -W- error messages and set a bit in
                                the FILT bank  - J. Linnemann
    INIT_FILTER_TIMER.FOR       Dummy routine for SIM only  - J. Linnemann
    FILT.ZEB                    New bits definition  - J. Linnemann    
    L2BIT_PASSED.FOR            Say passed if timed out or ran out of space - JL

    Redo Release V07.13


 17-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MAIN_FILTER.FOR             Bug fix  - JL

    The following code is for simulating the online ZEBCOM size in VMS_FILTER 
    - J. Linnemann.  

    L2SIM.RCP                   Add the parameters ONLINE_ZEBCOM, ZEBCOM_CUSHION
    L2SETUP.DOC                 Add gonging parameter

    FHID.ZEB                    Junk bank, just to take up space in l2sim
    FRES.ZEB                    Correct number of links; add link 18
    FILT.ZEB                    Correct number of links in doc 

    IZFHID.LINK                 Link for junk bank used to take up space in

    Redo Release V07.13


 21-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    SIMULATE_ONLINE_L2_SIZE.FOR     Improve garbage collection before locking
                                    in bank - JL
    AND_OR_TERMS.FOR                Bug fix - Change MRBS_LOSS term from 121
                                    to 124 - NV

    Redo Release V07.13


 25-APR-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
**V07.13 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 04:07 25-APR-1995 for Run 90795**


  8-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    LUM_SET.DOC                 Allow VTX hit-finding setting - D. Claes

    MOTMOD.FOR                  Unpacking bug fix for SAMUS U plane - M. Fortner
                                Due to this bug ALL data collected with 7.13
                                EXE are useless for forward muon analysis (see
                                D0News note #274 under FILTER.)

    Redo Release V07.13


 10-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Dan hand-built an STP to add more luminosity parameters so we'll be able
to turn on VTX hit-finding.  However this STP picked up slightly different
tracking constants and so it was different than the "regular" 7.13 STP that 
was ran up to that point.  The old STP has been stored under 

**V07.13' REGULAR_L2_MAIN.STP downloaded 18:07 5-MAY-1995 for Run 91139**

    The STP that was built on May 8 (through the redo 7.13 release), was 
identical to Dan's hand-built STP.  The EXE though by mistake did NOT
included the fixed MOTMOD.FOR routine so when it was downloaded (along with 
the "new" STP) at 09:15 9-MAY-1995 for Run 91232 it dehaved as the previous 
7.13' EXE/STP


 10-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Alan M. Jonckheere
    - BUILD_PIPE_FILES.COM: added a couple more .LIS file types. These have
      only those elements that contain VAXELN D0Flavor switches.

    - COMPILE_L2PROD_PASS.COM: use the above LIS files to run D0FLAVOR and
      compile the routines containing VAXELN D0Flavor switches.


 11-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Alan built another 7.13 online EXE to include the MOTMOD.FOR routine that
was not picked up in the previous release.  He also ran D0FLAVOR to pick up
the VAXELN version of FILTER_DROP_RAW.FOR (before - the 1st EXE after the new
D0DAQ - we were running with the VMS version of that routine.  The only
difference is in the RAW bank dropping - a feature that we never used until we
tried to do VTX hitfinding and we got a crash -)

**V07.13' REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE downloaded 17:15 10-MAY-1995 for Run 91270**


 16-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas

    L2_L0_VERTEX.FOR        Remove a 'W' error message - Jeff Bantly

    GTMSGE.FOR              Bug fixes                  - M. Fortner
    MSCT_HIT.FOR                >>

    The following routines are fixing a L15 muon bug.  The L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR
in addition has a fix to confirm Y3 region if Y2 is being requested and also
the call to GTTRGR2 has been eliminated.

{Note from Fortner: 15-May-1995
        This weekend a bug was discovered in the implementation of the
track-in-road parameter for CF muons using L1.5 low.  The L1.5 hardware
uses L1.0 for its results, overriding the OTCs in CF, but the software
did not make this change so, CF muons are forced to have an OTC confirmation
which amounts to 30% or more on single CF muons.  New code is being tested
to fix the bug, but until the new level 2 executable is released Ken Johns
has suggested, and I agree, that the filters using track-in-road l15_low
should be temporarily and immediately changed to track_in_road L10.  This
will result in increased rate and CPU time for the affected triggers until
the new executable is installed.  At present I believe the following filters
are affected:

MU_1_LOW  }


  Release V07.14


 17-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - CD_HITFIND.RCP             New L2SET# convention for COOR compatability.
      L2_VERT.RCP                Maps to L2_PRESCALE values MODULO 4.
      PRESCALE_LUMSETS.RCP                                        D.Claes


