doc_fn: alord/5700/o57002c.html DocType: ArcAl Id: AL 5700.2C Title: Cost Estimating Summary: Org: Date_Issue: 07/08/1988 Date_Close: VdkVgwKey: alord-477 Directive: 5700.2 Text: U.S. Department of Energy ORDER Albuquerque Operations Office AL 5700.2C Date: July 8, 1988 SUBJECT: COST ESTIMATING 1. PURPOSE. This Order has been prepared and issued as an element of the Department of Energy (DOE) Albuquerque Operations Office (AL) management and planning system for construction projects including major system acquisitions (MSAs), major projects (MPs), and other line item projects. It establishes cost estimating requirements for all stages of project development and provides guidance on the application of cost estimating methodology including the use of historical data. This order supplements DOE 5700.2C, COST ESTIMATING, ANALYSIS, AND COST STANDARDIZATION. 2. CANCELLATION. Albuquerque Operations Office Cost Estimating Guide of October 1983 and AL Order 5700.28, dated April 9, 1984. 3. SCOPE. The provisions of this Order apply to all sites, Area Offices, operating contractors, and AL personnel under the purview of the AL Manager. 4. REFERENCES. a. AL 4700.1, PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, of XX-XX-XX, which establishes AL policy for project management. b. DOE 2250.1B, COST AND SCHEDULE CONTROL SYSTEMS CRITERIA FOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT, of October 25, 1985, which delineates the requirements, procedures, authorities, and responsibilities for establishing and documenting uniform standards for assessing contractor cost and schedule control systems criteria (CSCSC), and which provides guidelines for applications of the system approach. c. DOE 4700.1, PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, of March 6, 1987, which establishes the DOE project management system. d. DOE 5100.3, FIELD BUDGET PROCESS, of August 23, 1984, which provides requirements and procedures for the preparation and submission of field budget material for preparation of the Departmental budget. e. DOE 5700.2C, COST ESTIMATING, ANALYSIS, AND STANDARDIZATION, OF November 2, 1984, which establishes the policy and responsibilities for developing and reviewing project cost estimates, preparing independent cost estimates and analyses, standardizing cost estimating techniques, cost data bases, cost and economic models escalation, and cost estimating systems. f. DOE 6430.1, GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA, OF December 12, 1983, to be implemented in coordination with the Assistant Secretary, Management and Administration memorandum of June 10, 1981, which establishes policies and objectives, responsibilities and authorities, procedures, and requirements for development and maintenance of general design criteria and their application in the planning and design, or acquisition, of the Department's facilities. g. DOE/MA-0040, "Cost and Schedule Control Systems Criteria for Contract Performance and Measurement, Work Breakdown Structure Guide," of October 1981. h. DOE/MA-0046, "Cost Estimating Manual," of January 1982, which is a compilation of DOE cost estimating procedures. i. DOE/MA-0295, "Work Breakdown Structure Guide," of February 6, 1987, which provides guidance on the development and use of the work breakdown structure technique. 5. DEFINITIONS. The following terms are defined in the context of estimate preparation and supplement the information provided in other DOE and AL Orders. a. Construction Management (CM). Professional services focusing on construction provided primarily during the construction but including construction planning and related activities accomplished prior to the start of construction. Construction Management may be provided by a DOE prime contractor, operating contractor, or a subcontractor to one of those organizations. CM is an allowable project cost and is included in the construction cost as a subcategory of project management. b. Contingency. An amount budgeted to cover costs that may result from incomplete design, unforeseen and unpredictable conditions, or uncertainties. The estimate of contingency for a particular project shall be arrived at by a risk assessment applied to project elements at the systems level of the project work breakdown structure. c. Cost Estimate. A documented statement of costs expected to be incurred to complete a project. d. Direct Cost. An expense that is attributable to a specific item of work. Project direct costs include engineering, construction, and standard equipment. e. Escalation. A time-related change in cost caused by changes in the amount of labor required to produce a given unit of output, imbalances in aggregate supply and demand and changes in the cost of labor. These forces act independently and in unison. f. Government Cost Estimate. An independent cost estimate prepared by a government agency or contractor acting under government direction for use in contract negotiation. g. Independent Cost Estimate (ICE). A document cost estimated that has the expressed purpose of serving as an analytical tool to validate, cross-check, or analyze estimates developed by proponents of a project. These estimates are regularly developed by the Independent Cost Estimate Staff of the Headquarters Office of Project and Facilities Management. h. Indirect Cost. An expense that cannot be assigned to a specific item of work. i. Project Management (PM). Those services provided to the DOE on a specific project beginning at project authorization and continuing through the completion of construction. Identified project management activities include all those required for overall planning of project activities, organizing and directing project participants, controlling all aspects of the work, and reporting progress against' current, accepted baseline for cost, scope, and schedule. When conducted by personnel dedicated to full-time management of a specific project, the cost of this incremental activity is charged to the project and is included in the total estimated cost as an element of construction. Estimates and budgets for projects subject to the DOE Cost and Schedule Control Systems Criteria (CSCSC) shall include development implementation and validation of the project control and project reporting system as an element of project management cost. j. Project Support (PS). Those operating expense funded functions provided by nondedicated operating contractor personnel or subcontractors for internal management or technical support of the project. Activities included in this category are: audits of project participants for conformance with plant or site standards (i.e., quality assurance, pricing, health and safety), independent review or analysis and cost estimates, and activities occurring prior to project authorization such as preparation of budget documentation, conceptual design reports, and design criteria. Startup costs incurred for operational testing, training of operating staffs, and similar expenses incurred by the operating contractor in preparation for operations are considered costs of operation rather than construction. k. Total Estimated Cost (TEC). The costs of the project, including the costs of land and land rights, engineering, design, and inspection, total construction cost (e.g., subcontracted work, project management, and special facilities equipment), and initial equipment necessary to place the plant or installation in operation whether funded out of operating or plant and capital equipment appropriations. l. Total Project Cost. All generic research and development, operating costs associated with Test and Evaluation, and plant and capital equipment costs specifically associated with a project. It is the sum of the total estimated cost plus all other costs identifiable to the project. Total project cost includes: (1) Plant engineering and design funds which are appropriated by Congress at the request of DOE for the performance of Title I and Title II design prior to authorization and appropriation of construction funds for a project. (2) Conceptual design costs which are directly related to the formative stage in the design of a facility. (3) Research and development costs necessary to complete the project. The estimated costs by fiscal year for any project which requires the conduct of a research and development program as a prerequisite to its specific. design and construction features and for which research and development funds are included in the operating expenses budget requests. (4) All other costs include any other costs directly related to the project that occur on a one-time basis, such as startup costs, initial training, termination costs, and decommissioning costs. Also included are operations costs for operating the plant and/or conducting experimental or testing phase predicated on abandonment, dismantlement, or transfer to others at the end of this period. This demonstration period is intended to yield specific results over a definite time period. 6. POLICY. Cost estimates shall be developed for AL projects in conjunction with engineering design to establish the level of resources that must be committed to complete a project within authorized baseline of scope, schedule, and technical capability. It is the intention of this Order to establish and promote practices that enhance the traceability, accuracy, credibility, and economy of AL project cost estimates. Consistent with this policy, AL will implement a program of estimate review project assessment to establish and ensure that AL projects meet the requirements of this Order. AL directed project review and assessment activities will be conducted according to a schedule that anticipates the requirements of outside reviewers. The Facilities and Project Management Division will be the focal point responsible for coordinating all such reviews. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES. This Order establishes responsibility for implementing the provisions of this Order. a. Assistant Manager, Management and Administration (AM/MA): The AN/MA is responsible for applying the provisions of this Order through the Director, Facility and Project Management. In the event that the findings of AL-directed cost estimate reviews and assessments cannot be reconciled, the AM/MA will resolve the differences and establish the AL position. b. Director, Facilities and Project Management Division: (1) Establishes and manages the AL Internal Cost Review program including nomination of projects for review, planning and technical direction of review activities, coordinating the conduct of all reviews with AL site operating contractor personnel, and AL staff. (2) Insures that the provisions of this Order are carried out on all projects. (3) Approves, on an annual basis, the projects which are subject to internal cost review, taking into account the flexibility needed for the overall program. (4) Initiates and coordinates the involvement of AL upper management in the reconciliation of unresolved differences between AL Internal Cost Reviews and other project cost estimates. (5) Directs the development and revision of AL policies on cost estimating, and acts as a technical expert on the cost estimating-related aspects of project management and reporting policy. (6) As the focal point of AL cost estimating programs and activities for construction projects, coordinates the cost-related activities of reviewers from DOE Headquarters, including Key Decision Reviews conducted by the Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs (ASDP) and Independent Cost Estimates (ICEs) conducted by the Assistant Secretary for Management and Administration. (7) Monitors operating contractor performance for compliance with the AL cost estimating program relative to Major Projects, Major System Acquisitions and Line capital projects. (8) Supports and assists other AL divisions as requested in the development and application of cost estimating and cost analysis methodologies. c. Area Office and Project Managers: (1) Implement the provisions of this policy as they apply to cost estimate preparation. (2) Assist the Facility and Project Management Division in reviewing and evaluating implementation of the AL cost program. (3) Maintain historical cost data and a viable database. (4) Promote and apply advanced cost estimating techniques such as computer-aided cost estimating in support of AL projects and the AL cost program. Bruce G. Twining Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE SUMMARY OF ACRONYMS................................................ i CHAPTER I - TYPES OF ESTIMATES..................................... I-1 TABLES I-1: Cost Breakdown Structure for AL Projects I-2: Contingency Summary Sheet for Conceptual Estimates ATTACHMENTS I-1: Guidance for the Development and Application of..... I-6 Work Breakdown Structures I-2: Estimate Criteria................................... I-12 CHAPTER II - ELEMENTS OP THE COST ESTIMATE......................... II-1 TABLES II-1: Allowable Contingency Ranges by Estimate Type ATTACHMENTS: II-1: Contingency Analysis for Line Item Cost Estimates... II-7 II-2: Uniform Format for Architect/Engineer Cost of Services Estimates.................................. II-32 II-3: Statement of Architect/Engineer Services............ II-53 SUMMARY OF ACRONYMS A/E Architect/Engineer AL Albuquerque Operations Office AM/MA Assistant Manager for Management and Administration CDR Conceptual Design Report GM Construction Management CSCSC Cost and Schedule Control Systems Criteria CSI Construction Specifications Institute CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure ED&I Engineering, Design and Inspection HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning ICE Independent Cost Estimate MP Major Project MSA Major System Acquisition PM Project Management PS Project Support PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PSWBS Project Summary Work Breakdown Structure PWBS Project Work Breakdown Structure R&D Research and Development TEC Total Estimated Cost WBS Work Breakdown Structure CHAPTER I TYPES OF ESTIMATES This Order identifies five types of cost estimates and the project phase with which each is associated. The definition of each element includes t minimum requirements for estimate detail. A. Planning Estimates. This type of estimate is prepared prior to completion of conceptual design when complete design information is not yet available. Estimates of this type are the basis for Short Form Construction Project Data Sheets and are formatted in accordance with the Cost Breakdown Structure of Table I-1. All figures presented in project cost estimate summaries shall be escalated to the schedule midpoint of the activity being estimated (i.e., construction, equipment procurement, design). Efforts should be made to demonstrate the reasonableness of proposed costs through reference to historical data. B. Conceptual Estimates. Conceptual Design Reports (CDRs) and Design Criteria require cost estimates supported by construction quantity takeoffs, pricing, an ED&I analysis, a project management analysis, and a contingency analysis. The design and, cost estimate developed for a CDR together form the detailed information which supports a Construction Project Data Sheet with this stage of estimate and design development establishing the first formal baseline against which all further development will be compared and evaluated. The cost estimate is important element of this baseline and requirements for estimate detail are those necessary to provide adequate information for critical project management decisions. The conceptual estimate shall agree directly with the Construction Project Data Sheet. The CDR will contain a project cost summary based on the format specified in Table Ill. All costs will be escalated to the schedule midpoint of the appropriate activity using the headquarters Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) escalation rates in effect at the time the estimate is prepared. The estimate notes will clearly identify the reference date for the escalation rates used. The CDR shall also include a contingency summary which summarizes the results of a project specific contingency analysis in a format similar to Table I-2. Construction costs will be estimated at the lowest level of detail that can be developed within each element of project cost. For conventional construction cost elements, the preferred method will normally consist of quantity takeoffs from conceptual drawings supplemented by data extracted from calculations prepared during conceptual design. When this is not practical or possible, such as with building HVAC ductwork, reference can be made to historical data. This can occur in two forms: a unit cost based on a particular project for which actual costs are available, or use of unit quantity standards, such as lbs/sf, for conventional building systems. Care should be exercised when using historical cost data to maintain traceability of construction indirect costs such as overhead, profit, general conditions, and sales tax, to reduce the likelihood of double counting or omitting any cost category. Estimates made on the basis of historical data, including parametric estimates, should be supported with clear references to the projects, costs, and schedules. Estimates shall be prepared in a way which allows costs to be summarized according to both the project work breakdown structure (PWBS) and the DOE cost breakdown structure. A recommended PWBS is described in Attachment I-1 and the DOE cost breakdown structure is summarized in Table I-1. Detailed information supporting and explaining the conceptual cost estimate will be included in Part III: Supplemental Information, of the CDR. This supplementary volume will be reviewed at the Operations Office level, but not forwarded to Headquarters until required to support the management decision and budgeting process. C. Preliminary Estimate. Evaluation of alternative solutions to the design criteria developed during Preliminary Design (Title I) and the presentation of the preferred solution in the Design Summary report requires Preliminary Cost Estimates. The purpose of such estimates is to allow evaluation of the cost impact of alternative approaches to occur in parallel with evaluation of the technical impact. As such, a Preliminary Estimate performs two primary functions. 