Library of Congress September 11 Web Archive Collection This is an archived Web site from the Library of Congress. maximize
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10/28/2001   11/27/2001

Axe Memorial United Methodist Church

Worship Information
Worship Service: Sundays, 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Our worship service combines outstanding music, prayer, scripture, and a message from God's Word delivered by our pastor, Brother Doyle Henderson
                                        A typical worship service usually goes like this: 

Greetings and announcements
Affirmation of Faith
Children's Sermon
Pastor's Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Choral Anthem
Scripture Reading
Pastor's Sermon
Invitation to Join Axe UMC

We are often blessed with songs by our Children's choirs, handbell choir, special soloists, or guest instrumentalists. The Offertory music is always outstanding, as we are graced with the best keyboard duo in the DFW area - Dr. Bill Flynt (organist) and Gary Okeson (piano).

The first Sunday of each month is celebrated with Holy Communion, open to any Christian, regardless of denomination or Church affiliation.

Once a month we have a separate worship service tailored for children. All kids up to 5th grade are invited to attend.

Special music programs are frequently a part of our service.