 17-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L2_CONFIRM_L15.FOR         Change the y2 message from W to I - M. Fortner
    L2_MASSCUT_PARAMETERS.FOR  Remove L2_MASSCUT_RCP W error message - JL
    MUMCEN.FOR                 Go back to the copy from 7.13 - M. Fortner
    L1SIM.RCP                  Change to point to the official LSO file - NV

    Redo Release V07.14


 18-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L12SIM_COMBINED.PBD       Increase default ZEBCOM in simlutor by 100,000
      L2_VMS.LNK                NQQ = 800000 -> 900000
      L2CDPULS.C                Restore an earlier version to be consistent
                                with RECO


 18-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following files are related to L2 hit-finding by JL, DC

    BKFRES.FOR              Add 5 more links 
    ZEBCOM_SPACE.FOR        Logical funciton to check whether given amount
                            of space left in ZEBCOM.  Does a Garbage collect
                            if pressed
    CD_BANK_LOGIC.DOC       Updated
    FILTER_FILL_BANKS.FOR   Don't try pre-drop on unbias events
                            (since not supposed to drop them at all!)
    L2_CD_HITFIND.FOR       Add call to l2_t0wrfl to save t0 data
                            add space check before calling
    L2_DO_CD_HITFIND.FOR    Redo bank logic so safe against list with some
                            banks dropped at some lums and others not
    ZEBCOM.INC              Increase ZEBCOM NNQ=500000 -> 600000
    L2CDC.FOR               Drop unused variables; use zebcom_space for check
    L2FDC.FOR               Drop unused variables; use zebcom_space for check
    L2TRD.FOR               Make it return a logical if called
    L2_CDCUNP.FOR           Fix infinite loop, clean error messages
    L2_FDCUNP.FOR           Fix infinite loop, clean error messages
    L2_T0RWFL.FOR           Save T0 data (L2 version) - Greg Landsberg
    L2_ZDEXPD.FOR           Expand so can support T0 (cost 8Kwords in memory)

    Redo Release V07.14


 22-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    SIMULATE_ONLINE_L2_SIZE.FOR        Minor bug fix - JL

    The following code is related to the L15CAL online compare package from
    Greg Griffin.

    L15CT_CHECK_LDSP_ID.FOR                 L15CT_COMP.FOR
    L15CT_COMP_INI.FOR                      L15CT_COMP_LDSP.FOR
    L15CT_COMP_SUM.FOR                      L15CT_COMP_TOOL_PARAM.FOR
    LW_TO_BYTES.FOR                         LW_TO_WORDS.FOR

    L15CT_COMP_NTUPLE.INC                   L15CT_COMP_RCP_VARS.INC


    Redo Release V07.14


 23-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following routines are from Greg Snow to create and fill the new L15 
    results bank (CT15).
    Note that the updated routine L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_GLOBAL_DSP.FOR is
    INCOMPATIBLE with the L15 compare code from Greg Griffin released above.
    Greg Griffin has to update his routines to accommodate the new L15


    Redo Release V07.14


 25-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.14 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 17:50 24-MAY-1995 for Run 91614**


 25-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2SET.INC       Increase maximum lum set number to 21
    - L2_FDC.FOR      Drop call to BKL2FD (the bank is booked, but never used)


 26-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L2SIM.RCP       Change the ONLINE_ZEBCOM from 500K to 600K  - NV
    L2CDC.FOR       More error checking and ZEBRA memory handling - Chris

    L2_DO_CD_HITFIND.FOR    (Dan released this routine)
                    Remove L2SET#=0 error message - D. Claes


 27-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L15EXTRACT_L15CAL_GLOBAL_DSP.FOR    Remove some error messages  - G. Snow
    CT15FL.FOR                          Add some conditions when the CT15 bank
                                        will NOT be booked - G. Snow

    Redo Release V07.14


 30-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.14a REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE downloaded 00:04 28-MAY-1995 for Run 91707**


    Today I found out that the online REGULAR_L2_MAIN.STP we were running for
V7.14 was actualy the latest from V7.13 (8-May-1995).  The DAQ shifter copied
only the EXE on May 24 and forgot to copy the STP.  Anyway the correct V7.14
STP from the D0 release (24-May-95) was loaded online today.

**V07.14 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.STP downloaded 11:15 30-MAY-1995 for Run 91781**


 30-MAY-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_ZDEXPD.FOR         Event number found under IQ(LHEAD+7) in LEVEL2
      L2_VERTEX_CDC.FOR     not under the OFFLINE IQ(LHEAD+9).
                            Also, add CHANNEL label to error messages.