1. presents the Total Estimated Cost (TEC) of each alternative on the basis of the best information available; and 2. provides a logical traceable framework for comparing various alternatives with each other and with the baseline. In order that the project manager be provided with a complete estimate, it is necessary to combine the input of several organizations including the Architect/Engineer (A/E), the operating contractor, and any other group responsible for estimating the cost of project elements. Cost summaries shall be prepared in the format specified in Table I-1 for each alternative design. A contingency analysis shall be prepared and summarized in accordance with the format specified in Table I-2. All costs presented in the estimate summary shall include escalation to the schedule midpoint for the activity being estimated. Preliminary Estimates of construction cost should be supported with criteria which clearly establish the engineering basis of the estimate. Information to be provided in the criteria shall include the scope of the estimate, the date the estimate was finished, technical references (such as drawings and specifications), and cost references (such as labor rates, taxes, escalation rates, and equipment usage rates). A recommended format is provided in Attachment I-2, which presents the information required to be included in the estimate criteria. Cost elements other than construction also require preliminary estimates for inclusion in the Design Summary, and to support the analysis of alternatives. ED&I cost should be presented as either the negotiated contract cost, or as the project's current working estimate. Equipment cost estimates should be based on a current bill of material or equipment list supported by current vendor price quotes. Project management cost should be based on the current project schedule, anticipated staffing levels, and anticipated compensation. D. Definitive (Title II) Estimates. Definitive engineering shall include the preparation of a Definitive Estimate made on the basis of all approved engineering data including drawings, specifications, calculations, schedules, and equipment lists. The format for the Definitive Estimate shall be the same as the format of the Preliminary Estimate. Care should be exercised when preparing the work breakdown structure to group costs into categories that closely match the anticipated bid package. This will facilitate bid evaluation and preparation of the current working estimate. E. Government Estimate. All construction and A/E contracts for amounts grater than $25,000 require Government Estimates. These estimates shall be prepared independently in advance of any bid or solicited proposed submitted by a prospective contractor or subcontractor. Since Government Estimates are used to determine the reasonableness of contractor bids, the Government Estimate shall be prepared in a format that facilitates comparison with other estimates. For this reason, it is usually desirable to provide the contractor with a recommended cost breakdown structure that lists all necessary information at a level of detail suited to the contract. In the case of construction cost estimates, the Government Estimate will often be based on the Definitive Estimate prepared by the A/E. In the case of engineering services estimates, the Government Estimate will be prepared by personnel familiar with project requirements and in an approved format similar meeting the requirements of this Order. ---------- TABLE I-1 COST BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE FOR AL PROJECTS Item No. Description Cost ($000) A Engineering, Design & Inspection Total A1 Facilities Subtotal A2 Special Facilities Subtotal B Land and Land Rights Total C Construction Total C1 Improvements to Land Subtotal C2 Buildings (identify each separately) Subtotal C3 Other Structure Subtotal C4 Utilities Subtotal C5 Special Facilities Subtotal C6 Demolition Subtotal C7 Tunneling Subtotal C8 Drilling Subtotal C9 Project Management Subtotal D Standard Equipment Total E Contingency Total Total Estimated Cost Grand Total Note: All costs categories need not be shown if there is no estimated cost for that element. ---------- ---------- TABLE I-2 CONTINGENCY SUMMARY SHEET - FOR CONCEPTUAL ESTIMATES Base Cost Contingency Contingency Element Description ($000) (%) ($000) Engineering, Design & Inspection Facilities 1,900,000 15 285,000 Special Facilities 900,000 19 171,000 Construction Improvements to Land 500,000 12 60,000 Building (1) Civil/Structural 4,900,000 16 784,000 Mechanical 5,700,000 18 1,026,000 Electrical 4,800,000 17 816,000 Utilities Mechanical 1,300,000 22 286,000 Electrical 1,600,000 19 304,000 Other Structures (1) 300,000 15 45,000 Special Facilities 14,500,000 25 3,625,000 Project Management 1,200,000 10 120,000 Standard Equipment 1,600,000 10 160,000 TOTAL 39,200,000 20 7,682,000 (1) Identify each building or structure individually, by name. ---------- ATTACHMENT I-1 GUIDANCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURES A project summary work breakdown structure (PSWBS) shall be developed during conceptual design and shall be maintained throughout the life of the project. Changes in scope, technical performance requirements, method of accomplishment, and reporting requirements shall be incorporated into the PSWBS when appropriate. The DOE project manager shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the PSWBS, and for negotiating and approving each contract work breakdown structure (CWBS). If there is no DOE project manager, as in the case of line item projects with a TEC of less than $50 million, the operating contractor's project manager will assume responsibility for PSWBS and CWBS development and maintenance. The development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) is mandated for all MSAs and MPs by DOE Order 4700.1, Project Management System. Order AL 4700.1, AL Project Management System extends this requirement to all line item projects. A general discussion of WBSs is provided in the DOE Work Breakdown Structure Guide (DOE/MA-0295), which includes several examples of WBS application to MSAs. The WBS is not the same as the cost breakdown structure for cost estimates; however, in order to preserve traceability and accountability, the WBS should correspond to the elements in the cost breakdown structure. MPs and other line item projects differ from MSAs in several respects, most notably in dollar value, and these differences can have an impact on project planning and WBS development. Specific areas of special attention include: 1. Establishment of Engineering, Design, and Inspection level element of PSWBS. Although ED&I is a service and not a product, it is often advisable to establish ED&I as a second level WBS element to facilitate project management functions such as subcontractor control and reporting. Additionally, it is not practical to allocate engineering products at the cost account level without creating an unacceptable burden for the project manager, and without forcing an artificial system on a contractor which leads to arbitrary allocations of cost. 2. Limitation of scope elements under project management to those costs which are allowable project costs as defined by Chapter II of this Order. It is important to consider the resources and responsibilities of the project management organization when developing the WBS for project management activities, since this can have a pronounced effect on the scope of this activity. The definition of project management limits allowable costs to certain specified services. When projects are supported or managed by operating contractors with operating expense budgets, certain activities (such as quality assurance compliance auditing) will be paid for with operating funds, while others (such as the services of a full-time project manager) will be paid for with project funds. 3. Development of data collection and reporting provisions for the high percentage of fixed-price contracts for construction and facility engineering. The WBS shall be used as the basis for project management and throughout the life of the project. Cost estimates will be organized according to the WBS and compared with other estimates through the WBS. In preparing lower levels of a WBS where fixed-price contracts will be used for performance, it is important to establish cost elements that are meaningful to both the contractor and the DOE. In the case of construction contracts, this usually requires that reference be made to the divisions established by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). In the case of facility ED&I, this usually requires reference to milestones (such as submittal of a Title I Design Summary Report). Tables 1, 2, and 3 are examples of work breakdown structures which have lower levels that are suitable for requesting bid breakdown information from fixed-price contractors. 4. Design of a PSWBS that facilitates interface with existing cost, management, and reporting systems. On larger projects, it is often worthwhile to integrate the PSWBS and lower level WBSs through matrices that establish relationships with other systems for cost, management, and reporting; however, this may not be cost-effective on smaller projects when management resources limited. To alleviate this potential problem, the PSWBS can be developed to facilitate the exchange of information. The WBS examples in Tables 1, 2, and 3 address this requirement. Tables 1 and 2 illustrate two alternative formats for constructing WBS Levels 1 through 3. In completing the WBS to lower levels, the following guidance is provided for each element: Improvement to Land. DOE has adopted the CSI Master format system and the classifications established by this system should be adopted for improvements to land at Level 4 of the PSWBS. Fourth Level accounts include: exploration and clearing, earthwork, caissons and piling, site drainage, roads and walks, and fencing. Work elements classified elsewhere in the WBS, such as utilities and demolition, should not be included under Improvements to Land. Buildings. The fourth Level of the WBS should identify each building in the project scope. The fifth level should incorporate CSI broadscope divisions including: concrete, masonry, metals, wood and plastics, thermal and moisture protection, doors and windows, and finishes. Furnishings should be included under standard equipment, while building mechanical and electrical should exclude utility costs which are defined as the cost of utility systems outside of the building five-foot line. Table 3 illustrates the third and fourth WBS Levels for this element. Other Structures. The fourth Level of the WBS should identify each individual structure in its element. Other structures as defined in Volume 6 of the DOE Cost Guide. At the fifth Level of the WBS, CSI divisions should be used in a format similar to that for building. Special Facilities. The fourth Level of the WBS should reflect the major systems in the scope of work. Lower levels of detail should continue until bid packages are developed, which is the cost account level of the WBS. Utilities. The fourth Level of the WBS should identify the major systems in the project scope of work such as potable water, sanitary sewer, electrical power, and natural gas. Project Manager. Allowable activities for this WBS element are defined in Chapter 2 of this Order. The fourth Level of the WBS should include elements for project management and construction management, if a construction manager will be used. If the WBS is being developed for a project subject to the Cost and Schedule Control Systems Criteria (CSCSC), that activity may be identified separately in the WBS (as shown in Table 2). **** DATABASE NOTE: ATTACHMENT OF ATTACHMENT I-1 TABLE 1, TABLE 2, AND TABLE 3 (PAGES I-9 THROUGH I-11) ARE NOT INCLUDED IN DATABASE, DUE TO THEIR FORMAT. ATTACHMENT I-2 ESTIMATE CRITERIA PROJECT INFORMATION. Job Title: Location: Job No.: Estimate Prepared By: Type of Estimate: ESTIMATE SCOPE. (In this section, the estimator should restate the project scope from a cost standpoint, emphasizing those items which are specifically included or excluded from the scope of the estimate.) This section need not restate technical or scientific performance related scope elements except where' those impact the scope of the estimate. It is advisable to address the anticipated method of accomplishment, differentiating between fixed-price and cost-plus contracted work, and between subcontracted and in-house performing organizations.) DRAWINGS. (Reference should be made to the document number and revision number for those drawings used to prepare the estimate.) SPECIFICATIONS. (Reference should be made to the specifications used as the basis for estimating the cost of construction, standard equipment, and special facilities elements.) LABOR AND BURDEN. (The basis of labor costs shall be provided in this section. Distinctions should be made between all elements of labor cost including: a) taxes; b) supervision; c) benefits; d) labor overhead [subcontractor and prime]; and e) general and administrative. Alternatively, reference can be made to a labor summary sheet which can be attached to the estimate criteria. A reference date shall be provided for the purpose of escalating costs to future dates.) MATERIAL. (The basis of material costs shall be explained, including reference to vendor quotes, historical data, and published data. Special mention shall be made of any mark-ups applied to material, including material handling, storage, taxes, and overhead.) EQUIPMENT USAGE. (This section shall clearly identify where the cost of equipment usage is included in the estimate.) INDIRECT COSTS. (The primary purpose of estimate criteria is to clearly identify those costs which are included in the estimate, where those costs are located, and the basis of those costs. This section should define those indirect costs not included elsewhere, such as: a) bond; b) insurance; c) fees; d) contractor management personnel; e) security escorts; and f) contractor vehicles.) A considerable amount of diversity exists with respect to the location of indirect costs within the body of the estimate; however, the methodology used on a particular job must be defined. The purpose of estimate criteria is to allow the estimator to define the basis of the total estimate, including the methodology' used for calculating and allocating indirect costs.) SUBCONTRACTS. (General or prime contractor mark-ups on subcontractors shall be detailed in this section.) ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND INSPECTION. (This section should address the source of ED&I costs estimated for the project. Whenever possible, this reference should be to a detailed estimate prepared in the format recommended by this Order. When different project elements have differing ED&I estimates, such as facilities and special facilities, each should be explained.) CONTINGENCY. (This section shall identify the source of contingencies included in the estimate.) ESCALATION. (This section shall reference the ICE escalation rates used to escalate costs from the reference date of the estimate to the midpoint of the scheduled activity.) PROJECT SCHEDULE. (The schedule used to escalate costs shall be referenced by date and revision number in this section.) COST EXCLUSIONS. (This section shall summarize those costs [if any] which are excluded from the estimate.) DISCUSSION. (This section is reserved for any comments or items of interest that the estimator wishes to discuss in additional detail.) CHAPTER II ESTIMATE REQUIREMENTS A. Contingency Analysis. Contingency in cost estimates represents an allowance for elements within the project scope that are not included in the detailed estimate. The amount of contingency is based on a formal professional assessment of project specific factors including design completeness, method of accomplishment, design complexity, construction conditions, and maturity of technology. As a project progresses in development from conceptual through definitive design, uncertainties related to design diminish because a greater fraction of the Total Estimated Cost is incorporated into the known, or detailed, estimate. However, even when fixed-price contracts are secured for items, a small contingency must be maintained to accommodate construction unknowns such as contractor claims for changed conditions within the scope of a particular contract. DOE project management policy requires that contingency be clearly identified and included in the Total Estimated Cost. Table II-1 identifies the allowable ranges of contingency for each estimate type. Contingency shall be assigned to elements of the cost at a summary level no higher than WBS Level 3. The cost estimate level at which contingency is assigned should reflect consistency among factors which affect economic risk. In order for accurate contingency calculation, there must be a consistent degree of risk within the cost elements at the contingency assignment level. Of primary importance is the need to have a consistent method of accomplishment (i.e., cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm fixed price) in a cost element at the contingency assignment level to assure that the unique risks associated with these contract types are assessed separately. This is particularly true in the case of special facility equipment items where a substantial range of contracting methods may be employed. In assigning equipment contingencies, cost elements must be separated into WBS elements that group similar technologies of comparable maturity together (i.e., off-the-shelf items, R&D vendor fabrications, items provided by other DOE contractors) for a technical risk assessment. Attachment II-1 is the contingency analysis recommended by AL, including contingency summary sheet. Each cost element for which contingency is being estimated must be analyzed to evaluate the overall importance of each risk category and the probability of the element impacting cost. Page 1 of the analysis worksheet addresses this aspect of contingency assignment. The second cage of the contingency analysis evaluates the cost risks posed by unique conditions which, in the estimator's professional judgment, need to be incorporated into the contingency. The element contingency is totaled at the bottom of the second page of the analysis worksheet, and is then carried forward to the contingency summary sheet. These worksheets must be completed for each cost element for which contingency is being estimated. A complete contingency analysis, including all worksheets, is to be provided in Part III: Supplemental Information of the CDR (Ref: AL Order 4700). The contingency summary sheet is to be included in Part I: Design Concept of the CDR as a supporting element of the cost element. Although the contingency analysis format recommended by AL has been successfully applied to projects at many sites having diverse and unique requirements, it may be that a site may wish to use its own analysis format. Requests for the use of such alternative formats will be approved on an individual basis by the Director, AL Facilities and Project Management Division. B. Escalation. Economic escalation shall be applied to all estimates to account for the impact of broad economic forces on prices of labor, material, and equipment. The rates to be applied to a particular estimate shall be those issued by DOE-Headquarters, Director of Independent Cost Estimating, in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Escalation shall be applied for the period from the date the estimate was prepared to the midpoint of the performance schedule. 2. Since economic escalation rates are revised at least annually, all estimates shall include the issue date of the escalation rates used to prepare the estimate. 3. Costs used for Part I: Design Concept of the CDR shall be fully escalated and referenced as required by this Order. C. Engineering, Design and Inspection (ED&I) Estimates. Detailed ED&I cost estimates shall be prepared using the uniform format in Attachment II-2 for all CDRs and as a `government estimate for all ED&I contracts of $25,000 or more. The following definitions are provided to establish the scope of services covered by the various activities that are funded as ED&I. 1. Pre-Title I Activities. These activities are defined as all those that take place prior to Preliminary Design (Title I).) This includes the preparation of CDRs and Design Criteria, as well as Preliminary Safety Analysis Reports (PSARs) and environmental documentation. Pre-Title I activities are charged to operating expense. 2. Preliminary Design. Title I is the preliminary stage of project design. In this phase, the design criteria are defined in greater detail to permit the design process to-proceed with the development of alternative concepts. Title I includes the following elements of work: a. Design studies, including alternative design approaches, energy conservation evaluations, and analysis or review of health, safety, and environmental aspects of the project. b. Review of the project design criteria to develop greater detail and to incorporate any design modifications that may result from engineering studies conducted in Title I. c. Preliminary design drawings showing the proposed design and any alternatives in sufficient detail to establish the design features of each approach and to permit a preliminary estimate to be made of the construction cost. d. Outline specifications for construction and specifications for equipment procurement; identification of long lead, time items for advance procurement. e. Preliminary Safety Analysis Report if not included in the Conceptual Design Report. f. Construction cost estimate based on the approved design, and other such estimates as required to support the evaluation of alternative designs prepared during Preliminary Design (Title I). g. Preliminary project schedule based upon information available during Preliminary Design (Title 2). h. A Title I Design Summary Report. All Title I functions, regardless of the performing organization, are to be charged to the project as ED&I. 3. Definitive Design. Title II is the definitive stage of project design. The approved Title I concept and the supporting documentation prepared for Title I forms the basis of all activity in Title II. Title II design includes the following elements of work: a. Restudy and redesign work required to incorporate changes from the design prepared in Title I. b. Final drawings, specifications, test plans, and construction cost estimates suitable for soliciting bids from contractors. c. Analyses of health, safety, environmental, and other project factors that may impact the project, as directed by the contracting officer. d. Coordination of all design elements with other project features such as utilities, government-furnished equipment, and portions of the project or related projects being designed by others. e. Attendance at all meetings scheduled for design review or coordination with the DOE, the Operating Contractor, and local agencies such as public utilities. All Title II functions, whether performed by the A/E or the Operating Contractor, are to be charged to the project as ED&I. 4. Title III. Title III constitutes the inspection portion of project ED&I. The activities making up Title III can be separated into two categories: office support and field services. Under the heading of office support, the following elements of work are identified: a. Review of all vendor drawings and submittals for conformance with the approved design drawings and specifications; b. Incorporate all approved as-built deviations from the design drawings in as-built record drawings for delivery to the DOE; c. Prepare estimates to establish reasonable amounts of increase or decrease in contract price or schedule caused by contract modifications; evaluate proposals submitted by the construction contractor for reasonableness, and make recommendations to the DOE; d. Prepare and submit reports on progress, schedule, budget, and such other project aspects as are required by the Statement of Work. Under the heading of field services, DOE Order 4700 identifies the following elements of work: a. Furnish and maintain governing lines and benchmarks to provide horizontal and vertical controls to which construction may be referred. b. Inspect the construction contractor's workmanship, materials, and equipment and report on their conformance or nonconformance with the approved drawings and specifications. c. Make or procure such field or laboratory tests as are necessary to assure that construction materials and practices are in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. d. Mark up field copies of the design drawings and specifications to show the as-built condition for submission to the designer for incorporation into the as-built record drawings. e. Provide input to construction progress reports as required. It is recognized that there is some overlap of the scopes of services between Title III engineering, construction management, and project management. These should be addressed specifically in the appropriate controlling documents, such as a contract statement of work, and summarized in the project plan. Costs are to be charged to accounts in accordance with the performing organization's Statement of Work. Construction management and project management are not funded by ED&I and must be estimated separately. Attachment II-2 establishes the format for ED&I estimates. This format is to be used for both conceptual and detailed cost estimating including government estimates prior to cost negotiations with A/E. The use of this format throughout the project cycle will promote accurate budgeting in the early stages and improve the negotiation process once a project is authorized. A/Es shall be instructed in the contract documents to submit their cost proposals in a similar format to facilitate review and expedite negotiations. Agreement on a detailed cost and scope of work will eliminate change orders resulting from ambiguous scope definition and, at the same time, provide a firm baseline from which to negotiate changes that do occur during the period of performance. Attachment II-3 is a model scope of work for Title I, II, and III engineering services with the A/E's activities keyed to the cost of services estimate provided in Attachment II-2. D. Project Management Cost Estimates. The cost of project management services, as defined by this Order, may be charged to the project as an element of construction cost. Operating contractor activities or services such as site quality assurance, environmental compliance, and security that will continue regardless of construction activity are not considered project costs. Conceptual estimates of project management cost should be made on the basis of the project management organization and manpower requirements identified in Part II: Project Management (Conceptual Design Report), and the project schedule provided in Part I: Design Concept. At a minimum, the information provided in the estimate should describe the function or role of all project management personnel, the unit labor rates used for estimating purposes, and the estimated schedule of performance. ---------- TABLE II-1 ALLOWABLE CONTINGENCY RANGES BY ESTIMATE TYPE Allowable Average Project Contingency Type of Estimate Minimum (%) Maximum (%) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planning 20 30 Conceptual 15 25 Preliminary (Title I) 10 20 Definitive (Title II) 5 15 Bid 5 10 Current Working Estimate *Firm Fixed Price bids received 5 10 *Cost Plus bids received 10 15 Note: Contingency ranges will most likely be different for different elements of the cost estimate, depending on project status. Once contracts have been established for particular cost elements, the contingency for that element should be reduced to the bid level. CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM COST ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Location: DOE/AL SUMMARY CONTINGENCY ELEMENT OF COST BASE COST PERCENT DOLLARS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering, Design and Inspection Facilities $ 3,774,325 16% $ 589,738 Special Facilities 2,512,000 17% 423,900 Improvements to Land 416,200 10% 42,735 Building: Structural 4,109,152 20% 834,672 Mechanical/Fire Protection 2,839,857 16% 454,377 Electrical 1,833,446 14% 252,099 Other Structures 99,850 15% 15,170 Utilities Mechanical 1,443,254 24% 349,588 Electrical 489,255 23% 110,354 Special Facilities 1,057,110 27% 281,267 Project Management 1,033,031 17% 179,489 Standard Equipment 1,441,917 17% 250,276 ----------- --- ---------- TOTAL $21,049,397 18% $3,783,664 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $3,774,325,000 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 5 7 35 Site Selection/Conditions 5 5 25 Design Complexity 7 3 21 Specification Complexity 7 9 63 Design Schedule 5 5 25 Life Safety/Security 7 8 56 Construction Types of Construction 0 0 0 Construction Complexity 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Market Conditions 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Specs. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 36 37 225 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 360 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.63 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $3,774,325 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 16% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 16% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ____________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $2,512,000 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 5 9 45 Site Selection/Conditions 5 2 10 Design Complexity 7 8 56 Specification Complexity 7 9 63 Design Schedule 5 4 20 Life Safety/Security 7 7 49 Construction Types of Construction 0 0 0 Construction Complexity 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Market Conditions 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Specs. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 36 39 243 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 360 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.68 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $2,512,000 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 17% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 17% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: __________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $416,200 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 5 3 15 Construction Complexity 5 3 15 Design Completeness 8 5 40 Market Conditions 5 5 25 Method of Accomplishment 5 4 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Specs. