Catalogue Query Results

Clavaspis subsimilis (Cockerell)


Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) subsimilis; Cockerell, 1899a: 396. Change of combination.

Aspidiotus subsimilis Cockerell, 1899d: 168. Type data: MEXICO: Cuautla, on a leafless tree; Hermosillo, on Caesalpinia palmeri. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA. Described: female.

Aonidiella subsimilis; Leonardi, 1900: 342. Change of combination.

Hendaspidiotus subsimilis; MacGillivray, 1921: 440. Change of combination.

Clavaspis subsimilis; Ferris, 1938a: 209. Change of combination.

Foes: HYMENOPTERA Aphelinidae: Aphytis melanostictus Compere [RosenDe1979, MyartsRu2000]. Signiphoridae: Signiphora pulchra Girault [Woolle1990].

Hosts: Melia azedarach [GranarCl2003]. Burseraceae: Bursera microphylla [RosenDe1979]. Ebenaceae: Diospyros texana [McDani1968]. Fabaceae: Acacia constricta [McDani1968], Caesalpinia palmeri (?) [Cocker1899d, Leonar1900, McDani1968]. Platanaceae: Platanus acerifolia [GranarCl2003]. Rutaceae: Ptelea tomentoso [McDani1968].

DISTRIBUTION: Nearctic: Mexico [Cocker1899n, MyartsRu2000] (Baja California Sur [RosenDe1979], Morelos [Cocker1899d, Ferris1938a]); United States of America (Texas [McDani1968]). Neotropical: Argentina (La Rioja [GranarCl2003], Salta [GranarCl2003], Tucuman [GranarCl2003]); Guatemala [Nakaha1982].

BIOLOGY: Occurring on the bark of the host (Ferris, 1938a).

GENERAL REMARKS: Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1938a).

STRUCTURE: Cockerell (1899d) described the scale "Female scale circular, about 1.5 mm in diameter; flat, thin; pale grey to whitish, or tinged with brown; exuviae covered, inconspicuous, marked by a whitish boss; this scale is very like that of Aspidiotus perniciosus, but there is no distinct dot and ring. Male scale oval, slightly stained with blackish; exuviae yellowish". Ferris (1938a) described the scale "The scales nearly the color of the bark, whitish or gray, that of the female circular flat, exuviae subcentral; that of the male slightly elongate, exuvia near one end".

KEYS: McDaniel 1968: 232 (female) [U.S.A.: Texas]; Ferris 1942: 32 (female) [North America]; Newell 1899: 4-5 (female) [North America].

CITATIONS: BenDovGe2003 [catalogue: 315-316]; Borchs1966 [catalogue: 319]; Chiesa1948 [host, distribution, economic importance]; ClapsWoGo2001a [taxonomy, host, distribution: 14]; Cocker1899a [taxonomy: 396]; Cocker1899d [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 168]; Cocker1899n [host, distribution, illustration: 21]; Fernal1903b [catalogue: 279]; Ferris1938a [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 209]; Ferris1941e [taxonomy: 48]; Ferris1942 [taxonomy: 446:32]; GranarCl2003 [host, distribution: 625-637]; Leonar1900 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 342]; Lindin1957 [taxonomy: 547]; MacGil1921 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 440]; McDani1968 [taxonomy, illustration, host, distribution: 237-241]; MyartsRu2000 [distribution, biological control: 7-33]; Nakaha1982 [host, distribution: 25]; Newell1899 [taxonomy, description, host, distribution: 14]; RosenDe1979 [host, distribution, biological control: 291-294]; Sassce1923 [host, distribution: 125-129]; Willia1985a [taxonomy: 239]; Woolle1990 [biological control: 167-176].

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