  1-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
Alan built an online EXE on May 30, to include Dan's VTX hitfinding fixes

**V07.14b REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE downloaded 17:00 30-MAY-1995 for Run 91800**

Due to a serious muon L15 bug (see D0news note under FILTER), Alan made an
emergency release on D0 including the routine ZBLIFT.FOR.  
The bug was:  In L2_CONFIRM_L15 for the muon system a check is made for RUN
              and EVENT numbers.  However the event # location that was checked
              was lhead+9 (offline event number stored by the data logger)
              instead of the lhead+7 (beam crossing number).  The lhead+9 is
              zero in the nodes so muon triggers containing L15 were messed up
              depending the 1st L15 filter per run (since the "event #" never
              changed from zero).
The fix was:  Force the two event #s to be the same on the nodes and the data
              logger will overwritte the lhead+9 location.

    ZBLIFT.FOR      Put crossing number in offline event number - J. Hoftun

**V07.14c REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE downloaded 22:15 31-MAY-1995 for Run 91854**


  1-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_CD_HITFIND.FOR    Fix RCP retreival of CAN_HITFIND values.


  1-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following files are from Philippe Laurens to simulate the L1CT 
hardware clipping at eta=16 (used along with the standard lookup LSO file in



  2-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    The following code is to make the L15 simulator compatible with the recent
hardware modifications (after v07.14).  The L15 candidate lists are now done
as online.  The code is from Sal Fahey and Greg Griffin.

    L15C_MAKE_LCD_REFSET.FOR                L15_CAL_SIM.FOR
    L15_GLOBAL_DSP.FOR                      L15_LOCAL_DSP.FOR


    Redo Release V07.14


  2-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.14d REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 15:30 2-JUN-1995 for Run 91902**


  6-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    MC_L1SIM.RCP        Add switch CLIP_L1CT_AT_ETA_16  - P. Laurens
    L2CDPULS.C          Backup to the one from V06.11 - C. Klopfenstein

    Redo Release V07.14


  7-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - STP_REBUILD.COM   To facilitate rebuilding and checking the ONLINE STP.
    - STP_REBUILD.DOC   Instructions for hand-building "emergency" STPs.
    - FZDIFF.RCP        A L2 copy that ignores the HSTR bank.


 20-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.14e REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE downloaded >12:00 7-JUN-1995 for Run ?????**


 29-JUN-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    L2FDPULS.C          Latest code for FDC hitfinding - C. Klopfenstein
    FDC_RCP.H           Modify few parameters - C. Klopfenstein
                        Now veto pulses when the drift time exceeds a maximum
                        value.  This should get rid of a discrepancy with the
                        OFFLINE FDPULS.
    MUMCEN.FOR          Fix the simulation of EF muons - M. Fortner
    L2_MAIN.LNK         Updated by Jan Guida


  6-JUL-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - L2_MIN_BIAS.FOR     New implementation of MIN_BIAS tool.
      L0_FADC_HITS.FOR    It makes use of the VERTEX_QUALITY character
      TRGR_FADC.FOR       parameter.  Only when changed from the default
                          value of 'FAST_Z_GOOD' to 'NOHITS_*' (where * 
                          can specify NORTH, SOUTH, NORTH_SOUTH, or ONESIDE)  
                          will it call the tool's NEW functionality.
                                                Bob Hirosky

      NOTE: L0_FADC_HITS.FOR is a L2-only version. It hard codes some 
      parameters that are RCP-driven offline.  It has NOT been released 
      under the LEVEL0 library.  We may have to keep this copy under release.


  6-JUL-1995 : Modifications released by Daniel R. Claes
    - first pass at 7.15 release


  2-AUG-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
**V07.15 REGULAR_L2_MAIN.EXE/STP downloaded 16:00 12-JUL-1995 for Run 92787**


  5-SEP-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Backfit the following files to v07_15.

    L2SIM.RCP           Change the default ONLINE_ZEBCOM from 600000 to 2000000
    MC_L1SIM.RCP        Set L0_SLOW_INTER, L0_MI_FLAG_0, and the 10 spare 
                        terms to TRUE  - A. Boehnlein
    MU_L15_TAB_INIT.FOR   Change some warning messages  - D. Vititoe
    MU_OTC_MGR.FOR        Change some warning messages  - D. Vititoe

The old STPs (from the Jul, 6 release) were saved and copied again to the NEW

    Redo Release V07.15



 11-SEP-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Alan updated L2PROD CMS with the following files, so we now be using the
    V5 math libraries with Fortran V6.  WARNING the FORTRAN/MATH... symbol has
    been redefined (into L2LIB_SETUP.COM) and has not been undefined at the
    end of the procedure.


    Redo Release V07.15


 13-SEP-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Alan changed the place where he redefines the FORTRAN symbol from

    L2LIB_SETUP.COM     Go back to the previous version

    Redo Release V07.15



 21-SEP-1995 : Modifications released by Nikos Varelas
    Redo Release V07.15