Trirnerot,ropis eineta (Thomas). Size: 21-36 mm. General Distribution: British Columbia, Canada, Idaho and Montana, S. to Arizona and New Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Bemalillo, Cibola, Colfax, Lin- coln, Otero, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Taos, Torrance, Valencia. Habitat:Openareasinwoocflandandscrubinmountains,roadcuts, embankments, etc.; usually with leaf litter. Host: Unknown. Adults Present: June-Septernber. Notes: Always with black band across face between eyes; hind tibiae blue or gray; hind wing basal area yellowish; hind wing band with short spur. Not economically important. Reference: Otte 1984. Trimerot,ropis eyaneipennis Bruner, BLUE-WINGED GRASSHOPPER. Size: 25-40 mm. General Distribution: Washington S. to W. Texas and S. Califor- nia, Arizona, and New Mexico. Distribution in New Mexico: Bemalillo, Catron, Cibola, Grant, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Luna, McKinley, Socorro, Union. Habitat: Mountains, rocky slopes. Host: Unknown. Adults Present: June-October. Notes: Similar to T. fratercula, but basal area of hind wings usuallyblue,occasionallyblue-greenorgreenish-yellow. Body generally mottled; inner hind femora with heavy black and white markings; hind tibiae blue with whitish basal ring; hind wing band with distinct spur. Not eco- nornically important. Reference: Otte 1984. Trimerotropisfontana Thomas [= T. tessellate McNeill]. Color plate 7. Size: 22-38 mm. General Distribution: British Columbia, S. to N. Baja California, Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Distribution in New Mexico: Probably not found in New Mexi- r-o. Any records are likely to be T. cincta. Habitat: Roadsides, slopes, forest and woodland clearings, like cincta. Host: Unknown. Adults Present: July-October. Notes: Dark crossbands on tegmina characteristic, with distinct edges; basal area of hind wing clear to yellow-green; band on hind wing obscure; inner hind femora marked with black and white; hind tibiae blue with white basal ring. Not econon-dcally important. Reference: Otte 1984.