304 APPENDIX. Inhabits St. Peter's river. - Head above somewhat fulvous; beneath and front yellow ; thorax, first segment yellowish-brown, blackish each side and before; second segment pale brownish, a little tinged with rufous and with. indistinct oblique whitish lines, proceeding from the longitudinal impressed line; two brown |gpots on the middle placed transversely; wings hyaline, whitish, with fuscous nervures ; posterior margin pf the inferiores fuscous; tergum fuscous, lateral margin whitish ; posterior edges of the segments white above; a double series of whitish, oblique, dilated, abbreviated lines. Length 2 to tip of the wings one and three-tenths of an inch. This is much the largest species of this country I have seen, it appeared in considerable numbers. 2. B. altemata. Wings whitish, nervures fuscous; tergum fuscous, segments whitish at their bases. Inhabits North-west Territory. Body fuscous; head on the interior margin and gense white; thorax pale brownish-livid, yellowish near the scu-tel; wings hyaline, with a whitish reflexion, nervures not margined ; pleura and pectus varied with yellowish; feet pale ochreous, a fuscous annulus near the tip of the thighs; tergum fuscous; segments whitish at base, one or two ultimate segments with two whitish longitudinal lines; venter whitish, each segment with two oblique lines and two intermediate points, black; seta whitish, with regular fuscous spots alternating. Length of the body $ from two-fifths to half an inch. Closely allied to the femoratus', nobis,* but maybedis* * Western Quarterly Reporter, vol. 2, p. 162.