From: john wasko [] Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 7:41 PM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: Docket Number 2006N-0352 Re: Docket Number 2006N-0352 Mr. Adjodha, I understand that you are the person to contact regarding the current FDA review of the use of mercury in dental fillings. Due to my personal experience, I am in favor of mercury being banned as a substance used in fillings. Seven years ago, at the age of 48, I was suffering from a number of symptoms of unknown origin. I was suffering from extreme fatigue on an ongoing basis. I couldn't walk on level ground for 20 minutes without needing a nap. I woke up exhausted even after a full night's sleep. I had difficulty concentrating. I had memory lapses and mentally had to search for simple commonly used words in my vocabulary. I stumbled over words and slurred my words on an increasing basis. I didn't know how much longer I could hold a job. I feared I might have to go on state assistance for disability. I went to my medical doctor, and he suggested a trial prescription of Prozac. Being a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Washington, I am familiar with clinical depression in my clients, but I believed my doctor was misdiagnosing my symptoms. I happened to hear a naturopath on the radio, Walter Crinnion, ND, who talked about the symptoms I had plus some others related to thyroid disease. Then he talked about the relationship of thyroid problems and exposure to mercury from dental fillings. I went to see Dr. Crinnion and had a thyroid panel test: the results were that my pituitary gland was secreting normal amounts of the hormone that stimulates the thyroid, and my thyroid gland was secreting normal amounts of thyroid hormone. However, my liver was not able to metabolize the thyroid hormone into it's active form that my body needed. Dr. Crinnion suspected mercury was adversely effecting my liver's ablity to function properly. Further testing was done for liver and kidney functioning, and Doctor's Data Laboritories did testing on my urine for heavy metals. Using a dmps challenge, I tested more than 2 standard deviations above the mean for mercury. I was suffering from mercury toxicity. I went on to have the numerous mercury amalgam fillings in my mouth replaced with composite material, and had the mercury chelated from my body using dmsa and the protocols Dr. Crinnion had developed. The result was twofold: 1) further testing for heavy metals showed no measurable amounts of mercury and 2) my numerous symptoms disappeared and my health was restored. My energy returned. I was able to hike again in the mountains of Washington. My memory and speech problems were eliminated. In short, getting rid of the mercury gave me my life back and allowed me to continue to be a productive citizen. I wonder how often diagnoses are made while failing to test for heavy metals and other environmental toxins? How many people are needlessly suffering? My symptoms slowly crept up on me over several years. How many other people dismiss them as "just getting older" or "I'm overworked, no wonder I'm tired" as I did for years. The gradual increase in symptoms is consistent with the way mercury from amalgams slowly enters the body over time. I am happy that I caught this when I did, and that in my case, the symptoms could be reversed because the degradation and poisoning of my body had not progressed any further than it had, and there were robust protocols for eliminating the mercury from my body. Mercury is far too toxic to be used in dental amalgams. There are better alternatives. Dental patients need informed consent and should be told of the toxic effects of mercury amalgams. The term "silver fillings" is quite misleading since mercury is the major component of such amalgam. This is a situation that needs to be remedied. It is long overdue. Thank you to the FDA for looking at this issue long and hard, examining all the scientific evidence and testimony from individuals such as myself. We need high standards of safety for materials placed in our bodies that will remain there for years. Mercury amalgams fail this test. I and others are, unfortunately, the living proof of the longterm effects of mercury amalgams. John Wasko, MA, LMHC 6301 SW Admiral Way Seattle, Washington 98116 tel: 206-935-8315 email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.