2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC3404
Submitter : Ms. Lorna Smith Date & Time: 02/21/2006 11:02:27
Organization : Twin Brooks Farm
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I want to relate my use of bio idenical progestrone. I am 53 and ended my monthlies at 50 yrs old. My Naturopath, Robin Moore, ND of Olympia WA put me on a natural progestrone product made in Portland, OR called, ProGest about three years before I stopped my monthlies. She recommended it because I couldn't sleep and had headaches and occasional mild hot flashes. I used the very minimum and got great results. I have had my hormones tested and my estrogen a few times and progestrone are very nicely balanced. I sometimes take DHEA, a precursor for testostrogen to bring that level up because I tendt to be testostrogen deficient. I had a lot of painful monthlies as a young woman with horrible cramps some worse than child birth pain, so I didn't look forward to menopause. With the ProGest, menopause has been a real joy! I try to walk a couple miles per day, do sit-ups and push-ups and 5 cartwheels per day to stay in shape. I am a fairly large boned woman who has been active on a farm all my life. I take a few vitamins, eat lots of organic fruits and veggies from our farm, I avoid processed foods, white flour, white rice and sweetners and try to get enough rest. I vote that I can continue to use plant identical hormones for my health and well being. I have had not side effects, instead good results. The directions for Progest are to take it for 21 days and then off for 7. I will admit, when I used to take it near the end of my ceccasion of my monthlies, I would beg my husband to lather the little dab of ProGest on me because I had water retention, and was more apt to have a head ache during my monthlies without the cream. My husband always remembers to lather me up on my breasts and thighs and rotates the areas where he places it. Thanks for your consideration. I go natural first everytime! Lorna Smith