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 28 20 115 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 280 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.41 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $416,200 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 10% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 10% Scored by: Cost Engineer: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ___________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $4,109,152 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 5 6 30 Construction Complexity 5 7 35 Design Completeness 6 7 42 Market Conditions 4 5 20 Method of Accomplishment 4 5 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 24 30 147 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 240 ------------------------------------------ Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.61 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $4,109,152 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 15% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 5% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 20% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: __________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $2,839,857 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 5 6 30 Construction Complexity 6 8 48 Design Completeness 6 7 42 Market Conditions 4 5 20 Method of Accomplishment 4 5 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 25 31 160 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 250 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible score = 0.64 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $2,839,857 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 16% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 16% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: __________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,833,446 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 5 5 25 Construction Complexity 5 5 25 Design Completeness 6 7 42 Market Conditions 4 5 20 Method of Accomplishment 4 5 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 24 27 132 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 240 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.55 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,833,446 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 14% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 14% Scored by: Cost Engineer: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ___________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $99,850 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 5 6 30 Construction Complexity 5 6 30 Design Completeness 6 8 48 Market Conditions 5 5 25 Method of Accomplishment 5 5 25 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 26 30 158 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 260 ---------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.61 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $99,850 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 15% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 15% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ____________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ____________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,443,254 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 6 7 42 Construction Complexity 6 8 48 Design Completeness 7 8 56 Market Conditions 4 5 20 Method of Accomplishment 4 5 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 27 33 186 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 270 ------------------------------------------ Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.69 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,443,254 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 17% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 2% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 5% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 24% Scored by: Cost Engineer: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ___________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $489,255 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 6 6 36 Construction Complexity 6 6 36 Design Completeness 7 8 56 Market Conditions 4 5 20 Method of Accomplishment 4 5 20 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 27 30 168 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 270 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.62 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $489,255 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 16% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 2% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 5% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 23% Scored by: Cost Engineer: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ___________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,057,110 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 0 0 0 Construction Complexity 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Market Conditions 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 7 9 63 Maturity of Technology 8 10 80 Design Completeness 8 8 64 Method of Accomplishment 5 7 35 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 28 34 242 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 280 ----------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.86 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,057,110 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 22% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 5% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 27% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _________________________ Date: ___________ Project Engineer: ______________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ______________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ______________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,033,031 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 0 0 0 Construction Complexity 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Market Conditions 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 0 0 0 Quantity Accuracy 0 0 0 Price Accuracy 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Project Management Complexity 6 8 48 Schedule 7 5 35 Quality Assurance/Control 7 8 56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 20 21 139 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 200 ---------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.70 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,033,031 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 17% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Total Project Contingency 17% Scored by: Cost Engineer: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: ___________________________ Date: ____________ CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,441,917 Relative Probability Weighted Item: Engineering, Design and Weight Score Score Inspection (Spec. Fac.) 0 to 10 1 to 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0=N/A 0=Lo Risk 10=Important 10=Hi Risk Engineering Design and Inspection Design Completeness 0 0 0 Site Selection/Conditions 0 0 0 Design Complexity 0 0 0 Specification Complexity 0 0 0 Design Schedule 0 0 0 Life Safety/Security 0 0 0 Construction Types of Construction 0 0 0 Construction Complexity 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Market Conditions 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Special Facilities/Equipment Requester's Spec. 0 0 0 Maturity of Technology 0 0 0 Design Completeness 0 0 0 Method of Accomplishment 0 0 0 Standard Equipment Specification Completeness 5 7 35 Quantity Accuracy 5 7 35 Price Accuracy 5 7 35 Method of Accomplishment 6 4 24 Project Management Complexity 0 0 0 Schedule 0 0 0 Quality Assurance/Control 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals 21 25 129 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Possible Score = Total Relative Weights x 10 210 ---------------------------------------- Score Ratio = Total Weighted Score/Total Possible Score = 0.61 CONTINGENCY ANALYSIS FOR LINE ITEM PROJECT ESTIMATES Project Title: Example Total Cost Without Contingency: $1,441,917 Normal Maximum Contingency Planning/Feasibility 35% Title II 15% Budget/Conceptual 25% Portion Above Low Bid 10% Title I 20% Base Contingency = Score Ratio/Normal Max. Contingency = 15% Types of Construction Quality Assurance Level I, II, or III add 0 to 10% 0% Underground lines not clearly defined, add 2 to 5% 0% Contaminated Areas (describe) add 5 to 10% 0% Other Special Requirements (describe) add % 0% Construction Uncertainty (explain) add % 0% Design Uncertainty (explain) add % 2% Total Project Contingency 17% Scored by: Cost Engineer: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Reviewed by: Project Engineer: __________________________ Date: ____________ Approved by: Cost Engineering: __________________________ Date: ____________ ATTACHMENT II-2 UNIFORM FORMAT FOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER COST OF SERVICES ESTIMATES ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III DESCRIPTION COST PERCENT ======================================================================= Title I Labor (Burdened) $ 61.76 33.33% Title II Labor (Burdened) 61.76 33.33% Title III Labor (Burdened) 61.76 33.33% Subtotal $ 185.28 Fixed Fee (XX%) 0.00 Total Labor $ 185.28 100.00% Site Surveying (X Crew Day @ $XXXX/Day) $ 0.00 Testing Lab (XX Days @ $XXX) 0.00 Travel Expenses 0.00 Reproduction 0.00 Subtotal Reimbursable Expenses $ 0.00 General and Administrative Charge (XX%) 0.00 Subtotal (Titles I, II, and III) $ 185.28 New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax (4.875%) 9.03 Total Contract Cost $ 194.31 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II AND III Estimated Manhours by Discipline and Grade, Title I PERCENT PERCENT OF TITLE I OF TITLE I DISCIPLINE AND GRADE RATE HOURS HOURS COST COST ********************************************************************** Project Manager $73.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Civil $61.76 1 100.00% $61.76 100.00% Staff Civil $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Architect $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Architect $40.96 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Architect Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Estimator $47.70 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Structural $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Structural $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Mechanical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Mechanical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Electrical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Electrical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Clerical $15.80 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% TOTAL 1 $61.76 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II AND III Estimated Manhours by Discipline and Grade, Title II PERCENT PERCENT OF TITLE I OF TITLE I DISCIPLINE AND GRADE RATE HOURS HOURS COST COST ********************************************************************** Project Manager $73.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Civil $61.76 1 100.00% $61.76 100.00% Staff Civil $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Architect $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Architect $40.96 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Architect Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Estimator $47.70 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Structural $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Structural $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Mechanical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Mechanical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Electrical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Electrical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Clerical $15.80 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% TOTAL 1 $61.76 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II AND III Estimated Manhours by Discipline and Grade, Title III PERCENT PERCENT OF TITLE I OF TITLE I DISCIPLINE AND GRADE RATE HOURS HOURS COST COST ********************************************************************** Project Manager $73.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Civil $61.76 1 100.00% $61.76 100.00% Staff Civil $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Civil Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Architect $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Architect $40.96 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Architect Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Estimator $47.70 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Structural $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Structural $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Structural Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Mechanical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Mechanical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Mechanical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Lead Electrical $61.76 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Staff Electrical $53.44 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Designer $45.59 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Electrical Drafter $27.38 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Clerical $15.80 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% Inspector $36.37 0 0.00% $ 0.00 0.00% TOTAL 1 $61.76 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II AND III PREPRODUCTION WORKSHEET I. Title I XX% Review A. Prints (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Sepias (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Pages (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 II. Title I 100% Review A. Prints (25" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 20 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Sepias (25" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 1 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Pages (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 20 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 Subtotal Title I $0.0 III. Title II 25% Review A. Prints (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 5 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Sepias (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 0 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Pages (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 5 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 IV. Title II XX% Review A. Prints (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 5 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Sepias (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 0 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Pages (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 5 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 V. Title II 100% Review A. Prints (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 20 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Sepias (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 0 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Specs (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 20 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 D. Design Analysis (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 20 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 Subtotal Title II $0.0 VI. Final Bid Documents A. Prints (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 25 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 B. Mylar (24" X 36") 0 Dwgs X 1 Set @ $0.00 = $0.00 C. Specs (8 1/2" X 11") 0 Pgs X 25 Sets @ $0.00 = $0.00 Subtotal Bid Documents $0.0 Total Reproduction Costs $0.0 TRAVEL WORKSHEET - DIRECT COSTS PERSONS TRANS. PER DIEM AUTO TOTAL Pre Design Meeting 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Title I Site Visit 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Title II Site Visit 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Title II: 95% 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Pre Bid Conf. 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Pre Const. Conf. 