JUSTICE INFORMATION June 15, 2004 Volume 10, Number 12. Access this issue online at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/justinfo/jun1504.html JUSTINFO, published the 1st and 15th of each month, highlights information from the NCJRS sponsoring agencies. ************************************************************************* CONTENTS Announcements - OJJDP Newsletter Is Going Electronic (OJJDP) Funding Opportunities - Byrne Memorial Funds Support Evaluation of Projects (NIJ) - Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Funding Available (NIJ) - Statewide Victims' Rights Compliance Programs (OVC) - Tribal Criminal History Improvement Solicitation Announced (BJS) Publications - Investigating Electronic Crime Guide Available (NIJ) - Law Enforcement Agencies and Prescription Fraud (COPS) - New COPS Publication Available (COPS) - New Statistics on Prison and Jail Populations (BJS) - OJJDP Releases New National Report Series Bulletin (OJJDP) Online Resources - Summertime Risky for Teens Initiating Marijuana Use (ONDCP) Conferences and Trainings - Big Brothers Big Sisters To Celebrate Centennial (OJJDP) - Call for Workshop Presentations (OVC) - Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference (NIJ) ************************************************************************* *** ANNOUNCEMENTS *** OJJDP Newsletter Is Going Electronic By year's end, OJJDP will have converted its bimonthly "News @ a Glance" newsletter to online dissemination only. Subscribe to the electronic version of the newsletter on the OJJDP Web site's home page under Get Information. (OJJDP) Subscribe at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ojjdp/ ************************************************************************* *** FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES *** Byrne Memorial Funds Support Evaluation of Projects Deadline: July 15, 2004. NIJ is seeking proposals to evaluate outcomes of three projects supported in fiscal year 2003 by the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance Program Discretionary Funds. The evaluations must address the program's return on investment, effectiveness, and transferability. (NIJ) Access full text at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl000670.pdf ============================================================ Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Funding Available Deadline: July 6, 2004. NIJ is pleased to announce that funding is now available to States, Territories, and units of local government through the fiscal year 2004 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program, which aims to improve the quality and timeliness of the Nation's forensic science and medical examiner services. (NIJ) Access full text at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/pdf/coverdell.pdf ============================================================ Statewide Victims' Rights Compliance Programs Deadlines: Register online on GMS by June 29, 2004; apply by July 6, 2004. Note: Only state agencies may apply. New OVC funding is available for four awards of up to $75,000 each to support the planning, development, and implementation of statewide victims' rights compliance programs. (OVC) For more information, visit: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/fund/dakit.htm ============================================================ Tribal Criminal History Improvement Solicitation Announced Deadline: All applications must be submitted through the GMS on or before June 30, 2004. "2004 Tribal Criminal History Record Improvement Pilot Program Solicitation" (14 pp.) provides support to Federally-recognized tribes and State criminal records repositories to promote participation in and improve the interface among tribal, State, and national criminal records systems. (BJS) Access solicitation at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/tchrippsol.htm ************************************************************************* *** PUBLICATIONS *** Investigating Electronic Crime Guide Available "Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement" (92 pp.) (NCJ 199408) is for members of the law enforcement community who are responsible for the examination of digital evidence. Second in a series of guides on investigation of electronic crime; see also "Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement" at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/pubs-sum/187736.htm. (NIJ) Access full text at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/txtfiles1/nij/199408.txt or http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/199408.pdf ============================================================ Law Enforcement Agencies and Prescription Fraud "Prescription Fraud" (54 pp.) (NCJ 205702), a new COPS POP Guide, addresses the problem of prescription fraud and reviews the factors that increase the risk of it. This guide identifies a series of questions that might assist in the analysis of a local problem and reviews responses to the problem from evaluative research and police practice. (COPS) Access full text at COPS Online: http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/ ============================================================ New COPS Publication Available "Policing Smarter through IT: Learning from Chicago's Citizen and Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting (CLEAR) System" (104 pp.) (NCJ 205698) examines "launch procedures" toward developing an integrated criminal justice information system powered by the CLEAR data warehouse and lessons learned on the design, development, and use of automated systems and police management applications. (COPS) Access full text at COPS Online: http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/mime/open.pdf?Item=1264 ============================================================ New Statistics on Prison and Jail Populations "Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2003" (14 pp.) (NCJ 203947) presents data on prison and jail inmates collected from National Prisoner Statistics counts and the Annual Survey of Jails in 2003. It offers trends since 1995 and percentage changes in prison populations since midyear and yearend 2002. (BJS) Access report at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/pjim03.htm ============================================================ OJJDP Releases New National Report Series Bulletin "Juveniles in Corrections" (24 pp.) (NCJ 202885) presents national and state-level data from the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP). The CJRP surveys public and private facilities and gives a detailed picture of juveniles in custody-age, race, gender, offenses, and adjudication status. (OJJDP) Access full text at: http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=11641 ************************************************************************* *** ONLINE RESOURCES *** Summer time Risky for Teens Initiating Marijuana Use To help parents prevent their teen from using marijuana this summer, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti- Drug Media Campaign, the YMCA of the USA, and the American Camping Association kicked off this year's "School's Out" initiative. (ONDCP) For more information, visit: http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/news/press04/060404.html ************************************************************************* *** CONFERENCES AND TRAININGS *** Big Brothers Big Sisters To Celebrate Centennial On June 16, 2004, from New York, NY, OJJDP will broadcast live satellite/cybercast coverage of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America's celebration of its 100th anniversary of providing mentoring services to at- risk youth. (OJJDP) Access information and register at: http://www.trc.eku.edu/jj/ ============================================================ Call for Workshop Presentations Deadline: June 25, 2004. The Tribal Law and Policy Institute invites proposals for workshop presentations for the 9th National Indian Nations: Justice for Victims of Crime Conference sponsored by OVC to be held December 9-11, 2004. (OVC) For more information, visit: http://www.tribal-institute.org/ovc/ ============================================================ Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Conference The NIJ Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation will be held in Washington, DC, July 19-21, 2004. This year's theme is "Challenges of Evaluation Research." National and international leaders in criminal justice research, policy, and practice will present papers, lead discussions, and engage in debate about current issues. (NIJ) Access information and register online at: http://www.nijpcs.org/RE/ ************************************************************************* Ordering Instructions - Resources available for ordering are noted with the reference "Place orders at." The link, http://puborder.ncjrs.org/, connects to the NCJRS Online Store. NCJRS Online Resources NCJRS offers a wide range of services for further assistance. - Consult the NCJRS Web site at http://www.ncjrs.gov/ - Ask NCJRS at http://askncjrs.ncjrs.org/ - Share your comments at http://tellncjrs.ncjrs.org/ Subscription Details - To subscribe to this newsletter go to http://puborder.ncjrs.org/register/ - To unsubscribe from this newsletter go to http://puborder.ncjrs.org/Listservs/unsubscribe_justinfo.asp If you have any questions about JUSTINFO, need to change your e-mail address, or experience technical difficulties in receiving or unsubscribing to the newsletter, please go to http://askncjrs.ncjrs.org/ or call 800-851- 3420 or 301-519-5500.