Hazardous Waste Facilities

Content Citation

Title: Hazardous Waste Facilities
Content Type:
Publisher: NC DEHNR-Division of Waste Management, NC DEHNR-Division of Waste Management   Contact
Publication Date: 19981201

Content Description

Abstract: A GIS data set of Locations of treatment, storage, and disposal facilities(TSDFs) in North Carolina. These facilities are regulated under therequirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and musthave an RCRA permit issued by the Division of Waste Management, HazardousWaste Section to operate a TSDF. This data is unverified.
Purpose: This data was created to assist governmental agencies andothers in making resource management decisions through use of a GeographicInformation System (GIS).
Supplemental Information: This is an unverified data layer. The resources used in itscreation were the best available at the time.>system filename: uvhwf file size = 0.1 mb>>Revisions and updates to this layer include:>2.) filename: uvhwf1298 The December 1998 update to this layer>consisted of projecting the data from NAD27 datum, State Plane>projection, units of measure feet TO: NAD83 DATUM, State Plane>PROJECTION, UNITS OF MEASURE METERS. This was done to comply>with the NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council's>"Statement of Direction for North Carolina Corporate Geographic>Database Horizontal Reference, Datum and Unit of Measure". This>reprojecting was done in various ways depending on the data type>and content. Vector data was projected using the 'project'>command in ESRI's Arc software and topology was cleaned and>built based on coverage needs. Raster data was projected using>ESRI's Grid module and various steps as applicable.>>1)uvhwf391 - Represents the March 1991 original release>version of the Hazardous Waste Facilities data. This>also has uvhwf391.txt as compliant metadata. This version>had also gone by the names uv.hazwaste and uvwaste.

Content Status

Progress: Complete
Update Frequency: As needed

Content Keywords

Theme Keywords: None, Hazardous waste, Waste treatment, Waste storage, Waste disposal, TSD sites
Place Keywords: North Carolina

Spatial Domain

West Coordinate: -84.016
East Coordinate: -76.167
North Coordinate: 36.320
South Coordinate: 34.081

Spatial Data Information

Data Projection:
Data Type: Point
Data Format:

Access and Usage Information

Access Constraints: None
Usage Constraints: Acknowledgement of products derived form this dataset should cite the following: The source of the Hazardous Waste Facilitiesdata is the North Carolina Corporate Geographic Database. Earlier versionsof this data set may exist. The user must be sure to use the appropriatedata set for the time period of interest. While efforts have been made toensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the state of the art,CGIA cannot assume liability for any damages or misrepresentation caused byany inaccuracies in the data or as a result of changes to the data causedby system transfers. THIS IS AN UNVERIFIED DATA LAYER.