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Title III Special 0 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 0 @ $0.00 $0.00 Inspection $0.00 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III ESTIMATED MANHOURS - TITLE I CIVIL LEAD STAFF DWG NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL ************************************************************************** C1 SITE PLAN (SITE SURVEY MAP) 1 0 0 0 0 1 C2 SITE PLAN (ALT 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C3 SITE PLAN (ALT 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C4 SITE PLAN (ALT 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 C5 PRELIMINARY ROAD ALIGNMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 C6 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 C7 UTILITY PLAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 C8 BORING LOG 0 0 0 0 0 0 * TOPO SURVEY 0 0 0 0 0 0 * DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0 * QUALITY PLAN ANNEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PRELIMINARY STUDY MODEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 * OUTLINE SPECS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * CONST. COST ESTIMATE XX% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * CONST. COST ESTIMATE 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * REVIEW AS BUILT DWGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PROGRESS REPORTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PRE DESIGN MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * SITE VISIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** *** *** *** TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 1 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title I ARCHITECTURE PROJECT LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE MANAGER ARCH ARCH DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** A1 Floor and Roof Plans 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ALT 1) A2 Elevations and Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 A3 Floor and Roof Plans 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ALT 2) A4 Elevations and Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 A5 Floor and Roof Plans 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ALT 3) A6 Elevations and Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Material & Color Palette 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Design Summary Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preliminary Study Model 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Outline Specs 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate XX% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Review as Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reporting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Predesign Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Site Visit 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title I STRUCTURAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** S1 Floor Plan (ALT 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S2 Roof Framing Plan (ALT 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S3 Elevations (ALT 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S4 Floor Plan (ALT 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S5 Roof Framing Plan (ALT 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6 Elevations (ALT 2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S7 Floor Plan (ALT 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S8 Roof Framing Plan (ALT 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 S9 Elevations (ALT 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Design Summary Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Outline Specs 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate XX% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Review as Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reporting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Predesign Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Site Visit 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title I MECHANICAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** M1 Piping Schematic 0 0 0 0 0 0 M2 Duct System Schematic 0 0 0 0 0 0 M3 Floor Plan w/Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 M4 Fire Prot. Schematic 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Energy Conservation Analysis * Design Summary Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Outline Specs 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate XX% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Review as Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reporting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Predesign Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Site Visit 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title I ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** E1 One Line Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E2 Power Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E3 Lighting Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E4 Panel Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 E5 Elect. Equip. Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E6 Alarm and Communication Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E7 Instr. System Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E8 Control Room Layout 0 0 0 0 0 0 E9 System Block Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Data Acquisition System Definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Data Flow Analysis 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Design Summary Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Outline Specs 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const. Cost Estimate XX% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Const.Cost Estimate 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Review as Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reporting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Predesign Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Site Visit 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 Support Personnel Clerical **************************************************************************** Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title II CIVIL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** T1 Title Sheet 1 0 0 0 0 1 C1 Site Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 C2 Utilities Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 C3 Paving & Grading Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 C4 Road Plan & Profile 0 0 0 0 0 0 C5 Fencing Elev. & Dets. 0 0 0 0 0 0 C6 Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 C8 Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Specifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Prebid Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Bid Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 1 0 0 0 0 1 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title II ARCHITECTURE PROJECT LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE MANAGER ARCH ARCH DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** A1 Floor Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 Roof Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 A3 Exterior Elevations 0 0 0 0 0 0 A4 Interior Elevations 0 0 0 0 0 0 A5 Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 A6 Finish & Trim Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 A7 Door & Window Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 A8 Equipment & Furniture 0 0 0 0 0 0 Layout A9 Graphics & Signage 0 0 0 0 0 0 A10 Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Color Boards 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Color Rendering 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Specifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Prebid Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Presolicitation Notice 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Solicitation for Bids 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Bid Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title II STRUCTURAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** S1 Foundation Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 S2 Concrete Sect. & Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 S3 Roof Framing Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 S4 Floor Framing Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 S5 Struct. Elevations 0 0 0 0 0 0 S6 Steel Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 S7 Struct. Sections 0 0 0 0 0 0 S8 Reinforcing Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 S9 Embedment Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Specifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Prebid Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Bid Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title II MECHANICAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** M1 Piping Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 M2 Piping Isometric 0 0 0 0 0 0 M3 Piping Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 M4 Valve & Fixture Schedule 0 0 0 0 0 0 M5 Ductwork Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 M6 Ductwork Section & Details 0 0 0 0 0 0 M6 HVAC System Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 M7 Special Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 M8 Fire Protection Zone Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Test & Cleaning Procedures 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Specifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Prebid Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Bid Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title II ELECTRICAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** E1 One Line Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E2 Power Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E3 Lighting Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E4 Control Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E5 Riser Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E6 MCC Diagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 E7 Grounding/Lightning Prot. 0 0 0 0 0 0 E8 Alarm, Signal, Tele. Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 E9 Material List & Legend 0 0 0 0 0 0 * System Operation Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 Procs. * Test Procedures 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Const. Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Specifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 25% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * XX% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 100% Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Prebid Conference 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Progress Reports 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Bid Evaluation 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 Support Personnel Clerical **************************************************************************** Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III ESTIMATED MANHOURS - TITLE III CIVIL LEAD STAFF DWG NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL ************************************************************************** * SPECIALTY INSPECTION 1 0 0 0 0 1 * EVALUATE CHANGE ORDERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * SUBMITTAL REVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 * COST COMPLETION REPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0 * AS BUILT DRAWINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * UPDATE QUALITY PLAN ANNEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PRE CONST MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PROJECT MEETINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** *** *** *** TOTAL 1 0 0 0 0 1 ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT LEAD STAFF DWG NO. TITLE MANAGER ARCH ARCH DRAFT EST. TOTAL ************************************************************************** * SPECIALTY INSPECTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 * EVALUATE CHANGE ORDERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * SUBMITTAL REVIEW 0 0 0 0 0 0 * COST COMPLETION REPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0 * AS BUILT DRAWINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 * UPDATE QUALITY PLAN ANNEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PRE CONST MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 * PROJECT MEETINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** *** *** *** *** *** TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title III CIVIL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** * Specialty Inspection 1 0 0 0 0 1 * Evaluate Change Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Submittal Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cost Completion Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * As Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preconst. Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Project Meetings 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 1 0 0 0 0 1 ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE MANAGER ARCH ARCH DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** * Specialty Inspection 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Evaluate Change Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Submittal Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cost Completion Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * As Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preconst. Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Project Meetings 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title III STRUCTURAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** * Specialty Inspection 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Evaluate Change Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Submittal Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Vendor Dwg. Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cost Completion Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * As Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preconst. Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Project Meetings 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 MECHANICAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** * Specialty Inspection 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Evaluate Change Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Submittal Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Vendor Dwg. Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cost Completion Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * As Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preconst. Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Project Meetings 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESTIMATE OF A/E COST FOR TYPICAL PROJECT TITLES I, II, AND III Estimated Manhours - Title III ELECTRICAL LEAD STAFF DRAWING NO. TITLE ENGIN ENGIN DESIGN DRAFT EST. TOTAL **************************************************************************** * Specialty Inspection 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Evaluate Change Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Submittal Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Vendor Dwg. Review 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Cost Completion Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 * As Built Drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Update Quality Plan Annex 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Preconst. Meeting 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Project Meetings 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 FIELD SUPPORT PERSONNEL CLERICAL INSPECTOR **************************************************************************** Total 0 0 0 ATTACHMENT II-3 STATEMENT OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SERVICES This outlines the statement of work to be followed by the A/E in providing Titles I, II and III Design for _____________________ at the United States Department of Energy's (DOE) _____________________________. I. PRE-TITLE I (Insert specific - details of Pre-Title I services for each project or Design Order requiring such services.) If none are required, delete this section. II. TITLE I (PRELIMINARY DESIGN). A. Scope of Work. Title I design begins the A/E's design effort utilizing the conceptual design report (CDR) and the project Design Criteria as the basis for project development. Sufficient design shall be performed in Title I to fix the project scope firmly and to develop costs and schedules for both design and construction. The A/E shall provide the following services in connection with Title I: 1. Conduct or arrange for, by subcontract or otherwise as approved by the Contracting Officer (CO), and supervise all topographical and other field surveys necessary for the preparation of site maps, and necessary soil borings and other surface investigations: 2. Consult and collaborate with DOE to determine the requirements which will govern the design of the project and define the project Design Criteria in greater detail or revise to reflect data and information developed during Title I design, to be applied in the follow-on Title II design. 3. Provide proposed design approach and details on preliminary drawings and sketches and provide suggested improvements to Design Criteria drawings, or develop new drawings based on new design concepts. 4. Conduct preliminary studies, and prepare Quality Plan Annex, Space Programs, preliminary sketches, drawings, layout plans, outline specifications, and reports showing features and characteristics of the design proposed to meet DOE's requirements. If more than three studies, including sketches, drawings, plans, outline specifications, or documents are required because of changes initiated by DOE, an equitable adjustment in the lump-sum compensation will be made in accordance with provisions of the Changes clause. 5. Develop preliminary estimates of construction labor, equipment, and material quantities and identify long-lead procurement items and potential labor or material supply problems which could impact the construction schedule or costs. 6. Develop more accurate project cost estimates, time schedules for project performance, and methods of construction performance. 7. Develop further evaluation and selection of energy conservation measures and energy sources of supply. (This should be required only when necessary on a project-by-project basis.) 8. The drawings, plans, and outline specifications and documents shall be prepared in such form and furnished in such quantity as directed by DOE. B. Performance. 