390 INDEX Domfront in Normandy, 36. Dominic (Domingo de Guzman), Saint (1170- 1221), 175, 342, 343. 347- Dominican Schools, 343, 347, 348, 349, 366. Don Quixote, 215, 230, 269. Drapers' window at Chartres, 173, 181. Dreux, County of. (See Pierre Mauclerc.) Duns Scotus, doctor subtilis, 349, 363, 380. Durand, Paul, on Chartres glass, 129, 134, 136. Durazzo, 157. Durendal, Roland's sword, 26-28, 170. Edward the Confessor, King of England, 18. Egidio, Franciscan monk, 338. Egypt, Joinville in, 253, 254. Eleanor of Guienne, Queen of France and England (1122-1202), 36, 68, 77, 150, 151, 152, 199, 213, 231, 313. genealogical tables of, 152, 203 story of her life, 202, 224, 225 her death, 151, 224 Elizabeth, Queen of England, 202, 264. Energy, equivalent to scholastic Form, 332. England, Norman conquest of, 2, 4, 9, 32. her share in mediaeval literature, 140. her civil war in 1215 16, 151, 153. Enlart, Camille, Manuel d'Architecture Reli- gieuse, 34, 60. Eracle, poem by Walter of Arras, 215. Eric et Enide, poem by Christian of Troyes, 214. Eructavit, translation of psalm, 215. Étampes (Seine-et-Oise), its church of Notre Dame, 65, 116. Euclid, 73, 294, 295. Eustace, Saint, window of, at Chartres, 172, 173- Eve, 198, 202, 277. her dialogue with Satan, 205-206. Evesham, battle of, 156. Evil, an Amissio Boni, 370. Evreux in Normandy, 209. Ezekiel, in Chartres window, 187. Fabliaux, 200, 245. Fair Rosamund, 212. Falaise, tower of, 10, 53, 54. Faraday, Michael, 315, 321. Fenestration, at the Merveille, 41, 42. at Paris, Mantes, and Chartres, 56. at Mantes, 56, 57. at Chartres, 41, 56, 57. 99. "4- Fenioux on the Charente, flèche of, 48. Ferdinand of Castile. (See Saint Ferdinand.) Ferragus, giant, 171. Feversham, Abbot of, 310. Filetus. (See Hermogenes.) Fioretti or Floretum of Saint Francis, 164, 338. Flaubert, Gustave, his Norman style, 55. Flèches, in Normandy, 6, 10, 48 52. at Coutances, 47 52. at Vendôme, 49. at Auxerre, 49. at Fenioux, 48. in the Ile de France, 58. (See Chartres, Laon, Towers, etc.) Fontevrault, Abbey of, 42, 224. Form, scholastic term meaning that which gives being to matter; the equivalent of Energy, 320. France (see île de France), battle-cry of, 34, 94 Francis I, King of France (1515 47). 67, 242. Francis of Assisi, Saint, 12, 164, 213. his birth, 334; his death, 334, 346. his hostility to the Schools, 334_46. his sermon to the birds, 44, 339, 34°- his pantheism, 340-46. his Cantico del Sole, 344. 345- Franciscan Schools, 286, 347, 349- Free Will, liberum arbitrium, 286, 300, 323, 371. 376. Freeman, Edward A., his History of the Nor- man Conquest, 19, 200. Fulbert, canon of Notre Dame de Paris, 36. Fulk of Anjou, 222. Furriers' window at Chartres, 168, 172, 173. Gaillard, château of, 42. Ganelon, the traitor, 23. Garreau, L., his État social de la France au temps des Croisades, 199. Gascony, 68, 69. (See Guienne.) Gassicourt, church below Mantes, 55. Gaucher, or Gaultier, de Bar-sur Seine, 157. Gaucher, or Gaultier, de Chatillon, 82. Gaultier de Coincy, his Miracles de la Vierge, 258, 259, 272, 278, 328. Geoffroy d'Anjou, 203, 211. Geoffroy Gaimer, chronicles of, 22.