2005P-0411 Seeking FDA Actions to Counter Flagrant Violations of the Law by Pharmacies Compounding Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs
FDA Comment Number : EC7846
Submitter : Mrs. Gail Wirth Date & Time: 03/07/2006 04:03:44
Organization : Mrs. Gail Wirth
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
I take bio-identical hormones specifically for me and my pharmacist prepares them for me.Without this medication, I would be very unhealthier for it. These bio-identical hormones help me sleep, alleviate anxiety, increase libido, no hot flashes & give me a overall better feeling. Wyeth can take their Premarin & Pempro & go broke. I WILL NEVER take synthetic hormones. These big companies are bullies & I'm sick of it. I WILL SUE Wyeth if I can't get bio-identical hormones. I would get them out of the USA if I had to.
The general public is alot smarter & suing these days because the BIG drug companies are poisoning people for their own profit. Premarin has caused alot of breast cancer & do they care? NO. Our politicians & government don't protect the general public from these money-grubbing drug companies such as Wyeth.
I have been taking bio-identical hormones for about 18 months & I feel & I am healthier for it.
I will NEVER take Premarin or Pempro. My mother's generation has greatly suffered because of taking these drugs. My generation is wiser & smarter & want the best health possible. Bio-identical hormones is the answer, NOT Premarin or Pempro. Do you know what Premarin is? It's made from horse urine. Why would I want to poison my body with horse piss.

Please do not get rid of bio-identical hormones. They are alot safer than synthetic hormones.

I will get bio-identical hormones in or out of this country. I will SUE SUE SUE to get them. I'm tired of being bullied around by these stupid money-grubbing drug companies. This nation needs to heal people in a more natural way. I have purchased many books on natural healing & see a naturopath for my bio-identical hormone theraphy. My health is very good because of it. My generation is healthier for it. My mother took Premarin for 30 years and at 74 years of age, Premarin didn't do her any favors. She has had a heart attack, suffered greatly with hot flashes while taking Premarin. My Naturopath has greatly improved my health with bio-identical hormones. It took 2 months of tweaking my formula & now I am able to function feel normal and have happy & healthy life.I am more productive and happy on bio-identical hormones.
Before bio-identical hormone theraphy, I had severe migraines. I found out it was because my body wasn't producing a hormone called Progesterone. I now use it every night at bedtime. I sleep very well & no more migraines.
I take Testerone, just enough for a woman & it has improved my libido & my marriage.
If older men took Testerone, they wouldn't need to take Viagra, Levitra, etc.

Please do not get rid of bio-identical hormones. They have greatly helped me.