1. Preliminary Studies. The purpose of the preliminary design is to evaluate the CDR and/or Design Criteria and develop other possible design solutions when the proposed direction may not be adequate and/or economical. It is the A/E's sole responsibility to assure that the approach presented in the CDR and/or Design Criteria is in accordance with sound engineering practices and economical if no other design solutions are presented. If other design solutions are presented by the A/E, they, too, must be of sound engineering practices (in accordance with governing codes for all disciplines) and must be economical to build and operate/maintain. More than one solution may be presented. Each presentation shall include small scale line drawings of the site plan, floor plan(s), elevations and sketch perspective. In addition, basic concepts for structural, mechanical and electrical systems, which can be presented diagrammatically, will be required. In general, these analyses shall provide complete documentation of the factors that go into forming the recommendations regarding the various alternative approaches presented for the job and will serve as the basis to select a design to meet the project objectives. 2. Development of Title I. The A/E shall define the project Design Criteria in greater detail to reflect data and other information developed during Title I. The Title I effort by the A/E shall be documented in the Title I Summary Report, which shall follow the format set forth in DOE Order 4700. The following guidelines apply to the development of Title I. a. Drawings. The following drawings shall be provided in connection with Title I: (this section should be modified to suit project conditions) (1) Civil. - Site Plan (Site Survey Map) - Preliminary road alignment - Building proposed grades with drainage requirements - Location and verification of all existing utilities (Excavation for location of buried utilities will be performed by the Government.) - Complete subsurface investigations, logs, and location including report of findings - Preliminary routing of utility systems (2) Architectural/Structural. - Proposed floor plans and space requirements - Principal sections - Principal elevations - Basic materials and color palette (3) Mechanical. - Schematic diagrams of piping and duct systems with operating requirements - Preliminary floor plans showing Equipment Room with major items of equipment - Energy Conservation Evaluation Report Preliminary equipment list - Fire protection schematics (4) Electrical. - Basic power and lighting plan - Preliminary one-line power diagram - Preliminary panel schedules - Preliminary locations of other major electrical components - Alarm and communications (5) Instrumentation. - Preliminary instrumentation system diagram - Preliminary control center or room layout - Method of design calculations - Computer system block diagram - Data acquisition system definition and data flow analysis b. Other Design Requirements. (Insert other design requirements for each Contract or Project. If none are required, delete.) c. Outline Specifications. Outline, specifications shall follow the three-part section format of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and shall consist of a narrative description of systems and principal materials to be used. References to proposed codes or standards to be used shall be included in each section as applicable to establish definitive design parameters to be followed in the Title II design. d. Calculations. The A/E shall provide calculations for the following items to demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed design: (1) Preliminary site and building plumbing (piping systems) (2) Preliminary structural (3) Preliminary (HVAC) (4) Energy Conservation (5) Electrical, including: - Short circuit study - Voltage drop (service entrance feeders to major equipment items and branch circuits, average based on preliminary facility layout) - Preliminary load (derive from space program including mechanical and facility expansion requirements) - Sample lighting (typical rooms based on architectural layout) C. Quality Assurance. 1. The A/E shall prepare a Quality Plan Annex (QPA) in response to requirements specified in Section ___ of the Design Criteria. The QPA may be completed in segments as the need for each segment occurs, but each segment shall be approved by the Contracting Officer before the pertinent activities are begun. 2. Each segment shall include, as a minimum, all of the quality assurance requirements identified as applicable in Section ___ of the Design Criteria, and the instructions and procedures that will be used by the A/E personnel in the performance of the activities. Each segment shall be approved by A/E management before being submitted to the Contracting Officer for review and approval. 3. The A/E shall extend quality assurance requirements to subcontractors and consulting organizations. D. Meetings and Submissions of Documents. 1. Prior to the start of the Title I effort, the A/E shall attend a predesign meeting in __________________ for the purpose of discussing the project design criteria, clarifying and discussing design approaches, and making site investigations as necessary. 2. When Title I design is approximately 25 percent complete, the CO will conduct a meeting in the A/E's office to determine of orientation directions were successful and the A/E is progressing at an appropriate rate of progress and in the established direction. 3. When Title I is approximately _________ complete, the A/E shall issue drawings, outline specifications, design calculations and cost estimate for DOE review and comment. A review meeting shall be held at the A/E's office, after which appropriate comments shall be incorporated into the continuing design. _________ sets of drawings, outline specs, etc., shall be provided to DOE for review a minimum of five working days prior to the review meeting date. 4. When the A/E is 100 percent complete with Title $ services, the A/E shall submit to DOE for review 20 sets of the Title I Design Summary Report complete with all drawings, report sections, calculations, and cost estimate. One reproducible copy of all drawings shall also be submitted. A 100 percent review meeting will be held In the A/E's office to discuss final comments, after which the A/E shall incorporate those comments developed from the TItle I review. Five copies of the Quality Assurance Annex shall be submitted as part of the 100 percent Title I submittal. E. Time for Performance. The work required of the A/E for Title I Services shall be completed and the Title I Summary Report and Quality Assurance Annex submitted to DOE no later than _____ calendar days after the effective date of this contract. III. TITLE II (DEFINITIVE DESIGN).) A. Scope of Work. If DOE exercises the option for Title II services, Title II definitive design shall be performed using the approved Title I design and the revised project Design Criteria as the design base for the preparation of construction contract solicitation documents and other documents in support of the solicitation of sealed bids or competitive proposals. The A/E shall provide the following services in connection with Title II: 1. Upon approval by DOE preliminary plans and estimates, undertake the design of the construction project; 2. Undertake restudy and redesign work due to minor deviations from the approved Title I work as may be required by DOE; 3. Prepare and revise, for DOE approval, and furnish complete sets of contract bidding documents, including working drawings, details, and specifications for construction, in such form and quantity and including such provisions as may be required by law or the directions of the CO; 4. Prepare, or when directed by the CO, participate with others in the preparation of a detailed estimate of the cost of construction based on the approved design drawings and specifications; 5. Prepare procurement plan and determine utility service requirements; 6. Continue development of the QPA and set forth in the Design Criteria Section VII. 7. Assist DOE in securing, analyzing, and evaluating construction bids or proposals; and 8. When requested, consult with and advise DOE on any questions which may arise in connection with the A/E services described in this contract. B. Quality Assurance. 1. The A/E shall continue development of the QPA in response to requirements specified in Section ___ of the Design Criteria. The QPA may be completed in segments as the need for each segment occurs, but each segment shall be approved by the CO before the pertinent activities are begun. 2. Each segment shall include, as a minimum, all of the quality assurance requirements identified as applicable in Section VII of the Design Criteria, and the instructions, and procedures that will be used by the A/E personnel in the performance of the activities. Each segment shall be approved by A/E management before being submitted to the CO for review and approval. 3. The A/E shall extend quality assurance requirements to subcontractors and consulting organizations. 4. The quality assurance activities of the A/E will be audited by a representative of the CO for compliance with the specifics of the QPA. The A/E shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate records of activities performed by subcontractors and consulting organizations to satisfy the audits. C. Calculation Requirements. 1. General. The A/E is responsible for the preparation of design calculations to meet Title II design review requirements. Title II calculations shall be reviewed, signed, and dated by the designer and the checker, complete in all respects and shall reflect the basis for selection of systems and components. The discipline calculation package shall be sealed by the responsible registered professional engineer. The Title II calculations will become record calculations for the Operating Contractor and may be used in the future for modifications to the building. These calculations will eventually be microfilmed. For this reason, calculations shall be printed clearly and with sufficient darkness to assure clarity if reproduction from the microfilm is necessary. The calculations shall be indexed, in a logical order and shall include adequate sketches to allow an engineer to follow and comprehend them easily. References for unusual formulas or methods of analysis shall be given, including edition of the reference and page number. Explanation of the method used in computer programs, playback of input data and clear formats for computer generated information shall be included. Numbers in formulas shall be clearly identified as to the units involved; i.e., psf, psi, pcf, etc. 2. Civil. a. Drainage calculations based upon the Design Criteria and accepted engineering practice. b. Cut-and-fill earthwork calculations as required. c. Road design including vertical and horizontal alignment, curve data, sight distance, superelevation, pavement thickness, and other calculations as required. d. Hydraulic design of utilities including pipe sizing, pump selection, flow quantities, friction losses, etc. 3. Structural. The required structural design calculations shall include but are not limited to the types of information indicated below: a. Requirements, criteria sources, and references source. Whenever unusual methods or formulas are used, the source, edition and page number shall be given. b. Assumed and known loads and load factors. c. Working stresses and factors of safety. d. Complete calculations with loading, shear, moment, and stress analysis for all critical and typical members, with explanation for assumption and conclusion. e. Deflection calculations as applicable. f. Expansion and contraction calculations as applicable. g. Foundation analysis characteristics determined or assumed. h. Connection and joint design is the responsibility of the A/E. If performed by the steel fabricator, the A/E is responsible for carefully checking and approving all connection design and detailing. Reference is made to the AISC "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges," except as hereby modified by the deletion of the following sentence: "This approval constitutes the Owner's acceptance of all responsibility for the design adequacy of any connections designed by the fabricator as a part of his preparation of these show drawings." i. Calculations associated with subsurface investigation to determine soil and geologic characteristics. j. Seismic analysis based upon the method specified in the Design Criteria. If computer programs are used, the computer input and output shall be logical and easy to follow. An explanation of the method used in the computer analysis shall be presented with the printout. 4. Mechanical. The A/E shall provide complete checked design calculations for the following mechanical systems: a. HVAC systems, including pressure drops, ventilation, exhaust, filtration and makeup air requirements, humidification, pressurization, heating and cooling loads, based on the approved systems presented in the energy conservation evaluation report and flow diagrams, corrected for altitude. b. All piping systems, including pressure drops, NPSH head requirements, insulation and flow rates, based on isometric diagrams and piping layouts. c. Any special process piping analysis, including expansion, supports and stress analysis. d. Vibration isolation, insulation and sound attenuation measures included in the design. e. Equipment selection criteria, including loads, sound ratings, efficiency and energy consumption ratings, pressure or head requirements and flow rates. f. Fire protection systems, including required flow rates, hydraulic sizing of piping, zoning, alarms and any special systems, including halon or explosion suppression. 5. Electrical. The A/E shall provide complete checked design calculations for the following electrical systems: a. Final electrical load calculations, including equipment and circuit breaker sizing calculations (include loads added or identified at the Title I review). b. Final voltage drop calculations (updated from Title I). c. Final lighting calculations (include and identify by room numbers all typical areas and show special area calculations). d. Final short circuit study. Include short circuit diagram with available short circuit values indicated at selected points considered. e. Preliminary coordination study (use short circuit study results together with expected settings for all protective devices, using time-current characteristic curve paper). D. Drawings. 1. Drafting Requirements. a. The A/E shall follow the drafting requirements set out in the ________________________________________, except as modified herein. b. All sheets shall be "D" size (24 x 36 inches overall and 22 x 34 inches inside the border). c. Drawing numbers will be provided by the CO. All drawings shall be prepared with a standard DOE Title Block. A sample Title Block will be provided by DOE. d. Prior to start of Title II, assignment of building numbers and room numbers will be made by the CO and provided to the A/E. e. Graphic scales are to be included on all scaled drawings. f. Lettering shall be upper case, minimum size of 1/6 high with quality of lettering of sufficient width and detail to allow clear reproduction and micro-filming of drawings. Elite or Pica size typed notes or lettering is not acceptable. 2. Sequence and Subtitles of Drawings. The sequence and subtitles of drawings shall be as follows: - Title Sheet - Site Plan - Outside Utilities Plan - Architectural - Structural - Mechanical - Electrical - Fire Protection (may be combined with mechanical sheets) - Special Systems (drawings not listed above). 