Publisher-supplied biographical information about contributor(s) for The dragon quintet / edited by Marvin Kaye.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Biographical text provided by the publisher (may be incomplete or contain other coding). The Library of Congress makes no claims as to the accuracy of the information provided, and will not maintain or otherwise edit/update the information supplied by the publisher.

Orson Scott Card is the author of the SF classic, Ender's Game, as well as dozens of other bestselling novels, including Shadow of the Hegemon. He lives in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Mercedes Lackey is a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and stories, including the bestselling Heralds of Valdemar series. She lives in Oklahoma with her husband and collaborator, artist Larry Dixon, and their flock of parrots.

Tanith Lee has written 15 children's books, 42 adult novels and nearly 200 short stories. She has won the World Fantasy Award and the August Derleth Award for her work. Tanith Lee lives in England with her husband.

Elizabeth Moon is a native Texan who has a degree in both History and Biology, spent three years in the Marine Corps and has been nominated for a Hugo Award. She live in Florence Texas with her family.

Michael Swanwick has received the Hugo, Nebula, Theodore Sturgeon, and World Fantasy Awards for his work. Stations of the Tide was honored with the Nebula Award and was also nominated for the Hugo and Arthur C. Clarke Awards. "The Edge of the World," was awarded the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award in 1989. It was also nominated for both the Hugo and World Fantasy Awards. "Radio Waves" received the World Fantasy Award in 1996. "The Very Pulse of the Machine" received the Hugo Award in 1999, as did "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" in 2000.

Editor Marvin Kaye is the author and editor of more than forty books, including The Game Is Afoot: Parodies, Pastiches, and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes and The Resurrected Holmes: New Cases from the Notes of John H. Watson, M.D. He lives in New York City.

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Dragons Fiction, Fantasy fiction, American