3. Contents of Drawings. a. Title Sheet. A Title Sheet including index shall be provided for the contract drawings. A sample of the Title Sheet can be obtained from the CO. The Title Sheet shall have a complete index of the drawing set, a vicinity map and a site map. b. Site Plan. (1) The Site Plan shall show all buildings, roads, walks, parking, and storage in the surrounding area to a minimum scale of 1" = 20'-0". (2) The Site Plan shall have the existing and final contour elevations, finish grades for drainage, site improvements, sidewalks and roads, test boring locations and log data. (3) All new construction shall be located with reference to the ___ grid coordinates and established elevations. These locations will also be cross referenced to the _________________________. (4) Landscape plan shall include plant material, fences, signage, irrigation, berms, furniture, screens, and lights. c. Outside Utilities Plan. (1) An Outside Utilities Plan of the area surrounding the project shall be prepared to a minimum scale of 1" = 20'-0". (2) Existing underground utilities with invert elevations shall be shown on this drawing for use by the construction contractor during trenching or excavation. d. Architectural Drawings. Architectural drawings (minimum scale 1/8" = 1'-0") shall include floor plans, roof plan, elevations, sections, details, material schedules, equipment and furniture location as described below. (1) Floor Plan. The floor plans shall include all dimensions for rooms, doors, windows, walls and other pertinent items. The types of material used (concrete, steel, etc.) shall be shown by legend or note. Design occupancy classification shall be shown on floor plan drawing. (2) Roof Plan. The roof plan shall include openings, construction, curbs, bases, expansion joints, roof drains, and flashings required. Sections and details shall be provided for clarity and ease of construction. (3) Elevations. All elevations required for construction shall be provided. Elevations shall show materials, foundation, finish grade, existing grade, finish floor, finish ceiling, and any components (electrical, mechanical, etc.) to be mounted on exterior of building. (4) Sections. Sections of the building (minimum scale 1/4" = 1'-0") shall be shown as necessary to clarify the interior and exterior construction. A minimum of one section longitudinally and one transversely through the building shall be shown for each building. Additional individual large scale (minimum scale 3/4" = 1'0") wall sections shall be shown as required to designate the details of design fully. (5) Schedules. Schedules shall be provided on the architectural drawing showing room finishes, colors, doors, windows, ceiling heights, hardware schedules, and other similar items adaptable to tabular form. (6) Equipment and Furniture. Fixed furniture and equipment layouts shall be provided with location dimensions. One layout for each type of office will be sufficient. Government-furnished items shall be differentiated from Contractor-furnished items by use of notes, legend, or shading. In general, Government-furnished/Contractor installed items will be indicated separately, and items not installed by Contractor will not be shown. Items not identified as Government-furnished will be Contractor-furnished. (7) Graphics and Signage. Furnish details of graphics, signage, and directional information. e. Structural Drawings. Structural drawings shall include all of the structural requirements of the project. Design dead and live loads shall be shown on the floor and roof framing plans and the column schedule. Special design loads such as snow, drift loads, earthquake, and wind loads parameters shall be shown. Compacted backfill/undisturbed soil bearing pressures shall also be shown. (1) Concrete and Masonry. All necessary parameter details and sections required for construction shall be shown, including dimensions, reinforcement and locations. (2) Structural Steel. Plans, elevations, sections, and details shall be shown for all main and secondary structural members. All required structural trim, supports, metal decks, and joists shall be detailed or noted. Column, joist, and beam schedules shall be provided as necessary. f. Mechanical Drawings. Mechanical drawings shall include all of the mechanical equipment, piping systems, ducting, isometrics, and special processes requiring mechanical construction. The mechanical legend shall appear on the first sheet of the mechanical drawings. Horizontal and vertical dimensioning of ductwork and piping over two inches shall be required. Flow instrument and control diagrams (with sequence of operation, equipment lists and schedules) will be provided by the A/E. (1) Piping. The piping drawings shall show the design and installation of domestic hot and cold water systems, drainage, and sanitary systems, including roof drains and plumbing fixtures, compressed air, industrial hot and cold water systems, circulating chilled and heating water systems, boiler water makeup, vacuum piping systems, process cooling water systems, and any other process piping systems for which the A/E is responsible. Single-line piping drawings shall be used. Three-inch IPS pipe and larger shall be shown in double line to indicate clearances to other items. Lines over two-inches IPS shall be located by dimension in plan and elevation. Large piping, piping with more than nominal expansion and contraction, and other critical piping shall be completely detailed including supports, hangers and anchors. Where piping is insulated, the thicknesses, material and covering, if used, shall be shown. (2) Ducting. The ducting drawings shall show heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and exhaust ventilating systems. Air conditioning and heating zones shall also be shown. Ducts shall be sized, located, and drawn properly by dimension in plan and elevation. Outlets, fittings, registers, grilles, insulation, transitions, and other connections shall be shown and dimensioned. Design flow rates and direction of flow shall be shown. The A/E shall coordinate duct work location with all other building elements. No single-line duct layouts will be allowed. (3) Isometric Diagrams. Isometric diagrams, sections and details shall be used where clarification is required. (4) Special Systems. Drawings shall be prepared for, but not limited to, process chilled water, process cooling water, vacuum, and laboratory gases. These drawings shall include layouts, sections, details, flow and control diagrams, and equipment lists as required. (5) Fire Protection Systems. Areas to be protected by sprinklers or other systems shall be delineated on a floor-plan type drawing. Any special fire protection requirements shall be shown. The actual fire sprinkler installation drawings shall be prepared by the construction contractor. The Title II drawings shall show all design parameters, such as hazard clarification, schedule or hydraulic design, density, materials allowed, residual pressures and locations of water sources, etc., to be used by the construction contractor in developing the installation drawings. g. Electrical Drawings. Electrical drawings shall include oneline diagrams, power and lighting plans, control diagrams, riser diagrams, motor control centers, distribution centers, control panels and cabinets, lightning protection systems, alarm, signal and telephone systems. Combined drawings may be used depending on the complexity of the systems. Provide mounting details for lighting fixtures, outlet strips, bus ducts, panels, trays and other equipment as needed. Provide expanded scale details indicating adequate clearance in problem areas such as between lights and cranes, cable trays and piping, conduits and light supports versus air ducts. Schedules shall be prepared for the above items as necessary. (1) One-Line Diagram. One-line diagrams shall show the size, rating, capacity, etc., of the services, transformers, circuit breakers, switches, fuses, buses, feeders, panels, meters, relays, and miscellaneous equipment. (2) Power Plan. Power Plans shall show conduit and wiring for source connections controls, transformers, services, switchgear, panels, controllers, receptacles and all stationary electrical apparatus. Independent drawings shall be made for systems of 480 volts or greater. (3) Lighting Plan. The lighting plans shall show fixtures, fixture location and mounting, conduit and wire, switches, panels, circuiting, etc. With the permission of the CO, 120-volt convenience receptacles may be shown on this plan. (4) Control Diagrams. Elementary and detailed control wiring diagrams shall shorn all control circuits except standard two- or three-wire systems. The control wires shall be properly identified with a code letter or number applied to each end of the wire. (5) Riser Diagrams. Riser diagrams shall show in elevation the conduit and wiring for special systems, switchgear, panels, junction boxes, etc. (6) Motor Control Centers, Distribution Centers, Control Panels and Cabinets. Diagrams for these items shall show all mechanical and electrical details complete with unit numbers corresponding to the equipment, components or parts served. All control wires shall be identified to correspond with the numbers on the wiring and ladder diagrams. (7) Lightning and Other Protection Systems. Drawings for these systems shall shorn the wire size, apparatus, connectors, grounding system, etc. All conduits, raceways, boxes, cabinets, electrical equipment cases, supports, etc., shall be made electrically continuous and shall be connected to the main electrical system ground. (8) Alarm, Signal and Telephone Systems. Drawings and wiring diagrams for these systems shall show conduit, wiring, apparatus, junction boxes, terminals, etc. (9) Electrical Legend. The electrical legend shall be shown on the first sheet of the electrical drawings. 4. Additional Drawing Information. In addition to the generally accepted engineering features and details shown on drawings, items such as the following shall be shown: a. Information for embedment, inserts, block outs and penetrations as shown on any drawings in the drawing set shall also be coordinated with and located as shown on any other drawing of the drawing set. b. Pipe supports, hangers, guides and anchors shall be coordinated, detailed, located and shown on all drawings as required in order to depict the features of the design properly. c. Conduit stub-ups and cable trays shall be located, routed and shown on drawings. d. All vents and drains shall be detailed, located and shown on drawings. e. Detailed demolition drawings, where applicable, shall be prepared. Photographs may be used to depict items for demonstration or demolition. f. Electrical conductor color coding shall be as stated in the design criteria. g. Complete control wire diagrams, including termination diagrams, shall be shown on drawings. h. All equipment, pipelines, valves, instruments and similar items shall be numbered and shown on drawings. Tubing lines shall not be numbered. In general, only data relating to size, dimensioning, numbering of equipment, and distribution lines shall be shown on the drawings. i. Notes and material descriptions and other information which identify product requirements shall be written in the specifications and not on the drawings. j. Architectural, mechanical, and electrical items shall not be shown on the same drawing, except as permitted by the CO. k. All equipment, piping, conduits, trays, ducts, wiring, etc., located within the mechanical equipment room or other confined areas shall be laid out on an enlarged floor plan to show how equipment shall be located in the confined space. Show areas of congestion by adding enlarged sections for clarity. 5. Drawing Coordination. The drawings shall be thoroughly checked for accuracy and coordination between the different disciplines before the Title II documents are submitted to the CO for review and approval. E. General Specifications Requirements. 1. General. The A/E shall submit for the CO's review and approval a complete set of solicitation documents for use by DOE to procure the services of a construction contractor to construct the project. The solicitation documents consist of standard solicitation provisions (the boilerplate documents) and Technical Provisions or Specifications in addition to the contract drawings described in the preceding section. The solicitation documents shall be prepared following the format and guidelines set forth in handbook entitled ______________________________. 2. Boilerplate Documents. The A/E shall complete each document as necessary and make any required changes and prepare the final version of the documents. In the preparation of the documents, the A/E shall become familiar with the contents of the "boilerplate" documents in order to avoid duplication or conflicts with the Technical Provisions. The CO will provide the A/E a blank copy of the boilerplate documents which consist of Solicitation, Offer and Award Documents; Contract Clauses; Special Contract Conditions; and Project Wage Rates. F. Requirements for Technical Provisions. 1. Basic Requirements. The Technical Provisions shall contain only the requirements for materials, `workmanship and design parameters to be met. The Technical Provisions shall precisely define these qualities to assure that correct materials, methods, and procedures are followed by the construction contractor. 2. Relation of Technical Provision to Other Contract Documents. The Technical Provisions shall contain only qualitative requirements for the project. Requirements that are of a general nature or which depict a special site or project requirement shall be shown in a Special Contract Conditions section. The Technical Provisions shall not duplicate or conflict with any other section of the contract documents. 3. Relation of Technical Provisions to the Drawings. Drawings show form, whereas Technical Provisions establish quality. Drawings show geometry, size, construction details and connections, and identify materials, components, and their locations. The Technical Provisions shall complement, not repeat, the drawings by specifying standards of workmanship for manufacture and field installation and physical qualities of materials and components. The terms used on the drawings and in the Technical Provisions should be identical. To avoid confusion caused by inconsistent nomenclature, the A/E shall use the terminology and abbreviations required by the Design Criteria. 4. Format and Mechanics for Technical Provisions. a. General. The Technical Provisions shall follow the "Division Section" concept-wherein each section represents a basic unit of work and related sections are grouped under broad generic headings called "Divisions." The CSI Format has established 16 divisions that are consecutively numbered and whose titles are fixed. A detailed description of the CSI Format, including recommended section numbers and locations, may be found in the CSI Manual of Practice, Chapter MP-2A. b. Section Format. (1) The internal arrangement of technical sections shall follow the CSI three-parts section format. The three parts are as follows: Part I. General Part II. Products Part III. Execution (2) The three parts are fixed and appear in every section, whether used or not. (I.e., if there are no general articles for inclusion in Part I, then state "There are no general requirements for work within this section" below the Part I heading.) (3) A basic introduction to the CSI three-part section format may be found in Chapter MP-2B of the CSI Manual of Practice. Methods of specifying each section part are included in Chapters M-3A, B, C, D, F, G and H. (4) The A/E shall follow the internal outline numbering system for technical sections. (5) A Table of Contents for each Division shall be provided for the Technical Provisions having more than 150 pages. 5. Content of Technical Provisions. Technical Provisions shall include the following information as applicable: - Quality - Optional materials or methods - Required guarantees from manufacturers and suppliers not specified in the Contract Clauses. - Required products - Acceptable manufacturers - Required physical properties - Required performance - Type and grade of finish - Fabrication method - Installation method - Required tests and certifications 6. Special Requirements. a. Spare Parts. When approved or directed by the CO, the Technical Provisions shall include provisions for furnishing extra items of equipment, parts, or materials that are of a very special design and manufactured only for one specific project. The number of such items shall be as directed. b. Manufacturer's Representatives. The Technical Provisions shall require the supervision f the manufacturer's factory representative during the installation of unusual or intricate equipment that requires specialized or skilled mechanics not generally available in the Los Alamos area. The manufacturer's representative shall also instruct operating personnel in the use of the equipment. c. Manufacturer's Data. The Technical Provisions shall require the Contractor to submit manufacturer's instructions, diagrams, reports and manuals, including the following: (1) Operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment, systems, and subsystems. (2) Schematic and one-line drawings of mechanical and electrical systems to assist in the understanding of system complexity and purposes by facility operating and maintenance personnel, and for record purposes. (3) Copies of equipment catalog data and a listing of spare parts. (4) Listing of special tools for adjustment and maintenance of equipment and systems. (5) Outline of color and legend code for building utility services. (6) Equipment nomenclature and model numbers. (7) Scaled detailed layout as installed (as-built) with 1/4"-1'0" as minimum scale for complex mechanical and electrical drawings. 7. Tests and Cleaning Procedures. a. The Technical Provisions shall require testing of all equipment (components) and/or systems. The A/E shall prepare separate test procedures describing all tests and operations to be performed for testing and checking out equipment (components) and complete systems for functional operations. Tests are the responsibility of the Contractor and are to demonstrate conformance to the contract drawings and specifications. The test procedures shall, in general, list the items and operations necessary for the following: (1) Checking installation for conformity to drawings, specifications and any similar special requirements of the manufacturer of the equipment. If not known at the time of preparation of procedures, later revisions might become necessary. (2) Checking preoperational servicing for conformity to manufacturer's instructions and contract requirements. If not known at time of preparation of procedures, later revisions might become necessary. (3) Check equipment (component) operating characteristics for conformity to drawings and specifications. All test items shall be checked except those that require extended periods of operation of the equipment or items of operating characteristics that cannot be performed except in conjunction with systems operation tests. b. Construction compliance tests to be performed by the Contractor shall identify the type of a test standard and method of approval and/or selection of testing organization. Construction compliance testing shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory approved by the CO and paid for by the Contractor. Testing shall be under the direction of the Government inspector. c. Systems Operation Tests. (1) These tests shall be performed by the Contractor in the presence of the CO and shall demonstrate conformance to the drawings and specifications as to system design and requirements. These test procedures shall cover the complete operation of a system and shall include not only the determination that the system operating characteristics are as designed but shall be used to complete the equipment (component) test procedure, if required. The CO may provide additional test requirements to the A/E requirements and the A/E shall be responsible for incorporating them into its procedures. These test procedures shall, in general, list the items and operations necessary for the following: - Equipment operating characteristics - System operating characteristics such as pressure drop flows, etc. - Instrument settings and functions - Operability of all remote controls, all local controls, all interlocks, etc. (2) In addition, the A/E shall define the work required to allow the CO to proceed with tests without performing construction work. This work is, in general, as follows: - Charging the systems - Isolation of certain specific equipment - Connections for circulation of fluids, if called for by the test - Temporary drains, by-passes, waste lines, etc. - Any other items not listed above, but required to accomplish the tests. d. Cleaning Procedures. The Technical Specifications shall require that all systems be cleaned or flushed prior to the performance of any system testing. The material to be used for cleaning shall be specified and the determination of cleanliness shall be specified. G. Estimates of Construction Cost. 1. Title I Preliminary Estimates. At each intermediate review stage as set forth in Section J, the A/E shall prepare an estimate of the construction cost on the basis of design information available at that stage of progress. Estimates will be prepared in a format that incorporates the divisions of the project work breakdown structure (PWBS) as set forth in the Design Criteria. The A/E is expected to add successive levels of detail to the PWBS as required to define and organize the construction work into a logical structure. It is expected that, at some level, the A/E's extension of the PWBS will be compatible with the CSI format. It is desirable to have as much information as is practical to include in the Title I estimate to enhance the selection of a preferred design solution; however, it is understood that the degree of estimate detail is limited by the degree of detail in the design. The estimate should clearly reference the basis of all quantities and price data (preliminary drawings, historical data, in-house records) and clearly identify the mark-ups applied for overhead, profit, subcontractor mark-ups, taxes, and other costs not included in the estimate takeoff. This information can be provided in an estimate criterion which establishes the basis of the estimate. 2. Title II Final Estimate. At the completion of Title II Design, the A/E shall prepare a cost estimate of construction. The format will be the same as that used in the Title I estimate to promote comparability and traceability. (The estimate shall be prepared by a detailed take-off from the design drawings of materials, equipment, and labor unit manhour quantities required to perform the work. By the application of appropriate rates to these quantities, the estimate shall establish the direct cost for performing the work. The labor rates used for calculating labor cost shall be those provided by the CO. Material prices shall be based on current quotes from appropriate vendors using local suppliers where appropriate, such as with concrete. Appropriate mark-ups shall be applied to the direct cost reflecting labor overhead, profit, overhead rate, taxes, bonds, etc., to reach a total price for the work. Estimates prepared using unit price amounts shall be accompanied by sufficient information explaining the basis of the unit price. Lump sum items are not acceptable unless supported by vendor quotes or other reference.) 3. Government Cost Estimate. Upon approval of the Title II design by the CO, the A/E shall make the necessary revisions to the Title II estimate reflecting all changes which result from the Title II review. Additionally, other updates to the estimate, reflecting updated information on price, bidding climate, etc., shall be made to the estimate. This updated estimate shall be submitted so as to reach the CO a minimum of five working days prior to the bid opening. The estimate shall be in original only and accompanied by an approval sheet with names and signatures of persons responsible for preparing, reviewing and recommending the estimate for approval to the CO. H. Color and Finish Samples. As part of the 100% Title II submittal, the A/E shall submit samples of proposed finish and color schemes to be used in the building construction. I. Soliciting and Evaluating Bids. 1. Issuance of Presolicitation Notice. The A/E shall prepare a draft copy of the Presolicitation Notice following instructions set forth in the ____________ and submit to the CO for approval. After approval, the A/E shall prepare the Notice in final form and mail copies to the list of addressees provided by DOE. Addressed, franked envelopes will be provided to the A/E for mailing of the Notices. 2. Issuance of Solicitation for Bids. The A/E shall issue final drawings and specification documents to requesters. Documents shall be sold at the price set forth in the Presolicitation Notice. The A/E shall collect monies for the documents sold and credit DOE for all funds collected. The A/E shall furnish the CO lists of planholders as required by ___________________. 3. Amendments to Solicitations. When it is necessary to amend solicitation documents prior to bid opening, the A/E shall prepare the amendment in accordance with the instructions provided in the ______________________. After approval by the CO, the A/E shall issue the amendment to all planholders. 4. Bid Evaluation. The A/E shall review all bids received by the Government and recommend to the CO the reasonableness of the bid based on the Government Estimate. Differences or errors that are discovered shall be pointed out and reasons given therefor. The A/E shall also make a recommendation on the apparent successful bidder's ability to perform the work. This recommendation shall consider as a minimum the bidder's past projects, current work load, financial status, experience and/or ability, availability and capability of specialized equipment and any other special requirements set forth in the construction contract. J. Meetings and Submission of Documents. 1. When Title II design is approximately 25 complete, the Contracting Officer will conduct a meeting in the A/E's office to determine if the A/E is progressing in the established project direction. The A/E shall have available five sets of the design drawings setting forth the project's civil, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and special systems features such as plans, elevations, sections, schedules, details, legends, diagrams, equipment lists and notes developed to this stage of the design completion for the CO's review. 2. At approximately __________ completion of Title II design, a meeting shall be scheduled by the A/E to review the design at the point of progress. The A/E shall have available drawings, specifications, design analysis, and cost estimates reflecting the stage of completion at this point available for CO review. Five copies of all documents shall be available for delivery to the CO. 3. When the Title II design is 100% complete, the A/E shall provide DOE 20 sets of the entire Title II package for review and approval. A 100% review meeting will be held in the A/E's office to discuss final comments, after which the A/E shall incorporate these comments in the document. 4. The A/E shall incorporate the comments provided by the CO as a result of the Title II review and prepare the solicitation documents for distribution to plan rooms and for sale to prospective bidders. Twenty-five copies of the solicitation documents and one copy of the final cost estimate shall be provided to DOE. K. Time for Performance. 1. The final Title II documents, including calculations, solicitation documents, drawings, and cost estimate shall be submitted to DOE for review no later than _________ calendar days after DOE exercises the option for Title II services. 2. After review by DOE of the Title II documents submitted as described in the preceding paragraph, the A/E shall finalize the solicitation documents for issuance to plan rooms and prospective bidders no later than __________ calendar days after the A/E receives from DOE the review comments on the Title I documents. IV. TITLE III (INSPECTION). A. Scope of Work. If DOE exercises the option for Title III services, the A/E shall provide the following services in connection with Title III (This section shall be modified or amended to reflect the roles of the construction manager or project manager as appropriate.): 1. Review and, submit comments and recommendations for approval/ disapproval of construction contractor's proposed progress schedule and breakdown of bid; 2. Furnish, maintain, or reestablish as necessary governing lines and benchmarks to provide horizontal and vertical control lines and grades established during Title II to which the new construction may be referred; 3. Check approved or require revision of all vendors' shop drawings to assure conformity with the approved design and working drawings and specifications. 4. Inspect the execution of construction during the entire period of construction so as to assure adherence to approved working drawings and specifications. 5. Inspect construction workmanship, materials and equipment during the entire period of construction and report to DOE as to their conformity or nonconformity to the approved working drawings and specifications. 6. Perform technical evaluations on the contractor's proposed changes to design drawings and specifications. 7. Prepare estimates of reasonable amounts of increase or decrease in contract price and/or contract completion time for contract modifications, evaluate proposals submitted by the construction contractor for contract adjustments, and make recommendations to the CO for use in negotiating. 8. Inspect contractor-supplied materials and equipment at vendor's plant as required. 9. Make or acquire such field or laboratory tests of construction workmanship, materials, and equipment, as DOE may require or approve. 10. Prepare reports and make recommendations on status of deliveries or materials and equipment as DOE may require or approve. 11. Prepare monthly and other reports of the progress of construction, as may be required, and partial, interim, and final estimates and reports of quantities and values of construction work performed, for payment' or other purposes; and 12. Furnish a reproducible as-built record drawing set and marked-up specifications showing construction as actually accomplished. B. Quality Assurance. 1. Update QPA as conditions dictate. Perform all activities indicated in the Design Criteria. Maintain all records as required by various procedures and the Records Management Plan. Submit additional procedures as necessary. 2. The quality assurance activities of the A/E will be audited by a representative of the Contracting Officer for compliance with the specifics of the QPA. The A/E shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate records of activities performed by subcontractors and consulting organizations to satisfy the audits. C. Title III Reporting Requirements. 1. On-Site Construction Reports. Prepare daily reports of construction activity, weekly reports of construction progress and maintain an inspector's daily log book for submittal to the CO. The daily log book shall consist of longhand recorded notes concerning professional opinions relating to daily progress of the work, any oral instructions given to the construction contractor, and any other data pertinent to this contract not covered in the daily report. Any impact due to weather and its effect(s) on different crafts and/or different aspects of the construction shall be explained. In case of reduced or lack of activity, these documents shall indicate if the contractor could have put forth more effort or if slowdown was beyond its control. This diary will become a part of the permanent records of the job and shall be turned over to the CO when the contract work is complete. 2. Submittal Reports. In connection with the review of the construction contractor's submittals, the A/E shall prepare and submit to the CO monthly updates of the "ALL 78 - Shop Drawing and Submittal Control Form.)" 3. As-Built Drawings and Specifications. Prepare as-built drawing showing all as-built construction, including existing field conditions encountered during construction. The original set of drawings and specifications shall be submitted to the CO at the completion of construction. 4. Cost Completion Report. Gather all field data necessary to prepare a cost completion report. Prepare a cost completion report showing a complete breakdown of property units of the completed construction with appropriate construction and A/E costs for each unit. The preliminary draft shall be submitted for DOE review no later than the 50% point of the construction work. The final draft shall be submitted at the 100% point of completion of the construction work. V. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR TITLES I, II AND III. A. Reports Required. During the course of contract performance, the A/E shall maintain and submit to the CO the following reports: 1. Confirmation Notices. The A/E shall provide a record of all conferences, meetings, discussions, verbal directions, telephone conversations, participated In by the A/E and/or its representative(s) on matters relative to the contract and the work. These records, entitled "CONFIRMATION NOTICES," shall be numbered sequentially and shall fully identify the design order and/or contract number, the participating personnel, subject discussed, and any conclusions reached. The A/E shall forward to the CO, as soon as possible (not more than five workdays after the event), a copy of said confirmation notices. Confirmation notices shall be in long hand, as drafted by originator. Notices of formal meetings may be typed. 2. A bi-weekly narrative hi-lights report shall be, submitted covering work accomplished, problems, causes for delays, etc. In general, the hi-light report shall provide the CO a brief narrative status of the A/E effort being performed. 3. A monthly Drawing, Specification and Report Section Progress (Titles I and II only) Report shall be provided. The report(s) shall be in a DOE format and consist of the following: Title I. Drawing Progress Report Report Section Progress Report Title II. Drawing Progress Report Specification Progress Report 4. A design manpower Progress Report shall be submitted on a monthly basis. The format shall reflect the monthly scheduled and actual manhours on a cumulative basis for Title I, II and III, exclusive of reimbursable-type services. An "S"-Curve-type graphical schedule and actual percent complete progress chart shall be included in the Progress Chart. B. General. 1. Report formats shall be approved by the CO in writing. 2. All reports shall be submitted to the CO within five working days after the close of the reporting period. In the event a required report is not submitted on time or is unacceptable, the CO may withhold payments due under Article II, Part C, Payment, of the contract until an acceptable report is received. <>